West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1904, p. 8

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Middaugh House Block. DURHAM, ONT. We are now busy placing goods in position but will be always ready to wait on our host of customers the same as heretofore. Come and see us in our new “home.” Have Moved ihe Peoples Store!’ .fi 397$: RBBERT BURNETT Yes. it was our “move” and we jumped across the street to a more commodious “home” in the Middaugh House Block, lately vacated by Mr.‘ Hunter as a Flour and Feed Store. Aeleighload drove over from the 20d one night recently and spent e very pleeunt time et Peter Reid's. “Land in. Samuel Peter-on, of Glenel . visited with their coo-in, SemnefPetemn. 3 short time 530. Williem Hunter purchased one of those prize winning thoroughbrede et Mr. Cornieh’e sole. Mr. Hunter bed always an eye for good cettle. We are sorry to report this week the illness of R. J. Matthews. who had an attack of appendicitis. but owing to good nursing and the care- fnl treatment of Dr. Sneath we hope soon to see him around again. James Hamilton. of North Dakota. who has been visiting his many friends around this part, intends lenving on the 19th of March for his home. We hear that, the trustees of S. S. No. 12 have engaged a lady teecher to teke the piece of Mrs. Hunter who is leanng at Enter. Rumor says that Wm. Hunter; Jr visited friends in Dundslk last Sun dav. Will still has: snssking rs- gsrd for the old haunts. Mrs. Robert Henry is somewhat under the weather, but we hapo soon to hear of her being well again. Thomas Brown had quite a run- away last week. When he was pre- paring to go to Dromore With chOp he left his team at the door while he went to get his mite and robe. 05 they went. but owing to the depth of snow they did not get very far till he found them in sheep. No harm was done. Owing to the heavy storms this winter and the blocking of the rail- roads there are a good many things rather scarce. Some need flour and some need sugar, but we don’t hear anybody making a great fuss about the scarcity of whiskey. The snow too reminds us of Abe Lincoln’s big hay (310;). It was so plen- 'iful that thev stacked all they could outside and put the rest in the barn. We have about all the snow there is room for outside now and we are just thinking that if any more comes we will have to put it in the barn. It is reported here that the G. T. R. Co. is even more concerned about the snow then we are for they have in some places given up looking for the railway track and have started to shovel out the telegraph Wires. Hugh McKiunon and family are moving to the Hincks farm in a. week or two. The weather? 0 yes, Iforgot. to say We get. our share of it every day. Some young men are going West this Spring while others are engaging in the neighborhood at good wages. Archie McKinnon goes with Alex. Henderson on the 16th con Egremont. Mrs. John Weir has been in Dur- ham for a week visiting her mother who is much better than she was a few momhs ago. Distemper of a malignant type has been causing much trouble to some horses and their owners, but there has been no fatal cases War has been declared between Watsons and Reyuurds and in the first. engagement. three of the latter were killed and flayed They did not get time to repent of having slain so many chickens. Ahe Jones formerly of this place. is back on a Visit. We are pleased to hear of his miraculous escape from being killed “he-n the C. P. R snow plough jumped the truck followed by four engines going 60 miles an hour at Shelhurne. Abe was in the plough when it. came to a halt. in a. sandbank with the foremost engine looking in at him through the rear end of the plough. Abe is good etufl or he would have fainted. BH‘S and their attendant hops and balluus are of frequent occurrence. Homm’u and McDonald’s were the latest nu two succeeding nights. but this dud um prevent. come from at.- u-nding hmh. What will humanity endme if you can only persuade them n. is all fnr fun and frolic instead of being for acme good purpose! Miss Mary Halfpenny, one of our best young Indian. has gone to fill an appointment in Toronto As Glen- mout is a superior placn to Toronto we vxzmct her to xenurn in the near fulur". Ycu wlll hasten movory by tak- lng one of Ayor’o Pills at bedtime. Coughs,Colds Age [”8 -â€"vwv 'vwâ€" -v- w v" â€".v-- - ”Paton! ad only on. anypla- ardm “10811. BtJoumech. Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Aycr’s «tun-1m.” to: .A.. A___.‘- ‘AL ...A_#,- way-.7 {than I Henry’s Corners. Cherry Pectoral Glenmont. for J. 0. Ant 00.. Lowell. Hm Everything must 30 u the farm is sold and possession given this Opting. Jonx Common, HUGH HAOKAY, Proprietor. Auctioned All sums of 8:3. 00 and under, cash; over thst unount 10 months’ credit will be given on furnishing opproved joint notes 4 ‘7 discount. allowed for cosh in lieu of notes. Sale to begin at 1.30 O’clock, sharp l mare 7 years old; 1 filly rising 2 years; 1 horse rising 3 years; 1 horse 9 years old; 4 cowssupposed in calf ; 3 heifers rising 2 years; 4 steers rising 2 years; 5 steer calves; 4beifer calves; 25 ewes supposed in lamb;l Leicester ram; 1 seed drill: 1 long plow; 1 two furrow plow; 1 disc barrow; l sulky rake; 1 truck wagon; 1 democrat; 1 sett bob sleiuhs; 1 saw machine Tot- man; 2 sett double harness; 1 cream a separator (good as new); wnifiletrees ‘ neckyoke etc. A lot of good furni- ture, bedsteads and cupboards etc. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instruczed to aell by Public Auction at Lot 44. Con. 2, \V. G. R near Aberdeen, on FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS‘. 25 Registered Short Horn cattle, 30 high class Shropshire sheep. grade cattle, horses. pigs, farm implements and machinery. which was adver- tised to be sold on March 3. at. lot 14, Con. 4, in the township of Brant. This sale was postponed on account of the bad weather, and the date has been fixed for April 6th, 190;. Cat- alogues mailed on application. M . THOMsON, Proprietor. John McDonald’s sale was unsuc- cess, a very large crowd was present and prices ran high. Mr. McDonald’s son Sandy is starting for the North West as soon as the snow blockade is over which we, hope will be before the 122th of July. We are sorry to hear that our old and respected neighbor. D. McFar- lane, now livi g near the Rob Roy has been under the weather of late. We will he pleased to hear of him being around in his usual health again. G. Lane purchased a young horse at W. Kinsman’s sale at a reasonable price. Miss Hempbill. of Dundalk, spent a. pleasant evening at Angus McDon- gal's recently. Neil Clark is busy drawing bay to the farm he bought from his brother- in-law. John McMillan, near Swinton Park. Miss Violet Dunn from Markdala. paid a visit to her cousin. Mrs. S. McMurdo Sam McMurdo lost a. valuable sow this week leaving six little matherless pigs to be cared for. Mr. Editor it is some time since we sent any items to your valuable pa- per and our best reason for not doing so was the scarcity of anything to write about but snow blockades. If we get mail every two weeks we think we are doing well. Jack Adams said that Wat Fergu- son told him that Will Henry said that J. G. Johnston nearly ran him- self to death. Hearing alarming cries from the sideroad he at once set forth to lend a helping hand. When he arrived on the scene to his sur- prize he found J. H. stuck with a bag and a half of chop. Jack took the bag and J. G. took the half, pried out the sleigh and Jack with a half satisfied smile once more mounted the sleigh and to the chimes of those silvery bells sang sweetly the old re frain ‘I won’t go the re any more.” ---â€"v- h-Q 0.9 apâ€"o March 17â€"3w Samuel Paterson, Sr.. sold one of his black horses to H. Caldwell. George and Grace Reid visited friends at Swinton Park and took in the parlour social at W. Richardson’s Friday of last week. A. Henry traded a cow for one of his brother Bob’s spanking drivers. A few from around the Corners at- tended the party at. Henry Dennet’ 8 last Wednesday and by all appear aucee had a. very pleasant Lime. 'A few at the old peeple around the Corners gathered at A. Henry’s one night last week and spent a very en. juyable time. Mr. and Mrs. James Allan spent a couple of days visiting at Swiuton Park. J nmes Boakes hes the contract of putting the foundation under Peter Reid’s barn. ' Mr. god Mrs. Alex \ierchant and sister, of the 16th, visited James Matthews'. Fred Foote intends leaving for the West on Tuesday if the train is run- Ding. John Henry purchased a fine young horse the other day from Jim Parks in Bentinck {or the handsome sum of 8130. FRIDAY, APRIL Int, 1904, AUCTION SALE ! Sackett’s Corners. THE FOLLOWING : Postponed Sale. TERMS : CREDIT \Val karma 0 McIntyre Block. -- Durham. Ont. See our Display of Uptodate Millinery Goods at our Spring . Millinzry Opening FARMERS ! ’PHONE 27, Quality Will Tell In The Long Run For fancy dress Shirts and nobby Ties we lead our stock 18 new and up-to-date. Wednesday and Thursday, 30 and 31. OUR UNDERWEAR. OUR CLOTHING FIRST. 0:11 in and ask to see our goods and p: ices. It will pny you MISS DICK Canned (Turn, Peas and Tomatoes quality and freshness unequalled. Star Grocery Store. .. YOUR .. That this weather is not conductive for business. Still although it has its draw- backs. One thing remains, and that is that we are more than anxious to clear our store of \V inter Goods. There is only one way to do it, and we have adopted that way, namely, to put the prices down to temptation point. Even below cost. All wool. difierent weights and fleece lined to $2.25 a suit. Top shirts, heavy and light, 40c to 81.10 each. Mufflers, Surfs. Heavy 80x. 'Winter Cnpg, G. nnd Mitts. Big snaps on .11 of them. Only a few Men’s Overcoate felt, prices from : to 88.00. Boys’ Overcoats, from $3.98 to 86.95. Men’s ready tailored Suite, from $4.25 to 813.98 Those are big snaps and cannot be procured tau N. P. McIntyre. THE CLOTHIER. We can safely recommend every article we sell to customers. bring your Butter and Eggs. Highest prices will be paid. The Best Pure Honey for Inc lb. Gold Band 7 piece Berry Sets, 81. 60 each. are perfect imitntion oi CUI‘ GLASS with Henvy Gold Bend nronnd t0p. Gold being burnt in will not wool: 08. Just the thing for wedding presents. Gold Band 7-pieoe Weter Sets, 82.00 each. Gold Bend 4-piece Tnble Sets. 81.75 each. The following Sets Heavy All-wool Blankets, 60:80. 82.75 pnir. Heavy All-wool Blankets, 64:84, 83.00 puir: 7-Pieco Crysul Berry Sets, 400 and 45¢: each. The Big4 . H. BEAN . Glove- auxin. u well Is‘ nmongst prefer tn give credit I confidence of n broth-I utter thw swipe $151 delta. and hue him an...» 'ud u obi“ IT’S t bad thing to ‘ in t peroon,pnd once had to rognin it. not only in our rel those we come in con il equally forcible in l nonspnpers. The ac attic. the originnl other no its leading doesn't give credit t from which they are 0 spotted at a thief an (”In whom the mat: mien dill soon get in ”leaning the neat! the waste payer has} exchanges that come m us much from 0 II they "at! from m'oditoria! servi 3.“ brain fes'el' to color to such mat. no. tin: bounty - din! vino. W IO. l3. Will give . day eveni 8 o'clock, non, of De Durham. our “'8 ‘ P“! read good clean a norm t0 maln papers ever: culur has a I one of whiéh Ill. It isn't WI: teooivod some that were shipped to to.) on the second of [“1 of nearly two montl little over a hundred J. Catwnrdine. Prop son, Auctioneer. Se READERS of this is: (but Mr. John Kenna able brick house for 1 sad if you desire to g Kcnnee a once. again there 'bnt town Tun Cement W. operetione as soon :1 the dredge at the 1 Itill prevented by th‘ FOUND.â€"-Ltdies’ or any hnvo umo arty and paying for Ax suction sale of will be held Suurd Niddwgh House I thing highly SEm on Sun pastor birthday." .' rendered by t mun “It‘ll l country my the too. VISITORS from t rifle condition just Wu: 0 that Mr ‘5”) ins ZOO TED Ontario Edu flan meets in Tocou 4 o’c “THEMED DURING TH‘ CHRONICLE ‘ Warrenâ€"Sang) It C. Smith Sous CIDVER need nnd III. u G Luwrencv': Local Ne Slb'vr If Solo Put Mom In Aaidn. Veal solo. Welding of Jenna" Hark ! Burl: Duet ....... I Ill omit VOL. 38‘ NEW1 mg Adm RAM Sm Hr.

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