led .‘Dt‘l’fl'... »u like- 12:9 opera?†answerml Mr. Cumrox. much about the tube: It it was a great cum- Iuch lulu to drown tho man. that was nah. D ‘I d the preten- « t. The floor cod and rose- t1 PDOVflthU. v0 vleWed brass and n! tape.- defacod. “d “pect, Kin-Her. m rhea ary dra- a It. 1.9 new of the a long etaker, n the It!) as 'ue sup- ceiling. as. but 0U : W†rvinfl otin‘ i! ‘4 OJ tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales Promptly attended :0. Orders me .be left at In: Implement Warerognn, ll nnon’s old stand. or u the Chtomcle Ofliee. fl Auctioneer fer the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Cnll at my residence or write to Allan Pnrk P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofï¬ce. d eused Auctioneer for the County'oot they. Land Valuator, Bailifl' of the 2nd Divxsion. Court Sales and ail other matters romptly attended to. Hurheat refereencs urnisbed if required. UGH MAOKAY . DURHAM. . Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- oor tor the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. L‘ er. (,‘onveyanoer.etc. Private mcney to loan. Old accounts and debts of all kinds collected on couthission. Fa'ms bought and sold. Insurance Agent. etc. Ofliceâ€"MacKenzio’s Old Stand. Lcwer Town, Durham, Ont. A. G. MACKAY‘. K. C l) McIntyre’s Block. Lower 'I‘own. Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- ttv Oï¬ca. D ves'ancers. Etc. Money to Loan. Oï¬icemâ€"lzz the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. U Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. Nov. 9, W ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON-f M University; Graduate of Royall College of Uenta Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms-Calder Block, over Post Oï¬ice. W. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., I..D.S. ( FFICEWFIRST DOOR-EAST 01" the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Bluqk. Residenceâ€"Lumbton Street. near the Station. A. H. Jackson. ( O'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- A3123 CARSON. IQUï¬HAnM. 140: _ _~- ___.-â€" vv--\~.uVLV’.UL" I ï¬ce over McLacblan’s store. Ofï¬ce hours, 8 to w a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. In. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op. pnsito Presbyterian Church. OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED HYSICI IAN AN D SURGEON, OF- ï¬ce 0‘0‘!’ ‘10]4510 hlnn n nfnrn (NW: no VV‘.‘ U Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at. foot of hill. ()flice hoursâ€"91! 3.11)., 2-4 0- m . 7-9 D. m 'l‘elenhone Nu- m. wuvv short distance out (37f Knapp’s Laynbton Street. Lower Town, D' 03108 hours from 12 to 2 o’clnok. O Drs. Jamieson 8:. Macdonald. MacKay 8:. Dunn. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- 6. Lefroy McCaul. ARRIS’I‘ER. SOLICITOR, ETC, J. P. Telford. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT msmnmou Tsw- Cw ' “n8. 0 o o;:;:t\ In" THURSDAY monuluo ("imam name muss, mu my DURHAM, ONT. J. G. Hutton. M. D. fliï¬ mm mm EPIC}; AND BESIDENCE~COR PRICE“ AND RESIDENCE fouling facilities {or work. Dr. T. G. Holt, L. 0.8. ;Miscellaneous. Medical Directory Denial Directorv Legal Dz’rcdorv 3170!! AND Punrmm'm p. m 'l‘elebhdbe N6: 15‘ “7. IR “’IN Lower Tawn', 'Dnrhiï¬i 12 to 2 o’clock. 13 PUBLISHED completely stocked ‘9 NEW TYPE, thus turning out First-cl.- Vl' \V. F. DUXN. ll be aent to a $8.10: $3.90; ‘DCFsloso TU Hotel, The increasing cost and scarcity of elm, and the demands of cheese manu- facturers for a cheap box. have in- duced the veneer cutters to reduce the thickness of the veneer, until much of that now oBered for sale is entirely too flimsy for the purpose. It should never be out less than full ï¬ve to the inch. A grant den! of it is six and some seven to the inch. What are the reasons tor. this un- satisfactory state of afl'airs? 1n the ï¬rst place we have increased the weight of our cheese. and at the same time reduced the strength of the box by using thinner veneer and an inferior quality of elm. It is evi- dent also that their are many box makers who have never pmperly learned their trade. as a large pro-. portion of the boxes are only half put together. 5 At the dairy conventions recently .held Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Chief of the Dairy Division. Ottawa, made a strong appeal for better cheese boxes Boxes are said be, necessary to pro tect the cheese from injury in trans- portation to faciltitate their hand .ling, and to permit their being piled several tiers deep in a warehouse ‘ w1thom being crushed out of shape ‘ Without the thGS cheese could not ‘he deliwxed in Great Britain 111 amp- :resentable condition. Now, if it is de- I‘sirahle to have cheese in boxes at ail. it is surely important that the box should be strong enough to reach its destination in a sound condition. A great many shipments of cheese are landed on the her side with twenty ï¬ve per cent f the boxes broken Indeed some reports from the inspect- ors show a laree percentage. This simple means that one quarter of the money paid for the boxes has boen spent to no purpose. And that is not all. for the broken boxes in a ship ment, while detracting from the actual value of the cheese which they once contained, make the whole lot, less attractive to a purchaser. l Contributions may be sent to Sm. W. R. Munmrn National Sanitarium Association, or Mn. W. J. GAG Executive Committee, Toronto, Can. -â€"Minnle Linklater, Hamilton, writes. at. the F we Hospital for Consumptives l 1__1 - ecause of his Patients are 3.00th minion, and there the past year pa Island on the east on the west. There is no endowment, excepting the provision made by three life insurance companies for six beds for the current year. Only bythe con- tinued contributions of the Canadian public can the work be maintained. HELP NOW . ,__ _â€"â€"--‘~â€".rv.vval helped, and shall never hesitate to use good cause.†the kindness shown work Cheese Boxes fï¬ ATEOX LIFE ASMDCIATIOY ,oci: Funds Urgently Needed â€"~â€"-_.---â€"‘- ‘...-â€" re accQted from every part of the Do- and there have been in residence during ‘ I “ In aiming to have the cheese ï¬t the Sr Pt' II â€" Deva. Robb, Calder M0 . . . . Arthur, Robert Dickson. boxes Without (manning. it is well to, , remember that a box which measures, Jr. P" II«"'M3Y Robb, Gordon 316' twelve inches deep when newly made. Ilroy. J- J9 Merchant. will shrink to eleven andehalf inches Sr. I.â€"-Mabel Eakett, Alvie Robb. asit dries out. The same box will ex- iGilbert, Durrant. pend again to nearly its original I Average attendance 3.2. depth after it has been in swerehouse . for a week or so. because it sbsorbs‘ 11' LAWRENCE’ Teacher. moisture from the cheese. In ï¬tting dry boxes to the cheese it is fecu- M, «14., W and other than sat-y. therefore, to hove the cheese mu. an «my relieved In em... I insisted upon getting heavy SleC'Pd veneers. The box makers tried to persuade me to accept the thin veo neen, some claiming that it would stand more rough usuage than tDe thicker material. I have had to give two cents above the regular price fOr such boxes‘ but it paid to do so. lo: the reports on shipments from the curing IOOHI showed only one and two per cent broken. Of course these shipments were all carefully loaded into the cars and not left Standing four or ï¬ve tiers high. to be thrown down and smashed by the ï¬rst shunt Hundreds of boxes are broken in that way. I ballnt'r‘ there is almost enough weatecl in trimming boxes] either in the chess-s facterv. or at the . warehouse to make Up thisdifl’erence . of two cents. Boxes are now. worth at least one cent per inch in depth. 3 and that part which is cut away is; absolute waste. : If belies are not thoroughly dry; when put on the cheese. the growth 3 of mould is started. This is parti-i cularly the casein cold weather when l the boxes dry slowly. s l When I began buying: boxes for the coo! curipu rooms. «aid Mr. Ruddick. Another fault in the veneer is that the log is often not boiled sufï¬ciently to soften the wood; consequently the veneer knife shutters it while cutting and gives it atemdency to split eerily. Another result of insufï¬cient boiling or steaming is that the salts of the wood are not emracted; consequently boxes made {ï¬lm such stock mould very readily. : “I have spent. over nine months was. I believe I have been greatly > use my influence to further that norm, Kn, Vice-President '. GAGE, Chairman of the IEFLP NOW. Jr, II.â€"â€"Bella McArthur, Archie McKinnou. Coughs. colds, bananas. and other than! ï¬laments are quickly relieved by Creole!» MMMhpu’box. mm Jr. III â€"-~Leonard Dickson, Charlie McDouguld and-J ohn McInnes eq. Sr. II. â€"â€"Kate Sinclair. Hattie Eakett. Eva Robb, James Bunston, Alex. Nicholson. Sr. III.â€"â€"Lizzie Nicholson. Wesley Manary. John linisley. Irene Hender- son. A'nnie Sinclair. IV.â€"-Jessis \icGiIlivmy. Annie Me Arthur. Mary McInnes and Euned Robb eq. ----â€"-v Blyth. Ella. Barber. Sr. Pt. II. (a) ~Allan Pettigrew. Jr. Pt. II Allister Lauder, Mary Bogle. Jr. I.- Stewart Grant. Average attendance 37. ALLIE L. BLACKBURN. Teacher. Sr. [Ia-Murray Hoy, Oliver Morrl' son, Albert Morrison. Annie Pettio ginew \Villie Petty Sr. Pt 11-â€" Harold Barber. Winnie Blyth. Ella. Barber. J r. Pt. II.â€"â€"'~Valter McAllister. A. L MACCRACKEN. Teacher. S S. No. 12‘ Eeamwx'r. \.'._._R. L Henry, Sr. IV --v(5'r'acte Reid. ‘ .lr. I\'.â€"-llm'olcl Hunter, Maggie iHamilton, Mary Brown. . : Sr. IIIâ€"-â€" Burr Lawrence John 3' erguson, Victor Adams. , Jr. IIIâ€"John quwn, Blanche Reid, Mary Wilson, Fanny Patterson Bella Ferguson. ' Sr. II.~‘Farr Lawrence, H. Patter. son. C. Nelson. ‘ Jr. II.â€"~- John Davis, Martin \Vilsou lCharlie McKenzie. Mabel Eccles. Pc. Il.--Uecil Davis,Goldwin Law- rence, Tom Brown, Roy Eccles. J. Ferguson, B Ferguson, M. Eccles. Pt. I -â€"Joe Wilson. H. G. HUNTER, Teacher. '13 S. S. No. 1, ansmoxr AND Noanumxr. Sr. IV.-=~-â€"Maggie McCalmou. Alice Morrison, Gladys Dunn. Jr. IVâ€"Eflie Hutton. Bessie Clark' Sr, III -â€"-David Morrison. Maggie McCrie, Eva Blyth. Ethel Morrison, Cameron Lauder. Jr. IlI.~Jas McIlvride. Thomas Hut’on. Allin Allis W o , v v ‘ -‘.v --v‘. IJbl Clara Honess. 1: Jr. I.--Ceril Twmnley. Howard Jinks, Elmer Jinks. ANNIE C MARKENZIE. 'l'eaclwr. S. S. No 1. NORMANW. V.â€"â€"-Mnguie ‘VRHRCH. Jr IV.-;\Iilton McNiece, Harry 1’ TV I lllllll !Hoopenr Jr. II ~SH-wlux Muir. Pt. II.â€"-Rov McD»-».rmid, Ida Mo Cuaig. Chzw .‘Ecliinntm. Pt. I.â€"Gertiv Mchtip; M. MCCANNEL. Teacher. S. S No. 9 ‘l-Bazxnxox. Sr. III. Doualas Campbell. Mabel Anderson, Margaret'l‘easdale. Maggi" McIn'os‘n. Muriiu Walker. Jr III.-â€"â€"Alfwd Shrewell. Wiliie Campbell. Edith Hotness. Sr. II.- Lizzie Tuasdalt', Lily Davis Venn Fischer. Lizzie Bailey. Jr. II--â€"I\'ellin Shewoll, Addie Twhnley. Katie Walker. Edi! Audvr- Ron. Jr. Pt. II.â€"â€"W Sr Ir D'T‘jw't 8' show- NH would H= Pa†atrcm bin?! â€if!" II.-â€"-â€"Mury Backus Pt. II. Tommy “’allace. G ll E! hvl Fee. III -â€"â€"Viola Backus. Ill. -~~Artlmr Backus H', (5901'ng Gum}, \ S. No 10 Baal-mow invent, '-â€"Mury Koebd. JosEe Koebel V1 b To†Arthur Gadd, \ViHie \V hm'l Willie 0h! 0‘ an in: HIP! "f ~22?" VV jEO. M (' K Elf U I) of the best makes TRY Shewell Menahan PROMPT ATTENTION TO FURNITURE UNDERTAKING DEPA RT ME N 'I‘. For all kinds of \V M Intending nude." nhomd cum-r at term. or u- m “tar as pousible. Th9 school is equipped for fun“ Junior huh; and Matrimnlminn work uudvr the foilowin‘ «mfl' of competent tnchvrs for that doth: [1 Schools in Toronto. This deservedly popular svstom3_l»y means of chart. drills. blackboard dingfams and other intomsting devices blings the following mph; within the child’s immediate compreheunion : Musical Notatinn. Rhythmic“ Motion. l‘achnique Kavhmu'd Location. Musical History. Piulo “'urk. DURHAM SCHOOL. “WW." 5.â€"3m T808. ALLAN. Principal MISS L. M. FURFAR. (‘lu For terms apply to Fm. $1.00 per month DOP'I‘ED BY ALL LEADING IUIINS'I‘(R\’ Myer's M STA FF AND EQ'CY PME‘ST. Chain M usic Method- (‘Iamics and Moder-I Teacher M . H (3. RA RAGE. beginnm of wreiary