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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1904, p. 4

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A chief may he a silent man. Hu- man leadership is a power apart. This power Mr. Borden possesses in a large degree. His selection as leader of the opposition in parliament was not an accident, nor the result merely of clashing interests. He was a man and is a man! who commands confi- dence at sight. He has the calmness, the cool judgment, the constructive power which men of experience like "0n the platform he is not moving so much as argumentative. Audiences Joel at times as if he were paying them the high compliment of addressing himself to them under the impression that they are judges rather than jurors. There is a sense that what he is saying is important, and not merely ’artizan talk reeled out in machine (won. Impressiveness is. perhaps, to see. in those to whom they commit their interests. His lack of Pan-liej mentary experience they felt would be overcome: while he lacked the es- untiol qualities of leadership, no deft- “other tactics would have ever poved o substitute for them.” "Mr. Borden has made an excellent impression during his recent tour in the Eastern Townships. Though the elections are now delayed, this person- al canvass of an important district by theConservative leader has been by nomeans lost time. He is possessed of a personality which gains in im- pressiveness by closeness of contactâ€"â€" rather a rare quality in public menâ€"â€" and it would be impossible that he should come out of a series of meetings with a thoughtful and intelligent community like that of the manufacturing Eastern Town- ships without having greatly increased his prestige and strength. I Of the leader of the Conservative party, Mr R. L. Borden, Mr. J. S. Willison, late editor-in- chief of the Toronto Globe, and the choice of Sir Wilfrid Laurier as the most fitting person to chronicle the'events of the life of Canada’s premier, says edito- ridly in the Toronto News: Durham, Feb. 4th, 1904. DURHAM CHRONICLE WILLISON LAUDS BORDEN. Cough and colds on the increase. For Children’s Coughs. Price’ 50 cents. For the coughs of Adults. Price 25 cents. MacFABLANE E0. Druggists and Booksellers. '. IRWIN. Editou and Proprietor. OUGH medicine suited for grown up people is not always adapted to the needs of the little folks Our BABY’S COUGH ‘CURE is especially pre- paled for the children and cures their ccnghs.’ colds. cronp, bronchitis, etc. more eflectually than any other remedy. It telievee the severe coughing Ipelll so then you can rest at night, and u the some time loosens up the phlegm and clears the lungs and bronchial tubes. CARR’S COUGH CU RE E never hed Inch e! demnnd for oongh properntion u just now. One reason is the preval- ence of cough: end colds and another moot. import- nnc reason is becnnee our Prepnrntions nre so reli- able end efiectnnl that. people are pleased to tell their friends and neigh- bors ‘bont. them. A GOLD IN ONE DAY. '13 would ospecidly recommend our i 3 Vâ€"Alico Lawrence, Dolly Hopkins {Elsie Pony. William Jr. II -â€" Alfred Shewell. Willie Cgmpbell, Edith Houses. Jr. 1â€" Cecil Twamloy, Howard Janka, Tom Bailey. Sr. III-Douglas Campbell, Mabel Anderson. Maggie McIntosh. Mer- gnret Teasdale, Martin Walker. Sr. lI-Lily Davis, Verne Fischer, Lizzie Teasdale, Lizzie Bailey. Sr. Iâ€"Alex Campbell. Mary Koebel Josie K coho], Clara Honeaa. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Charlie McFarlane. Average Attendance 23. Pt 11â€" George Shewell. Milton Scheurman, Gordon Fischer, Scotie Walker, V. Campbell, Jim Bailey. Sr. IIâ€"Amelia Rigby, Emma Bea- ton, Annie Mathews, Lawrence M.- Keown. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Wilfred Nichol, George McInnis, Alex. McFarlane. Jr. 11â€" Ben Whitmore, Thomas McKeown. Jr. II - Addie Twamley. Katie Walker, Edie Anderson, Olive Ander- Jr. IVâ€"Millie Whitmore. Mary Young. Sr. IIIâ€"David Nichol, Susy Bell, Jr. IIIâ€"Willie Seth, Archie Ken- nedy. Katie McFarlane. I Jr. ng. Pt. I (a)â€"-Carmon Aljoe. Jr. II (b)â€"Leila Vollett, Maggie {Rita McComb. Herbert. Campbell. Mountain. Ethel Greenwood. Dean McDonald. Sr. pt. II--Leelie Morice. JP- 15’8- P‘ I(b)â€"Et.helMorrieon, Jr. Pt. II (a)--Herb Noble. Nina Hattie Lawrence. Willie Farquhar- Noble. son, Keith Newton, Ielay Campbell. Jr. Pt. II (b)-â€"Edward J.,Hutton P' 8‘ DEPT' John A. Graham, Teacher. Sr. IVâ€"Irene Latimer, Bessie Tel- ford, Hazel Caldwell, Fanny Moran, s. s. No.10. GLENELG AND manuou'r. Lottie Harbottle. Vâ€"John McKinnon. Jr. IVâ€"Robbie Laidlaw, Charliel IV _John. McDermid, Mary Mc. Ramage. Annie Aljoe. Cecil Wolfe. Cuaig, Sarah McKinnon. Nellie Smith. Sr. IIIâ€"Harold McDermid. Lizzie Sr. IIIâ€"BelleEctor.GeorgeCatton, McCuaié. Alex McEachern. Edna Eva Burnett. Ella Kinnee. Foster Chislett eq. Mary McEachern. : Sr. IIIâ€"H. Main, L. Kerr.C. Orc- +hard, A. Jordan. i IVâ€" Ed. Klempp. C. Stephen. E iReid, M. Horsburgh. A. Irvine, B EWalker E Pettigrew. s. 8. NO. 1. GLENELG. V--â€"Violet Britten. Kate McArthur. Sr. IVâ€" Cassie Kennedy, Sadie McKeown, Emma Boston. Sr. Iâ€"Mabel Eaketr. Gilbert Dur- rant, Alvie Robb. Average Attend- ance 33. H. Lawrence, Teacher. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Gordon McIlroy, May Robb. Dave McInnes. 8:- Pt. IIâ€"Robert Dickson. Dave Robb. Calder McArthur. Sr. IIIâ€"Lizzie Nicholson, John Knisley. Irene Henderson, Mary Swantson, Annie Sinclair. Jr. IIâ€"Belia McArthur, Archie McKinnon. Lena. Rice. ' Jr. IIIâ€"Charlie McDougall. Leon ard Dickson, John McInnes. Sr. IIâ€"Kate Sinclair James Bun ston, Alex. Nicholson, Hattie Eakett Willie McArthur, Eva Robb. Pt. II (a)-â€"â€"M. prkins. J. Durrant L. Irvine, M. Seim, Roy Hunt, G. Klempp. Pt. I (b)«â€"L. Mitchell, 0. Prior. 8. S. NO. 10. EGREMONT. IVâ€"Jessie McGillvary, Mary Mc- Innes, Annie McArthur. 'Jr. ng. Pt. IIâ€"Charlio‘Farquhar- W01“. Florence Mountain. son. Bell; Binnie. Kate McDonnld. Jr. II â€"Arthnr MOI-ice. Victor Clara Aljoe, Annie Petty. Noble, Percy Aldred. Jr. IIâ€"Mabel Latimer, Jessie Currie, Hortense Livingston, Joe \Varmington. Wilfred Calder and Calvin Kinnee eq. Sr. II (b)â€"Landell Lauder. Jamie Farquharson. Ruth Moran, Majorie MacKenzie, Rex McGowan. Jr. Pt. II (IQâ€"Verna Fluker, Tommy Lauder, Katie Bell Black. Harry Guthrie, Harry Falkingham. Sr. Iâ€"‘Vlaud Kress and Russell Lavelle eq, Edwin Search, Harold McKecbnie, Cassie Russell, Caldwell Marshal. Jr. IIâ€"P. Ross. L. Reid. L. Ked- 8116, M. Thair. E McCalmon, H. Cal- der. Jr. IIIâ€"Vaddie Caldwell Mills, Melbourne McKay, Grant,.George Lloyd. Sr. II (a)â€"Harold Aljoe. Reggie Sharp, Leo Becket, Willie Browning, Agnes Ramage. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Fred Laidlaw, John \IcIlraitb. Maggie Torry. Winnie Brooker, Vivyan Harvey. Jr. Pt. II (a)-â€"Mamie Mountain. Karl Lenahan. May Clifi, Vivien Crawford, Ruby Catton. Jr. III-â€"M. Little, B. Pettigrew C. Calder. L. Walker, E. Stephen G. Stephen. R. Seaman, R. Scephen S. Smith, W. Freeman. Sr. IIIâ€"Belle Ector. George Catton, Eva. Burnett. Ella Kinnee. Foster Saunders. Intermediate â€" John Harbottle, Frank McIlraith, Ian Campbell, Percy Bryan, Mary McKechnie and Gilbert Gordon eq. Sr. IIâ€"H. Dun-ant, C. Klempp, S Freeman. Jr. Aâ€"Laura Bryan, George Douglas. Jr. Bâ€"Fred Saunders, Ermina Billings. Annie MacKenzio, Teacher BUTTON BILL SCHOOL. S. S. NO. 9. BENTINCK. DURHAM SCHOOL. HONOR ROLL. «b IIOLSTEIN. Alex. Firth. Teacher. Ruby Brock We have a few men’s dark grey overcoate with velvet. coler to clear at a. price. C. L. Grant. French gelatine 7 5c. lb. at Parker’s. Oyster shell, red albumen and poul try food at Perker’s. Hog abode”. powders to prevent the disease from spreading at Park- Two only size 42 left. ' C. L. Grant’s. Our stock of canned tomatoes, sal- mon.lobsters and sardines. are un- surpassed for quality. McIntyre the grocer. Desert figs. and raisms, quality and fluournneqnalled. McIntyre the grocer. A few youths ulster overcoats at a bargain at Grant’s High class orange and lemons Specially selected for us. McIntyre the grocer. AS several of the rural stockhold- ers in the N. P. C. Co. have re- quested that a public meeting of said shareholders in this vicinity be called in Durham, notice is hereby given that such meeting will be held on Saturday. the 13th inst , in Calder’s Hall, at 2 p. m. ‘ IIIâ€"Bessie Milligan. Cherlee Lew- rence. John Petty. Earle Vollett, William Noble. The Shorthorns are headed by the prize winning 2-year-old bull, Mysic’s I’rinceâ€"38885-â€", 2nd prize Winner To- ronto and London, and are of the Mari Flora, Gruickshank, Mysic and Red Rose families. Catalogues on ap- plication. W. J, SHEPHERDSON, Pure Bred'Scotch Shorthorn Cattle, Farm Stock and Implements, on Tues., Feb. 9, ’04 J. IIIâ€"Joseph Morrison. Archie Allan, Esther Tucker. Jr. IIâ€"Sarah tMcEachern. Willie Hooper. Sr. II â€" Edna Dennett, Archie Black, George Wilder. Sr. Iâ€"Willie W'ilder, Agnes Allan, Sara Allan. Herbie Wilder. Average attendance 17. Annie Lawrence, Teacher. Pt. IIâ€"Ida McCuaig. Roy McDer- mid eq, Charles McKinnon. Pt. Iâ€"Gertie MeCuaig. M. McCannel, Teacher. IVâ€"Nellie Allan, James Barbour, Ratio Morrison, Lottie Eden. s. 8. N0. 1. NORMANBY V’â€"Maggie Wallace. Jr. lVâ€"Harry Gadd, Janet Kerr, Mibon McNiece. Sr. III. -Viola Backus. Jr. III.-Eva McAllister, Willie McAllister. James Wallace, George Gray. Jr IIIâ€"Charles McDonaid, John McEachern, Isaac HOOper. Julia Mc- Kinnon, Fred Muir. Sr. IIIâ€"Aggie Marshall, Stanley Mead. Maggie Crittenden, Maggie McLaughlin. Sr. II. ~Arthur Gadd and Willie Wallace equal. Jr. IIâ€"Harry Gray. Sr. Pt. II.â€"Tommy Wallace. Jim Marshall. Jr Pt. II.â€"Walter McAllister, Neila Marshall. Sr. I.â€"Johd Kerr. Jr. I.â€"Ha.rry Caldwell. DISPERSION SALE ! A... 019 __ Pt. IIâ€"David Wilder, Maggie Woods, Wm. Gray. $5. Ikâ€"Rebecpg Grierson, Willie Annie L. McCracken, Teacher. EEMENT MEHING. :‘gizuggntl‘;un232§£tlatuPeel’s. ll Take THOS. J. SPEARS SON, BUSINESS LOCALS. lThe following Sets â€"â€" UNRESERVED â€"â€" s.s.N0.2,EGRIM0NT. mans freize overcoats They go at a. bargain at. Auctioneer. \Villimnsford P. O. T ALLAN. A. TURNER. F. SIEGNER. H. PARKER. Gold Band 7-piece Berry Sets, $1.60 each. Ihe Best Pure Honey for Iflc lb. Gold Band 7opiece WatenSets, $2.00 each. Gold Band A piece Tabla ts. 81. 75 i 6501). W. H. BEAN THE BIG 4. Heavy All-wool Blankets, 60x80, $2.75 pair. Heavy All-wool Blankets, 64x84, $3.00 pair. 7-Piece Crystal Berry Sets, 400 and 450 each. Fall Wheat ...... . Spring Wheat ..... The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suflering for several years with -a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumptl . is anxious to make known to his fellow sufl'e (ms the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free of charge. a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all throat- and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing. and maywyrove a blessin . will please address. Rev. ED ARD A. WILS N Brooklyn New York. The Big4 Butter ............. Eggs .............. . Pocatoes per bag. . . . Flour per cm: ...... Ofimeal per sack. . . Chop- per cwt ...... Live Hogs ......... Dressed Hogs per cw Hides per lb ...... Sheepskins ......... Wool .............. Lamb .n..u..”. Tallow ....... . . . . . Lard .............. ‘HE UNDERSIGNED HAS IN Stockâ€"Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buckvxheat, Chop, Oats, Pota- toes, etc., and will deliver them on short notice to any place in town, at right prices. Orders may be left at Robert Burnett’s store. ALEX. BEGGS, Jan. 26, 1904--tf. Durham. U Water. Partly caused by can2 custom- ers .allowmg their lights to burn all mght. untnl further notice the power will be shut off at 12 o’clock midnight. and start about 5 o’clock a. 11). Jan. 25,â€"3. U miles north of Priceville. Farm in first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars apply to DUGALD D. MCLACIILAN, Jan. 28â€"tf. Priceville P. O. [1 Rooms, one half acre land, 260d stable good well and cistern Convenient to the Cement Works, Poet Oflice. etc. Will sell on easy terms. WM. SLA'l‘CHER. Jan. 25tl1.-â€"t3 wâ€"c. Durham. Tuos. SCARF SONS, Jan. 4.â€"1mpd. Rocky Saugeen. URHAM Bull Calves-grandsons of Prince Cruickshank (imp ). and Yorkshire Pigs from imported stock. OTS 14. 15, 17, S. D R., Township of Gleuelg, containing 150 acres, 4 miles from Durham. School opposite gate, post office .5 mile. Farm in good shape, all seeded down except 11? acres and that is ready for seeding. Good barn 40x70 stone foundation. Good stablinsz. implement shed, good brick home. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, TIIOS. MCCOMB. Bunessan P. 0. Feb. 3, 1904. mm. House For Sale or Rent. “V‘â€" A G_OOD FRAME HOUSE, NINE Pure Bred Stock for Sale. .OT__51’ 52_, :'3_3:â€"Sidt_3_ljoad__50, I} Electric Light Notice. WII \GTU He Sells Cheap. For Sale or Rent. are perfect imitation of CUT GLASS With Heavy Gold Band around top. Gold being burnt in will not wash OE. Just the thing for wedding presents. T0 CDNSUMPTIVES. Market Report. Flour and Feed. Farm for Sale. CALDER BLOCK. CRAWFORD 8: MCI NTYRE. THE SCARCETY OF OWL To. Cure a Cold m Feb. 4,1904. 75 to 8 75 75 to 75 29 to 29 58 to 58 35 to 40 8 00 to 10 00 17 to 17 20 to 20 45 to 50 2 00 to 2 2O 2 40 to 2 4O 1 10 to 1 25 5 00 to 5 00 600150 625 5 to 40 to 17 to 7 to 5 to 10 to 10 75 10 Dr. - Budd’s» . . . .‘ SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. An elegant combination of the Hypophosphites with the best of Tonics. An excellent preparâ€" ation in Pulmonary diseases and impoverished conditions generally. Its use has been attended International Stock Food. H. PARKER, â€" AGENT, â€" I SEEK-CLEANING. Durham and Owen Sound. PEEL, the Shoeman Boots, Shoes and Slippers 50c and $1.00 bottles. CASH FOR RAW EURS. at prices that wise buyers will take advantage of. This month and next will 3: remove from our shelves .1; 'b r witfi the best results. QM STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM. DURHAM. Rememb Campbel Joru A few [I Misa A few pl Some Mi 2 ptirs N the 8p: and we Womv‘ W “'ill be crude) zeum. the art 13:) lbs month Normu union ceived Snow ‘ thing find no our st coeds ficim: plan. you c quire tnd super Olsen: mend Astr Repl done In 0W] ket 50( )l‘l

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