scé‘: '1 )1! for Sale or to Rent on Shares. Pontiac) I'Id'mgn a Ipply on Mr Dr IN AB! tf bra . Id 'Ufl Dam. 0t ELVIIN AND Sale. or Rent. For Sale. 31v LM {OPE Cl‘ViCC. ale. II 1i ale. manning IG *0" watered promises. al ILA! RT Y SITUAT CON H .C'O « Jar NORTH t «at Dar. Irat- ff ton Strut, am. 0'0â€- new brick a ï¬rst’dsu wring. A am ’il ale. 0101' 162 U I mixed am, well and run- nation. ll manby. 3 (303. mu "0 LOTS ner mil 9 G? lick ply the m The good wife of the house alwaye likes to have good Bread. and the beat Bread is to be had at Stioeon’e. The whitest. sweetest and most healthful made. No husband will ever find fault with Stineon’e Bread We turn out a ï¬ret-claea article whether it’s Bread, Piee or Cakes. and give apecial attention to ear cuatomera. JNO. A. DARLING try a “ Glen †Cigar The BOSmOke of the day Our Stock is 'new and up- to~date and PRICES the LOWEST. 0111‘ Front Window display of Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigars, Pouches, Cigar Cases, Holders, Etc., Etc. The largest assort- ment in Durham. I FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Goods “my: on hand st Rowo’: whole be now ï¬nd Puntâ€"Cufiegi, . H. Stinson ll . arlmg’s . .‘ going like a SHOT and we always hit the mark. Chemist and Druggist SE B OUR PRICES. . L. FLARITY . -v â€"â€"‘v suit, when you can get a ï¬rst- class ï¬t, made to order in the highs: class of workmanship for about the same money? We have a large stock of SCOTCH TWEEDS. WOR- S'l‘EDS and SERGES. and we guarantee satisfaction. With an illï¬tting rudyomndo MERCHANT TAILOR Give us a trial. DRUG STORE Kemeyâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"~That the clerk be paid 820 on salaryâ€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Kerneyâ€"o'l‘hu by-lflv No. 439 appointing township oï¬oera wd as ï¬lled up in committee of the whola be nowjgad 3 third time and “_-_j Arrowmitb--Kerney--That James erson be paid $1.00 for shovelling snow OR the Hall Stable and thut tho Revva and Mr. Davis’ report to Tneasurer’s sureties be adopted and that they be paid 81.00 each for their services.â€"Ua'rird. McMillanâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"Tbat H. McDonold be paid 82 50 for 50 loads of gravel for 1903 and that the Hos- pital for Sick Children at Toronto be granted Oilâ€"Carried. Kernes"â€"Arrowsmith-That Chas. Ramage be given the township print- ing for 1904 his tender being the lowest â€"-Carried. . _ The Council met February 6th as l per adjournment. All the members present, the Reeve in the chair. ;Minlites of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. Communications read as lfollows:â€"From Jno. McDonald and :James Szaples applications for the iotï¬ce of asarssor; from C. \V. Rut- :ledge and Charles Ramage. tenders ‘for priming; from H. McDonald. ac- count {or gravel; from Co. Treasurer {List of Lands Liable to be. sold in 1904; from the Reeve and Mr. Davis report on the Treasurer’s sureties;l from the Auditors’ their report. I By law 43% to appoint an assessor was ï¬lled up with the name of James Staples at a salary of 360 was read a third time and passed. ' Davisâ€"McMillsnâ€"Thac the Audit- ors’ Report as reaudited by the coun- cil be adapted and the auditors be paid $8 each as salary and $1.00 each for services rendered.-â€"-Cerried. By-law 489 appointing township ofliceh was read a. ï¬rst and second time. The council :djpnrned Whatever sized tins are packed be sure they contain strong nett weight. TINNI'ZL) LOBSTE RS. . There isa good demand for Can- adian tinned lobsters if pX'Ole‘ly put 5 up. Only heavy tinned plates should fbe used for making cans (lobsters work quickly on light plates) the inside of which should be lined with heavy parchment paper and the lob- ster packed while thoroughly flesh. This requires large packing factories. ,Small factories do not asa general rule employ skilled labor and as they cannot pack as fast as supplies come in during the packing season the re- sult is that stale or partially stale goods are packed which go oï¬ ï¬‚avor very quickly.- DESSICATED VEGETABLES. There is,a growing demand for des- sicated vegetables in Great Britain, not for home consumption. but for Naval Stores and the War ofï¬ce. Yours verytruly. ~Most of the Canadian tinned beef and mutton is put up in tins holding not over two pounds of meat. There is a good demand for tins holding six pounds especially for War Ofï¬ce and Naval Stores. There is a good demand in Great Britain for tinned meats but com- plaints are made that Canadian tin- ned meats etc are often colored next the tin by some acid action. This may be caused by using light grade tin plates {or making the cans. These plates are~rolled after being tinned {and so much of the tin being taken ‘03 the iron is exposed in spots and a ’chemical action sets in shortly after the goods are packed. Some British lï¬rms who import heavy lines of can- ined goods from Canada furnish the ’tin plates from which the cans are made and also have an export repre sentative to supervise the packing of their goods during the season, the result being general satisfaction and increased demand for the brands. The quality of Canadian beef and mutton is preferred to the imports from other countries, the packs of which countries are often ï¬lled with meat from which extracts have been taken to make fluid meat prepara- tions. slats. ‘ department of agriculture in Great Britain. gives the following informa- tion in regard to the trade in canned and evaporated goods during 1903, in addition to the extracts from his an- nual report. published last. week. FRUIT PULPS. There is a good demand for the fol- lowing fruit. pulps which can be put up in Canadazâ€"Strawberry. RaSp l 3. One gallon tins are preferable to cans holding ï¬ve gallons chiefly because there is less loss in case of a 6. Have cases holding cans made 1 strongly and with tight covers. not GLEN ELG COUNCIL. . W. Qrindley. agent of TINNED MEATS. W. A ‘CLEflONs. Publication Clerk. If you purchase 6 boxes of Dr. Harte’l Celery'lron Pills for $2.50, tnke 3 haze. of the Pills. and ï¬nd you are deriving no beneï¬t from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 boxes you have not opened, and get your money back.‘ No fairer, squarer proposition has ever been nfl'ered. and we wouldn’t think of making it unleas we were conï¬deht the remedy will do all that is claimed for it. By the single box the Pill. m 500. There is no other remedy which will so quickly restore you to health and strength nnd animation as Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, and there is no other you can buy which is nccompanied by a positive Gw- mteo of Cure or your money refunded. To cure Anaemia, Pale and Sallow Com. plexion. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Im- paired Memory, Depression of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Impure Blood, Pimples and Eruptions, Poor Circulation, Heart Palpitation, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Female Weakness, Nervous Head- aches, (Toldness of the Hands and Feet, Loss of Vital Power, General Weakness and Debili'ty, and all diseases and disord- ers arising from a run-down condition of the nervous system or weak and watery blood. . . . informed the railwav corn ani: I A horse was standing in the mom.' . . ‘ p . ., no delay 1n getting such coa [ity of the Rattan factory on Satur- D , would be tolerated. The fac ’day. when the twelve o clock whistle l V l' Th } t f w} n _ d â€d the (:rand Trunk could run 1 v " 7‘1.‘ 0 . “m“ e lOl‘ae ‘J “l‘ '. "e a trains for the accommodatl ,ran away. It came tearing down! . . l :ke teams and le sure [Scmt Street at a terrific pace. Billy 10‘ y p a p: . . . . .-but could not ï¬nd locomotiv Davidson was standing on the S'(le"l)ring in coal from points not walk and saw the horse coming. In- than from twenty-ï¬ve to forty stead of getting out of the way as off and could see homes 010'“ _most P901319 would have done. Billy onmen and children suffering jerked 05 his overcoat and the horse lack of fuel was censured in stepped stone still. Billy has made emphatic terms. The result , more than one man stop before this. Council’s action was that severe. by taking 03 his coat but we did not of coal came in the next day know that he could stop a horse by more were expected that same the same process. This information ling may be useful, the best way to stop. ' a runaway horse is not to grab at the bridle, but get right in front of Foxes certainly do reason, but the horse pull off your coat and throw human beings, their deduction: it in its face.â€"-Walkerton Telescope. lnot always correct. For inn. We Positively Guarantee [sires, according to his own story, to ascertain what the ofï¬ce-seekers who have been besieging him really want. Mr. Prefontaine has abandoned the idea of determining for himself what his or other departments need. In future it will be for applicants to ex- press their preference for this or that situation, and if the political pull is strong enough the people‘ will be al- lowed to pay their salaries. The rhotto of the Laurier governmentn hereafter will be “situations madel While you wait. Hon. Raymond Prefontaine is the author of a circular, through his pri- vate secretary, Jules Clement. which will go down in political history as the most remarkable that "has been†The Minister of Marine and Fisheries has invited applicants for govern- ment positions to state their qualiï¬- cations, by whom recommended. the position sought, etc. The appeal is not unique in Liberal annals. In 1900, during the absence of Hon. Mr. 'I‘arte. Sir William Mulock, acting Minister of Public Works, caused a letter to he sent to the faithful ask- ! ing them to state what public works they desired to be constructed in their several sections. Sir William offered no defence for his action, which was most unjustiï¬able and was made the subject of severe con- damnation. Mr. Prefontaine. how- ever. professes to believe that an int vitation. such as he issued and cir- , culared on the eve of two important bye-elections in the city of Montreal, is quite the proper thing. He de JNO. A. DARLING . DR. HARTE’S CELERY-IRON PILLS Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets Positions Made to Order. LEEXEVG, EXILE“ (‘0. CHESOLENE IS A BOON TO ASTHMATICS ':::-'~ axing E. a hug mm’niished and standard remedy for the diseases indicoted. N'- w-, u: mm.- the air mutant strongly antisep: u is carried over the diseased ourfwes the bronchial tubes mth awry breath. giving prolonged 3nd consunt tmtment we of umusumptive tendency. or sufferers from chronic bronchitis, ï¬nd immediate of from. coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet (tee. r I I, . 165! Notre Dame St., Montreal, Canadian Agents \ioxsrat 47). MucKay Dunn Durhamâ€"cf. Conglu. «Ida. hm and other throat ï¬lments are quickly relieved by Cresolene hblets. ten cents per box. All drum»- [had a sworn enmity against foxes, Sunday or any Other day, and whose conscience would allow him to sneak up behind a woodpile and shoot, re- gardless of the day. \Vhen this idea took possession of the fox he pro- _ceeded to make a swift trail for Dea- con Dorick’s henroost. where observ- ance of the Sabbath Day was more strict. As be mounted a seven rail fence on the safe side ofa tenacre l ï¬eld an explosion came from the wood Ppile, but the charge fell short. Had the farmer not fallen over the stove in his mad haste to get outside with his gun that fox’s reasoning power; Would have led him into a mess. It ' was a narrow escape. After this event the farmer was in no ï¬t mood to enjoy his Sabbath rest. His mind was a turmoil and the stove. no mat- ter what heat it radiated. could not pacify him.â€"-Flesherton Advance. hutoodtho " no Wgfld ova. mm“. b.“ Chainâ€"m "TED, dissolved in the mouth are effective and safe for coughn and irritation of the throat. _ -w-_-J “v nuuDUU, â€ND, 1"†'human beings, their deductions are not always correct. For instance, they know well enough that there is immunity from pursuit on the Sab- bath Day, and consequently they al- low themselves more freedom of ac- tion on that day for the search after food. Rey'nard is frequently seen on Sunday scouring the ï¬elds after mice, birds or anything that may fall in his way On ordinary week days, when guns are apt to be aroused course thinking that a run by a dog! would be the limited penalty if he] were seen. The farmer saw him, however, and about the same time it appeared to enter Sir Reynard’s head that he had made a mistake and had entered the premises of a sport. who \Vhooping Cough, Group Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria l The coal famine in Galt became so . acute last Tuesday that the Town ; Council decided to take hold of the ; question in the public interest. The . statements of coal dealers and rail. way agents were so much at variance that all were summoned to a meeting and the stories of both sides given a 'careful hearing. The result was that a committee of aldermen was ap- [pointed to buy coal. and the Mayor‘ ' informed the railway companies that no delay in getting such coal here would be tolerated. The fact that the Grand Trunk could run Special ltrains for the accommodation of hockey teams and pleasure parties, shut could not ï¬nd locomotives to hringin coal from points not more than from twenty-ï¬ve to forty miles off. and could see homes closed and lack of fuel, was censured in most : emphatic terms. The result of the Council’s action was that several cars 4 of coal came in the next day and more were expected that same even- mg. cu--.’ Iv“ over to the right. and the other to the left, and both immediately ex- pired. Both together united through We. and in death not separated. It was a strange incident. to say the least. over to the right. and the other to the Mt, and both immediamlv av. The coalless. dogleee editor of this great family journal was continuing in the eflort to look cheerful up to Monday of this week. when be over heard a. high school girl remark “ What a late Spring this is !†Then he went out into the storm and beg- The Flesherton Advance 10¢ a box. All. DRI’GGIS‘I‘S 304 Establzklzed 1879 EXCHANGE ECHOES. like are Tenders are invited by the County Coun- ell of the County at Grey. for supplies of Furniture, Implements and genera equip. ’ment and sup lies r uired for. the County Htuse of Re uge an Industrial Farm at Markdale. in the said County. hull lists of the articles required, accompanied hya term of tender, may he had on aplflication to the undersigned. No tender wi be con- sidered nnlessOmade upon the form provid- ed and supplied by the County Clerk. Tenders are to be addressed to Chas Gordon. chairman House of Ref com t mittee. Owen Sound.- to be mark “ Tenâ€"l J-.. I-.. '7 " ‘ House of Refuge, County of Grey. Feb. 16. 1904.â€"3 NOTICE is hereby given that the partnershin hitherto carried on un- der the name of Kelsey Bros. has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. All parties owing the ï¬rm will settle on or be- fore the ï¬rst of March. with H. A. Kelsey. who will also pnyall debts incurred against the ï¬rm. H. A. KELSEY. F. W. KELSEY. DAL 1.. am; A IBEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY CUB. 'I‘OMERS andthe public in zenerel that I em prepared to furnish New Pumps AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, RE-CUBB, PRESSCURB WELLS. All orders taken et the old uten- neer McGowen‘s Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL WORK Gunmen!) at “Live and let live†Pumas. Pumps. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. Pumps of all Kinds. W. D. CONNORâ€" Dissolution flannership. _.-v_--...-. I‘. llllu ear. four months. 81 Sold bv an" new sdoulm 444444 4400. mm» 444ng “011100.625 F 8!... uWunmmeon. convince yourselt statement. of A handsomely Illustrated weekly largest on» cu lauon of any scientiï¬c ournal. Terms 63 Q par. tour months. 61 80 d In all_ newsdgalerg III-Ill A Fred Siegner ____- -â€"vv' uu¢vuu II 0 VI nm'ullllfl patent; Patents Eaten tï¬â€˜gvï¬t’zl; Munn A5 C0. recent Wigwam. without. charge. m the ‘ TRADE Mums m Dzsucus COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and desert Inn may quickly ascertain our Opinion free w lathe! an invention is probably pntentable; (‘nmmunm “on: strictly conï¬dential. llandm wk on Patent. lent free. Oldest :moncyfoLSN-umu:patents, Dnlnnén calm“. -I-_ __- Call and TENDERS WANTED. Galvanized and Iron ing; Brass, Brass 1 and Iron Cylinders. We contend that we have the Stock Prices and leave you to judge the rest. No one Person can do it all. Some may do it better. Sciéiiti'fi'é' Hité‘é‘f‘ican. is true in connection with business men. No one Nation can own _the whole world. The same . . Russia . . Backs Down. HARDWARE AND TIN WARE Pumps from $2 upward. mo. RUTHERFORD. County Clerk. Box 809. Owen Sound. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"â€" . “ Actions GEORGE WHITMORB. us _if only; to Romombor tho placeâ€"N. TEBXB CASH. LEGGINGS. Olll‘ on short notice: Wevl; few sizes in some lines good: SELLING CHEAP. I have «cured the union of shoemtkor. ad un prepuod REPAIRING 3nd mnka NEW HANOVER. If YOU WISH TO BUY OR 3811 property, borrow money, insure a pxopern. luv. writings drawn or collect u debt call on me. “ Always Frommâ€"N ever Negligent.†100 ACRES near Allln Parkâ€"fl eluted. 20 hnrdwood and 12 swamp. $2100.00. 150 ACRES near Lamlnahâ€"Stou dwelling. good out buildings. Fine (um. Under 84000.0(). 105 ACRES near Allan Parkâ€"Ex- cellent farm. fair buildings. Cheap. 1 ACRE more or lessâ€"Garafrnn street. Durham. ngr Cement Worksâ€"-Fiue lots. Olfered very cheap. Beuides above I have a large list of other lands of all kinds. 100 ACRES in Bentinck. neu- Dur- hamâ€"90 cleued. 10 hardwood. Good buildings. spring crook, orchard. etc. $3200.00. in stock. Trunks. Vlliuo. Club Ban, Shoo Dre-sings. Shoo Bra-bu, etc, to be Ind ct the New Boot Shoo Sta :0. a I’ VI» WI. fox-ant lines of Meg’a.onmon'l. Boyn'. fliuu’ and Children'- BOOTS and SHOES. in cone. und ï¬ne goods. LIST OF LANDS _ v v“ van-UH“ and get 3 psi:- of genuine had. made BOOTS tad SHOES. The STRAND. ONTARIO . We have enrolled as many students during the lust ï¬ve months. conning from Sep member, as we enrolled last you in ten months. This tells the tale. The young penal.» of Western Onurio nvmlcm‘nr KNOW which is the best school to “tend. New studenté mi: mitted at any time. Writ. for catalogue. The Hanover Con veyancer. LEAVE YpUR ORDER '. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Large Attendance. . H. MILLER. I the union of an A1 1d am prepu-od to do und a NEW work 00. e luvs still n some lines of winter on Aâ€"â€" â€" . H. MILLER. NEW AND (mom Wmhohu: E CARRY lot of dif. ONTARIO