[Pies We lead r Butter and Eggs. prices will be paid. a perfect imintion of CUT EASS with Hoevy Gold Bead band tap. Gold being burnt will not wuh 0!. Just the mg for wedding presents. Dd 7-piece Wuter Soto lntyre. "ollnwing Sets All-wool Blankets, 64:84 quir. All-wool Blankets, 60:80 Spair. i 4-pieco Table Sets. th CALDER BLOCK. 3 Sells Cheap. m} 7 Store. Pure Honey for lflc lb. ll ll eBig4 Ill Berry Sets, 81.60 U H 81 h. O W )W It’s a bad thing to lose conï¬dence! in a personhand once it’s lost it is hard to regain it. This holds good! not only in our relationship withl those we come in contact with. but! is equally forcible in the case of some' newspapers. The newspaper which3 carries the original articles of an-[ other as its leading editorials, andg doesn’t give credit to the sourcesi from which they are obtained is soon . spotted as a thief, and the publisherf from whom the matter has been; stolen will soon get into the habit ofi relegating the weekly news rag to the waste paper basket. If some» exchanges that come to our otï¬cpi steal as much from other exchanges M RS. NEWTON †Concert Pisniste †will give a Piano Recital, Good Fri- day evening in the Baptist church at 5 o’clock, assisted by Mr. F. S David- son, of Detroit, and Mr. Drysdale, of Durham. Admission 25 cents. PROGRAMME. l. Hark! Hark the Larkl....".Schnmsn Liszt. ‘2. Duet ....... Larbourd Womb ....... Williams. Mrs. Newton. Mr. Dry-dale. 8. Irish Melody ............... . ........... Bend. 4. ‘3)031 9010 ooooooooo 7 ooooo _o oooooooooooooooooo o... 10. as they meal from us a thousand years' editorial service will not give rhem brain fever from literary exertion. It’s not pleasant to have to refer to such matters. but it does seem that honesty should be a car- dinal virtue amongst newspaper men as well a-i amongst thieves. We prefer to give credit and retain the conï¬dence of a brother quill pusher rather than swipe his editorial ar- ticles. and have him regard as as diehoneet‘and an object of contempt. ~ I". 8. Band-on. 13. Wedding ofJunnotu... ...... ... ...Loyhuch agalr there that town Ax auction sale of farm stock, etc., will be held Saturday next at the Middaugh House at one o ’.clock I. Carwardine, Proprietor. Jns.Cnro son, Auctioneer. See Bills. WE received some goods Monday that were shipped to us from Hamil- ton on the second of February, a delay of nearly two months, in makinga little over a hundred miles. SERVICES in the on Sunday will be pastor Rev Wray morning at, 11 o’clock, Subject "Oar Eas'er heritagn." In the evening at To’clock.'subject "Christ’s second birthday.†Special music will be rendered by the choir. THE Cement Works will start operations as soon as they can ‘Work the dredge at the Lake. They are still prevented by the covering of ice. mg men I( ' READERS of this issue will notice] chat Mr. John Kennee oflers?'a valu- able brick house for sale. See his ad! and if you desire to purchase see Mr.! Kennee at once. a WE omitted last week to mention that Mr. Thomas Patty’s sale on the 13th inst was a great success Every- thing sold well and Mr. Pe'ty is Fouxo.â€"-Ladies’ Wrist Bay. Own- er may have same by proving prqp. arty and paying for this Ml. - VISITORS from the surrounding country say the roads are in a hor- rible condition just now. the Tum Ontario Educational Associa- tion mee ts in Tononto next week. GATHERED DURING THE P487 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE â€Â£40538. WAmsoâ€"Scrap iron any quantity at C. Smith Sons. CLOVER seed and grass sale at G Lunonce’s. Local News Items Past Memories In Amidst ...... Vocal solo. ..... Polonibo . . Last Hope Duet ....... Duet ......... God of the Battlo ..... . Mrs. Newton. Hr. Drysdalo. Spring Time (original) ............ 1. 80b OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0.0:000000000000 gbly pleased with the result reports am trim. and we beliew‘ am. then me a ('0le6 of girls '3' DAY" am] a murmur of young too that should bu aufely locked It is not often we say anything st the 'character of women. but are a couple of old offenders should be looked after by the authorities. VOL. 38---N0. 1933. F. 8; Davidson F. 8. Davidson. e Methodist church a conducted by the .y R. Smith. In the clock, Subject "Oar ..... Chopin. . Gottachalk. 1. Newton- . . . Glover. seerd for NGVino A SINGULAR surgical operation was performed a few weeks ago, by Dr. Macdonald, on a young son of Mr. John Gray. of Varney. The boy he came very ill, and the Doctor was unable to diagnose the case .to his satisfaction. In some ways it seemed like appendicitis, but evidence was lacking so a postponement was made, and aperients given with very indiflerent results. The Doctor was at his wits end to know what to do. Other physicians were called in anda consultation held when it was decid. ed asalast resort to examine the intestines and, if possible, ascertain the cause of the obstruction. The Operation followed accordingly, and it seemed that beyond a slight in- flammation of the intestines they were quite normal There was notho ing wrong with the appendix to cause any serious ailment. and the Doctor seemed more baffled than ever. Before closing up the wound, how- ever. the intesrines were again examined, when the discovery of a lump caused a suspicion that the seat of trouble was now located. There seemed to be some living thing inside. An incision was made, and wrth his forceps the Doctor drew out a large sized worm eleven and one half inches long. This had been curled up in the intestine so as to form a lump sufliciently large to stop all passage. All this happened about three weeks ago. though we only heard of it Monday. The boy is well now and the grateful parents rejoice over his miraculous recovery. THE ground is now here in spots but there’s a great depth of snow in the middle of the road. The rapid thaw was suddenly checked and saved much destruntion from spring freeh- ets. As it was the low-lying portions of Kent and South Lambton met with much loss from floods. Chatham. Dresden and Wallacebnrg were heavy suflerers, West London too met with heavy loss by the rise of water in the Thames. A GENTLEMAS said the other day that a sale advertised in the Uh ronicle was sure to draw a crowd We can readily believe that people enjoy reading the list at their own tire-aide in cold weather eSpecially, much bet- ter than to stand up beside a telegraph pole and read it on a bill. Too mu ch publicity can hardly be given in case of an Auction sale. l.\' a very ~hurr Lime Wu v-thut n. see work resumed on the new-Hunter; block. Since the snow came last fall ‘ it has been standing at. half mast and. everybody will be giad to see the corner improved by the addition of another storey on the building now‘ under construction. - l 'l‘mc dam at, 'I‘hombqry was con- mderably damaged last week by the heavy â€9.511% in the Beaver river. It is suppomw] a muskrat burrowed a hole through the dam which resulted in the loss. It will Fake» some time to makn repairs and in the meantime the town ix‘ wivhmlt light. COURT was held here nu Wednes- day of last week. It. a1“ avs comes on our press day and we are frequent.- ly unable to attend it. There were a number of cases. and a. spectator adds " There was a lot of good swearing.†DR. GEOS .BURT will he at the Mid- daugh House». Wednpsdav April (3th for consultation in Eye. Ear. Throat and N099 cases. Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p m. THE CHRONICLE has a ’phone now. Call us up when you want, to see us with your ear. and when you want work done come right: to us. we can suit you in all kinds of good printing. SINCE the Traversto'n Correspono dent was in print. we are informed that the tea meeting announéed for Good Fnday has been postponed in deï¬nitely. ALL interested in cricket are re- quested to meet in Mr. Telford’s of- ï¬ce on the evening of T1 ursday April 7th at 8 o ’clock for the purpose of reorganizing for the coming: sea- son. I ADS coming in late Will positively not be changed without extra. charge for composition. We have to meet the mails or get a bad name for be. ing late. , MR. W. D. MILLS is no: going West but will continue to repress Imperial Life in this district. eat the DR. BROWN will be at the Knapp House, Saturday April 9th for con. sultation in Eye, Ear, Nose and throat cases. Hours 12 3.111. to 5 p.m. ON account. of illness. Mr. Jacob Kress has disposed of his Furniture and Undertaking business to his brother, Edi, who will take charge shortly. THE Cream Separator. Company is working over time to keep up with their work. The Chronicle from now until the end 'of 1904. for 60 Cents. for “Saturday," April the 2nd Keeler’s, the cheapest Store in Grey County, to buy your School Bookl. R. B. Keeler 8’ Son A MIXED PRICE WINDOW A meeting will be held at, the home of Mrs. Chas. Gray Sta. near Varney. on Thursdav Am-il 7th, Ladies are cordially invnted. Kate Dixon, Sec. A Meeting of the shareholders of the Durham Cemetery Company will be held at the Town Hall in the town of Durham on Tuesday evening the 5th of April A. D. 1904 at the hour of 8 p. m. All interested are invited to be present. J. P. TELFORD, Secretary Durham Cemetery Co. Dated, 30th Match. 1904. Mrs H. P Hill and children. r9- tnrned Thursday to their home in Stockton. Mam. after a three month visit. with friends and relatisws Thpy were accompained by the furmer’s sistr'r Miss Canon. Inspeccor Campbell was quite ill for a few days since last issue but is again recovering. Noumlgia and La Grippe at one time is too much for most peOple Miss Stinson. of Forestville spent acoupleof days with her brothers James and George Stimson of the Bakery, last week.- Mr. James Livingston, now of Hanover. intends moving to town shortly. H9 will ovcupy the new house rpmmly erected by Mr. John H. Brown. on Bruce Street. Mr. H H. Farr. superintendent at the Cement Works returned Monday after taking a couple of weeks holi- day. Mr. Wm. Leggatte will erect a new brick house on Bruce Street. as soon as the weather is favourable. The cellar was due; laSl fall. Misc; Annie McCreary returned Mondav after spending a few days in London. Mr. Barry Pickering. of Mount Forest, spent Sunday with his broth- er, Dr. Pickering. Mr. Allan Bell returned Monday after spending a fortnight in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rowe left. for Guelph Wednesday. Mr. Asa Robson. of Edmontfln is a most punctual man in paying his sub. Thanks for remittance. Mr. J. W. Crawford went to Toron- to on business. Monday. Mr. Wm. Hall visited his mother in Stratiord recently. Miss Alma Hughes returned to Port Dover, Thursday, Miss Annie \Vatt. of Torontp, is home on a visit. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF MARCH. Mr. James Eden intends going W'est shortly. People We Know . . . .THE PRICE SMASHEBB. . . . HERE will be in this win- dow the greatest lot of bargains ever shown in Dur- barn. The goods will be in the window in piles. Each price by itself with the bar. gain price ticket on. You will get three times value {or your money at Keeler’s on Saturday. You will see at a. glance that what we say is right. Come early as there will be another big rush for these bargains. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1904 S G. Women’s Institute. Derham Cemetery Q 1.. .ra l LAST Wednesday afternoon a very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. \Vilkinson near Varney. when her daughter. Miss Annie. was married to the young man of her choice, Mr. Fred Forrester. former- ly a resident of Varney but now livo ing near Holstein. At four o’clock in answer to the lively strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Maggie Aldred, the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother Harry. and took her place (unattended) beside the groom who was waiting. The ceremony was con- ducted by the Rev. Truax ol' Holstein. The bride looked charming in a tra- velling suit of silver grey cloth with waist of rream lustre trimmed with white silk cord and pearls. The groom looked very happv indeed.- After congratulations were oï¬ered the company repaired to the dining room where two tables were laden down with dainties suitable for the occasion. The Bride’s cake was a handsome three story structure, made by the Bride’s mother. After tea the evening was Spent in games, music and singing. when all went; home well pleased at having beeni there and wondering who would be the next one to take advanta e oil leap year. The presents to the ride were handsome as well as each and every one being useful. On account of the blockade on the railroads only one of the relatives from a distance was able to get there being Miss For- rester. sister of the groom of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Forrester are well and favourably known in and aro'nnd ' Varney and carry w1th them many good wishes to their new home nearl H olstein. g Is well known to be constipation which can be avoided if Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut m used occasionally. Unequslled for the stomach. liver and bowels. Use only Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. 25c. THE travelling shows have been kind of scarce this Winter, and the public hasn’t lost much, if the shows this season are built on the same plan as the great majority that. struck this town. The big lethographs are a taking feature, and those who gaze with mouths agape on the red pic- tures can’t see for the life of them the connection between the picture and the show. It’s so seldom the peOple get value for their money that few of those travelling concerns deserve public patronage. It’s likely there will be one here shortly since trafï¬c has Opened up. UN Saturday last Mr. E. A. Rowe. who spent the last six or seven years in the Bakery Business disposed of his household effects by Public Auc- tion. and Auctioneer Carson astonish- ed himself in the prices obtained for many of the articles disposed of. Mr Rowe. too. was well pleased with the result of the Sale. He leaves shortly for Guelph having rented his premises. the lower part to Mr. Geo. Stinson. to be used as a bakery. and the upper flat as a residence to Mr. George Thompson. who moves in this week. WE learn from the Clarksburg Re flector of the death of Alex. (Sandy) Mitchell which occurred on the let of March at the age of eighty-eight years. Mr. Mitchell was one of the ï¬rst men we ever remember knowing and many a joyous hour we spent in his home in our childhood days. \Ve extend our sincere sympathy to the aged widow, and the members of the family. JUST to hand a large assortment of fancy dress goods ever seen in Dur- ham. Call and we will be pleased to show you all the latest novelties whether you buy or not. Alex. Russell. MANY peOple were disapointed at not hearing Mr. Frank Steter David- son et the Scotch Concert you have a chance now to hear him Friday night at the Baptist church. See programe of music to be rendered. THANKS to the correspondents who have been contributing to our paper. No, not our paper, but vour paper and the people’s paper. Every line of country news is read with interest every week by thousands of readers. MILLINERY OPENINGS are in full swing to day. Ladies and others in. terested in pretty goods are respect- fully invited to inspect the exhibits atthe three places. SHUT IN GRAIx.â€"-Formeldahyde, (Formaliug) a sum preventive for smut in grain. Directions how to use. at Parker’s drug store. SOME have called and paid us since last issue, but there are still a num- ber of others we would like to hear from. MONEY at 4§°/o. MacKay Dunn. Durham.â€"tf. One Cause of Anaemia ’5“ We are busily engaged in opening several full lines of Spring and Summer goods, consisting of H? %%% x%%*%%%*%#*%#%%#*' -. M \I J.J.HUNTER the flower Store THE 8087 STORE ON THE 8087 CORNER. Tweed Suitings, Worsted Suitings, Dress Goods, Footwear, Groceries, Etc., E Spring give our customer: the beneï¬t. DELAYED NOW IN. $1.00 PER YEAR.