West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Feb 1904, p. 7

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in mav cause the Leo death when nl’a from the in. of this may b. by promptly gp. ’3 Pain 8.1113. 1: ' unequalled u . heat (or «to, for uh by I. throat led t town leria em was sun in up he“ we at not Alford to Pt! To Chances, fil’ 0X! he Was may ed. the mocion Lo moot agfin r on the 63!: OKUNTO :ees every bottle '32!) Remedy and :v to anyone who Inning two~thirdl is the best. tom. it GGIS'I‘S ia gripoo 0'2 DAY. tut! H I9 couucfl sbenturos Ie crmncil .s mayor. no, colds. lg cough t‘kOo 1‘ , cold to nudist. 10030 “78,0 J the Ito nt er. Conveyancer, etc. Private mone to loan. Old accounts and debts of at kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofiiceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham, Ont. HUGH MACKAY , DURHAM . Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0: Grey. Sales Womb“? attended to and notes cashed. fl Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofico. d eased Auctioneer the County of Grey. Land Velnator, ilifl' of the 2nd Divnsion. Court Sales and ell other matters romptly attended to. Rube-t refereenca urnished if required. trv Oflice D McIntyre’s Block, Lower 'I‘oivn, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- D vex ancers Etc. Money to' Loan. Uflmm :â€"I: .. the McIntyre Block, over Mandard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. D Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. t3 Universitv; Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oflice. W. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. OFFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. p. m.‘ Special attehtion given to diseases of women and children. Residence 0p- posite Presby terian Church. 1 fice 0\ er McLachlan’s store. Office hours, 8_tn 1.0 .a. _m., 2 to 4_p. m, and 7 to 9 U short distance east of Knapp’g Hotél Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham Oflice hours from film 2 o’clock. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. ()flice hoursâ€"911 a.m., 2-4 p.m., 7.9 p.m Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice omr McLachlan’s store. Oflice Drs. Jamieson 8:. Macdonald. OHN CLARK. 13’ All advertise ne 1“, to ensure insertion cunem Wk, should be btoug “ht m not later than uzsmw Iomng. THE JOB: : I: cuplctely stocked with DEPAR’ITIENT all new TYPE, thus af {ox-ding facilities for. naming out Pint-class woflt. . . AMES CARSON, DURHAy, L10T mmm For tmsient advertisements 8 cems; line for the first insertion; 3 Ccuza ; ““3 o . . line each subsequent msemon- mim m Mammal cards, not exceeding one inc “.0? ”tomnum. Advertisements withowt SDeci W I!" be published till forbid and charged . ”d5 ly Transient noticesâ€"“Lost," “Four“: “For Xe,” etc-59 cents for firstinsertioa, 25 cc. beach sub§equem insertion.‘ All advertisement: ordered by strangers must be pa: II in advanca. . . Contact rate- fogfizcarly :dvernsemcnu furmshed c Qplianign t_o thg cc. _ m T!!! CHRONICLE will be sent to an} m “dram, free of postage, for Shoo pc: 0 C . 0 year. Payable in advance-5L50 may *1“ t! not. sq paid. The date to which ever} Mini) 8 and u (broad by the number on m: “an hbd. 0 paper «1x.,c<rnt:nucd until all arrw. ”id, W at the Option of the preprietor. T OBERT BRIGHAM. 1.101313% I! PUBLISHED Mn! THURSDAY Inommm lumen name new. Wu mm DURHAM, ONT. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, QON- HIE Bflfllfllfll BHRINIBLL G. Lefroy McCaul. ARRISTER. somcrmn, ETC., A. H. Jackson. ()TARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- J. P. Telford. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, mo. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- 1. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. FFICE AN D RESIDENCEâ€"COR FEICE AND RESIDENCE Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. Emma AND Pnopmm‘ou. MacKay Dunn. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Directory. Denial Dz’redorv. Miscellaneous. Legal Directory '- W. F. DUNN. AUC- Evorythinz must be sold as the proprietor has rented his form to go wast. TERMS:-â€"All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount nine months’ creiit will be givén on far. nishing spprovsd joint notes. 67. per annum will besllowsd-fior cash in lieu of notes. ‘ 1 set iron barrows; 1 stone heat; 1 roller; 1 turnip sower; 1 scufller; 2 turnip pulpers; 1 hay rack; 1 stock rack; 11 waggon; 1 pair bohsleighs; 1 set trucks; 1 cutter, nearly new; 1 democrat; l fanning mill and bugger; 1 sugar kettle; logging chains; 3 quantity of hay and tar- nips; shovels, hoes, rakes, forks. chains, churn, stoves, beds, sofa, and a lot of other household articles. The undersigned has been auth- orized to sell by Public Auction at Lot 35, Con. 3, Egremont. near Hol- stein. on Wednesday, Feb. 24th, ISM, THE FOLLOWING: 1 good span heavy working horses; 4 registered Hereford cows in calf or calf at foot; :3 registered Hereford bulls; 2 registered Hereford heifers rising two years; 2 grade cows, Hereford in calf; 1 grade Hereford rising two years; 2 grade Hereford heifers rising one year; 1 thorough- bred Yorkshire bosr; l thoroughbred Yorkshire sow; 10 Shropshire York- shire sheep, about 60 hens; 1 binder; 1 set binder trucks , l mower; l pes- hsrvester; l sulky rske;1 culti- vator; 1 twin plow; 2 long plows; Farm Stock Implements. Contributions may be sent to Sm \V. National Sanitarium Association, or M Executive Committee, Toronto, Can. Eledit Auction Sa The financial reports for the year just ending show that to keep the doors of the Free Hos- pital for Consumptives open, maintaining the number of patients for which accommodation has been prorided, not less than $25,000 is required for the year now entered upon. Since the Free Hospital was opened (18 months ago) 224; patients have been received. The help the institution has been to these peopleâ€"all from the wage-earning and poorer ranks of life â€"-cannot be estimated in human language. â€"Edward D. Heddon, Selina, 0nt., on leaving the Free HOBpital, writes: “I cannot speak too highly of the institution from which I have received so much benefit. I can but tender myhest thanks for the kindness shown.” â€" SALE AT 01m o’cwcx. â€"- (‘OXFl-ZHRBATIQN LIFE ASWNWATNDN FROM THE \'l'li0.‘i' because of his or her poverty Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives Minnie Linklatel’, Hamilton, writes: “I have spent over nine months at the Free Hospital for Consumptives. I believe I have been greatly helped, and shall never hesitate to use my influence to further that good cause.” ‘ Patients are From Bishop of Selkirk, Caribou Crossing, Yukon: “The trifling renxiiiuiice ($10.00) herewith enclosed, is intended to express our sym i-nthy for the sufferers in other parts rather than imply a. Special need for your institution here.” Ltients are accepted from every part of the Do- minion, and there have been in residence during the past year patients from Prince Edward Island on the east to the Northwest Territories on the west. made by three life insurance cotnpanie-s for six beds for the current year. Only by the con- tinued contributions of the Canadian public can the work be maintained. K. Mgcdonalfi, E39... Managing Director Confederation Life Assocxauon, 1n senmnq cheque for $500.00 from his Company, says : “lnm h! nnnnn A LA LA -‘,'-L_ 1,- Fumjg‘as Urgently Needed - â€" “-mm‘_ “ Canadfs Greatest Charity.” a? When Lawrence entered the cage the animal showed fight. When prodded with the iron fork he would strike it aside and growl savagely. Finally he sprang at the trainer, who dropped to the floor of the cage. Regaining his feet. Lawrence back- ed into a corner and endeavored to hold Ceasar at-hay with his trident. Attendants with red hot iron bars sought to drive the lion back, but to no purpose. The lion struck with his forepaws at the trainer. who defend- ed himself as best he could with his fork. Patrolman Etling was passing the building and entered. Manager Haller told him that there was no hope of getting Lawrence from the corner without killing the lion. Etl- ing fired one shot. which entered the heart. The lion was valued at $1.- 500. feront medicix‘les forvitomach double and qogstipttnon," gays Mrs. 8. Gail:- er, of Dunkerton, Iowa. “but never had as good results from any as from Chamberlain’s Stomech end giver Tobleto. ” For solo by H. St. Louis, Jan. 30.-â€"â€"Penned in a steel cage. battling for his life with a lion and armed only with a trident, Keeper Steeve Lawrence of the Olive Street Zoo was saved from death to. day by the killing of the beast by Patrolman Etling, who heard theini- prisoned man’s cries. Caesar. the lion, reached the zoo five weeks ago from Hamburg. He was afine speci- men, standing about three and a half feet high, with a monster head and fine mane. His weight was about 600 pounds, and his age estimated at 81X years. Terrible Experience of a St Louis Mali - “I have‘taken a great many dif- .. Mnmmn-H, K12, Vice-President. \V. J. GAGE, Chairman of the FIGHT WITH A LION. For Stomach Troubles. HELP NOW. That’s what you need; some- thipg to gure your_biliogsn_e_ss, The writer a few Sundays ago in company with ? journeyed on the Co. Wheel Bailway that ascends to the summit of Pike’s Peak. The engineering and construction of this road is almost beyond human descrip- tion. At the left rises mountains to a tremendous height. their crests pinnacled out against a spotless blue sky, while to the right there was rushing through the gorge and swift. ly flowing beside us far below. toss- ing over massive boulders, was a beautiful sparkling mountain stream whose source is the perpetual snow in the mountains. dregulate your bowels. You need er’ s Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative {£3 322.: [Want your moustache or beardl 1W bmwnorrlchbuck? Use City of Maniton is comfortably nestled in an opening in the great mountain. range, its location and the many mineral springs aboundiug in and near it, have justly earned it a wide reputation as being one of the most delightful and healhiul waters. The doorway that leads you to \Villiam’s Canon is near the centre of the city of Maniton. and once in this canon every mountain peak towering hundreds of feet in height with castles and fortifications chislled out by the action of the wind and rain in ages gone by. possesses a charm for you and life-experience that Will never be forgotten. The road climbs and climbs to the rising clifis ; the canon is but a mere rent in the mountain, so narrow one can easily toss a peb. ble across. in the shadows of rocks hundreds of feet below all is dark and solitary, weird and awful. The startled traveller quickly lases all apprehension in the wonderous beauty and grandeur. Close by and easily reached is the grand city of Maniton. Radiating from this city of grandeur like the spokes of a buggy wheel, are the three famous canons: William’s, The .Pass and Englemans. In the last named is located the lower ter- minus of the Stupendous Co. Wheel Railway to the summit of Pike’s Peak. The Cave of the Winds and Grand Caverns are brilliantly illumo inated by magn‘ sium lights. which at this writing I will not attempt to de- scribe the awe-inSpiring grandeur that greets the bewildered eye of thousands that seek the mystery of this under ground journey. 'I‘he altitude of Celerado Springs is 6000 feet and is enveloped in an at- mOSphere of so much greater rarity than at sea level that the number of breaths is necessarily increased upon first coming into it. After a time. however, nature adapts your breath- ing, and your chest expands and in-' creases the depth of each inspiration. I am informed those encircling moun- tains of tremendous height afford great attraction to electric storms of which it’s no unusual thing in sum mer to see a treacherous storm gather about Pikes Peak (being the higheSt point of the mountain range lying directly in the face of the city) and travel northward along the mountains until its force isexhausred far out in the plains. While the storm is bril- liantly illuminated with vivid flashes of electricity and heavy cannonadiug of thunder. Colorado Springs, within four or five miles of the Storm, re- mains in full sunshine. Starting at the beautiful city of Colorado Springs, which stands on the flooded plains of an ancient river- bed is among the great cities of the West, and possibly no city in the union is so widely known, not only by pleasure seekers. but among a huge army of invalids who finds in Colorado climate invigorating air and lifegiving sunshine. { DEAR Mn. EDITOR,-â€"As I have a few 1 minutes of leisure time I will pen for the benefit of the readers of your valuable paper a graphic account of some of Colorado’s scenic grandeur. Last September I arrived here from Manistique. Michigan; through some friends in Durham Mr. Thos. Nichol, of this city was requested to look up the Writer, which he did. It’s almosr needless to mention the pleasure of meeting an this strange land of the west, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol, who are well known to many citizens of Durham and Priceville. ‘also Miss Bessie Park, sister of Mrs. Nichol, well remembered by her many friends in and around the vicinityof Duro ham. COLORADO’S GRAND SCENERY. It will cure the most stubborn case in existence and a bonded guarantee to the eflect goes with each package. It is to be had at Darling’s drug store. This is when Hem Roid the only internal. the only absolute Pile cure. brings the results that has made its fame. Sy m ptoms indicating other troubles may appear to a thoroughly Pile-sick person. After Piles have existed for s. long time and passed thronght difierent stages, the sufiering is intenseâ€"pain aching. throbbing. tumors form, filled to bursting with black blood. Liver Pills BY NORMAN MCDONALD. The Worst Kind. ’8 D‘ Shewell 61 Lenahau FURNITURE UNDERTAKING N., (i. .l. McKechnie. It Has Never Been N., G. J. McKechnie. PROMPT ATTENTION TO PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN We treat and cure Blood Pol-on. Varicoccic. Strictnrc. (£10... Urinary Drains .cxunl Wonkncnn. Kidney and anddtr diseases. CONSULTAT‘OK FREE. If unable to call, wnte 10! a Que-“on Blank for Home Treatment. Dns. KEN N EDY KERGAN 7 It purifies end enriches the BLOOD, strengthen. the m vitalizes the sexual organs, checks all unmtunl drains and losses fits a man for the active duties of life. Itisadtooontemphte the nnfortnnsteoondition of eommymenof onrday and generstion. At 30 they feel 50: at 40 they feel 60, and st 50 when they should be in the prime of life, they are almost ready in the grave. The fire of youth as gone out, the fountain of Vitality II exhausted. Premature old age! No mutter what produced it. whether evil habits in youth. later excesleo, or business worries. the one tag for you to do is to get back the vim. the vigor and vivacity of msnh . Don’t lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden year! for you i£ you only get help. We cm and will not only help you, but cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the pest 3O yenre. during which time we hsve cured enough fullen men to nuke an army. ‘ --_ - â€"_‘--- - __-‘-- A - _‘ _ A _â€" -_-.‘ EUR lNEW METHOD TREATMENT will restate to you what yéu ave out. of the best makes TRY DEPARTM EN '1‘. For all kinds of '48 Shelby 81., DETROIT, .10”. 28 Year. in Detroit. 260,000 Cured. Dunk Security. Gurus Cunt-ante“! or Ila Pay. first-class goods at a high price. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a moderate price is a pro- blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. a very difficult matter to produce THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. K K8.” l‘hs school in nipped for full Junta!- Lam um Matriculat an work, under the following and of competent teachers for that dcmt- : ['1' Schools in Toronto. This deservedly popular svstem by means of chart, drilh. blackboard diagrams and other intern-stint devices buinas the following mpics within the child's immediate cmuprohensiun : Intending students abound en rat at beginning of term. or a non after.- poo-mic. Musical Notation. Rhythmic-Al Notion Technique K9} hoard Location. Music“ History, Pinto “'nrk. WU. JOHNSTON, DURHAM SCHOOL. For terms app! THOS. ALLAN, Principul. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics and Ida... Foes. $1.00 per month. .DOPTED BY ALL LEADING Myet's Music Method- STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Chirman MISS MARGARET GUI, 1‘080her M. M. "o c. RAMAGE.

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