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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Feb 1904, p. 4

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turn out a paying concern. ’ 3 ”Nb and five Children. He was a The Finam-ial Statement of theCom- The inner puny shows that the total expenditure afternoon to Palmerston cemflery.’ for W88“. P3P” Sfif'ks» €081. plaster Mr. 'Waller was well known in and clay was $238,623.5L For taxes, town being here often in the fulfil- selling, laboratory and office expenses, ment of his duties as Excise Oflicer. auditing, telegraphing. postage. 831. He lived in Listowel for a year about arise, legal expenses. insurance, inter- five years ago.â€"Listowel Standard. est, discount, millrepairs and expenses ‘ the total was 843%].38, making a total ' . . expenditure of $281,684.92. Dlssollmou of Pannersmp. t f th t' OTICE is harsh ° From the Repor o e mee mg N “partnershi hithzrtglmizgttn tug: e name of B first ofMarch With H. . Kelsey :.:. with a stock on hand val- who will also pay all dehta inc red against a ' , thefinn. fl * 7o 1:” the 81:: 90°01”. , if. a. nun. ,, , wwwm Item-8- 'w'mm \ v D . The visit of Prof. Dorenwend to Durham, Middaugh House on Wed- nesday, March 2nd will afi’ord the ladies of Durham and surrounding country an Opportunity of consulting him regarding their hair, its needs. and their requirements in all styles of hair goods. Prof. Dorenwend carries with him a large and most varied assortment of his famous con- ceptions in switches, Bangs. Pomp... dours, Wavy Fronts and Wigs. The equal of ’these high grade natural production can not be procured froml any hair goods dealer in America. Prof. Dorenwend has the distinction! of being the lamest manufacturer. and the most noted specialist in these goods. Private apartments are at the convenience of all who avail themselves of calling at the Hotel- Wedaesday, March 2nd. on the day; Our business is to uphold our own reputation fora measure of truthful- ness, and we may say right here that any praise given the concern hitherto was given conscientiously and without one cent of monetary consideration in return for our services along that line- Everything we said in favor of the in dustry we said for the good of the ‘ town and with a full belief that, stock- holders would get good returns for the money they invested. So far as the good of the stockholders is concerned we have been disappointed, yet even now we do not believe we erred in jut-at, and moreover we have yet a he that the mill will ultimately till at a paying concern. ers, if not to the Directors themselves. This paper has never failed, when op- portunity presented. to put in a word for our great industry. We did not indeed expect big results for the first year or so, but the showing of the Company’s Financial Report is not at all gratifying. To those who heard the reports of some who pretended to know it is a surprise to learn from the Company itself that the year’s work didn’t pay expenses. The officials and those who actually knew how things were going were non-committal in the matter, and personally, we cannot say they used the air compressors of thel promotion period to fill us with hot wind. The annual meeting of the National Portland Cement Co. was held in To- ronto on the 13th inst. and although we were unable to be present, we learn enough from reliable sources to know that the meeting was a stormy one, and the result of the year’s work was quite unsatisfactory to the stockhold- Durham, Feb. 25th, 1904. DURHAM CHRONICLE MacFAHLANE El]. You no doubt may need fine Toilet Soap. Toilet Powder. Vaseline, special invalids feed ing Cups, Smelling Salts, Dis~ iniectams, etc., or if there is any other article in the drug or sundry line you may find necessary or the doctor orders. don’t {all to come here and we will supply you at the very lowest prices. TAKE SUCH ARTICLES u Fountain Syringes, Hot Weter Bottles we have them mede of the very best of rubber and guaranteed to wear. Dragging gnd Booksellers. Some Sick-room Requisites . IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. ANNUAL MEETING. If you require Sponges. Lint, Absorbent Cotton or Surgical Dressings of any kind, we can supply you. Then we have the various bands of Beef Extracts and Invalide Foods. Pep- tonizing Powders, Junket Tablets, etc. There are many nick folk just now, and how best to minister to their contort and aid in their recovety, is n matter in which we can render yon mnterinl essistnnce. â€"u .- uvu VI. InUU .ua‘. Waller, who was for two years Mayor of Ottawa, and was descended from an old Irish family. The deceased came to Palmerston about five years ago. succeeding Mr. N. J. Dingman. who is now in Kingston. He was thirty-eight years of age and leaves a wife and five children. He was a member of the Roman Catholic church The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Palmerston cemetery.' ‘04, "i' n l Mr. J. Waller, Excise Officer, of Palmerston. committed suicide on Friday evening last shortly before six o’clock. He has been in very frail health for some time. and that, together with some family trouble at his home in Ottawa is supposed to be. the reason for the deed. He return- ed to Palmerston from Ottawa on Tuesday, and it was at once noticed that he was troubleu about some- thing. On Wednesday night he left he should be Watched as he threaten- ed to take his life. Mr. Kearns hired Mr. Reid Lewis to watch him, Mrs. [of his wife. and had him taken home. ‘From that time until shortly before his death Lewis never left him. On Friday afternoon he sent Lewis up town for some oysters and his little girl for some eggs. Mrs Lewis was working in the kitchen and he went to his room and loaded a military rifle he had in the house and pointed it to his heart pulled the trigger with apoker. The doctor said that he died instantly. Mt. J. Waller was a. nnn nf 9|“. “- __r__.’ a“. “I don’t know any remedy as good for catarrh and bronchitis as Catarrh- ozone,” writes N. T. Eaton of Knowl- ton. “ It cured me after years of sufi'ering and saved me from con- sumption. Two month’s treatment $1.00; trial size 250. ‘ of efl'ected persons difluses itself through the air and finds lodgment in the systems of others. If exposed to consumption use fragrant healing Catarrhozone, the most efficient germicide known. No case of catarrh can with stand Catarrhozone which cures this loathsome disease thorough ly. Cold in the head is cured in a few minutes, and bronchitis. asthma and lung trouble are cured to stay cured if Catarrhozone is employed. , Danger of Living With Cousumptives. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. A.Lawrence, after spending some time visiting friends in Proton and other places have. returned to their home here. Wm. Aljoe invested in adashing driver lately. 77â€".â€" -,V__â€"_.__.-r..-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"____..___, M g. " I Abraham Crutchley is making pre- I . - parations for building a large snouejl BUSINESS SQUIbS. i en the comin summer. 1‘ , p fix!) R. Watson hgas, we understand, I It will pay you to read Theobald e bought the farm recently owned by ad. J. Jacques for $900. I Carr’s Cough Cure is fullv annrnn- .139. Main and Anthony Lawrence each disposed of a horse lately for a gong! figure. George Meyers disposed of a horse fora good figure lately. He also purchased a team from Mr. Hincks for $295 and a Spanking driver from Mr_ Eckhardt for $135. . J. Waller, Excise Oflicer, Shoots Himself While Despondent. Mrs. Anthony Lawrence, who has been under the doctor’s care for some time, is about restored to her usual health. Sold for $1.00‘ with absolute guar- antee. For sale at Darling’s drug store. It will cure any case of Piles. There is a month’s treatment in each The news spread and although this was onfi two years ago the demand prompted Dr. J . S. Leonhardt of Lin- coln, Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world. SUICIDE AT PALMERSTON It made the cure of a case of Piles that was considered hopeless. The first. package of Hem-Raid (the infallible Pile core) that was put out went to a small town in the state of Nebraska. This is not all, but is suflcient to discourage widows and orphans and servant girls who have scraped togeth- era couple of hundred dollars to be more cautious about where they put their hard .earned money, and from the way things are at present there are plenty of cement mills to meet all stock on hand $271,998.02. Showing a loss of nealy 810,01). The flrures given in the Financial Statement of the Auditor are $9.43)}; net loss. Spring Bank. How it Spreads Jim Vessie is busy at present haul- inglogs to town. He makes two trips 3 day. G. Morton and W. Robinson of Durham. are cutting wood for Alex. Morton. Miss Sfisie Timmins, of Zion, visit- ed _at .lohn Hewipt’gSunday. Thomas Vessie and George Ewen are at present engaged with George Sparling m D. GreenwOod’s swamp ne_a_r_ Edge Hill. John Timmins, of Zion. Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, of York Town, spent Sunday with the Few- itt family. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Wm. Vessie, Jr., is able to be around again. Miss Annie Wilkie is a: the paren- tal_ _home at present. Glad to learn that Mrs. John Bell is at present recovering from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon are recovering from an attack of la. grippe Mrs. Alex. Morton spent a few deft! last week near Mulock, with her mother, Mrs. Lunney, who is ill. Owing to the recent cold spell we had to keep in doors pretty much and failed to get our budget through last week. 50 Pieces new prints in ends from 51 to 19 yards. By the piece 90. yd. 1f bought to-day would have to be sold for 12c. yd. C. L. Grant. JAPAN TEASâ€"Japan Teas are much higher in price but Parker will sell at old pricee. 25c, 350, 400 and 450 a pound. Herb food and Herbageum in stock again at Grant’s. Get your eye on our snaps in cloth‘ ing and furninhings. Theobald the Clothier. Some Wallpaper Remnants at a snap at MacFarlanes’ Drug Stormâ€"3 All winter goods away down in price at Grant’s. Never too late to mend. If you have not priced our goods do it now. Theobald the Clothier. Our Grip Tablets will break up a cold. Try them. MacFarlanes’ Drug Store.â€"3 Our store contains a regular feast of bargains. Come to the festival. Theobald the Clothier. SUGAR. -â€"â€" Redpath’s Granulated Sugar, 22 lbs. for $1.00, at Parker’s. Fall Wheat Oats Eggs ............ I Pctatoes per bag. sFlour per cwt. . Oatmeal per sack. Chop per cwt. . .. Live Hogs ....... DressedHogs per I Hydes per lb... (Sheepskins. ...... Carr’s Cough Care is fully guaran- teed at MacFarlanes’ Drug Store.-â€"-3 Tip-top soap chips are going well. For sale at Grant’s. Of Interest to Ladies Rocky Saugeen. Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets LBENIIS'G, Market Report. of the bronchial tubes withâ€" 'evéry'iieiiiu',"EiniIné'pI-Eib'figeci"Iéd"é§n‘3i:nt traitlugnt. Thus: of a consumptive tendency, or sufierers from chronic bronchitis, find immediate relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet tree. CRESOLENE IS A BOON TO ASTHMATICS . (Tmf'ammam is a lpng established and standard remedy for the diseuel indicated. it cares uwuuse th‘e anr remhfreu strongly antisept'c is carried over the diseased surfaces no’ 03.. L._.._.‘x-! oooooo o o ' 0 o. 00.0 o ...... 000.. I 00.... o ....... ... ‘HI.O’â€"‘ DURHAM. MILES C0.. 1651 Non-c Dame 8L, Montreal, Canadian Agents cwt. Feb. 25. 1904. 10 OO 17 50 dissolved in the month are effective and safe for coughs and irritation of the throat. For full particulars and copy of "Settlers’ Guide,” “Western Canada” and "British Columbia,” apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent. or to Wh00ping Cough, Croup Bronchitis, Cough, Grip. Asthma, Diphtheria Colonist Sleepe'r will be attached to each train. Passengers travelling with live stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. Passengers travelling without live stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. m. To Manitoba and Canadian North- west, will leave Toronto every Tues- day during March and April if sumo. ient business offers. 10 Settlers’ One=Way Excursions, 1904 10 75 World’s Fair, St. Louis 75 ‘29 58 40 75 Tenders are invited by the County Coun- cil of the County of Grey. for sup lies of Furniture, Implements and genera equip- ment and sup lies re( uired for the County chse of Re one an Industrial Farm at Markdale. in the said County. Pull lists of the articles required, accompanied bya form of tender, may be had on an lication to the undersigned. No tender wil be con- sidered unless made upon the form provid- ed and supplied by the County Clerk. Tenders are to be addressed to Chas. Gordon. chairman House of Refuge com- mittee. Owen Sound. to be marked " Ten- der for House of Refuge supplies,” and to be in the hands of the said chairman not later than the 10th day of March. 1904.‘ House of Refuge, County of Grey. TERMS:â€"â€"Hay. Turnips and all sums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notPs. 6% discount per annum off v. c.- V'b’ V lllfia, U wUULIIS ”I”; 1 Yorkshire Boar; 1 Deering Binder, nearly new; 1 Deering Drill, nearly new; 1 Frost \Vood Mower. nearly new; 1 Mower and Pea Harvester; 1 Horse Bake; 1 Lumber waggon; 1 Pair of Trucks; 1 Democrat; 1 Buggy; 1 Cart; 1 Harrow; 1 Spring-Tooth Harrow; lGang Plow; 1 Scufiler; 1 Fanning Mill; 2 Plows; 1 Turnip Pul. per; 2 Set of team Harness; 1 Pair of Sleighs; A quantity of Turnips and Hay and other articles too num» erous. to mention. The undersigned has been auth- iorized to sell by Public Auction at fLot 15, Con. 19, Egremont, known as the Bell property, one mile north of Dromore. on fl-- the following articles, 1 Mare. 4 years old; 1 Mare. 4 years old, supposed to be in foal; 1 Mars, 11 years old, supposed to be in foal; 2 Horses. 10 years old; 3 Cows, calf afoot; ICow, due to calve; 2 Cows, supposed to be in calf; 4 Steers. ris- ing 2 years; 3 Heifers. rising 2 years; 2 Steer Calves; 4 Heifer Calves; 10 Ewes, supposed to be in lamb; l Lei- cester Ram; 3 Brood Sows. supposed to be in pig; 8 pigs, 3 months old; Wednesday, March 2, ’04 10¢ a box. ALL DRUGGISI‘S 304 'arm Stock Implements. TENDERS WANTED. â€"â€" SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK Eledit Auction Sale! A. HuNOTHAN. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto ’ JNO. RUTHERFORD . County Clerk, Box 809, Owen Sound. Tstablisfied 1879 Wg’. . 1%? .. v ‘VLV MV“L“% (lll (lab l/IIC VUI.) q‘llCKCSE Sille 1)] f PEEL, the Shoeman £2» $%%*$%*¢$fi$$$fifi*%fifi$fi$$¥£ Durham and Owen Sound. Women’s and Misses’ best quality of Cardi- gans for ................................................ $1.00 A lot of Women’s and Misses’ Storm Rubbers ‘ going for .................................................. 250 j The remaining Men’s and \Vomen’ s Felt 1 Gaiters and Bals for ........................ $1.500 For people to stand outside looking at window 1 displays. But if you have a minute to spare drop d in and ve will show you anything in our entire 1 stock. We are selling everything at cost and many less. Note the following prices. q International Stock Food. H. PARKER, â€" AGENT, â€". DURHAM. Parker’s Drug Store An elegant combination of the Hypophosphites with the best ot Tonics. An excellent preparâ€" ation in Pulmonary diseases and impoverished conditions generally. Its use has been attended Dr. Budd’s . . . ' SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. CASH FOR RAW FURS. 500 and $1.00 bottles. witli the best results. STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM It’s Too Cold <1 DURHAM BA ‘- GENUINE . . . HOME-MADE Will be munufncturede “Y8 and FRIDAYS of e: hat elm BAKERS BBB; *r dnyo except Sundays And :11 kinds of fancy bai 'll over before ofl'ered 'to an of Durhun. WE have enguged the 1 r l first-class profess 5.0m Toronto. and can no “0 a better nrticle fn t. mu 3 Mo ~.~n ARDA. W’I \ NI The undersigned having luwn m by simple menus. after uufl‘vrmg {1 oevere lung affection, u m n MW... In anxiuuul “ “I follow suflcan-m the "wan! “0 Who desire it. hr will (:lwmfi «chm. a copy of Hue iomwruoti mm find a sure ('urr fur | . cum. Bronchitis an 1-3 M. H0 how-e all e- “ My. 50 it is invaluabh-. 1 “Mlption. Mm-h mu mm and my prove . Mum-ting. m” n 'm N at “w Hiddaugh of each month. in In.“ Auk-um Roy. Law ”a “(I “Golden Sq. '] ISK FOR OUR BR stock RADULATI M 0‘ Eye, Ear, Nose A TRIAL ORDER vines you of the me good: and hold you uh: customer. Clark cattle men t. Ltchhn's. Scott’s. I 'l md J. Bumett’: pt Delivery of a] portati an be astonis I did not took to find {I ‘3‘ of the Nut lent Co. but an o‘er son the groan-st in turn that ha, public for some T0 CONSUMPTI Bread, (‘ala d: an DR. GEO. S. 8 If Ju DR. BRO CALD- VF this urn

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