West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Feb 1904, p. 3

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Ir Sale. Itor to on Shares. or Rent. ERTY SITUAT- mt 1 humor: Stud, 1 Durham, "0.!!- ., good new back I! acres firstâ€"clan m: but swim:- A Sideroad 50. 1‘ ricev “10.533.“ inod buildinslm fl aniont to mm .apply to .le. ale. r Sale. mung II in I ale. OI the D. R.. 1'0 )ll Bl If! )f for Sale. .‘l L' LACHLAI‘. Prifl'ilk Po 0. ff 1m; 8, Dark“ ale. HP p‘trest W "the rubs-rd I08 BRETT, Devi". I #0116 B!” l 5 acre 0! I'll ham DI- CON at. The Pr fuilin ell fen . farm ma- ud school, to suit the an) 899'? Lining I” l vyaterod. GLE. - NAN, 331 P. O- amnqg 4 particu- LOTS LION urban) .-\ N D mdor ichool miles phat FOR W ill Du! 70!). 110 not my ill: Wili fur- 'tel. Ila 3!) to ll Xmas. Thex .119 the best we have 8‘81 Shown at the p1ice. Smokers’ Requisites. It will pay you to lay off a day VIOLINS. BOVVS, STRINGS, MOUTH ORG our Xmas We ll ['8 J. L. FLARITY The good wife of the house always likes to have good Bread. and the but Breed is to be had at S insou ’.e The whitest. sweetest and most healthful made. No husband will ever find fault with Scinsou’ 3 Bread We turn out a first clans article whether it’ 5 Bread. Pies or Cakes. end: give special attention to our u~ ‘MA-L A FIRST-CLASS L Good: aim!" on In of Bakery hand gt Bowe’t Give us a call md ”d don’t. forge: 3 sample our goods 0 huvo the driver Stewart’s Confections THE BEST MADE. me bound to clear out and take a look at J. L. Flarity’s large range of SUITINGS. The newest patterns for the coming season, and the best you ever got for the money. We consider it worth some- thing to get acquainted with you, and are offering special BARGAINS for the month of February, from two to thr’ee dollars on every suit. A genteel fit guaranteed always. Call around and convince your- sell of these facts. gning like :1 SHOT and we alwa3s hit the ma] k. PERFUMES, Nick Nacks. Toilet Sans. Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes, Military Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Leather Noveltives, Pocket Books. Purses, Card Cases, Bill Books. Music Rollsâ€" dainty and nice. PIPES from 5c to $10.00. Cigars, Tobaccos. Tobacco Pouches. Cigar Cases and Ciga r Holders. MERCHANT TAILOR. stock the iown dsily . DRUG STORE d to clear 0m: if prices will do it. 1 Bread. and the had at S insou ’.e mlpnt and most I like to sit and look ot all my stocks md bonds and shares, And think of how I almost joined the multimillionaires. Here are six million dollars’ worth of stock certificates In Jiggsby’s Giant Company for Propagating Dates, The stock is lithographed so fine ; the dividends are due; And I’d be clipping coupons. but The floor 150.!“ M, 4 (”t high ...... 0.000.. ccccc $4.40 1504001: roll. 5 feet high............ ...... 5.10 l50-foot roll, 6 feet high .................. 6.00 ’ Way up there in the attic is a heap of ancient bondsâ€" The Guarantee Subscription {or the Suckere’ Own Fishponds j And tumbled round about them is about a million’s worth Of shares in Some One’s Scheme to Make Pure Diamonds from Earth. They cost me almost nothing, and it makes me rather hlue To think I would be Weathy, but The floor 0 yes, and here’s mv Special lot of Superheated Air; My line of Salted Copper, too, is stacked up over there; Why, underneath the carpotinzs and all about the place Is Kansas Cofleeâ€"coxnmonu-just ten million on its face. ' They give me first. chance at itâ€"‘twas a' splendid thing to do, And I’d be wearing: Sparklers, but The floor I’ve got a lot. of other stockâ€"there’s Sagebrush Tea, preferred; And Mountain Air Condenser (now that. agent was a bird!) v-Uâ€"v wâ€"n_ And Summer Snow Supfilier, also Ocead Water Goldâ€"- I had some Endless Motion, but that stock. by jinks. Isold! I get my good twelve weekly. but I want to say to you - I’d have them all ageing, but The floor Wm. Thomson, Esq., of Orillia, Vice-President Standard Chemical Company of Toronto, Tells of a Visit to the Muskoka Free HOSpital for Consumptives. GREATLY IMPRESSED WITH WORK BEING DONE. Personally Raises Several Hundred Dollars to Help Lassen the Load of Debt. There can be lit Y is handica} ‘1" u in it two institutions in population. Few], magnificent work t1 There on n be little doubt that the National Sanitarium Association is handicap/pal in its great work 'ur Climsumptives in the fact that its two institutions in Muskoka. are far away from any large centre of population. Few people have an opportunity to see for themselves the umgnifieont work that is being done. These hospitals are away from the public eye. Any, however, who do visit them, are united in their commendation of the splendid appointments of the plsce, and, best of all, of the real joy and hope that is being brought to many suffering oneS. We are glad to have the opportunity of publishing the following letter from Mr. Wm. Thomson, of Orillia, one of Canada’s best known lumbermen, which tells what he has seen himself. It reads : My Dear Mr. iagc,â€"- I have much pleasure in enclosing herewith cheque for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) from the 'I‘udhOpe Carriage Company of Orillia, a donation to the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Gravenhurst. Please acknowledge this to the Tudhope Carriage Company in the usual way. I have written to a number of my friends, to try and get them interested in this good work. I hope to be able to send you further donations. I have written my friends a personal letter. something similar to the following : “ Last week I paid a visit to the Free Hospital for Consump- tives at G ravenhurst. I met some of the management there, and promised to try and interest some of my friends in this work. “ I might say there were 49 patients there last week, all poor ple, most of them without a dollar in the world, and suffering rom the dreadful disease. Consumption. There are many and stories, and I know I have thought a great deal about the work of the institution ever since my visit there. I do believe it is worth of assistance, and we who have health and the necessaries of ' e should encourage this work along. HIS TREASURE. J. GAGE, 17.80., Chairman Executive Committee' National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, Ont. E BUSINESS MEN’S Isli'l'TIiR-0 “I understand. the expenses lately have been double the income, and unless the man ement meet with more encourage- ment, I am afraid the work wi l have to he curtailed. I know you have many calls. but I do wish you would give this matter a thought, and, if possible, assist. I have written to ,two or three confidentially, and hope to be able to collect some more for this work. Should you not feel like contributing a. donation, remem- ber this request, and your reply is just between you and me, and strictly confidential. 9‘ I might mention. to show that I have confidence in the work, I have already given a donation of 8100.00 and two row boats to the Free Hospital this year, and intend to give soother 8100.00 before the end of the year.” W D. CAMPBELL, Agent, - - - DURHAM. ONTARIO. «Vancou ver Province. fell fell fell fell through through ! through! through ! Sinceme yours, ' ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. On Tuesday night last. the teach- ers. oflicers and members of the Bible Class of the Varney S. 8', along with a few others numbering about 35 in all, drove as asurprise to the home of ass, “lVVO “U Dav--11. v v' - _ Mr. and Mrs. John Aldred to eXpress their gratitude to Mr. Aldred for his services as superintendent. Shortly after their arrival an address was read by Mr. James Gray and Mr. Aldred was presented with a hand- some fur coat by Mr. Arthur McCrie. The address was as follows: Ma. ALDRED.-â€"â€"It‘is with much pleasure and delight that we. the members of Varney Sunday School and Bible Class, assemble with you here this evening. For upwards of fifteen years our school has been un- der your able superintendence. and during that time your prompt and genial manner in the faithful dis charge of every duty associated with your office, has won from us the highest respect and esteem. You have left nothing undone, and snared no effort to advance the best interests of our school andof each individual VI. v“; yup.--â€" member. as is sufficiently evidenced by the standing of our school in the annual report of our association. a fact which must be deeply gratifying to you, as it is to each one of us. May this fur coat as well as the deep feeling of appreciation and gra titude which accompany it. add much to the comfort and happiness which we hope the future has in store for you. May an even greater blessing follow yOu and your eflorts hence- forth. HARRY WILKINSON. ARrIIUR MCCRIE. RICHARD ALLEN. JAMES GRAY. Although completely taken by sur- price. Mr. Aldred replied in a strait- forward manner which conveyed his heartfelt thankfulness. not alone for the gift but for the appreciation of his labors which it indicated. at. the same time pointing out how futile he felt his eflorts would have been had it not been for the hearty support and cooperation of the school. ORILLIA, Ont., November 2, 1903. Signed on behalf As everyone knows, For poultry and garden. Better than old style. 0! local dealer or us. Freight paid. THE PACE WIRE l'-'£N(3$v CO. LIMITED 204 Walkorville r Mont treal Winnipeg St. John Wal kervllie 3W; of me school. a Varney crowd can enjoy themselves. and the remainder of the evening was happily spent in games and difi’erent amuse- ments. Before returning home. the entire assembly joined heartily in the singing of the old familiar hymn “ God be with you till we meet again.” WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AND PRESENTATION A most enjoyable evening was spent at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. . Morrison. 12th con., Egremont, near - Holstein. last Friday evening when a .‘ large number of their friends find relatives met to celebrate the for. ‘ tieth anniversary of their wedding - day. Mr. Morrison having sold his farm is about to take up his residence . in Holstein. and his many friends and neighbors took the opportunity of the anniversary of his wedding day to meet together and show their appreciation of the many kind ser- vices which he and Mrs. Morrison have shown among them. After all the guests had arrived an excellent programme consisting of songs, in- strumental music, recitations and addresses was rendered. Just prev- ious to the singing of the last num- ber on the programme the chairman, Mr. Spence. requested Mr. and Mrs. Morrison to come forward and be seated together. Mr. Wm. Groat then read an address at the close of lwhich Mr. John Hamilton. Sr.. pre- sented Mr. Morrison with a lfimdsome gold headed cane. and Mrs. Spence presented Mrs. Morrison with a beautiful gold lined silver cake bas~ ket both articles having the names of Mr. and Mrs Morrison engraved upon them. Mr. Morrison although completely taken bv surprise in a few appropriate remarks. thanked the company heartily on behalf of himw self and Mrs. Morrison for their very? handsome gifts. nor. so much for their intrinsic value as for the kindly feel» ings which had prompted the gifts. both Mrs. Morrison and himself would ever fondly cherish the mem- ory of the many years they had lived among them as friends and neigh- bors. At the close of Mr. Morrison’s remarks refreshments were provided and after full justice had been done to the many excellent dishes the company joined in singing that grand old song, “ Auld Lang Syne.” after which the company broke up in “ the wee sma’ oo’rs ayont the twal.” THE ADDRESS. Egremont, February 5, 1904. l'l‘o Ma. AND MRS. W. MORRISON : DEAR Prawnsâ€"We wish to take the opportunity afforded us to-night to PXpress the sincere regret with which we View your departure from our midst to take up your residence in Holstein, and while we feel that in your removal we will sustain a lossl which will not be easily repaired we: also take great pleasure in expressing} the regard and esteem in which you have been held by us all. , W'e rec- ognize your many good qualities of mind and heart ‘and we have a grate- ful remembrance of the many acts of neighborly love and kindness we have received at your hands and we trust that in your new home your years may be long and abundantly blessed. We desire to show in some manner our appreciation of your many acts of love and kindness and therefore ask your acceptance of this walking cane and cake basket not for the value which they may contain, but as a re- minder of -the respect and esteem in which you have always been held by those who through long years of ac- l quaintance are best able to judge of your sterling qualities. Well known and the next best thing is to know a reliable cure. Mrs. W. Eddies of Stony Mountain. Man. says: ”Dr. Hamilton's Pills are just. the thing. They go right to work at once. I use only Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills." Price 25c. IV.â€"Maggie Smith. Jessie Smith, Lizzie Griereon, Hugh McCormick and Neil McLean. equal. III.â€"Willie McNelly. ,Sr. II.â€"â€"Robert. Howell. Jr. II.â€"Bcse McDonald. Sr. Pc. ILâ€"BObert Potherbough. Jr. Pt. II.â€"â€"Me.y Grier-on, Eu! Mchlly, Philip McDoneld. I. -â€"Wesley Caewell. The Evils of Constipation Are Every Child’s Health Danni: Whinipcg HONOR ROLL. . No. 10 Bzmmcx. Mas. Gnon. JAS. A. KENNEDY. W. H. ROGERS. D. E. Davmeou. Now the holidays are over, and we have a few lines left over which we are ofl‘erlng at great- ly reduced prices such as Carvers, Silverware, Skates, Sleigh Bells, Axes, X- Cut - Saws. 3 Strings of 30 Bella. were “.40. now ...................... $1.10 10 Strings of 40 Bella, were 81.90. now ...................... 81.35 3 Strings of 60 Balls. were $3.09: now” .............. I ........ Cl. 35 3 Strings of 60 Bells. were $2. 00 now ...................... 81 50 Daisy Axe. was 850. now ........ 60c Diamond Edge Axe. wns 81. 00, now ........................... 85c Hawthorne Axe. was 81.00 now. . .756 Vanquisber X-Cut Saws. were 60c Remember Olll Tin and Graniteware department is filled with nothing but first- class goods. W. D. CONNOR; Fred Siegner Pumps of all Kinds. SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. New Puups AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, RIB-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. Allordera taken at. the old. cun- near MoGowan’s Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL Won: Guun'gnmn at “Live and let live” PRICES. Pumps. YOUR EYES. HARD WARE AND TIN WARE. Wgtchmukor. Jeweller. Optician. We make all our own Tinware. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Here Are a Few lines: I BEG. LEAVE TO INFORM MY cus- I‘OMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish Ber foot, now ............... 50c Pumps from $2 upward. Don’t. neglect any little trouble about your EYE_S_. _ If may be ; gran; 'big trouble before long. Get your eyes tested here. If there is nothing wrong, we’ll tell you so. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" ,. GORDON GEORGE WHITMORE. GORDON’S word can safely be taken on Watch Cases as well as on Works. When we say a Case is gold it is gold; if gold- filled it is gold filled. W. B. CONNOR Y 5 w. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL ' o-~m~sm w LIST OF LANDS If You “ Always Prompt «Never Negligon ."l The Hanover Conveyanoer. HANOVER. ' â€"â€" â€"â€" ONTARIO. Photographs In llasatistactm Watt will be allowed to leave the STUDIO. The Han over Con veywoer. V \\ ISH TO BUY 03 You sell property, borrow money, insure a propertv' luv. writings dmwn or collect n debt, call on me. .MILLER . I1. MILLER. OFFERS : AVING purchusd tbs Studio of llr. J. Is. Browns we srs propfisd to continue ths business in his stsud sud give fisst clsss ssr- vics to the gsuorsi public. There in nothing that will give your friend more plen- enre then I. nicely finlelletl PHOTO. We ere prepared to inrnieh just whet yen went. Give ne e trill end be con- vinoed. Don’t delay. NEW

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