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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Feb 1904, p. 8

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! HPVMM'?! i P 9:: _, he Peoples Store! 99% PP$ mm... If??? ”magma .';L fiwfififlWfififififi$Mflfifi "MRI?! .-.~ But there is never an hour of the day passes that our doors do not swing wide open to peOple in all ca’llings. Keen buyers are finding out for them- selves that this is the cheapest store to buy in. We keep everything that a first-class General store should, and are now offering big snaps in Alex. Russell. Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps. ’ Tweeds, Boots and Shoes. Ladies’ Tailor-made Skirts, Gent’s Furnishings, Etc. WANTEDâ€"FAITHFUL PERSON ttqulo_for we’ll establishes! beam; in _t WANTEDâ€"FAI’I‘HFUL PERSON TO call on retail trade and agents for mam» factnring house having well established business; local territory; straight salary 320 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous experience unneeessary; sition permanent; business successful. nclose self-addressed envelope. Sn rintendent Trnvellers, 605Monon Bldg. hicago. . An unfortunate accident attended by fatal results occurred on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Mill Road. when their little eleven months old child was suflocated by a screw nail which lodged in its windpipe. The child had been playing on the floor, when it sliddenly began to choke Two physicians were summoned but didnot arrive until after the little one’slil'e had flickered out. On ex- amination it was found that a screw nail which the child had picked up 03 the floor had lodged in the windpipe, the broad head closing over it like a cap and completely shutting ed the supply of air. The. little one was buried in the Greenwood cemetery yesterday afternoon.-â€"-Owen Sound Times. All hearts sympathize with Mr and Mrs. John Cook, of Rocklyn. who on 'l‘hursday of this week were bereft of their daughter, Miss Edna. aged 193ears. Deceased came to Mark- dalr about two weeks ago. and was visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Clark. Queen St.. when last Friday a spinal trouble Seized her. and, suffering much from that date, she passed awav as above. Deceased was a young lady of prepossessing appearance. kindly disposition and beloved by all and her desmise at so early an age, when life holds forth its most pre- cious hopes. and on the very thres- hold of entering her womanly Sphere she is called to rest. is the occasion of heartfelt regret and sorrow.â€" Markdale Standard. The agitation for the incorporation of Chatsworth as a village has this week experienced a decided revival. and the result is that the petition circulated has been all but .unani- mously signed by the ratepayers of the village, and many who have here- tofore witheld their signature and support from the plan are now giving their aid to obtain the desired end. With such a petition. which will at once he presented to the Government. it is confidently hOped that an act may be passed to raise Chatsworth to the status of a village and thus give to local governing council the pOWfir to administer the affairs in a manner that will prove to the best advantage of the village.â€"â€"-Chatsworth Brnner Ruby the third daughter of Mr Alex. Hill, had a narrow escape from drowning last week. While skating {on the river west of the town dock 'she suddenly dropped into an air hole. The little girl fortunately had the presence of mind to throw out her arms and cling to the ice, thuie enabling her to keep her head and shoulders above the water. Mr Wm Carson. who happened to be skating on the bay at the time, saw the little girl strugglingin the water and hastened to her aesistance. By crawling on his hands and knees on the ice he managed to pull her out at considerable risk of his: own life.â€" Meaford Mirror. The bursting of a water pipe on the second storey of the Imperial block on Tuesdnv night caused a serious loss to Peel. the shoeman. The water poured down on portionq of the big stoak during the night and the damage will amount to several hundred dollars.-â€" Owen Sound Times. Josh Miller. the well known negro character, left for Kingston penitent iary on Monday in charge of Deputy Sheriff Moore and Governor Miller He is under a sentence of five years in that. institution for relieving J A Hackett of seventy dollars. Josh occupied a seat in the smoking car and was carefully handcuffed. He was looking very dejected. When ah preached by a representative of this paper. When told to cheer up Josh said that he could take it all quite cheerfully if he were guilty. and he Again emphatically anal indignantlv denied that he had taken Hackett’s moneyâ€"Owen Sound Times. ' Hair Vigor $1.00 a bottle. All drugflau; Short Hair This 506m a splendid result-t6 me aftét 15613-3â€" almou wjthfgugmy hail-3f Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. T hen it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. “ My Instr and to be very short. But “to: using Ayor’s Hair Vi or a short time It begun 290‘, and may i_t_ _I foqrftgen inchujopg. V _.-_l v m. J. nimnnfédnomdo Springs. Colo. COUNTY J OTTINGS. ”-0.. M for J. C. AYER 00.. Lovell. Man. By the single box the Pills m 50c. Unless we were pretty sure Dr. Harm’s Pills would do what we claim for them, we wouldn’t dare make such an offer. With every 6 boxes of DB. HABTE’S CELEBY-IPDN PILLS you purchase at one time, we give our written Guarantee that if you don’t derive benefit from their use, we will give yOu your money bulk. Isn’t that fair? \. The interesting way in which his subsidiary companies bought from and sold to one another at an im- mense so-called profit. just before annualmeeting time. the rapidity with which thousands paid 10 became millions on paper the extraordinary facility with which dividends were paid out of profits as yet unearnel, the oceans of “water" in his vaunted ~tocks. all were looked upon by the icourts. not as high finance, but as the sure evidence of a very acute de‘ sire to deceive the public. This was enough; he was found guilty; and the judge decided that no punishment within his power to measure out n as too much for the man who would :arry on such practices. On this continent, the same methods are used: dividends are paid out of unearned profits; worthless shares are loaded on a confiding public; companies are grossly ove1'-capitalizea,, and the public, in order that shareholders may be paid dividends on a vast quantity of “water,” has sometimes 11) pay through the nose for the ne cussaries of life. Yet nothing is done! In England. this sort of thing is criminal; is it less a crime here? We have of course. not so much to do with what goes on in the United States. but it is surely time that the Canadian laws which have to do with the formation of companies, should be so amended as to afford more pro- tection to the public than they do now. We remember nocing the sur. prise of one of the English delegates to the recent Chambers of Commerce Congress, expressed at the way common stock is sometimes issued in this country at a merely nominal price to the bondholders, giving the rein to the gambling element in its worst form. There are. however. several directions in "rhich our joint- stcck companies might be improved with advantage. What is so em- phatically criminal in England cannot prOperly be deemed legitimate busi- ness men is manifested by the pass- ing of a resolution at the annual meeting recently of the Montreal Board of Trade calling for such changes in the Dominion and Pro Vince of Quebec Joint Stock Com- panies Acts as well put a stop to the fictitious over-capitalization of com- panicsâ€"Shoe and Leather Journal. Tho curative qualities of DB. HARTE’S CELEnY-IBON PILLS are so absolutely certain in 99 cases out of a hundred that we. have no hesitation in giving our written Guarantee that they will posio tirely cure such troubles as Thin and Watery Blood, Pale and Sallow Com- ['ivxion, Pimples ambEruptions, Nerv- ousuess, Sleeplessness, Langour and Dec :‘cssion, Brain Fag and Forgetfulness, f’nor Appetite, Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion, Nervous Headaches, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizzy and Faint Spells, Nerv- ous Prostration, Weakness, General De- bility, and all diseases and disorders arising from s run-down condition of the nervous system, or wesk and im- poverished b.1009. _ In Purchasing Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills. We Guarantee Them to Cure or Your Money Cheerfully Ref -nded. You Take N 0 Risk But his terse Statement does lead to a train of reflections upon the queStion. what nonetitutes a crime? Nominally, a crime is that which is contrary to and forbidden by the law. Moreover, at this stage of the world’s civilization. it may generally be taken for granted that what is looked upon as a crime in one country is. or shuuld be, considered a crime in other countries. Now in this case, the methods of financing companies, which Whitaker Wright adopted in England, are there deemed distinctly fraudulent. and punishable by the law, while on the other hand, they may be indulged in this country and in the United States with impunity Which, then of the two alternatives does this moro likely implyâ€"that such methods are not really fraudu- lent, or that the law here is itself faulty in not touching them? InEngluud, Wright. the bold fin- ancier. came to be looked upon as. a little better than buccaneer, and, as such, the law speedily came into play. That a man is convicted of fraud and dies in disgrace by his own hand is no reason why his own version of his career should not be listened to with respect, even by those who hate never been arraigned in a law court. “7hitaker Wright, at the time of his capture in New York. said. or is reported to have said: "There is no difierence between what I did in England and what your in. dustrial companies are doing in America.” Now Wright may have fully believed what he said, but this does not exculpate him from the guilt for which his tragic death was such a sorry atonement. because the deeds for which punishment was meted out to him were committed not in America. but in England, where he must have known they were criminal acts. The Whitaker Wrights of America. DURHAM and surrounding country. 3nd take orders tor A man to represent ”CANADA’S Gianna! NUBsnnms ” in the Town of Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale, A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. TORONTO, SNAPS IN MILLINERY. IN err Tan-s. SMALL Fauna, Gaunt-sum, Saunas, Rows, Vums, Sun Pout-033, ETC. \IcIntyre Block. Our Confectionary, Fruit _and_(iroceri§s_xyitbout ques- , r Every Customer Wants to Know winch are‘the best brands of all goods. JUST SO. We remove all doubt by smoking Groceries with allround excellence and high Quint!- ’PHONE v N l Let Us Prove It. a2; é)? 1 We have got em Men’s Ove1coats down to twelve Those twelve must go. If your size is here, just $$$fi$$$$$$$fi$§$fifi$$$¢§$fifi$ P‘ w Stone 6: Wellington Au: Our Hardy Specialties In Men’s FOOTWEAR. we have snaps in Heavy and Light Shims, Lumbermen’s Rubbers and Soft ‘ Give us a call. Our goods and prices will‘suii you. _____-â€". v,-\'|. v- I.vv. U Men’s Black Worsteds, reg 12,10. 00, 8 Men’s Fancy Worsteds, reg. 316, 14,50, 12, for $13.98. Men’s Heavy Worsteds, reg. 8.50, 7.00. 6. for 6.75, "an... D'AA'- ‘"A_-‘Aj- _. A ‘1‘ AA Grey Raglans, 1 each, 37 Grey Raglans. 1 each, 37 Black Raglans. 1 each. 38 Black Beaver. 1 each, Black Cheviot, 1 only. 38 Black Raglans. two 31, one 33, one 34. reg. Black Cheviot, one 33, one 34, reg. Black Cheviot, one 26. one 27, reg. Black Cheviot, one 30, two 31. reg. Everything at and below cost to make ready for Spring~ Goods. Call and see Star Grocery Store. MISS DICK Underwear Our Winter Clothing Sriaps. FO) That’s Men’s Overcoats, now for the Boys’: NTHILL NURSERIES OVER 800 ACRES WANTED tiou m e the. most popular and most profittble to customers. You inow it if you have tried them. In guy «so. it. in to your interest as weli as ours, to KNOW IT. What we advertise we mean to sell at. You get the benefit. But the goods must be sold. If your size is not in the foregoing you can’t get the snap. Space will not permit us to give you 'a large price list of our Men’s Suits but a partial list will not be out of place. flown Pretty Fine N. P. McIntyre. 531‘ . Below Cost. ‘3] Mufflers, Ties Caps. { Special snaps ,ofl’ered.’ Durham, Ont. THE CLOTHIER. ONTA RIO. 38 38 39 39.. The Best Pure Honey for Iflc lb. Gold Band 7-piece Berry Sets, $1.60 each. Gold Band 4-piece Table Sets. $1.77» each. are perfect imiution of CUT GLASS with Hetvy Gold Band around tap. Gold being burnt in will not; wash olf. Just the thing for wedding presents. Gold Band 7-piece Water Sets, $2.00 each. The Big4 Heavy All-wool Blankets, 60:80, $2.75 pair. Heavy All-wool Blankets, 64x84, 83.00 pair. The following Sets 7- Piece Crystal Berry Sets, 40c and 450 each. The Store reg. $10 50 reg. 9.00 reg. 10.00 reg. 12.00. reg. 12.00 CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. , for 9.75; . $7. 50, yours for $5 50, yours for 6 50. your: for 3 50, yours for 4 . BEAN yours for $7.00 yours {or 600 your: for 7.00 yours for 8.00 yours for 8 00 for Men. 55.0 729- QWLG. 5w...2. was 7.; 'fi‘ 0. all!" . . Th» the u-«mw fir. Sm ,rmwemr of 'hp ‘I‘°é" ":8 U3“ HOCKEY Marc; mute” on the rtnk' hum-«n team‘ rKngpn and Mid known u “ Ho “Poverty Row” Il’lfll ‘ in'a‘victor Hones? by g‘scarn; A TIP Fun 'mn-z year. and if ‘ho-j ladies do their it usurodly Svcuv‘u 01' hi'é proof “8" th. main [-00:33 grocragtinari m i4 .0 (he sOOlu ‘l 1 upon the lmtter. hibelurure so il take some moufi lung. The mu 5. nubdued in tbi with so many c1 “don. to woo' 1904 tuooed on ‘ nut them for 4 MN“. Go righ all '0']! back ya of Jon. 1138. Jas. HA1 in Holstein on V 17th, at the ma months after a 11 “10988 patiently humbly trusting tha Savant. SI 3nd came to Cam in 1833. Was mar her aged husband family of whom :11 preceded her. of one daughter. of Grenfel. N W her mother the hu PASSED AWAY day. January 2'! con of Mr. Jol Deceased was a months [tom 3;: combed to that date. leaving u foctionate wife: moo. to mburn 11; took place to ti on Wednesday, . in the school In evening of Pr literary and m rendered durin talent. assisted: miners from DJ canto. ladies b1 free. All no 1 “'m' not ge 8 night mail ‘8': 9m“ departmd the initiuive 1‘ need the additll to be worth 38' come to these 1 no telling how do the waiting Tun scntch 1003 of a limb blood poisonin jury. All d nvoided, bows inc Chamber]: tn antisep‘ quick heal bruises and Puker. loan”: Aun‘ Tali: South Seed Fair will mu, here on For list of pri duo large post THE Scotch « pouponed new that it. will. nights this WI A HOCKY ml day night b1 West side clel victory {or flu ' Ir seems inches of no .000. Hunter. of th tor igquite il CA THERED DUI Clflfl mvfi Local followiu bookgooooooo How‘s you "O...’ regret VOL. bio.“ 'OVQI

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