West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Feb 1904, p. 5

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SIT! mg» bu OF P LAN, an. F lib barn. eet was}, is. Th3 separate ‘ 03!. 1-0! 'arm .m :3 With acre 1m ick AT 11 I’V pr ham. U01 attendqd 1 trv Ofilce 0F l 600 mar McLachlan’s store. Office hours, 8 to w n. m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbyterian Church. ()N‘ ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. _. Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery bfure, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount 3! murmy to loan at 5 per cent. on farm foot . sin-:t distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lam!H n Street, Lower Town, Durham. Othce ours from 12 to 2 o’clock. O Ofiices :--l:‘. th Standard Bank A. G. MACKAY. K. C. -â€"-v _ 1‘ er, Conveyhmer etc. Private money; to loan. Old accounts and debts of :1 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Oificeâ€"MacKeuzie’s Old Stand, Lower Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. [1 u Luiversit - Graduate of Royal ‘uHere 0t Denta Surgeons of Ontario. {momsâ€"Calder Block, over Post Office. 'n 1m admin: ne week, should be bran; lamng. THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT UGH MACKAY. DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. Masxonzu cards1 mom pct aanum. Adven mica: will be published 1 Transient noti “Fa! mgalo.” $16. -â€"59 cents {1 la etch subsequent insertion MRV "mason! MORNINO anal-mu 93mm muss, mu 3112p DURHAM, ONT. m ‘1‘": Cnnnh‘lCLE Vi" be sent to an} “dICS‘, {769 (If W-Zage, for $3.90 pCl “m _ . . . year, 0.1 )‘(KLIC i'l advance-$1.50 man. u M 5‘ am so pm}. 'llixe date to which ever. “it!“ b and is d: a w w by the number on th I H I w '0 pn‘wr «.A -, :ztunmi mm! a}! arm-u: All udveflisehlcms order I. an advance. Contact rates for cirly mien to "is 0 ADVERTISING; F ”YES. . . ROBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED Auctioneer fer the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle oflice. 111E IIUHHHW [HUMBLE “mu” Vb---wvâ€"â€"- 1 eased Auctionoo for the County at (hey. Land Valustor. Bailifi’ of the 2nd Dinsion. Court Sales and all other matters Fromptly attended to. Highest reforeoncs urnisbed if required. Arthur Gun, M. D. )HYSIUlAN AND SURGEON, OF- J. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. FFICE AN D RESIDENCEâ€"~(JOR. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. (mop. amnmmpr TORON- FFICB AND RESIDENCE A ARRISTER, SOLICITQR, E'EC” fouling facilities rock. *tation AMES CARSON, DUB‘HAM, I’ICE-wFlRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy, Ualder’s :. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. RRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- Harafraxa and Georgo Streetsâ€"at of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"911 a. m. ’-4 , 7.9 p.m Telephone No. 10. vo'yancers. E.“ Burton AND PROPRIETOR Iut):r;’$ Block, Lower Town, Dur- ullectiun and Agency promptjy l to. Searches made at. the Rams- Medical Directory. MacKay Dunn. Dental Direcforv . Lefroy McCaul. Law! Directory. Miscellaneous. “Y. IR‘VLT . H. Jackson. ars. Etc. Money to Loan. the McIntyre Block, over '1‘ tra I: PU BLISHED . Telford. (a, to ensure insertion in cunc ht m not. latcr than Tum-.3. I: completely stocked with all NEW TYPE, thus af- for turning out First~clasa lvcrtiscmems furnished c .y strangers must 1 first furt he "memo; W. F. DUNN. AUC- LIC- l gocd span heavy working horses; 4 registered Hereford cows in calf or calf at foot; 2') registered Hereford bulls; ‘2 registered Hereford heifers '1'ising: two years; 2 grade cows, Hereford in calf; 1 grade Hereford rismg two years; 2 grade Hereford “heifers rising one 3ear;1 thorough ' bred Yorkshire boar; l thoroughbred Yorkshire sow; 10 Shropshire York- ; shire sheep; about 60 hens; 1 oinder; 1 set binder trucks; 1 mower; 1 pea- ‘hsrvester; 1 sulky rake; l culti vstor; 1 twin plow; 2 long plows; :1 set iron barrows; 1 stone bost;1 .roller; 1 turnip sower; 1 scufiier; 2 turnip pulpers; 1 hey rack; 1 stock 11;aclt 1 waggon; 1 pair bob sleighs , 11 set trucks; 1 cutter. nearly new , l democrat; l fanning mill and bugger , 1 sugar kettle; logging chains; 3 quantity of hay and tur- lnips; shovels, hoes. rakes, forks, !chsins, churn, stoves. beds, sofa, and a lot of other household articles. Farm Stock Implements. The undersigned has beaen auth« orized to sell by Public Auction at Lot 33 Can. 3, Egremont. near Hol- stein. on Wednesday, Feb. 24th, I904,- TERMS:â€"-All sums of $5.00 and under. cash; over that amount. nin. months’ credit will be given on for. nishing approved joint. notes. 6% per annum will be allowed for cash in lieu ‘of notes. Everythina must be sold aS'the proprietor has rented' his farm to go wgst. ‘ THOMAS H. REID, Proprietor. Contributions may be sent to Sm W. R. Mnnnm'm, K13, Vice-President National Sanitarium Association, or MR. W. J. GAGE, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Toronto, Can. â€"Minnie Linklater, Hamilton, writes: “I have spent over nine months at. the Free Hospital for Consumptives. I believe I have been greatly hnlpml, and shall never hesitate to use my influence to further that good cause.” The financial reports for the year just ending show that to keep the doors of the Free Hos- pital for Consun‘iptivcs open, maintaining the number of patients for which accommodation has been provided, not less than $25,000 is required for the year now entered upon. Since the Free Hospital was opened (18 months ago) 224 1.'>a.tients have been received. The help the institution has been to these peopleâ€"all from the wage-earning and poorer ranks of life â€"cannot be estimated in human language. -â€"Edward D. Heddon, Selina, Ont., on leaving the Free Hospital, writes: “I cannot speak too highly of the institution from which I ha :0 received so much benefit. I can but tender my best thanks for (0‘ l'~~ .EIZVER .-§'I'ION [IFS [0.59011 ATNDN DUGALD MCPHALL, Auctioneer. -â€"Frem Bishop of Selkirk, Caribou Crossing, Yukon1_,“The trifling remirmnee ($10.00) herewith enclosed, is intended to express our sym puthy fur the sufferers in other parts rather than imply a. special need for your institutiun here.” Eiedit Auction 8a Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives Becaqsg of_ hi§ or her poverty. F80.“ Tfll‘. “new; HELP NOW . Patients are accepted from every part of the D0- minion, and there have been in residence during the past year patients from Prince Edward Island on the east to the Northwest Territories on the west. There is no endowment, excepting the provision made by three life insurance companies for six beds for the current year. Only by the con- tinued ccmtributions of the Canadian public can the work be maintained. SALE AT ONE o’CLocx. â€"â€" the kindness shown.” K. Macdonald, Esq., Managing Director Confederation Life Association, in sending cheque for $500.00 from his Company, says: “ l urn pleased to be able to be the n‘xedium of helping on so good a. work.” THE FOLLOWING: Not a single patient has ever been refused admittance Egggfiliprgently Needed fl anada’s Greatest Charity. Artcmesia township auditors {or 1003 have (:0111pletvd their work and their report presented to Council 1.211 Saturday last shows the receipts in he as follows: Cash on hand Jan ’1. ’03, $1998.10; taxes 8171495151; lines >38 ._;01) licenses, $1.33... 2:3 ;debentuu3s, $.30 23:; loans, $3200 01); ’ miscellan- 1(1'1s Nib 7‘3; total >:~30‘l2'53 3"} EX pendi: u113. walaries, etc, 312039. 77; stationery and printino, $112 23. 123 , law cosrs, $603 48; roads and bridges, $3130.88; charity, $236.62"); schools. 37236. 65; county rate 322423 90; board of health, 310 00; debentures. $317. :30: loans $323.3 45; sinking fund. $473.94; miscellaneous $1951 30; Flesherton police trustees, $752.81; balance on hand. $1154.41. The taxes in Artemesia for 1903 were consider- ably higher than in 1902 which ap- pears to be due largely to marked in- crease in the following expenditures: In roads and bridges increase over 1902. $1480 00; schools. $948; law costs the neat little sum of $583, and county rate, $424 Flesherton citi- zens had also to go down in their pockets for moreased expenditure on streets as well as their proportion of increased expenditure outside. The road expenditure should make an ap- preciable improvement on our high- I'lmways. The auditors report the assets of the township to be $6759.00 and liabilities principally for debentures ioutstanding 38643. (p. A very sad death'took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John ston, Meaford Road. on Monday af- ternoon of last week, when their second daughter Amelia, a very estimable young woman, ended her life by’taking Paris Green. After having been discovered very ill by her mother she confessed the dead and expressed sorrow for the same. Local remedies were used and Dr. Carter of this place hastily summoned but all efiorts to save her life were fruitless. Miss Johnston. some mos. (Intended for East Week. Flesherton. HELP NOW. l The thaw “as a welcome one onl l Saturday, but it. made the heavy coatl Fof snow on seine of the roofs very 'taxing on them. Mr. A. l\lunshaw’sl hotel stable roof gave alarming Signs-1 1 of going down under its load. Seine of the heavy titnbers above began Lu give way and upon being; discovered1 l la rush was made to empty the build-- 1 ing of horses and vehicles; a number Lot’ hands were secured who with‘ :shovels went to work with a will on :the roof and in an hour or two had 1 the load so lightened that danger 1 paSSed ‘ At the adjt urned meeting of the Piesby terinn congregation held in :the church on Wednesday evening of ,last week it was decided that Mrs. [Sykes’ residence now occupied by the ' Pastor be purchased for a manse the ‘;‘.'p we to be paid 81200 On account 10f the inclement weather and bad 1roads there was not the attendance from the associate congregations at Eugenia and Proton Station that would doubtless otherwise have been. The ladies served refreshments and . the social hour was a pleasant feature 10f the meeting. 1 Mr. W. Trimble has purchased Mr. Patterson’ 8 good will in the bus has- iness here and is now catering to the 1t1avelling public alone. Mr. Patter. 1son is now devoting himself to the 1 livery business alone. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard were bereft of their infant daughter on Thursday last. The little one was over three months old and a suflmer most of its short life. It is comfort- ing to the parents to know that she is now free from sufi'ering with Him who Said "Sulfur little children to come unto Me.” Interment took place on Satu 1-day. On Thursday last Mrs. W. A Arm strong. of this place. was advised by telegram of the death at. Everett. Washington. of her little nephew, Delbert, only son of her sister, Mrs (Dr ) Rosborough, who in September lastleft here to reside at the cease Five sears ago Mrs. RosboreUgh had the sad experience of bringing {rem her home in Michigan the body of her young beloved husband for inter. went here and at the time of our writing is again on her sorrowful journey hither with the remains of her darling; boy who has been taken from her at the early age of eight years. Many friends here sincerely S) mpathize with Mrs Rosborough in her loss and second bereavement so 8001}. this place, is to be conigratulated on being a prize winner in the Toronto Nt'u'fi competition for the following interesting little essay on " My Dog Captain." which appeared in the News one day last week: " Some years ago my papa was aa‘ayfrcm home a good deal. Not Wanting to leave mother and I alone. he bought a Newfoundland dog, named Captain, \Vhen papa brought him home. he Was cross. but with kindness he be- came a good watch dog Papa took my baby’s sleigh to the carriage shop and had a pair of shafts made. and bought, a. harness, and trained Cap tain to draw me What fun I lad; he would draw me to school. then turn tound and go home. When mother wanted groceries she har nesSed Captain and sent him fo.r them; he would come back. and when he reachefl the gate. would hark; morh or would come and let him in. We used to go to the pond, Captain would Stand in front of me and crowd me back from the water but u hen papa was with me I threw sticks in and he “ent in after them; ’twas good fun to see him swim and bring the sticks out, then shake himself. He carried the mail home from the office He became such a favorite with the neighbors that they fed him scraps of meat. and when hoc weather came he got the mange and had to be shot Poor Captain. how we did miss him l" Maudie lived here at the time of which she writes and was a familiar little lady on the etreu-ts drawn by her old dog Captain. The New»: con- tains a pieture of the big fellow and Maudie on Saturday. Mr. L). Mc’l‘avish is apusher in the extensive carriage business done by him in this place. Thirty new bug- gies are being run through at one bunch by the busy workmen in his shaps these days. In J. H. Herd’s long established shaps there is also much activity in the carriage line for the coming season. ago showed slight signs of mama! aberration but appeared to have quite recovered. .Her remains wme imp . red in Meaford Road Ct-‘lIwH-l'y nu Wwdnesday, her pastor Rev. Mr. V‘\ “$0". of this: plum. c. nduczing the funeral services. Mr Jniansh'ni and family. who are wry highiv xvi-1396' ed in the community, lime many to sympathise with them in their be. X‘Psu‘en'en’. Mr. H. A. Willett, of Collingwood, has taken the position of manager in Mr. W. J. Douglas’ drug store here. Mrs. Willet is visiting in Toronto be- fore settling here with her husband. Mrs. J. C. Crane. of Owen Sound is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Trim ble, who is in very poor health. Mr. John Bannon is at present un~ der the doctor’s care. but we hope to soon learn of the old gentleman being about again. Miss Maudie Henderson the little ni’hw year old damghter of .‘Ir. R. N iâ€"Ientlermn. of Toronto. formerly of Miss Lizzie Little. of Owen Sound, visited her grandmother, Mrs.Geo. Best, last week. Mrs. Robert Ruhhven of Clarks burg, Miss Ruthven and Misg Blair. of Alliston. visited at Mr. F. Cain’ 8. west back line. last week. Mr.W.McCann of Rat Portage, vis- ited his sister, Mrs. Ed. Thompson the past. week. Mrs. MoArthur, of Toronto. is via- iting her mother, Mrs. J on. Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. Gvorge Harris. of To ronto. are visiting t he latter’s mozher Mrs L). Mosier. '3 Shewell 62 Lenahan FURNITURE UN DERTAKING Are you :1 victim? Have ’you lost hope? Are on con- templating marriage? Has your blood been iseased? ° Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Consultation Pree. No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion- Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books Pramâ€"“The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. “Diseases of “’omen," “Varicoeete, Stricture and Gleet." All sent m3 sealed. NO IEOIOIIE SENT O. O. O. HO NAMES ON BOXES OB EIVELOPB. mm CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION LIST AND COST OF TREATIEIT. FRE E, FOR "0.5 C” II We treat and cure Varicooole. lemons no man. (Hoot. Blood Poison. Urinary Drain: and Lousy!“ 'W Dino-.008. u 1‘. 0 I ultlllll ' L "“O'SFVNM} .Me'thod Traitrfififii'fi‘n urii‘y the blood. heal up the cores. remove all pains: the hair will grow n again. all arms will be restored to their normal condition. and the patient prepared to renew the duties an: tpleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute sa e y. PROMPT ATTENTION TO For over thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of 310°C diseases. both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment is original with ourselves. and never fails to eradicate the poison from the system. Bewqre of mercury and other mineral poisons. 'thh 80 many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease. as they Will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison into the finer!» whereas 0“? t t’ ment destroys the virus or poison in the bl and removes it from 0 system entirely. so the symptoms can never return. If you have any 01' the following symptoms consult us before it is too late: Biotchec. eruptions or pimples: falling out of the hair. itchiness of the skin. stiffness or pains in the joints. soreness in the muscleS. sore throat, ulcers or bad taste in the mouth. sore tongue. 800171858 Of the stomach. enla‘rgeq_glands._ running sores. etc. It Has Never Been of the best make». Dns. KEN N EDY KERGAN For all] kinds of DEPARTM EN '1‘. 148 SH ELBY 8T. GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY first-class goods at a. high price. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a moderate price is a. pro- blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a. proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. a very difficult matter to produce THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. The school is equipped for full Junior Leaving ad Matriculation wnrk, under the fonuwin‘ stat? of campewnt teavam for that departuumt: Including student: abound onwr a! befinning of term. or as soon “(or as possible. \V M . J OHXSTON A Schools in Toronto. This deservedly popular syntem by means of chart. drills. blackboard diagrams and other inhresting devices linings the following topics within the child’s immediate comprehension : M usical Notation. Rhythmic“ Motion. Technique Kev-board Location, Musial History, Piano W'ork. DURHAM SCHOOL. Fab‘ v 5. -â€"‘£m For terms apply m THOS. ALLAN. Principal. MISS L. M. FORPAR. Classics and Modern: Foes. $1.00 per month DOPTED BY ALL LEADING DETROIT, MIC". Myer's Music Method- STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Chin mun MISS MARGARET Gnu. 'l‘eaoher M. M. II. {AMAGE Same! I r:

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