mu) rm {er eyes, sag macs. expres Id obduracy. In Du I "I VWt ’Id Hind he forgo OI" H ll flVC 1‘00 )C '1. art ut M Th [Z Polk- born In. \\ led 'o- in the neighbot- um), “I went the" 1.050 than to no c-g.‘ perhaps I II- rim. flow W00†:24] you be pleased, ml my fancy with lost unsophisticato (1 no word of web «I to me and but. not win you 1‘ t best way was an done. tender pout but undue“ lsion of feet '0 svpuratln. toe H me ) atone to: rim}. “1). are these You drove h 3a 3', row :1 d from (‘I' you b box went f ‘on lugb a. I would me D, (thir- m. and his :Jiugly flo- (I )\ )U '1. gazing Wing th. our mem. .Y sunk to Presence no longer 9 myself POE nmm she r be! Tn k0 1.3“ the 0W w id. name ’In in: at; )9 ".7 as if to he ï¬gure ulshrank yes ï¬xed not with; I though was ['9- of l9 not ï¬nd a snow he ex~ pleat 119' you ,' man- 1b]. on! of «ting U tioneer for the County of Grey. 383“ prompuyattended to. Ordmm .bo left at his Implement Wareroons, I nnon 8 old stand. or at tho Chronicb 05°0- U ell-“ed Anctionoe} for the Codnty of RE)". Lang Vang-sour. was .0! the 2nd Div Ision ‘ Auctioneer for the County of Grey. balps promptly “tended to. Call at my I851d9h¢8 or write to Allan Purk P. 0. Orders may be left at the Chtoniclo oï¬co. UiVi-siun. Court Saléa and an other matters PYUWPU) attended to. Highest rm urmshed if required, . 11 Land Valuator and Lionmod Auction- eer ft“ r the Conn W o: GEMS“!!! prom-fly attended to and notes Nov. 9, m , 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION-f A er, Conveyancer. etc. Private money I} to loan. Old accounts and debts of all kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. ()fliceâ€"Macl-ienzie’s Old Stand. Lower Town, Durham, Ont. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- U veyancers. Etc. Money to, Loan. (Iï¬iceszâ€"ln the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank. BA RRISTER, SOLICITOR , ETC. , McIntyre’s Block. Lower Town, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptjy attended to. Searches made at the Rams- trv Oflice. was: CARSON, DURHAM, LIC- “Lu. 1) Uï¬ice over 'Gorrlon’sflnew Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED . G. MACKAY. K. C. UGH ,- ____-_...-. ,7 unauuahu UK uoya. College of Dentalv Surgeons of Ontario Rooms-Calder Block. over Post Ofï¬ce. vv;v “A IU‘ ‘l‘v U the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street. near the Station. ARRISTERSLSOLIQITORS, CON- ! rug l Preston wheat is a bearded variety ’ he! lthat has grown in favour amongl 1 1- 6- HUflon, "- D» c- "- lfarmere in districts where red ï¬fe haslhis Winn AND RESIDENCEâ€"(30R.{freqn‘m‘l‘i be“ injured by “r†â€'9" _ “Harm†and George Streetsâ€"atg’rOSt' It 18 from two to ï¬ve days? N {w “emu. ()flire hoursâ€"~94] n.rn., 2.4;earlier‘that the Red Fife. If the Cine 9- m . 4-9 DJD- Telephone 50.10- :' weather be unfavourable at the time N _ ,_ _7 , .7 _ when ripening takes place it may far; 5 ripen even ten days earlier than the Arthur Bun, M. D. Jam" variety. Some Canadian Mill- Lose HYSICIAN AND SURGEON OF- f ers claim to have made carefull mill. e ‘ ï¬ve 0‘ m. McLachlan’s store Oï¬ce ; mg tests of Preston wheat and openly M hours, 3 to 10 g, m., 2to 4p. m. and 7 wglcomlemn it as much inferior to- the an 0 p. 111. Special attention given to diseases -* Red Fife. Results of tests carried on M 0‘ women and Qh‘ldmn- Reexdence 0!" l under the direction of Dr. Saunders, spen posite Presbyterian Church ' M ‘5 who originated the variety. indicate for 5 that it is only slightly inferior to the AR§ISTER, ,. SOL ICITOR . ETC _-...v a. uui‘ - ['1‘ Garafraxa and George St: font of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a p. m . 7-9 p. m. Telephone No. 10. -__. - LUUUIUDL‘L U short distance east of Knapp’s Lambton Street. Lower Town, D1 Ofï¬ce hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. '. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., I..D.S. J Flâ€ICEâ€"I:.[RST.__I)OOR EAST 0}? AL- “ mere-arc. Prmenionalcarck 54.00 per annum. Adrezn rm J do are kept of the amount at free ofpoutageJOr 3i. per xceedm 1’ good qu‘htY- The, pedigree of seed produced by the: “HI 3 '3' ’ ' "ar’p‘dablellf ‘S'W’h 0m? ' crap Of .Western 059““ t0!) Years. According to the rules of the associ â€gum“ â€(guruswi'iotsd liy 32222260333 9.999 Will â€03011.. it is estimated 600. tibn, each member is required to gl! :3an label 0 :trerdimminucd noun all mm; minim†01' bushels. In view of the i a deï¬nite guarantee as to the puritj m eschew awe orw'oftheproprietor. rapidly increasing production it is l vitalitv and freedom from seeds 4 ‘ _““""" Important that its present good re. inoxnous weeds. with all lots of see ‘WERHS'uc11.79?Ifâ€;agrtï¬arilzcirismnents8ccnrspm I PUCGUOD be maintained or improved ! SOld bV him RATES ' . â€if: gm ‘wbmugri‘lzggraa ccuh pc' In order that it mav 'tmn‘mimon ° {not exceeding one inch, . . Isa-merits witlio'lt snecifu: . it mUSt ï¬nd a mark t (lineman; Will be published [ill forbid and charred ac- 1' e . . ' ' c eedâ€"the number of consecutiv ; years during which hand selectio comm-1'1? “awe!" "Omar†Lost." “ ‘Bund; l Bu ' {has been followed. «For .4; c.“c:c.--5o “m" M ï¬FStinserzion, as cem t the high standard of excellence (or each subsequent imertmn. l] - Dpreciably lowered l. Farmers of Western Canada. Wl)‘ .â€"\:' a; venisemcnts ordered bystrangcrs must be paid 3 through the introd . i by 11 ft! VAT/Ce. . g C- .,,..,,-ar_: rates forge-curly advertisements furnished on mpfxcatbn to (lie 0' ILL‘. [’17 All ad venue a: m wees, ,hould be brought in not later than TUESDAV l lowed t0 mommg. _ ° The advanta an new TYPE, thus at. l - . "a plot in the coming Sprint: with “'9 {ording faculties for turning out First-clan » mixed Wheat may be Judged from the best obtainable seed There Will he work. . ,dnflerence in, price between “No. I d k f ’ .ll th e d that 1..-... .-.-;-- ;Hard†and the next two grades, as a reaby marlet aâ€; e Shire at ' '~' ~ --~ --~~ } this diï¬erence is most commonly due l;:?ceseth£::illmpay ï¬anï¬gfmélv' for I ‘ IRWIN lto theprevalence 0‘ soft. Stamhylithe extra trouble in producing it. :zranns 1n the lower grades. "No. 1 Emma AND Pnopnm'mn ' . . . iThere is now an annual demand for invariably has a high. percent l 75.000 bushels of seed wheat alone translucent grains indicating; .v ; Yours very truly. en. as it is the quality quite as l W. A CLEMONS. . _: Publication Clerk l ends value to the superior G. Lefroy McCaul. t0 Quixersity L GHQ uate Dr. T. 6. Holt, L. D. S. line for the ï¬rst ins: SATES . . . ling each subseqm; measure- meessnonal cards, not ex 34.00 p‘erOannum. .Advenimnc direczions '1" be published ti" {orbi â€dingy Transient notices-4‘1 “ F0! Safe,“ etaâ€"so cents for flu: i (or each subsequent insertion. All advertisements otdend bystran by In advance. " Contract rates for early adveniaqn mpchagign Q0 tho; 0 ICC. MacKay Dunn. Medical Directory. '3. Jamieson Macdonald.j PRICE AND annmnnv ..’ Miscellaneous. A. H. Jackson. mama m 0mm mm a. m address, free of “IE8 . o o 0 year, payable inpzii‘wï¬ for “.00 1):: W3]. b. charged if not so patd. The d . Omay Obscriplitll k aid is (Juiced by a: ‘33:)??? every wdre‘i hu- 0 Dimer (iiiilh‘)n2;nn~1.._- . “’0“ the THE DUMB!“ BHBHNIBLE MACKAY, DURHAM, Legal Dz’redorv J. P. Telford. ls mum .....\. uuc Haralest wheat grown in! RESIDENCE A;Western Canada. It will survive: . 1 late sprint: frusts that are suflicientlyi Yer Town, Durham. ‘ “7. F. DUNN. of Royal With a view further to encourage .7 the productions and more general use ' ;’ of seed of the best quality, an un- til, nonncement was made in the spring Is{of 1903, inviting farmers, who had 3. i been giving some special attention to W .' the growing of seed grain. to unite {and form an association of the grow- -_- [ ere. Rules governing the association Mud standards of. perfection for pedi- £ It is of much importance to the country. as well as to individual wheat growers, that these conditions 'be overcome. It is clear that even , l farmers who are careless about keep~ r) mg there seed pure are willing to pay g wheat, and other cereals, for distribu- ition to farmers at the cost of prool lduction. That would entail a large! ,expeuse and would be undertaking {work that farmers are quite able to 'do themselves. The Department of Agriculture is willing to grant such assistance as may be necessary to I encourage private enterprise in an : endeavour to cope with the situation. 1 In matters of this kind the best re- e suits are obtained from organized ef- I: Hort. z ...... J 05".“ Dull LUUU Fife. thus having a larger propoxtion of seed from them to come as "volun- teer wheat†in the next succeeding crap. The comparative productiveness of : varieties difl'ers with localities and 5 conditions of soil and climate. Again 5 there may be quite as much diflerence i between two strains of seed of the :same yaniety as between two dis- ï¬tinct sorts. so far as their capacity to 'give a large yieln of grain is con- lcerned. Whatever varieties are I selected. they should be grown separ. ‘ ately and each kept reasonably pure. On account of careless practices. in the matter of seed selection. mix tures of undesirable sorts have in- creased in the standard wheat of the. west. These impurities consiSt chiefly of earlier maturing varieties that shell more readily than the Red l L‘:r- Sold in Durham at Darling’s Drug Stole. “I would wake in the manning feeling tired. ’My feet and ankle: would well. I lad 3 horrible heea' eched ea thongi it would bunt. My how- ele were never regain. I hid e (Humble tee)- Prenlent conditione thet go to make people look old end fasten age .merke before their time ere described in the fol- lowing letter from e women who receind im- mediete relief from e ample of Ain't-PILL. It is in de. â€ins centres. Enzland and 'eSIaousned eleven years and witâ€"h a large capital. to call upon merchants and agents for successful and proï¬able lines Perman- ent engagement. . Weekly cash salary of 1824 and all travelling expenses and hotel , bills advanced each week. Experience not } essential. Mention references and enclose g self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL [332, Dearborn St. Chicago. ï¬nancial standing. Salary 821.00 weekly with expenses additional. all pa able in cash direct every Wodnudn from heat cakes. Home and carriage furnishec when museum-y. References. ï¬nalise “elf-addressed envelopn. Colonist. 532 WANTED-SEVERALPERSONS acter and good reputation in each 1 H333 09999; _required_. to represent a WANTEDâ€"FAITHFUL PERSON TO travel for well established house in 9. few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salhry $20.00 per week with expenses additional. all pay- ] ablein cash each week. Money for expenses I advanced. Position permanent. Business successtul and rushing. Standard House. | 330 Dearboru St., Chicagoâ€"1932 persoqs in each Btu established eleven 1 gapnal. to 9:511 upon WANTED-FAI'I‘HFUL PERSON T0 call on retail trade and agents for manu facturing house having well established business; local territory; straight salary 320 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary; osition permanent; business successful. nclose self-addressed envelope. Sunerintendent Travellers. 605 Mouou Bldg . Jhicago. W ANTE Dâ€"SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS arsous in each state to travel for hm.“ Will be at they Specialist: Eye, Ear, Late Assistant Roy. London Plug†and t0 Golden SQ. Thrr y occupied by Mr. This is leap year, g ‘ who will be the Inc ky¢ in very poor health, is 1 since the weather became w all right in a few poison has set in yet We are glad to covery of Mrs T. G. smack of erysipelas Mr. W. D. for Markdale brick yard Mr. Will Hargrava has rented a farm at Gleumont. We are sorry to lose Will from our neighborhood. for he was a jolly. ï¬ne fellow. Mr. G. Cufle made the purchase of an organ recently. Miss Margaret Hutton is home‘ Speudmg,r her Easter holidays. Mr. W. D. Hopkins left Saturday for Markdale to begin work in the tun--1. -...~J Mr. Sandy Hopkins has moved on his uncle’s farm here, which he has rented for some time. Mr. L. Hutton visited friends at Cheslevone day last week. Ida. greed seed wili be controlled by an advisory board composed of repre en- sentative men.from the various ies.,'branch associations. There are now thelithirty ï¬ve seed growers who are de- members of the Western Canada A; Miss Hannah Lawrence is 1 ing her Easter holidays at her here. Miss Hattie Hutton rat the Millinery Openings in V Y I ucate will show the pedigree of the â€seemâ€"the number of consecutive [years during which hand selection ghas been followed. Farmers of Western Canada. who ,‘have farms that are free from nox- 5ious weeds and otherwise suited to JIITOWimz. good seed of wheat. oars. rye, barley and other grain. are in- vited to become members of the as- ysocmtion and make seed growing a ’Special industry in their farm opera tions. They may commence by sowin Mr. at the Middau of each month. gh House lst Wednesday from 12 to 4 p. In. and inspected by a superintendent f Records are kept of the amount and ipedigree of seed produced by them. i According to the rules of the associa ; tion, each member is required to give a. deï¬nite guarantee as to the purity. Vitality and freedom from seeds cf noxious weeds. with all lots of seed sold bv him. The association certi ï¬cate will show the pedigree of the 598d~lhe number of consecutive 3‘ears during Wh30l‘ hour] nn‘nnsf. ._ each state 1 mailed by uddrouing Wmox-Fm 00.. Rug. “Whom. Pneum- plomanodtouyaadm I vm tmted tor dyspep- 318 tnd constipfldon with little or no relief. A an. P10 of Dr. Leanna-av- in; of oggrtnlneu After Hutton Hill EXCLUSIVELY Londnn Ophthalmic 1103. Sq. Throat and N080 Hos Mightnn gave his :ut. Home. it will hm few d--ys. No blood "“ ‘00 .â€"s Hutton returned from ', Throat and Nose :iations. There are now seed growers who are the Western Canada As: ['here work is supervised d by a superintendent kept of the amount and Died by Mr. Geo leap year, girls! hflar cf the Hutton,after OF CHAR ro has been improving warmer. Toronto. one? To be a consistent hypocrite Is the craft of a very ï¬ne â€tintâ€"Schooling.- Spend° 'home Bellaâ€"Why, DJrothy, ITiIdn’t know you cared so much for Frank. the v â€"-â€"â€"v-' “It’s no use!†he cried. “I can reproduce your lox eliness." lor- Diplomat. The famous portrait painter throw down his brushes with a sigh. “What Is the matter?†asked I!!! elderly blossom of a customer. musnasucally)â€"-Why. it’s every bit.“ good as color printing! Second Compositorwand Printer thusiastically)â€"-Why. it’s every b; Foreman (to his companions. both lost in admiration)â€"It’s ma All done by hand toé! rvelous! re A party of compositors and printers from the country, up for a day’s out- ing in London, visit the National gal- lery and pause in front of Turner’s “Ulysses.†“The Judge. however, became a trifle impatient and, as gently as he could. intimated that the docket was some. what crowded. and it might be to the client’s interest if the lawyer could contrive to end his plea. And. do you know. the old barrister declared that the last four days or his argument were a marvel of condensa tion." “who had a pleading. His been a marvel leg, :1! crudition good old southeéh There is one part of the cave whit". no man has (lured to explore. It is called the blowhole. One adventurous visitor was about to squeeze himself through this narrow aperture when it occurred to him to throw a stone through. He did so, listening for the stone to touch bottom. and the dull sound that ï¬nally reached him con- vinced him that there was a sheer drop of 200 feet on the other side or the blowhole. but he hears something moving all round him. and presently something touches him. He concludes that there are uncanny spirits about. and this sensation is inni- tipiied many times in intensity when on turning to retrace his steps he ï¬nds himself confronted by a tall. ï¬gure. if the visitor has a strong nerve or has been forewarned. which is not al- ways the case, he recognizes that the ghostly ï¬gure is a senseless block form- ed by the dripping from the limestone, and that the moving creatures are bats. ghostly I “There Tnu In One of the Wonder Place. 0! New South Wales. creek, N. S. W., is a cave which very few people care to enter. It is of the usual order of stalactite and stulag- the inky darkness for a few yards till he can stand erect and light a torch. Thll I. One of wuulllao. ilu‘l BUUUIG De le and material. (‘ut and you may use in this way the same inst; the fruit ( to use too much sugar. for the long the natural ' sweetness of the fruit. Cover them closely and cook in a slow oven tour 9 or ï¬ve hours or until they have a deep ' rich red color. If they cook too fast, ; the steam will cause them to burst and = i run over the edge and result in a i mushy sauce, but a moderate heat. long continued, will leave each quarter . distinct in the clear sirup. Let it cool in the pan and turn it out without any stirring of the fruit. This may be poured at once into sterilized Jars and sealed the same as canned fruit. if you are not likely to use it all soon. As a sauce'tor a breakfast or dinner it is acceptable; with cream and hot biscuit for supper it is delicious. and as a ï¬ll- ing for pastry shells it is convenient.â€" Home Science Magazine. Conden-ed For Four Days. Ia southern type,†said a judge. had a most eloquent way of g. His brief for three days had marvel of classical anuslon and THE CAVE OF GHos-rs, was a good old lawyer of the Marriage. War to Make :uwy Believe that different fruits men used. Each method. if care- ollowed, produces a de‘licious re- nd. while some persons have a preferencé for one or the other. mind it is (“menu to decide Criticl. eems to develop the natuhu-l of the fruit. Cover them 11's or until they have a deep rolor. If they cook too fast, will cause them to burst and BAKED APPLES (en- UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT For all kinds of very difficult matter to produce A first-class goods at a high price. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a moderate price is a pro- blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as as proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. THE POPULAR 048M STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE Intending student: abomd 09m u be Mu" tor-.oruloon uftorupoulhlo. “a loan. 01.00 per month. WI. JOHXSTOK. C. RAMAGB. China“: . Seeminâ€" we ucnool In mp for full I ma Kamchatka ï¬t. under «all of mutant members for thy THUS. ALLAN. l’flncipcl. U188 L. M. FORFAR. (Illusion pnh’ 3' 50 _:‘hn Musical Notation. Technique Kay-board Histury, Piuno Work. For terms apply to DOPTED BY Schobls in Tan-out; STA F I" Myer's Music Method. “1W for fl}! Junior A ND EQUIPMENT M188 MAuaAnmï¬al, Teacher M. lL‘. . under thu fall.“ 14 for that dam AL;i LEADâ€.- c. annex.