West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Feb 1904, p. 3

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Farms for Sale. Dvuaw D. for Sale or to Rent on Shares. 3th Ho l5. 17, S. D. we le‘l US [)5 Sale or Rent. H (31x _ STREET was: KEELER. the Jowolot. For Sale D Mill. 9. Kincatdiuo 0r for Sale. Lot for Sale ANI) BLHDGE. Duh- on HI) '. MCLAcum, Pticoville P. 0. ZUC fl {0 I" dine Sweet was}. buildings. Th. flock 0! 80m Ruins west. Pu N ED OFFERS 34m. 2!. Ezra-oat. L. 05“. L008 “3'09 elated. W." cm 6! to run ”0- : brick hmuo ‘0‘ . : mile f")!!! whml. W“ L. '.- hrther mri Sal ale M ale CON am um: I “tend Until... am fl 3F It I0“ ply The good wife of th» house always likes to haxe g‘od Brand.q and the best Broad is to be hai at; 'insou ’9 The whitest. awegtest and mos: healthful made No Husband will ever find fault h Stimon’ s Biead We turn out. : ii at clans article whether it’ 3 Bread. Pies or Cakes nod give special attention to our ' can; omen. .JNO. A. DARLING Try a “ Glen ” Cigar The Dc Smoke of the day Our Stock is new and up- mdaze and PRICES the LOWEST. ()ur Front Wifidow display of Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigars, Pouches, Cigar (‘ ases, . 1101091 3, Etc., Etc. . H. Stinson FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Goods always on hapd at Rowe’s Darling’s . . going like a SHOT and we always hit the mark. It will pay yoi. to lay off a day Chemist and Draggist. SEE OUR PRICES. ; L. FLARITY Special BARGAINS for th; month of February, from two to three dollars on every suit. A genteel fit guaranteed always. 'Call around and convince your- self of these facts. and “he a look at J. L. Flarity’s large range of SUITINGS. The newest patterns for the coming season. and the best you evev got {or the money. We consider it worth some- thing to get acquainted with you. and are oHering A 1"“. A "uA. fin“ The largest assort- ment in Durham. MERCHANT TAILOR DRUG STORE . . I' z .m rm .5 mnpty boxes, together with A" 7 of the work In 1 "5 0'11.» 10 U0” 36” 2h. 3 ..,.. a,” m .l ones and get your money had been sold in the United Kim-2 mm a dom. Since then the Times has paid BE the single box the Pill; are We. out $4.30 000 in circulars and $1,015. 000 in newspapei advertising the JNO, A, DARLING total Space of the latte: lwiuw the' equivalent of 5160 columns in daily CHEMIS'I‘ -â€" AND â€"â€" DRUGGIST The great sale by the London Times of the EncycIOpaedia Brlcannica is a mighty tribute to the value of adver- tising. W hen :he Times took hold of the work in 18518 onlv 10.001.) sets The Weekly Globe, With its illust rated section and many interesting features. is now one of the cleanest and brightest newspapers in America. and we are pleased to be able to an- nounce that the arrangement just completed will enable subscribers to secure it for this year at n special price. - "'J v‘ vvvvv The Globe has the exclusive of this service in Canada. and these reports will not appear in their original form in any other Canadian publication. A summarized report with every item ‘of interest will be especially written for The Weekly Globe, en abling readers to gain a thorough knowledge of the situation without the trouble of reading columns of contradictory and confusing reports. My Dear Mr. Cage,-â€" g herewith cheque for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) from the Tudhope Carriage Company of Orillia, a. donation to the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Gravenhurst. Please acknow'vledge this to the Tudhope Carriage Company in the usual way, . I have written to a. number of my friends, to try and get them interested in this good work. I hope to be able to send you further donations. I have written my friends a personal letter, something similar to the following : to publish simultaneously the re- ports sent direct from the scene of action. The Times London England, has establised its reputation as being the largest and most reliable news- gstherer in the world, and our read. ers can haw full benefit of its excel- lent stat? of correspondents by read. ing The Daily or The VVevkly Globe. The Globe wietâ€"z wits usual enter- prise, has made arrangements with \V. J. GAGE, ESQ, Chairman Executive Committee National Sanitarium A: Toronto, Ont. The Russo-Japan conflict has comâ€" menced in earnest, and that part of There can be little doubt that the National Sanitarium Association is handicapped in its great work for Consumptives in the fact that its two institutions in Muskoka are far away from any lmge centre of population. Few people have an opportunity to see for themselves the magnificent work that is being done. ' Personally Raises 150' “50-foot roll l50-fmt tall, 3 3??? 31.18.11 Wm. Thomson, Esq., of Orillia, Vice-President Standard Chemical Company of Toronto, Tells of a Visit to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. In order :that. our boats to the Free Hbspital this year, 8100.00 before the end of the year.” wuugub, arm, 11 possnble, assist. confidentially. and hope to be ab! work. Should you apt. feel hke bet this request, and your reply ' strictly confidential. “I understand the expenses latel; income, and unless the man ement mt went, I am afraid the work wi 1 have to I have many calls, but I do wish on u thought, and, if possible, assist. have confidentially. and hope to be able to 0: work. Should vou not fee] In". Mahdi“. The Value of Advertising hfoot roll. 4 feet high ..... . "th r01]. 5 {at high-coco. wtoot roll. 6 {out high ...... A BUSINESS MAN’S LETTER. {night ‘mention. to .ises Several Hundred Dollars to Help Lessen the Load of Debt. '. CAMPBELL, Agent. readers may be Sincerely yours, expenses lately have been double the man ement meet with more encourage- Ik wi l have to be curtailed. I know you do .wish {you woulglgive thiematter a Association, '00“... 0.4.40 00. ..... 5.10 ........ 6.00 ORILLIA, Ont. \k‘ ( Hut to wh On the authority of the proprietors of DR. HABTE'S Cassy-luau PILLS, we guarantee this romedy to be-an absolute cure fur all diseases and disorders arising from weak nvrves, watery blood or a run down umditiuu of the system, such as:-â€"- Anaemia, Chlorosis, Pale and Sallow Com- ph‘xiun, Tired, Worn-out Feeling, Sleep- lussnoss, Nervousnoss, Dyspepsia, Heart l’nlpitution, Impuirml Memory, Unsteady .\'. :‘x'vs, Hysteria, Female “’oakness and hug“. leu‘ities. I’)eprcssi0n of Spirits, ximml Weakness, St. Vitus’ Dance, Pimp- lw.‘ and Eruptions, Loss of \ital Power :uzil General Debility. A Positive Assurance of Cure or Your Money Refunded. papers and 3400 pages in Weeklies and magazines. The total sale amounted to 1,500.000 volumes. weighing more than 5500 tons. The average weekly sale has been more than 5000 volumes. The largest sales of one day exceeded $150,000 and of one week 8500;000. In one day 503 sets. weighing over sixty tons. have been despatched. A GUARANTEE TO CURE. n )1: purchase from (“'5 (‘ulvry-Iron Pill L \\Gth ovary sue} Ha rta’ s Celery- Iron Pills enrich the 1 Lone up the. nerves and imiworate \xhule system, producing in sickly, l my men and human that strong, ’UHS, healthy feelinu that makes life : lgvmg. ; you do! mt these yourself rm get 3' [10 the endation of the splendid of the real joy and hope eye. Any, however, who M November 2, 1903. whase from us 6 boxes of ‘Dr. 'ry-Iron Pills, paying for them . awry snob purchase we give Erin» written guarantee that if y 3 boxes of the Pills. accord- ':iun.~4. you find you have de- m-fit from their use, you can 3 mnpty boxes, together with m-d ones and get your aloney nn’t need to take our word as .40 Pills can accomplish. Try If. If they don’t do you gnod, your money back. Isn’t that DURHAM. ONTARIO. A er’s Pills are good liver pi Is. You know that. The best ‘family_laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. M °° Lou's! . Ina: The use of our school house has been given free gratis with light and firewood thrown in, to every denom- ination who wishes to preach in it. On Sunday the Minister complained most severely that it was not put in better condition, merely because a couple of panes of glass were out of a window just above him and let the snow drift through on his bald head. Some men would almost want the; whole world. G 00d Pills It - “"l" v- wvâ€"u v v- UV.“ JUUVIUU. Mrs. Mc'l‘avieh is indisposed at present with a slight paralytic stroke, but good hopes of almost complete recovery are entertained. Messrs. S. Chapman and Wm. Sirrs Jr., “ere at Owen Sound as Jurors last week. As they had to drive and face a north wind all the way on the coldest day this Winter they would be in good shape to deliver cold justice. Pete Black had a very successful wood bee on Thursday and a dancing party at night. All present report ha_v_ing haq as enjoyable time. Mr. Jas. Allan was so unfortunate as to lose a valuable young horse last week with the prevailing distemper, which the V. S. declares is a more malignant type than is usually seen and has caused the death of a num- ber of horses throughout the town- Ship. The illness of Mrs. Jas. Allan was more serious than we reported last week. but we are pleased to say there are good hopes of her recovery. Miss Armstrong is in attendance as nurse and Dr. Brown as physician. The Varney man alludes to “l leaving our horse in the swamp and walking around the pond last week] to the post office for our mail. We! admit, we ‘did take the precautionl while many a man risked his life tol get the Chronicle. 5 Mr. A. Baird’s little boys captured and caged a very unique specimen of wild duck last week. It had become disabled and forced to take shelter inntAhe swamp. "'"' t You will n0t attract attention byj either your loud talk or laughter. or showyour egotism by trying to ub- sorb conversation.â€"-Orison Sweet Marden, in Success. You will not remark. while a guest, that you do not. like the food which has: been served to you. You will let a refined manner and superior intelligence show that. you have travelled, instead of constantly talking of the difierent countries you have visited. so audibly that: you“ sauce in your plate bread. You will never mind a cripple of his deformity, or probe the sore spots of a sensitive soul. You will not gulp down your soup You will not uersâ€"one for {or home use. You will not sulk or feel negl if others receive more attention you do. VYou will be as agreeable to year social Inferiors as to your equals and superiors. ' You will not think that “ good in- temions” compensate for rude or grufi manners. You will naver under any circum- stances cause another pain, if you can help it. You will not bore people by con- stantly talking of yourself and your afiairs. In conversation you should not be argumentative or Contradictory. You will never make fun of the peculiarities or idiosyncrasies of others. You will not forget engagements, promises or engagements of any kind. You will be kind. You will never indulge in illne- cured gossip. You will never forget the respect due to age. You will not. swagger or boost of your achievements. You will think of others before think of yourself. Corner Concerns. IF YOU ARE WELL-BRED will not have two sets of man- r13. vvo ‘ m IOPIOCII pauuu 0 Logell'. Mud; Pm men tfim cyh Hunn metal notice. without charge. a: moustache or heard 3 mlflm ”me 2’:":?:E:M3.9§1Ama,ww. , room, nor 80p up the your plate with bits of “company” and one} you can be heard or feel neglected Freight paid. D 204 St. John than and Watchmakor. Jeweller. Opticinn YOUR EYES. Pumps. IBEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- l‘OMERS and the public in general that l am prepared to furnish New PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, RE-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. Allordero taken 3t the old uten- near McGowan’a Mill will be promptly It tended to. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop erly attended to. W. D. CONNOR» (‘all and see us if onlv to convince yourselt of our statement. Don’t neglect any little trouble about your EYES. It may be a. great big trouble before long. Get your eyes tested here. If there in nothing wrong, we’ll tell your so. We contend that we have the Stock Prices and leave you to judge the rest. .1. WORK GUA'RAM'EED at “Live and let live” PRICES. No one Person can do it all. Some may do it better. ‘. - Russia . . ‘ is true in connectlon with business men. . No one Nation can own phe whole world. The same A. GORDON Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. HARD WARE AND TIN WARE “ Actions Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"â€" GORDON’S word can safely be taken on Watch Cases as well as on Works. When we say a Case is cold it is gold; if gold- filled it is gold-filled. GEORGE WHITMORE. W. B. CONNOR {ME Remain :- Ctmpbol a LEGGINGS. MITTS AND GL in stock. Tmnkl. V4 Club Bags, Shoo Dn- Shoo Brush". etc. to h u t!» New Boo; t 8h“! I have secured the services of shosmsker. sud sm prepsred REPAIRING sud mske NEW on short notice. We hove few sizes in some lines of goods SELLING CHEAP. The Hanover Conve‘ HANOVER. -â€"â€" â€"â€" “ Always Prompt ~N ever 1 ACRE more 6r lessâ€"Gunfrm street. Durham. near Cement Worksâ€"Fine lots. 0349er my chenp. Besides above I have a large list. of other lands of all kinds. 105 100 Good buildings. , 10 hudwood. spring crook, orchard. etc. $3200.00. LIST OF LANDS forent lines of Men'sffionu'l. Boys'. Misuu' nnd Childm'a BOOTS and SHOES. in cont. Remember WE 0“ . ‘_ I lot of and got mtdo _ v v" vuuun O u put of genuine hand- BOO'I‘S nnd SHOES. TERMS ' WISH TO BUY 03 You 8811 property, borrow money, insure a property. but. writings drawn or collect a debt. call on me. ACRES nenr Allan‘Pukâ€"fl cleared. 20 hgrdwood sad [2 ACRES neu LImIQBb-â€"S¢OIO dwelling, good out buildiup. Fine (Arm. Under 64000 00. ACRES near Allan Parkâ€"Ex- cellent (arm. hit buildmp. Cheap. The Hanover Con veygncér. ACRES OFFERS : m we service- of m Al nd am prepu-od to do find nuke NEW work 00. We have atill ; some lines of winter l.“ nâ€"â€" â€" â€" . MILLER, . MILLER. yaucer Negligent. " CARRY ONTARIO. dif- Zyy of

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