West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1904, p. 7

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Pion- l- as. [lead Mu by an mun-r keezwr. and waxy-two half-s in the hat ch is prosornwj to this Ind man never had the i. was long between life Windham Ind-rd. 9pcr ) W39 OI has .V i W the ll bl t0 of l] U tioneer for the County of Grey. sues Droqnptly attended :0. Onion ma .bo left at his Implement Wanna-s. Me nnon’s old stand. or n the Chroniclo 05cc. U ensed Auctioneer fat the Cofinty B! Gray. Land Valuator. Bailifi of the 2nd Divns;on. Court Wand :11 other matters romptly attend‘ed to. Hwbeat roforeence urnished if required. - ll: Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. 0. Orders may be bf: at the Chronicle oflice. -v‘y-U’ “V'VUI ‘U"u’ ‘u"‘ll-.1 ham. Collectibnwand Agency promptly? Mr. Noah Wanker 0f AYton died attended to. Searches made at the Regis- 3 on Saturday night last. His remains trv Office were to have been interred early ves- fterday, but owing to the blockade re- â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"- i lations had to drive from Guelph and l {in consequence the funeral had to be MacKay Dunn. fposponed To gain an insight: into ' 3t:.e history of the \Venger family. ' BARRIS'PERS. SOLICITORS, CON- ; one has to go back a good many years vey'ancers. Etc. Money to Loan. : to the date when Mr. Isaac Wenger. ()fiices:â€"l:; the McIntyre Block, over .wloh l lencnluctinr lr Standard Bank. ' m w 0 ‘ I. 3 a 29 ligeneral Store busirwss in the village A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DL'XN. of Elmira, removed with his family to Ayton and established an extensive " ; business which he carried on to his fdeath. He was succeeded by his sons 3 A. H. ’aCkson. jNoah, Aaron and Amos. Mr. Amos r .\', . . _ .TOTARY PUBLIC, connlss10n-v.‘°"g°‘~w"° ‘°°"°d 8“" the mi” E . zing business. died several years ago, 1 er. Conveyancer, etc. Private mone . . . . , . to loan. Old accounts and debts of ..,s.nce Which time the mill has been 't kinds collected on commission. Farms : conducted by Mr. Noah Wenger and"8 bought and ,sold. ’ Insurance Agent, etc. l Mother. Mr. Aaron Wanner has {0 mrlfiagtgnzael: Old Stand, Lowericonducred the general store. retain- :. s.â€" .«w%“_. Nov. 9, â€"-v.‘ I.) McIntyre’s Block, Lowe'rv'fdxvvn, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptjy attended to. Searches made at the R8818- trv Oflica OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- ._v_ , vvu;\./AAULUQ BLU- D (Alice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC- OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED VAUVAV - t) University; Grailuait; Bf Royal College of Dents Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofico. Black)“ Re; the Station. ARII'ISTER:__ S_OL_ICITOR, ETC.. «V â€" v v --\; “\IA‘ , U: l fice over McLacblan’s store. Oflicc hours, 8” to w a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to! p. m. Special attention given to disease: of women and children. Residence op posite Presbyterian Church Agglst, _ SOLICITOR. ETC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fico 0V8! Mn'..flhloln’u “LA..- OFFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at. foot of hill. Office hoursâ€"9H a.m., 2-4 p' m ' 7‘9 Do In. Telanhnnn Nn m C. Pickering, D.D.S., I..D.S.; ONOR GRADUATE OF TORONJ t.» Univerfitv: Gradnmm at Dawn: FFICEâ€"FIRS'I‘ DOOR EAST 01“ the Durham Pharmacy. ‘alder’s ck. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street. near Sfu';..-. -'-â€"- vvu . . DEPARTFIENT V ' --.. ”v VVIII:I IUI Ill-3‘ I‘M" (a each subsequent insertion. All advertisement: ordered by strangers hr in ndm Contact rates for arly advertisements "ration to thy cc. . . a All advertm: ne us, to ensure mutt: wick, should be bought in not later th: mung. A; mm For transient advertisements 8 line for the first inscruuu ; 3 . “n8 . . . line each subscquem msmm Damn. asiunal cards, not exceedin “.00 yu’nnum. .Advcniscments withu'n directions '1" be pubhshed till forbid and ch: ardin 1y Transient‘ noticesr ‘â€"“I.ost,” “ ”Fox 1:," etc.-- ' 2L Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. _ . r .l ---- uuulU' m w No Paper d: ;c {mum-3' mm! a] . MW at me 09:10:: 0! the premium. :Miscellaneous. ‘ Y 3 bdrupdflnotsopaui. The 5.: t h' ' . .LAI deownch THE CHRO'flCI to. summon ”M-“ _, win bg «9: IS PUBleD "luv 'muasolw nonmuo «manual "mo noose, «mu Imp DURHAM, ONT . . Lefroy McCaul. THE BMW" flHflflNIflLE â€"â€" u-“'. .u“. lording facilities -n-L 77â€"-“ "cu.- v t1] NEW TYPE, thus af- for turning out First-class Dania] Dz’rectorv EDITOR AND Medical Directory war nIcLachlan’s store. Oflice 1.0 a. m.. film 4 p. m. and 7 m9 mal attention giv'gn _tâ€"_o dxseases n...) -Lnj 7A ’. Telford. ice honrs4911 3.1;)", 2.4 Telephone N o. 10 arly advertisements {urn Ished UI Paopmmou. i lyy the number on m: mmuoz‘ mm! all arm-at. e insertion in Cunem later than 'l'uwumv sci-hem: 8 m, uuuuuuleu (118 general store, retain- ‘ing the old name of “Isaac Wenger.” 9 The late Mr. Noah Wenger was a ‘benevolent. large-hearted man and in every respect a good citizen. There. was no one in the community in which he resi ed who enjoyed to a' : fuller extent the confidence and es- r‘teem of the people. and never was 7 that trust betrayed. At the time of , his death Mr. Wanner was treasurer ’ of the township of Normanby. He . leaves a “dew and several children. [His children have been particularly gclever children and the father took great pains in afiording them every opportunity of obtaining a good edu- cation. Mr. \Venger’s name had i been frequently mentioned in connec- , tion with on; or another public oflice z'or position, but he was of a retiring Edieposition and ofice never had the :charm for him equal .to (11’: of his ain fireside.«-Hanover Poet. muesli-path Cough. alas. W and “but than ulmenta as quickly relieved by Ore-alum L“-L~ A _ . A - or g ‘9 15 Cent Np. Contributions may be sent to 813 W. R. M Notional Sanitarium Association, or Mn. W. Executive Committee, Toronto, Can. NOAH WEN GER DEAD There is no endowment, excepting the made by three life insurance compan: beds for the current year. Only by tinned contributions of the Canadian ; the Work be maintained The financial reports for the year just ending show that to keep the doors of the Free Hos- pital for Consumptives open, maintaining the number of patients for which accommodation has been provided, not less than $25,000 is required for the year now entered upon. Since the Free Hospital was opened (18 months ago) 224 patients have been received. The hekp ‘ been to these peopleâ€"all from the wage-earning and poorer ranks of life -â€"cannot be estimated in human language. Edward D. Heddon, Son'na, O_n_t._, On leaving the Fran tr..- Wrimq - u r nu”.-. -A CONFEDERATIGN LII-1" J FROM THE I'I'KON because of his or on the west. Muskoka F ; uuuuun, bouna, Ont “I cannot speak too hi< y HELP NOW . K. Macdonald, Esq., Association, in sending “Iam pleased to be abl work." vuclauon, in sending chequg {0; am pleased to be able to be the .1; n Not a fl single patient has ever been her poverty. 'ree Hospl tal for Consumptives ASSOPIATION r9 bu Almost Ready ,that are being cured everv day by Fen-ozone. Np treatment was ever ers. and all debilitating diseases. Ferrozone makes you strong and keepsyou strong-4n: word. it as- sures health and costs but 506. a. box. or six boxes for 82.50. at any drug store. By mail‘ from the Fen-ozone Compmy. Kingston, Ont. Got a supply to-dsy yithont hi1. SDCCOSS almost at: once. I gained steadily in waist?” and strength until Ferrozone made me a new man. I $ill gladly answer enquiries from cachet-sufferers if they care to have further muti- culars about my recoverv. Ferro- Managlpg _Director Stn’cken With Douglas, of Woodbridge Saved by g: “ I have spent over nine months IVBS. I beli eve I have been greatly ;0 use my influence to further that )8 but one of the many cases abeing cured everv day by me. Np treatment was ever to supplya weak system so b 1113mm, K15, Vice-President '. J. GAGE, Chairman of the rrozone. medium mg the Free Hospital institution from} which I w- -'-v vvsu of helping on g c n. a: Die â€"- Alonzo my best. thanks for provismn refused admittance HELP NOW. ” I lost fifteen pounds through La Grippe" writes Cyril Lash of Hart- ford, “ but soon regained my former weight and improved my health by using Ferrozoue. It’s the best re- builder and finest conic I ever used." Use Ferrozoneâ€"it assures health. Price 500. at druggists. Your system is out of order and Ferrozone is needed to start a re- building process Ferrozone makes new tissues; forms wholesome blood. strengthens your nerves end keeps your phvsioial condition up to the proper standard. In is a permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed. to cure. Money back if it does. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Raid is a tab. let taken internally. No distinction is made as to the kind of Piles that Hem-Roid cures. The names internal, External, Bleeding. Blind, Itching. Suppurat- ling, etc., are simply names of 'the diflerent stages through which every case will pass if it continues long enough. ~ Piles are caused by congestion or stagnation of blood in the lower bow el. and it takes an internal Remedy i to remove the cause. ’ assizes. Much sympathy is vfglrt'fo? Mr. Lewis. who would willingly. The mystery surrounding the re- cent fires at Riverview has been cleared up by the confession of Cam- eron Lewis. the fifteen year old son of Mr. Ed Lewis. as to being the cause of them all. The boy is feeble minded and n-cently develoned a .1 mania for causing fires. and while he 5 was suSpected direct evidence could i not be obtained until he confessed to! his father. He set fire to Mr. J ‘burn’s barn because at one time his! (109; hit him. and the reason he gavel Orangeville by the county constablel where he will await trial at the Spring! aneiznn Mani. -..._.__la . . . - Will firs: destroy the germs that excite the disease. Then there are e in the mucous tam to cure than any other known; remedy. Failure is impossible. lust. ,. iug cure is guaranteed. Use Only]; Catarrhozone. Two month’s treat-: meat 81 00; trial 25c. Get it to day ,i in Rochester, and whom I trust like his fathér. is leading those Americans to God. While travellin names with every packaiza. 81.16 at Darling’s drug store. An Efi‘icient Treatment for Catarrn .,.,. ...., uuu ncuu HIIU here aa. a missionary. The present generation will hardly believe me when I tell them he travelled all over Grey and Bruce for no orher p - than to fulfil the work that God sent him to do. Yes, dear friends. he did up yonder wearing the Crown that many are wearing. __â€" vlll I'U he there Monday ntght to p {Jittle did I think then lhaf the was sent up to Grey and Br prrach Christ and Him crucifie Father Stewart did not cmm in broadcloth and kid glow”. the plain homPSpun. which tight kittdof «sloth for travelling. uwal he would never forget to t the Lord. Assistance was some sent him from Christian men it runto. whun. it sers had sent: intro :14. a missionary. The or D't'“'rt was twice. mg Norfolk in Sept way of Forum, wha ham for over "' Canada. Whr winded iu'Q ‘A‘Ox'ked a show time below goi zhe \Vilderness of Nmfolk I“: Ste-wart was twice. a pioneer. 1 ing Norfolk in Sun}. Hun L- DEATH OF The Mystery Solved N 0 Difference. H ‘.0.b‘ was taken up to re fifteen war old son \‘is. as to being th all. The boy is feeble rvcemly developed a ‘NOOooâ€"a m cups. 154:! hemamv by u-, whore the writer first i we trawlled 'Ogmlwr far as Smith’s Hmel in 1 left him there and b» “any ulgnr to preach. biuk then that that man to Grey and Brncew and Him crucifio-d sit down to his sca‘n'y never forget to [hunk VOIV nth for travelling over His wants were. a-o times that he had to horse. hut {or all this FATHER STEWART. MC‘I‘L’ FF tr kid 2,0Vt‘3â€"jufic H9» v9" come “PIP was the I Where ht- "1|ng him '48 Shelby 81 28 Years in Dctrolt. If to FURNITURE PROMPT ATTENTION TO UNDERTAKING We treat and cure Blood Pol-on, Varieooclc. Unnat- Drama chu-l Weakness. Kidney a con 01.11110. FREE. 11 unable to all. m Blank for Home Treatment. ' y onrday and generation. At 30 they feel 50; at 40 they feel 60. and at 50 when they should be in the very prime of life, the are almost ready h youth has gone out. the ountain of vitality is vitalizes the sexual organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life. DEPARTMENT. '48 Shelby 81., DETROIT .10”. THE POPULAR 0.48}! STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. yery _difficult matter to 250.000 Cured. Dank Wt’o [mending student: abound on (or term. or up soon “(or .- pouible. 9000.011!) per month. WI. JOHNSTM. C. THUS. ALLAN. Principal. Miss [4- M. ml‘FAll. (‘l-‘lim .IIl‘ "AAAâ€"- Th}! Ighool In DURHAM SCHOOL *‘fib’v 5.-â€"3m “not. "‘5‘“ 11 Schools in Torontoiâ€"i‘vhia deservedly mmlar svstem by mum of chart. drilk. {flack hoard diagrams and other interesting devicegx linings the following topies withi- Musiml Notation. Rhythmic“ Motion. Technique Key-board Location. Mania! History, Picno Work. :, Val-Ieocclc. Strict-re. (filo... Icu. Kidney and Bladder-mm unable to c111. write {or a Quanda- For (emu npply to DOPTED BY Myer's Music Method- Chairman FORFA R. Clan-ion and Modern Muss MARGARET GUI. Touch" II. M. I. produce ALL‘ _ LEA DING C. RAXAGI. Secretary. 3' Willi-(of

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