West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1904, p. 8

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gflave Moved flfiéfififififlfifififimfifififififlflflfi The People’s Store “r,wfififin...fianflwbghkhfiahrHarwfirgwwflEX Middaugh House Block. DURHAM, ONT. We are now busy placing goods in position but will be always ready to wait on our host of customers the same as heretofore. Come and see us in our new “home.” VV e have been fortunate enough to buy 2500 yards of 06 inch wide p1int regularly sold at 15c. and are cheap at that price. We will sell them for the next ten days at 80. This is a SNAP YOU WILL NOT GET AGAIN THIS SEASON as all cotton goods have advanced 25 per cent. in the last 2 mos. Alex. Russell. New - Spring - floods Forchan lace Snaps. " EB SNAP IN PRINTS ALEX. RUSSELL RRBERT BURNETT -. AT THE SUNRISE OF THE SEASON. mrd ends 3 cents yard, for the end 200 TH E BIG STORE. These are Snaps. THE'BIG STORE Yes. it was our “move" and we jumped across the street toja more commodious “home” in the Middaugh House Block, lately vacated by Mr. Hunter as a Flour and Feed Store. H H AT H H Alex. Russell. 400 Thames Tucker has been given the sgency of the Frost Wire Fence Co. for this part and is now ready to book orders. He is going to erect it in front of his own term in the spring and utter it is once seen he feels pure orders will be euily'ob. ' Next week the connti of Grey Will have passed its fiftieth birthday On March the lat. 1854. the county was set apart by an order in council. the county buildings,which were then a. aring com plet1on.were taken 03 the contractor’s hands. and a proclama tion was issued re’cogniaing the new municipality. For two years pre- vious‘to 1854 a provisional council had looked after the erection of the . new county buildings and the pre. liminaries necessary to the formation of the new county. Previous to that in 1852, Wellington. Grey and Water- loo were combined under the name of the Wellington district with one council which met at Guelph. In 1853. \Vaterloo became a separate county and Wellington and Grey were unit- ed. In the following year Grey was erecred to a separate county. The first officers of the county of Grey, all of whom are dead, were Judge Wilkes, Sheriff Snider. Thos. Lunn. registrar; W. R. Armstrong. clerk of the in ace; Peter Inglis. clerk of the crown and county court. and John Miller, gaoler, father of GOV° r nor Miller, who is now in charge of the county’s prisoners. Although the gaol was not fully completed the keys ti'ere handed over to the late J. Miller on March lat. and a short time afterwards the first prisoners were placed in his custodv. Gree'nway Steele, a mulatto, and his Mother, Martha Watt. were the first prison ers to enter the anal. They were ar- rested for a roobery near Johntown â€"â€"now the villiage of Chatsworth and were sentenced to terms in Kings ton penitentiary. One night before their removal friends came along. and as the gaol wall had not been built, they took some of the ecafiolding f‘l‘lom around the building and pried off the bars. Thus the first prisoners in the county gaol escaped. Martha Watt was captured the next year in Chatham, and brought back to Owen Sound. She was then removed to Kingston by the stage to serve a two years sentence. It took two weeks to make the trip to Kingston. The son Creenway Steele was never re- captured. Many years afterward he came back to UWen Sound. but his crime had been long forgotten and he wasnot arrested. With the largest territory in the province. the county ofGi-ey had deveIOpeJ into a pros- perous common-weath of nearly 71'),- HOO people. Its county town has gl‘0\\'ll from a hamlet to the proporo tions of a city. The county is practi- cally free from debt. Though twenty thousand dollirs is outstanding it is partly provided for by a sinking fund that has been accumulating for 7 years It would be only a technical untruth to say that the. county of Grey is free from debt. The first meeting of the provisional council met on April 15th, 1852, at the inn of James Coleman. now the Royal Hotel. in the village of Sydenham. now Owen Sound. pursuant to a proclamation of the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine Mr. Lunn Reeve of Sydenham, was appointed to take the chair. The members present were Messrs. Lunn Jackson. McNab, Carney. Grey, Allen. Smith, Robertson, Beachell. Jones and Prinule. The provisional council met again on February 15th. 185:3. The first council of the county of Grey met at the inn ofJames Cole man on the :23rd of January, 1854. Richard Carney was the first warden, the other members being as follows: Artemesia. W. K. Flasher; Bentinck, Geo Jackson; Collingwood. Mr. Olm- stead, Derby, H. Coulter; Egremont Jas H. Doyle; Euphrasia,Jas. Kerr; Glenelg. Jas. McGirr: Holland, John Allen; Normanby, Thos. Lackey; Os- prey, Sir Jas. D. Hay. bart; Proton and Melancthon. James Beachell part of the year and Jas. Brown for the balance of the year; St. Vincent. Jesse T. Purdy; Sullivan, Thos. Pringle; Sydenham. Wm. McDonald Warden Carney being the other representa- tive. The administration of afiairs of the county has been in the hands of good men, and the almost un- equalled financial standing is due to to their careful and economical'busi-g ness management. The wardensi ,since the formation of the county are} as follows: Richard Carney. Wm. K: ’Flesher, George Jackson, John Mc-l Donald. James Kerr, Thos. Gamey. SamuelJ. Lane, James Edge Hugh Reid, Jas. Patterson. Geo. Jackson. Joseph Rorke, Robert McGhee. Jas. Murdoch. Dr. C. E. Barnhart, Finlav MacRae, Dr. W. S. Christos. C. R. Sing. David McNichol, John Cameron John Chisholm. Victor Lang. Nich- olas Read. John Clark. Robert Mc- Naught. Chas. Mofiat, Thos. Gilray. James Cochrane. Samuel Racers. William Lemon, J oseph Pringle, Geo. Binnie, Jas. Anderson. Jas. Allen, M. Richardson, John McDonald. Chas. Gordon, George A. Brown. Chas. Mc- Kinnon, D. K. Preston and Joseph Pringle. -Owen Sound Times. Mr. Jee. Allen. Jr , lost a valuable horse lest Seturdey with the prevail. in; influenza. James Finnigan moved last week onto the farm he recently bought from S. Paterson. He is now nearer heaven then ever if height of location has anything to do with it. Mr.’ Robert. McMoekin has leased tbmold Baird farm from his hther and will till 150 acres this year. Grey County; Semi-Centennial. Corner Concerns. 0.0-0â€"4 I am here to stay and I want the people to know it. Ordered goods on short nation. Having Twenty years experience in the business, the last 13 years in Cheboygnn, Mich. I am in a position to satisfy all requirements and guar- antee satisfaction. I, the underaigned. Wish to intimate to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that I have purchased from Mr. Peter Calder the Durham Bakery. and am now ready to supry orders {or all kinds of Bakery goods. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means after snflering for several years with 'a severe lung aflection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow snflerers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free at charge a copy of the prescription used, which the ' will find a sure cure for Consumption. Ant ma, Chatorrh.Bronchltls and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufierers will try his remedy. “it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing. 3nd may prove a blessin . will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. WI N Brooklyn New York. Mr. \Vm. Marshall moved his fam ily last week down into Normanby to James McVaine’s in the Blyth-settle- meut. Keep the bowels Open wath cine of Ayer'e Pllls at bedtime, Just one. Wm. and Divid Hillis. of Burrow Bay. are spending a short time with their brother Samuel. who is laid up at present with inflammatory rheum- atism. By a clerical error in our last budget the name of Mrs. Mcllvride who received the paralytic stroke got changed. She is now xecovering nicely. The Chronicle’s article on the l'u- speakable Scot alludes to the fact that Britain’s greatest statesmen are Scotch. Do you think it could be possible that those great men became Scotchtnen after they were aspiring for those eminent positions? Take for instance, our own Henry H. Mil- ler, who on earth ever thought of him being Scotch until he became a candidate for parliamentary honors. and yet a fortnight ago on the day of the Scotch concert he came over to Durham and entered the Sons of Scotland Order without even the usual balletting being done to give those doubtful of his nationality a chance to object. and he too is now a Scotchman of great notoriety, but of course he isn’t an M. P. yet by any means. If he keeps on as he is doing swearing allegiance to every organiz- ation he comes in contact with by election day he will, to say the leaSt. be everything else. Miss Malinda Dennett leaves next week for North Dakota where she will continue her practice of dress making at, least for a time. Mr Jas. Hamilton leaves for the same place atthe same time, and dame rumor say some one else will also go. Last Monday’s Storm was the worst ever seen in this part and con- sidered equal to a prairie blizzard when vehicles had to be turned up side down for shelter. \Ve saw a load of hay and an empty sleigh turned upside down here, but we don’t think it Was done for taking shelter under. Thomas Grasby cut his left foot with the axe last week but was only la’id 03 work for a few days He has sunk the axe into it {our different times and discharged the contents of a gun into it once, so that it musc be getting used to it now. Robert Aitkins moved to his new home nea’Fairburn last week. \\ 6 all wish him much success in his ’uaw undertaking. A pie or box social is going to be held in the school house on the even- ing of the ‘25 inst. Admission 10 cts. ladies bringing pies free, so far as the door is concerned. A good pro- gramme is being prepared. “ I have used Ayor’s Cherry Poctonl in my familv {or eight yarn. Therehnothmg e up! to it for coughs and chitin. especial! for c 11- dren.”-â€"l88. W. H. BRYMIB. She by. A13. 250., 500., 31.00. J. O. A731! 00.. All druflggists. ‘A- ' Lowell: Mass. Night COMES. One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. Nobronchitis. A doctor’s medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. . W. WATSON CHANGED HANDS DURHAM BAKERY T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Cherry ’ectoral for HAS ONTARIO. Quality Will Tell [n The Long Run Re Estate Rev A. Stewart. Deceased of Durham, Ontario. FARMERS ! . d 1" claim whatever. against, the above Estate. will please render the same immediately to SNAPSIN. MILLINERY. McIntyre Block. Q OUR UNDERWEAR. egg OUR CLOTHING FIRST. - *%$fi$%%fi$%%fifi$$$fi$%$%fi%#¢ NY PERSON HAVING ANY Star Grocery Store. For fancy dress Shirts and nobby Ties we lead, as our stock 18 new and up-to-date. Canned (Burn, Peas and Tomatoes quality and freshness unequalled. Executors Notice. Everything at and below cost to make ready for Spring Goods. Call and see MISS DICK Call in and uh to see our goods and pnices. It will pny you. - W. E. THEUBALB, W. K. GRAFFTEY, 279 Seigueur St.. Montreal. That this weather is not conductive for business. Still although it has its draw- backs. One thing remains, and that is that we are more than anxious to clear our store of \V inter (foods. There is only one way to do it, and we have adopted that way, namely, to put the prices down to temptation point. Even below cost. .Only a few Men’s Overcoats left, prices from $6.50 to 88.00. Boye’ Oven-coats, from $3.98 to $6.95. Men’s retdy tailored Suite, from 84.25 to $13.98. These ere big maps and cannot be procured nguin. All wool. diflerent. Weights and fleece lined. 700 to 82.25 a suit. Top shirts, heavy and light, 400 to 81.10 each. Mufiers,8¢srfs, Heavy Sax, Winter Cups, Gloves and Mitts. Big sneps on all of them. N. P. McIntyre. Durham, Ont. THE CLOTHIER. We can safely recommend every article we sell to customers. bring your Butter and Eggs. Highest prices will be paid. The Big4 Heavy Albwool Bl’wkets. 60:80, $2.75 pair. Heavy All-wool Blankets, 64:84, $3.00 pair. 7 Piece Crystal Berry Sets, 40c and 45c each. The Best Pure Honey to: Iflc lb. The following Sets are perfect imitation of CU'I‘ GLASS with Henry Gold Band around tap. Gold being burnt in will not, wash off. Just the thing for wedding present-s. Gold Band 7-piece ‘Vater Sets, $2.00 each. Gold Band 4-piece Table Sets. 81 eaéh. Gold Band 7-piece Berry Sets, $1.60 each. W. H. BEAN He Sells Cheap. CALDER BLOCK. WE 11' seemsthat \Ir~. \ “aver Ct“ 8\\3.‘\ I) 7..“ the past year u! 3:: .2!“ s counting on a ”Up 1,, \ and other relative-s in H Vince. On threw or far onions the dMH- “WU - in“. and in «Au 0: 1A" -. 40¢st she had ...»r :wk 10 every “lfl'ankr 9| 'nn' thing else interfvrwi. ' h“ to bOQbaUdt‘lu'd .\I .» IIOWGVOI'. l'ra \‘YUIM‘J1~ linking the Nail :Ir- 9;: th. p-mt thvec Warts hr!‘ both It thfl s'a‘: Ju a ready to Start on r-Iu “O '0. ready but J.” .0004 and .tbPrv- n m. ‘3' mine last sho- det' b3 '50 on: 1 any way. .0 Mn: line w“ o W thou with a nun f 3,4“... the road- bl ‘ than. day. no ' m hodch when tho £11 Wednesday 8 and hour. and as no meat is thorougl think there will I, chat- violnting t. Bytluw nre liable Talc early cl‘ which we refer” took elect on Me everv place of h the Bye-law v.8 time. Restaura aria-e are allowed an forbidden by anything except or perishsbke fr law is in force v one will try to H Vollet. MP. SUN“ cone with the reu a! tin U l’. u. and at Marv to make a Grad Trunk and Com to Hanover. Intern) on Friday afternoon to cannery from the h conned'a brother-in-la THE rnmnins of Mrs lllld 0! Fort William Thundny last. being 0 the previous Saturday made it impomihle Y Flelhorton or Mount 0‘ the C P. R and a! winter of IBM-1? it w: tWeeh lwre and Pan.» tv'om‘ days Dacha eluwhoro in this issue winter of 187‘ 5 u thc and railway block“ thu the Owen Sound Toronto Grey nod Bm row gauge, was black 3rd. to Much 28th. Come respects is at prolongation of l yet. the t THE 1% down wa the and” others H Gill he pr WE regret to learn Hunter in main ill, h: noon recover his u Hrs. Hunter was laid Iipelns for a week or quite smart. SERVICES in the will be conducted pastor, Rev. Wr the: morning at l la mg n! 7 pnrthle ’l'hik is Slow bunks md I that the only (M than days, and the only things. we don't in. J 0851-" Cums Iondny and gave :1 loan from him (in: 1! property nud is giving basin.“- u Flesherto: A MEETING of Sent! Auociltion will be ‘ Ed! on Saturday, MI 0| Tall: Eaton Brewed was destroyed by 511 01 ӣ350 DURING TM CHRONICLE 4 Local Ne Tm Till weather look 81‘. Pttl‘ick ’8 Day u naming at 11 ml! The better Home means an VOL. 38---‘ n (ht Mme-rm ll the 1e nu, \\' ‘3‘ an

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