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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1904, p. 4

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Whatis tn be gained any way by lung hours ? As most people are con- ltitnted there isa limit. to their dis- ,ouble energy. Let them pass It“ limit toâ€"day and to- .onow’ a work must suffer. Pun- Mity in opening and similar pun Mty' in closing m essentials to Y eon ago when business places were hopt Open an all hours the writer used to imagine something wrong in the hall. or n amw [cone in the individual who petal-led hanging round the ”Mdheinghome with his hlnily. Farmers and even towns- pople who are rightly constituted “Id be home in the evenings in- stead at hawkhg wound town till the M bouillon-place turns out the lights. One of the speakers addressing the Council put the matter in a nutshell when he said that the whole business 0! the town on almost any day could be crowded into three hours work. We have little doubt of the truth of this statement and we can fully en-l dorse his remark that lack of business 1' method is the chief reason for pur- chasers desiring longer hours, that is i! such desire they have. 9 hour. and once this is thorouhly under- stood the rural community have no ground for complaint. A number of merchants were present at the Council meeting and expressed their satisfaction at the early closing lystem. Not only do clerks and busi- ness proprietors require recreation but the purchasmg public have ample op« portunity to supply their wants from seven or eight in the morning until six in the evening. Moreover all stores areallowed to remain open on ‘Ved- needay and Saturday nights to a late The early closing By-law was amend- ed at the Council Monday night and any one now violating its provisions is I likely to come to grief. For the past two or three years the early closing system has been in operation here, and afterafew weeks trial it was found ; quite workable. and we believe quitei satisfactory to purchasers and sellers alike. Of late some complaints have1 been made of some violations and it was deemed wise by the council to i make some amendmeuts, which! they put through at the last meet- ing. UUI|UflflI UUIIUI‘IUUD' A By-law was passed to regulate the hours of closing places of busi- f'ness. The By-law prohibits selling ’from 7 p. m. to 5 a. m. but the mer- ; chants will still close at 6 o’clock as {they have been doi ,1: {or the past Durham’ marCh '0’ [904' ‘two or three years. The Town Con- ‘ stable is to see to the enforcement of u the B)..law. I rm: EAR LY CLOSING BY-LAW. J é- petitiee was presented from! â€"‘.__-_.__.V W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. .__, ‘_._fi .. ~-â€"â€"-â€"â€"- DURHAM CHRONICLE ”if MacFAHlANE 81 El]. You no doubt may need fine Toilet Soap. Toilet Powder. Vauline, epecia! invalid: feed- ing Cups, Smelling Salts, Dis- infectants, etc., or if there is any other article in the drug or sundry line you may find neceuary or the doctor orders. don’t tail to come here and we will supply you at the very lowest prices. TAKE SUCH ARTICLES u Fountein Sytingee, Hot Water Beetles. we have them mede of the very best of rubber and guaranteed to wear. Draggiats and Booksellers. Some Sick-room Requisitos . . . If you require Sponges. Lint, Abnorbent Cotton or Surgical Dressings of uny kind, we can supply you. Then we have the various brands of Beef Extracta and Invalida Foods. Pep- toniaing Powders, Junker Tablets, etc. There are may nick folk in» now, end how beet to minister to their comfort and aid in their recovery, is e matter in which we cen reader you meteriel usietence. Ir every hamlet has men like Billy Molleeken and J W. Blyth. of Var- ney, the Toronto World will have to insue a special edition for the 29th of February birth list. and it will be no small wheelbarrow that will hold the silver mugs required. Both of these gentlemen became a. daddy on the day named. and hsve now s. right to the World’s free birth notice, and the silver mug .promised by the World Publishing Co. These youngsters will be brought up with silver mugs in their months, but the poor little innocent-s will hsve only one birth day everytfour years. ’ WE have been informed that. Mr. Andrew McIlvride of Lungon. Al- berta is quite ill nnd under treatment in the hospice]. Our information is very mongre and we cen give no furth- er particulars nt time' of writing. W m. Brown had the misfortune to have one of his sheep worried by his own dog. Archie Campbell. of Minnesota ited Jns. Main one dny recently “’0 are sorry this week to report] that we are about to lose our esteem- " ed teacher. Mrs. Hunter, who has re-i signed, and intends going \Vest. f Samuel Paterson purchased one of those fine Dominion organs from Thomas McNiece. Wm. Hunter, Sin, and Jas. Hamil- ton. of North Dakota. are visiting friends at Sprv. fresidents of the norEh ward" asking {for a {:0 candle power light to be iplaced on Garafraxa street opposite fthe Central hotel. The matter after discussion was laid over for future .‘dlscussion. One of our esteemed young gentle- men. John Henry, accompanied Mrs. Hunter to her parental home near Dundalk last Saturday. Wm. Brown purchased a. fine horse the other day from Thomas Harrison. of Glenmont. for the neat sum of $102.). Robert Watt, of Hepworth, spent last week at his uncle’s. Pet-er Reid’s. Bob is a jolly good fellow. Peter Reid intends raising his barn this summer and putting a foundation under it. They were busy drawing sand last week. Owing to the stormy weather and the condition of the roads we were unable to make the grade with our budget, but once more we gather to- gether a few of the happenings around the Corners. f ABy-law was passed imposing a ’license of two dollars a. day or por- ,' tion thereof on hawkers or pedlars of j’any kind of goods in the town of 9Durham. Complaint was made by Mr. Red- fnrd and Mr. Stinson concerning Mr. Begg’s stable which they regard as a nuisance and wished to have remov- ed. The council decided to have the matter investigated . A petition was presented by the ratepayers of the east side of Albert street requesting permission to build a four-foot sidewalk from the cement works north to Mill street. r"‘ ........ , BJI" LJUW'LIJULIUIU [1118 The Council met Monday night; i adopted by the BPitiSh Army. Hi8 members all present, Mayor Hunter 3 demise took place on Wednesday last, in the chair. Minutes of last meet- « at New Haven. Connecticut. whither I ing read and confirmed. 3 he had gone from his home in Galt. The Finance Committee recom- ' Ont., ‘0 spend “JO winter. mended payment of the followingf The deceased was 73 years Of 386- amountszâ€" .‘He was born in Hawick. Scotland, fl‘elegraph Company ..... 8 54i'and came to Galt with his father. ' John Mofiat. wood .......... 4 12 5 George Lee, when a boy 0‘ five years. ‘Joseph Patterson, wood ..... 5 75 I Apprenticsd to his father he became ,' Wm. Moore. ,wood .......... 2 50 5 an expert watchmaker. but being an fW, B. V0119”, salary “c. . .. 25 18 g ardent sportsman. he early became 'A. Davidson. Insuring Hall.. 20 00 I “‘9'“th in firearms. When M .' C MCDOURC”. WOl'k on Hall . 10 68 Jamesville, Wisconsin, in 1854, he ’8. I". Morlock, oil cloth ...... 1 87 .633 began .his study 0‘ 89118. bring. R, Torry. 2 mo’s salary as .mg out an idea that he dld not per- gtoker .................... 10 oo‘fect till many years later, when it P, Siegnar. Hardware ....... 4 00 appearedin the Lee straight pull rifle, W, Black, Snow-shovel ..... 50 which was first used in active ser- VV. 8. Davidson. balance ac’t. ‘24 36 vice during the SpanishcAmerican Dr. Hutton. medical attend War. J. Redford. . °‘ ....... J. Gowanlock, drawing engine to fire .................... A. Davidson. Insurirlg Hall.. .36 00 C. McDougall. work on Hall.. 10 68 S. I". Morloclr, oil cloth ...... 1 87 R. Torry. 2 mo’s salary as atoker .................... 10 00 F. Siegnar. Hardware ...... . 4 00 W. Black, Snow-shovel ...... 50 W’. 8. Davidson. balance ac’t. ‘24 36 Dr. Hutton. medical attend ance. Bertha. Phebla’s baby 2 00 Dr. Jamieson, medical attend- ance, Mrs. Saunders ....... 1 00 W. D. Mills, auditing. ...... 15 00 In conclusion we hape that every business man will fall in with the new requirements of the By-law, and when six o’clock comes, get out as soon as possible. On the other hand it must not be forgotten that seven or eight o’clock in the morning comes just as regularly as six o’clock at night and whatever the hour of starting may be it is important to be punctual. commencing time next morning. This however, We are sometimes unable to do, but the inability to carry out our wishes in this respect is largely the re sult of others neglect to get their work to our office in the proper time. This is a personal matter of our own and to enlarge on it is not necessary. Henry’s Corners. __._.._ N 0.0 ”“â€" her parental home near? Buy your spring footwear at Peel’s TOWN COUNCIL. 3147 50 'U uavr 3 re-; Born Boats of exquisite things that , are within the ran a of mod- ;BLYTHâ€"At Varney. on Monday. Feb. est incomes. g ' ’e .01 29th. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. q Blyth, a son. P B h 0 if B tt 9 l I‘ C S vis- 3 MCMEEKENâ€"In Egremont, Monday, HS, 08. e ’ l1 l1 ODS, ? Feb. 29th. 1904, to Mr and Mrs. RingS, Chains, Watches and I Wm. McMeeken. a â€"â€" ‘w_______________________ many Silver and Cut Glass 1‘33} .Dled novelties. NOW for SNAPS. 15 00 15 00 500 I lost. fifteen pounds through Le Grippe” writes Cyril Leeh of 8Hart- ford, “ but soon regained my former weight and improved my health by using Ferrozone. It’s the been re- builder and finest tonic I ever used. ” Use Ferrozoneâ€"it assures henlth. Price 50c. at druggiets. Your system is out of order and Ferrozone is needed to start. a re- building process Ferrozone makes new tissues. forms wholesome blood. strengthens your nerves and keeps your phvsiciel condition up to the proper stsndard. SUTHERLANDâ€"In Fort William. on Saturday. March 5th, 1904, Mrs. John M. Sutherland. Anything special in footwear be- sure and leave your measure at Peel’s. Great money saving bargains at Peel’s. i The deceased inventor resided in Owen Sound fora year or two in the ,fifties, his last visit here being about I11 years ago. He was very kind in I his disposition and made many friends ; who will sincerely regret to learn of lhisdeath. â€"â€".v v 4! 1/0 Lake. 'I‘wo barns. atoll; stables with cement floors, good hpuse, well watered Cheap. For further partlculars apply to MACKAY DUNN. 10" Frame buildings, good ofcvhzvu-‘a first class land. $3,400. 012 150 V VHOROUGHBRE D YORKSHIRE. _one veg; old. 77 Will be sold cheat). Apply to ' WM'R'ITCH'iE."i3d§S“Hi‘1Y March 10â€"2 For many years he was a great suf- ferer from an acctdent which befell him when a youth. By the accident- al discharge of a gun he was shot in the heel, and he carried many of the grains for over 50 years, until the discovery of the X-ray machine. Field and garden seeds at A. Begga- Potatoes for sale at A. Beggs. His name will be inseparably con- nected with the improvements in small arms, his invention being the basis of most of the recently adapted Weapons. In the early eighties he went to England and laid his rifle before the British army authorities. who took it up and furnished the whole army with Lee-Metfords. The Govern ment afterwards adopted a new bore for the rifle barrel, changing the name of the weapon to the Lee-En- field. Mr. Lee returned to reside in Galt in Aug. 1899. and was accorded a magnificent banquet by the citizens of town and country. ‘â€" The first magazine gun which Mr. Lee invented was purchased for the American navy, where it has been in use ever since. In the seventies Mr. Lee went into the manufacture of side carbines and sporting riflles in Milwaukee, and later had his arms handled by the Remington Arms Co. } Mr. Geo. P Lee, jeweller, and Mrs. lGeo. Corbet of this town have been l notified of the death of their brother, :James P. Lee, the noted inventor of :several popular designs in fire arms, {particularly the I-ee-Metford rifle ladopted by the British Army. His demise took place on Wednesday last, 'at New Haven. Connecticut, whither lhe had gone from his home in Gait. March lOâ€"tf If You Are Losing Weight. Poor man! He can’t help it. He ts bilious. He needs a %‘ liver pillâ€"Ayer’s Pills. hey act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. 3-0-‘r°'°°-- 7.15- ...... 7 ___v vâ€" â€"'â€"-- a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use Wadiryqqr moustache or beard BUOKINGHAM’S DYE Farms For Sale. {\CRES _1§I__EAR DORNOCH. éQRES_ NEAR WILDER’S BUSINESS LOCALS GUN IN VEN TOR. Boar For Sale. (Owen Sound Sun.) LP.IALL003.. sold" ghea p. rum. a, g. Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician Penny Wise Fall Wheat .......... 3 73:) to Spring Wheat ........ m to Oats 29 to Peas................ 58 to Barley .............. . 3:) to Hay ................. 8 00 to iButter ............... 17 to Eggs ................. 20 to Potatoes per bag ..... .. 45 to Flour per cwt ........ ' 2 00 to Oatmeal per sack ..... 2 40 to Chop per cwt ........ 1 10 to Live Hags .......... . 5 00 to Dressed Hogs per cwt. 6 00 to Hides per lb ........ 5 to Sheepskins ........... 40 to Wool .............. . 17 to Lamb .............. 7 to Tallow 5 to JOHN Coamsn, Proprietor. TERMS:-â€"All sums of $5 or under. cash;over that amount 12 months’ credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per cent. discount for cash. Sale to begin at; 12 o.clock sharp. Lunch served at. 11 a.m. The above thoroughbreds have been prize winners at the difierent fairs held in this county. \Vrite the proprietor for catalogues. . â€"â€"~v ----- VV"V‘9 Pulper; Fanning mill; Steam boiler for boiling pig feed; Stock rack; Sugar kettle; Large heating stove, with hot air pipes; Parlor Stove. l Sheepâ€"4O well-bred Oxford Down 'ewee, supposed to be in lamb; Oxford Down Ram. registered. Hensâ€"3O Hens. Vehicles and Implementsâ€"Set bob- sleigbs; 2 wagons; Double 'cuttet" mower; Massey-Harris sulky rake; Massey-Harris seed drill; Roller, nearly new; Cultivator; One-horse seed drill; Two-furrowed plow, nearly new; 28et Toltqn barrows; Gang plow; Massey - Harris cutting box. nearly new; Four-horse horse power; Duh”.-- n-_-__- ... ._ _ Grade Cattleâ€"New calved cow; 7 cows supposep to be in calf; 1 heifer rising 3 years old; Qbeifers rismg 2 vear old; 4 steers rising 2 year old; 2 steers rising 1 year old; 2 heifers rising 1 year old. Thoroughbred Cattleâ€"3 Thorough- bred Shorthorn balls; 5 do. cows with calf at foot; 4 do. cows or heifers in calf; 1 do. two-year-old heifer; 2 do. one-year-old heifers; ldo. heifer 10 months old. A. GORDON Horsesâ€"Span horses rising 5 years old;Colt rising 3 year old; Mare rising 6 year old. When the following stock and Implements will be ofiered for sale : vv “VI“ “I! Lot No. 24. Con. 3, Novananby, near Blyth’s mill, on Friday, March n, 1904. Farm Stock Implements. Weeks like last. people need SMOKED GLASSES pCalland see our stock. But NOT found foolish are those that trade with us. \Ve don’t urge you to buy ex- pensive things. We have hosts of exquisite things that are within the range of mod- est incomes. An Auction Sale will ins.. .. Auction Sale! Market Report. DURHAM. Mar. 10, 1904 CREDIT JOHN PERVUS. Auctioneer. OI" be held at 10 00 17 320‘wa MOICQ N) O U‘OU‘O 10 75') 10 4;) 75 29 58 4O ii- Leave your measure for Spring. §$$$$$$¢$$¢$$Â¥$$$$$$¢$¢¢$¢ Durham and Owen Sound. DRUGGIST - AND - SEEDSMAN - DURHAM. ed in a few dayi. SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds PEEL, the Shoeman HORSE AND CATTLE Spice and Food. The but am... POULTRY SUPPLIES. GROUND OIL CAKE AND LIESEED. BIBBY’S CREAM EQUIVALENT for calves and young pin. SCOTTISH CHIEF OATS. A great. yielder. Bring your repaining. CASH FOR RAW FURS. H. PARKER, Have been shipped from England per 8. S. Loyalist and are expect- T‘N'l’ p STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM. To Know How to Make Big Interest on Money Invested MMZSC. gait- Mid be in exmx 5. "“ t“, are UPON}. 4. lm " .‘I. '01 of HM sn- ‘0.“ thls (M «NH! ‘ “rpriwnm. all u the “one wan tflqt worth $1." . . M qt. worth $2. “0 good kind- a foul to own two “3 household In dwcyu leaky is u “but” gtmds : ‘0‘. a lucky pt.‘ “.06! of i1. THERE WILL BE A W A AT DAfiLING S '1 HIS “'ANTE l )â€" I". travel fur \u‘” | counties, railing mats. Luca! pot Week with ex BNO in cash (“m-h “Vim-ed. I’m-it BWSIUI and ru 3” Durban: $1.; prVi()ll.~‘ “I’ll“! l w Rolf-add l Tuvelle cull on retai {Ichlriug I business; Em [hid week 13' I 6000 Fountain Syrin A WARM (n Hurt! reaqt. “Hr WASTE] Ion-y Buck if Not Right HOT WATER BOTTLE! Every firmer should 31 of our locum. Louse Kil Min and Drugg Will mnke your he “’ho cm do without m such n good price running thrCUgh PVC“!!! but Our ST cured hundreds o Imut)’ and has c unknown. If . own has a cough d moment in securin it may save you "30th of money. but about it with late Itormy w at presen our store NOTWI'I'HSTA .\' DI N I“. has been 89rinnd ’. A. DARLI The Busv Distemp E pi Our Poultn Louse Kill I! I! ns

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