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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Mar 1904, p. 3

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{and 5. Corn. 2. W. (i. 8.. Nar-anby. part of second division olLota Con. ' manhy. containing in all about. 110 . Q aem cleared. :1) urn o! and land. log home. good Iran. barn, wall «I. won" watered with spring: and run- hrooks. in good state of cultivation, »r 9" kinds of agricultural lachmqrz: cutout to church. school and Inn! y terms. A good chance for quick hasor. For further particulars snob Du. 13th. a ’ ID on North side of L3. it pbeo outside town of DUI I: in thatch» shape Warm no. gmd bank barn H mm match. Dd hare nrchanl «e! nut last spring. A I! class plue f: r an) bodv. Apply to HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN Shoot. tho property of Mrs. J. L. me. The house contains 12 r litany «inland. and quite new. W } an excellent boarding house. 7' talus apply to 0 LOT N0. :3. CON. 5, GLEN- . Cuntainiug 100 acres, about ” and 25 aortas uf 800d hardwood five acres of good cedar. TM well watered by a never ' rock and a “v“. fairly well f0 , “ate 0." (-uihvatinn, fit for Mr- I.- Convenient to church and school. from Durham Terms 20 unit '5. Fr. For further particulars .9” B. ELGIN STREET WEST Edhich there is a good solid Drink 1!) ‘ rmm; Barn and g let. 0‘ udwolland young orchard; M poem to barn. ALI’ABLE PROPERTY SITUAT. hi. WHO mm ridge and Yorksl n pun-haven to a! I! l acre. 54 hill be sold on In hues. Ow»; fly to IO“). :90: K LOT NUMBER ind. 33.400? 5128 N! EING EAST PARTS "4" L073 "tic Saddler street in the n the county of Grey me or loss. F or term bl! to rms For Sale. vvcvv glam" and Cows. fem. (ll \ERSCHU‘ LE (1339.) at north n condition "can (‘t r mrticui RES NEAR ngles for Sale, 3151) DLTBHAMS. YOUNG 5gs for Sale 3BR 01“ mem House for rust 8d Dream) I) Fâ€"tf tf Farm for Sale. ’ark Lot For Sale. ouse 6: Lot for Sale. UNDERSIG and S. Kiqg-ardiupqfitreot mt Hogs for Sale. MACKAY DI if EPi'éinas For Sale. W HELA Farm for Sale. No. On: anvonient to has apply to Uwvmr m H. PA R KER. Durha- 'PK JAME§ K EELER. the Junk! For Sale. OWES I 'al YOU.“ ‘9” “HO 0' u mammal,“ I. 1-; LV 1 DUB, Durban. A. H. Buxxm, Hoocvillo P. 0. r .8 Hulicitor. Durhm. Mr LAC Ilium, l’ricevillo P. 0. 'V 001 iu the Town of Dar- ' Grey, containilfl‘ r terms and urtica- unicultunl luhi 9 ch. school and m my! chance ‘‘for (mg; '1 mr puticu rs 8p Durham P. 0.. or tho ox noun“, 25-1 Burdo- M J. L. BROWNE, buiidings. Th; Muck or 39ij NED HAS FOB ieroad 50, I} \ IMP. F311;}. buildings with II! to the “II. DORNOCH. 800d orchard, fires â€"‘â€"â€"v Hashim) gig AT_K INSON '3. SOLID YORK. mg wesi, Fa Truman than lEFFERNAN. int 1:5 NORTH Phatogtaphu. f Cindorifla which he nil Muden P. 0. b‘o: fur- Dnrbm. If FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Good: “my: on hand at Bowa’n '“V The good wife of the house always} .nost Sacred and much mutual bene- likes Yo have good Bread. and the-grit It was here your childrtn were bee: Bread is to be had at Stinson’s. i burn and raised. at once your comfort The whitest. sweetest and mos: g 1nd your praise. A green mound in healthful made. No husband will.3 ‘God’s Acre” marks where some of ever tindlault with Stinsou’s Bread ‘ them are laid to rest. You have We turn out a first class article formed many ties in this neighbor- whether it’s Bread. Pies or Cakes hood which cannot bebroken Without and give special attention to our regret.yon have ever proved your. curomers. selves true friends in timn nf Iinknnn JNO. A. DARLING kind for this ocasion. 'l‘hro prioes will surprise you, all our rubber goods are sold the same way. Two qt. worth $1.75 now. . .8L50 Three qt. worth 03.50 now $2.25 Bread Shoulvl be in every house. ed Hwy are needed badly. a fine loc of themâ€"the Rubbm- goéds are going up; made a lucky purchase and give the benefit. of it. ATWDARLING’S THIS WEEK THERE . H. Stimson A Good Fountain Syringe. Why Go Around . . going like 3 SHOT and we always hit the mark. Money Back if Not Right. Twu qt. worth $1 50 now. . .31.“) l‘hree qt. worth $1.75 new $1.25 KODEL Chemist and Druggist. . L. FLARITY ’Q ,~. WILL‘BE A WARM TIME; ...- “L... __ -- ., â€"vv-v-vv IIUlsuW‘ 11000. O] ,1 suit, when you can get a, first- of Shrapshire she class tit, made to order in the hiuhpst class of workmanship a good price. Mr. for about the same money? HOIYrcod, made Ins \V h n I u. , in .tbis part as an A' '9. “VA nun-n -4.-- _ kind M WATER BOTTLES ,1 PLRL‘HAN'P TAILOR. We, have dope ndable The prices when need HUI.” OT 0! or t. w (38“ a aucv. you j Dear Friendszâ€"Iiaving learned I with regret of your intention to I leave our neighborhood. and make your home for the future in the glowing West. we thought this a fitt- iing opportunity to express to you ; the high esteem and respect in which 3 you are held You have spent many i years In this neighborhood. and have 1 many warm friends. as their presence g here to night indicates. You have §seen the log house replaced by the , brick mansion, the log barn by com- I modious structures ofeverv 'conven- 3 ience and comfort. The roads and ' ~hipping factilities greatly increased land improved. It was here you ; a Armed that partnership at once the! formed many ties in this neighbor- hood which cannot be broken without. l'rgl'et. you have ever proved your- selves true friends in time of sickness and sorrow, in hours of true! you were ever ready with help. Al- though you have never sought public office. in all business ofiairs you have proved yourself upright. and nonly your council has ever been and re- ceived with respect end interest. In church Work you hove dweyl token on native part and con freely ol' Mrs. Tuck then reading the address at the close of which Messrs Chas. Blythe and Russell Torry presented to Mr. and Mrs Cornish a silver tea- service, bread tray and cake stand. Though Mr. and Mrs. Cornish were entirely taken in surprise they very feelingly and appropriately thanked the friends in a manner which all felt came from their hearts, Mr. C. remarking had he thought they were so much appreciated here it is doubt- ful if he would have thought leaving so much kindness and brotherly love, The following is acopy of the ad- dress. To Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish, 'u (YUIf‘ ux‘callsd lES vapor kills ill! a ‘ . u . , “‘.l“ ,‘o . c ' y I _ Ml- tldll-i 5 Wm. (film . i, ll! Euvh. ‘ u:‘."lll5‘ and removes the cause trouble Wlm MW "WU '~ “HIM." Ell" lmlmllfll é 'l‘lwn it soothes and heals. stops the home. left ins" v-m 1: for their west? (“inigll and relieves the stufied up con vrn hmm'. «mu of the nose and throat. 'l‘er On Thursday clicking, March 17. {L uouuud h-Wd been CUNJ by Catarrh 'few hours were Very pleasantly en-lozone which is guaranteed. Use joyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. :‘only Catarrhozone. Complete outfit John Cornish when a large number $1.00; trial size 250. of friends and neighbors. including? Rev. Truax. Dr Brown and I). Allanl of Holsteinl their presence helping:l Canadian FOOd ProductsinGreat largelv to the enjo) men: of the pro- Britain. gramme and merriment which fol~5 luWi-u the presentaviun of a gift both .: The following is the report of Mr. useful and ornarmntal, and for which 3 A. W. Grinbley. Agent of the De- pnrpose the friends had assembled to i partment of Agriculture in Great show tho loving respect in which they ' Britain. regarding Canadian Food held Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and far“. § Products in Great Britain. ily. After a short interval of social ‘ Canadian Food Products are often intercourse Mr. and MTS- Cornish sold in Great Britain to the consumer were requested by the chairman, as being the product of Great Britain Rev. Mr. Truax, to, come forward and 0,. the product of some other country, be_seated ““*‘m“m~ ~--"~«. .L- __-J___- A, 7 .. , O m... â€"__ H1.» 9â€". .ur. gunmen Hettigrew is Serious!)- ill with inflamatorv rheumatism and lam reports are that he is in a criti- cal couditirm. We truer. we wiil soon horn of his recovvry. forts of her bruther at Saska» The young peOpla leaving: us p0; rare talents \\ hich we he! sum be a source of News pl re to their v. ern friends. Mr. and Mrs Adam Little left their home in Lmusden a fortn VIII-UV“. at.” â€"- m1 wry much regret the severing of so many ties at; one time. Our burg will very much miss the chenry faces whlch will ere long he nnmhwred with the poyulation of the great West. Miss Bradieygoes to reside with her sister. Mrs. John Petticrww of Luxpsdc-n, who is in poor hmaith. find Miss Mark to 100k after the com We have also to report the intended departure of two more of our bright. 'youngladies. Misses Lulu Bradley and Ida Mark. intend joining the party bound for the “West, Tuesday, if the train is not snow-bound. We wry much regret the severing of an .-._-v... nun-Ill'lfi a large farm of eleven hundred acres. Mr. Cornish and family will be very much missed by a large circle of friends. As this world is but a series of meetings and partings we bid them “ God speed ” and trust they will en- joy the bright prOSpects which the future holds for them in that enter- prising: and progressive \Vestern country. ' Mr. Quint Cornish and Miss Mary Neal were united by the Rev. J. Truax, at Hol- stein, on Wednesday evening, March 16, and have taken up their residence on Mr. Sam Neal’s farm. which Pierce has leased for a number of years. On Friday. March 18. Mr. John fl-ll:_ _ Miss Lizzie Brown were; Ker. T. L. Kerruish at Mt. for the present am re- Mr. and Mrs Collins. Sr. our congratulations for a prosporous journey o’er Gilbprt .‘jthW'é‘H. ring thf' parental k for their west- :goes to reside John Petticrww in poor hHSiith. 1: after the com at Saskatoon. vim: us pass-was Littleleft f n a fortuig' vering of 80 Our burg 'Vâ€"v -â€"-â€"‘u u“ VII-VI I “VICI‘U l on in more perfect conditiouâ€"zhis is due to the close inspection kept inl Canada owr the manufwmre oil cheese and butter, to the improve- ment in the cheese factories and creameries. but also largely due to or the product of some other country. iâ€"the product of which may com- ; mand a higher price on the markets. ‘The only thing that can be done is for Canadian shippers to brand “Can- ada” or “Canadian” on everything and advertise freely in the British trade Journals. A few Canadian firms have followed this plan and to- day their brands are in demand and are known as ”Canadian Produce.” but this position has only been gain- ed by spending a lot of money in ad-i vertising. Financial returns are what the avergae shipper looks for and if he receives more money by having his goods sold as the product of some other country. he very na- turally pockets the higher price and says nothing. It is a " very slow game” getting the British people to change their ideas or tastes, to “play the game” one must have lots of time :and spend money freelyâ€"this the average Canadian exporter cannot af- ford to do, but Canadian goods are gradually. if slowly. gaining in fa- vour. This gain in favour is chiefly due to the tine quality of the Cana- dian goods. International competio tion is so keen to capture the Britishl market that there is no room to try "flake games”and I am sorrv to say the only way to make some Canadian . shippers honest is by Act .of Parlia- ment. Great good has already been, done by “The fruit marks Act”. Our ! dairy products are landing each seas- 5 iil m cure because it's vapor kills the Luv-ms and removes the cause trouble. Time; it soothes and heals. stops the ('uugh and relieves the etufied up con- iiilmu of the nose and throat. Ten nouund hiwe been cured by Catarrh- ozone which is guaranteed. Use only Catarrhozone. Complete outfit $1.00; trial size 25c. The Patarrhul germ excites inflam- mwion, oflensive secretions are thrown off and pass into the circula- tion. contaminating the river of life nmi thus wreck the whole body. Evnry catarrh victim should use fru- ymnc healing Cattarrhozone. thesaur- (Js‘v (,UI‘H for every type of catarrh yet, Hiwnvered. Cntarrhozone can’t fail Mr. George Good Will’s sale on Tues- day of last; week was a most success- ful one. Prices ruled iairly high. Helms rented his farm for three years to Mr. Will Stoddart. Mr. Will Stoddart has qnld his 50 acre farm to his brother Wes. Pea” lost a fine “50-year-old from the prevailing distemper and Mr. A. Wright one on Saturday from indi- uestion. Horses have their own troubles and their owners the losses and dissa- pnintments. Lasr ,week Mr. Geo. Fuw brighter witq or more hustl- ing fellows than Mr. Ewen McNab will enter the prairie province this spring. He left last week, taking train fmm Drayton. 'l‘hat gay laddie of the 4th Ryan arrived home a week ago The ‘Easter' bells are ringing “thete’gawedding nigh at hand.’ your substance to follow its interests. I While feeling how much you will be amissedhere. we know that our loss will he a gain to that community in which vou will make your home. We all heartily wish you that success which you so richly merit, and trust that in that land of promise yourself and family will find scape for your many talents. Be pleased then to accept from your many friends of the East this Silver Tea-service, Bread Tray and Cake stand May you for‘ many years enjoy the cup that cheers but noes not. inehriate. Signed on behalf of your true friends. RUSSELL Tomw. CHAS. R. BLYTH. W by Catarrh Poisons the System (Intended fnr last week.) D. CAMPBELL. Agent, - - Traverston. "" ‘CO Ora “9.0““ Ituwotmthuhustoodtbd upâ€"tththowou-ldover. \Vill ?A couple of Heifers of the_ isatm; 'breed also for sale. Terms reason- 'able and to suit. thb purchaser. For {further particulars apply to 1 4V. A LIVINGSTON. Mar; ‘22, 1904.-â€"4pd THREE young Short Horn Bulls, sired by Barney, he by Byron’s Heir (imported), are for sale. The bulls are all a fine dark red color. CHEMIS’I‘ _ AND .. DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONT. If you are anxious to try DriuHarte’s I Celery-Iron Pills, we will sell you 6? boxes for $2.50 with the understanding. and with the guarantee that. if you fool " you we not «lvz'i‘ring benefit from thej an of thé Pilln. “I'LL-r taking three boxes ,3 according to dizovtions. you may return}, the 3 empty boxes, tugvtiger with tho 3 i unopened 0114's. and have your money; refundodfy a; t By the single box the Pills are 500. i There is Bathing better for pale, list- less, hollow-eyed girls to make them rosy~cheeked and full of bpunéingjgealth. YE __,. 7 It’ is a. great boon to week, worn-out nun down men and women, giving them that vigorous health that makes life wofih li\:ing. .ay-lron Pills. This remedy is tfzu Ems'. treatment in the world for such humid” '13 Anaemia, Chloro‘sis or Green Sickness. Pale and Sallow Complexion, Nervous- ness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, Loss onAppetite, Dyspepsm. Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Female \Veak- ness, Pimples and Eru tions, Heart Pal- pitation, Shortness of reath, Dizziness and Faintness, General Weakness 1nd De_b_ility. There has never been a remedy offend to the public with such an honest. guamn too of cure behind it as Dr. Hartc's H-L The Remedy we Positiveiy Guarantee will Cure You orYour Money Refu nded. DB HARE” (1? LE [REBEL PILLS. “Foreign” or “Irish ” case which holds 1441.) eggs. These are sold as "Irish” or “Selecred Danish” which- 'ever may bring the ' highest price. lAmerican and Canadian bacon and 'harns are sent from port of landing to English smoke-houses and appear on the market as "Wiltshire". “Cum- berland”, "Yorkshire”, “Berkshire”. or any other favourite brand. 0! course if you could prove a case where marks were forged the parties concerned would be heavily fined. but. all this funny work is 'done in cellars or behind the scenes. Under the "Merchandise \iarks Act (of Great Britain) goods can entei’tbe country with no mark or any mark that will not lead people astray as to where the goods come from for ex- ample if you put Boston on goods. the party concerned would be fined, as there is a Boston in England but Boston. Mass or Boston U. S. A. would be safe. “Nova Scotia” on apples from that Province would be allowed, as “Nova Scotian” apples are classed by themselves. “ Eggs come from Canada packed in the ’,' The batter packed in this style is ‘ the best quality of "Canadian Cream- ery" and is put up in this shape by the shippers who receive their in~ structions from the consignees on this sideâ€"most of it comes with no mark except what is on the sacking which covers the caskâ€"if any mark 1 l is on the cask, it can be easilyerased. ' There is no doubt that the bulk of the butter packed in this style is sold as "Choicest Danish. , Only a few Oanadian firms ship butter in “Kiels” or eggs in the “Foreign” or ‘ Irish” case Canada in the majority of cases does not get credit for her food pro- ducts. One never sees in British re- tail shops "Canadian Cheese”, Cana- dian Butter”, “Canadian Eggs”. “Canadian Bacon”, or "Canadian Beef”. A few Canadian firms are "advertising their goods and in time our goods may be called for. but as yet the average British consumer does not care where his food comes from as long as it suits his taste and the price is reasonable. As a gener- al rule the wholesale firms buy and Sell goods for what they are, the funny work is done by the retailer, and ‘the consumers are the only ones who are deceived, and they don’t care if the quality is good. JNO. A. DARLING the “ Government Cool Curing Rooms” for cheese. and the improved “cool” and "cold” storage » for food products on tha varions'Staamsbip Lines running from Canada to the diflerent British Ports. Caxanux BUTTER PACKED 1x DAxlsn 4 KIELS I Mr. 'Grindley also reports as follows concerning the packing of Canadian I butter in Danish .Kieis- I“ Bulls for Sale. Yours very truly. \V. A. CLEMONS. Publication Clerk. h -Kiels. - DURHAM, ONTARIO. ickers P. O. ,- â€" CHANGED HANDS Inm here to any and I want the people to know it. Ordered goods on short notice. Having Twenty years experience in the business, the last 13 years in Cheboygen. Mich. I em in e position to satisfy all requirements end guer- entee setisfectiom. I, the undersigned. wish to intimate to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that I have purchased from Mr. Peter Calder the Durham Bnkery. and am now ready‘to supply orders for all kinds of Bakery goods. New PUMPS mo REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, RE-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. All ordsn taken at the old can. near McGowan’s Mill will be promptly at tended to. Pumps. All REPAIRING promptly erly attended to. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. Pumps of all Kinds. W. D. CONNOR: DURHAM, â€"â€" ONTA RIO. .1. WORK GUARAMEBD at “Live und let live" PRICES. IBEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY 0138 I‘OMERS and the public in general tint 1 sm prepared to furntsh Roofing And Eavetroughing Estimates chee1fullv given. Call in we like to see you. Hardware Raints Oils I will be in a better position than ever to supply my many customers with all they need. Place your order early for Building Hardware and having placed my order for a large quantity 0t ear. tour months. 61 Sold byun new sdealen [INN Co. WWvN New Ygrt lunch 0mm. 625 F 81... Wummnon. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lane“ a: culation of any scientific nurnal. Terms. ‘3 Q zest; {our 5102mm $1. 80 d by all_ pewadgalen DURHAM BAKERY W‘ Tmoe MARK. Dsslcus Comments he. Anyone sending n sketch and descfl no: any quickly asoermin unr Opinion free w ewe! u Invention is probably putentable. Communion. Mons strictly mmfldential. Hand book on Patent. cont free. Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken thrmuzh Munn a Cu. react" 062ml notice. w Hhmu; charge. In the Notwithstanding the battle with the snow blockade Sieg- ner is St!“ on top with a large stock of Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Sciciiti'fié Hfiiéfican. HARDWARE AND TINWARB BATTLE FOUGHT . WATSON Manufacturer of And Dealer in ~- GEORGE WHITMORE. AND WON. HAS A GREAT W. D. CONNOR Romomber the paceâ€"Next toD. Campbell’s Implement Wmhouu. JUST flNE YEAH The Hanover Conveyance! HANOVER. ._ .. 0mm I. IV sell property, borro' money, insure a property. ht" writings diawn or collect ¢ debt call on me. “ Always Prompt -â€"N ever Negligent.” l ACRE more or lessâ€"Guru!!!“ street. Durham. near Com Worksâ€"J’iue lots. OHM-ed vary Besides above I have a large lict of other lands of all kinds. l f You 31'}, 105 ACRES near cellent 'farm. Cheap. 100 l. 00 0 w. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 3 0“m‘ *3. fl, 1.--‘~” LIST OF LANDS With Boots and Shoes, Slip- pers, Rubbers, Etc. for India. ems. gases. boy: and cyn- oomo. of the Amen-Holden Put. Luther Bdo. duo mo of up America make. STRAND. ONTARIO . Thia school «and: for tho 910nm AND am in business educuion in Canadc to doy. Mony business colleges «mploy our graduates as teachers. We have scores. of opplicntidno from other collegas, Ask to see them the day you enter. Commence course now. Can- lomao free. ACRES near Lamlnb‘ -St0.. dwelling, good ‘out buildinfl. Fine (arm. Under $4000 00. ACRES near Allan Pu'kâ€"fl cleared. 2O hardwood 1nd I! swamp. 2100 00. Are received from bani-0. firms and IAN? 81'0th an plmd in good pnsitiom out your by the famonl ACRES in Bentinck. neu Dub ham-90 clrared 10 hardwood. Good buildings. spring crook, orchard. etc 3 $.20” 00. The Hunover Conveyance Since we started bus- ness in DURHAM. Pln44“. . H. MILLER, . H. MILLER. OFFERS: MANY CALLS WISH TO BUY on NEW Allan Parkâ€"E3. Iair buildings. ONTARIO.

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