"Q“. huh}!!! dl'h’. away [’3 n‘bu bro I MI «in to back. 1 w ROWD clay . '08 U?! Ast In†and rest mm are iong th int We 01' OD ted†incipal to be run or 1009“ whet l the mare )rs? COD- Ed- as to Tani, Durham, Ont. d tionoor for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders ma be left at his Implemem Wuerogms, M 011’: old stand, or n the Chromeh Oï¬co. ’ ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ma. McIntyre’s Block, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- HUGH MACKAY. DURHAM, Laud Valuutor and Doomed Auction- oot for the County 0: Grey. Sues promptly attended to and notes cubed. AMES CARSON, DURHAM LIC- ensed aAuctioneer for the County at Grey Lane Veluetor Bailifl' of the 2nd Du rsion. Court Sela end all other nutter. omptoï¬ attended to. Hurheet refereence I†rush if required. vexancers. Etc. Moneyto to-'Loan. ween-1:: the Mclmyre Block, over Standard Bank. ‘ er. Conveyancer, etc. Private mone to loan. Old accounts and debts of a1 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Oï¬ceâ€"MacKonzie’s Old Stand, Lower v _â€"â€"â€"__ IV Auctigneer fer the County of Grey. Sales promptly nttendod to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park ,P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle oï¬oo. Nov. the rham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. R onceâ€"Lunbton Street, near FPICEï¬FIRST DOOR EAST UP the Station om: CLARK! LICENgED A_U_C- ’ Ufliee over [Gordon’s new Jewellery Jre. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount money to loan 3t 5 per cent. on farm ‘ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, GON- OBERT BRIGHAM . LICEN§ED OFFICE AN RESI DENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa nd George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. 0 hoursâ€"EH] a.m., 2-4 p. m., 7-9 p. m elephone No. 10. ARRISTERkSQLIAClTOR: ijrc. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, CQM‘MISSION- U short distan at of Knap-p’; ï¬otoâ€"l: Lambton Street, wer Town, Durham. Oflice hours from o 2 o’clock. Drs. Jamiesol Macdonald. 'vu . . lately stocked with DEPARTI'IENT: TYPE, thus 11‘ fouling facilities l '02 out Fitst~class week should be brought' 3 later than Tuzsnav 'a' All “wreakâ€"Sag, t latimcrtiou in cunem norngng. ments 8 cens m1 _‘liou . 3 cents pg: insmionâ€" minmn ceeding one in?!“ :5 w: (no at specil ‘ id and charged .. Lost, " “ Foum . insertion, 25 Ccm ~ mm mm“... a line for the‘ ““8“ . . . line inch su. “ Waskmkaards, 00". w annum. vert: dimions Vi" be published ti â€dingo,“ Transient noti â€F0: “etaâ€"59 cent-s f I... ._-L _--l , In! paid. "up: it'the 09110:: of J. G. Hutï¬, M. D., C. M. fluv mount! I an...†um W. ,FEICE AN] RESIDENCE A G. Lefroy McCaul. HIE WWII] MacKay 8:. Dunn. Miscellaneous. Art Legal Directory. Em'ron amfnopnm'mx. Medz'caDz'rectorv. l. P. Telford. .313 in. 5 id is denoted bird. ‘3' o ’ear,payal*}rl not so pend. [lb 0 paper disc.) W at the Option of OL-Iictur. DU} Gun, M. D. W. F. DUNN. cur-E so imam iiliin M" ‘ i-y. 3358mm" "'3 Enolooo oo‘t-oddrooood envelope. Colonial, 632 Den-born 8L. Chiouo WAXTEDâ€"SEVERALPERSONS OF CHAR- scter and good reputation in each state. one in this county ï¬lm-ed, to represent end advertise old establish wealthy business home of solid ï¬nancial standing. Sslsry $21.00 weekly with expenfl sdditlons}, sll_psysb_l_e in ugh direct WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL IN DUST RIOUS persons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital. to call u n merchants and agents for successful an proï¬ahle lines. Perman- ent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $24 and all travelling expenses and hotel hills advanced each week. Experience not essential. Mention references and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL M‘ n--_L____ CIA “I 332, Dearborn St. Chicago. WANTEDâ€"FAITHFUL PERSON TO travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on.rets.il merchsnts and agents. Local territory. Salhry mm per week with expenses additional, all pey- nble in cash each week. Honey for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business successful and rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn St., Chicaneâ€"1932 WANTED- FAITHFUL PERSON TO call on retail trade and agents for manu- facturing house having well established business; local/territory; straight salary :20 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary; sition permanent; business successful. nclose self-addressed envelope. Su rintendent Travellers. 605 Monon Bldg . liicago. A. W. WATSON â€" CHANGED HANDS Having Twenty years experience in the business, the last 13 years in Cheboygsn. Mich. I am in a position to satisfy all requirements and guar- antee satisfaction. I am here to stay and I want the peeple to knowit. Ordered goods on short notice. I, the undersigned. wish to intimate to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that I have purchased from Mr. Peter Calder the Durham Bakery. and am now ready to supply orders for all kinds of Bakery goods. Yesterday morning a young man about 28 years of age by the name of Chas. Fleming was found dead by the section men afew miles west of Thornbury. It appears he was walk- ing from Meaford to Thornbury on the tailway track after dark, and Go to your druggists to-day and get a supply of Ferrozone. Price 500 per box, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from the Ferrozone Company, Kingston, Ont. Mrs. H. G. Wilder, of Dexter. says: “My daughter was not very well last summer and lost her strength completely when the hot weather came. I gave her Ferrozone and am glad to say it did wonders.- After six boxes were used my daught- er was Strong. and looking the pic- ture of health. I can recommend Ferrozone to all mothers, both for themselves and daughters.†a day as saleslady. Last spring I was run down, lost my color and fell off in weight, I seemed to lack ' am- bition and the life was out of me. A friend recommended Ferrozone and I took one tablet after meals with wonderful results. Ferrozone gave me back my complexion and has {given me new strength and abundance of energy and spirits. I would advise all young ladies to use Ferrozone. Ferrozone is by long odds the best tonic tor pale-faced girls and exhaust- ed women. It forms the right kind of blood and tissue for rebuilding the system. It replaces tiredness by en- ergv and vim, and adds nerve force and staying .power. Miss Dorothy E. Leduc. of Chester. gives the fol lowing oonvincing evidence of Ferro- zone power. “My work compels me to rise early in the morning and work ten hours Always DURHAM, â€"â€" ONTARIO. DURHAM BAKERY errozone. 13's Grow Strong and Have it Rosy Complexion by Using b' â€"- - -H ...-....¢._-._ -. Found Dead. HAS of Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. R. Glenel . On the premises is a comfortable bric ï¬ve- roomed cottage, a good frame barn and stable, a small hearmg orchard. an abun- dsnce of the best running water. All clegred, gtle goat}. Terra; easy and priee I1 arty consisting of twentycï¬ve acres one-half mile east of Corporation of the Town af Durham. described as South part o_t Lot 59, Cop. 2. E. Q. R.! _Glonslg. ‘On THOB. DANIS, ‘ Lot 2, Con.3. N. D. B.. Glands. April 4, 190L-tf. Dmuux P. O It is a. permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantee with every package at Darling’s drug store. The names internal, External, Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Suppurat. ing, etc., are simply names of the different stages through which every case will pass if it continues long enough. Piles are caused by congestion or stagnation of the blood in the lower bowels, and it takes an internal re- medy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Raid is a tablet. taken internally. ‘ No distinction is madg as to the kind of Piles that Hem-Raid cures. The Seed Growers’ Association re- cently organized by Prof. Robertson. has a wide ï¬eld for useful work in encouraging the production of high class, pure-bred seed corn. There is ‘ no line of work, that the growers of lpedigreed seed may take up. that is ‘likely to prove more renumerative than the growing of seed corn of varieties that are suitable for ensil- age purposes in the northern dairy districts. Although there are seventy-ï¬ve farmers in Ontario who are giving special attention to grow- ing high class seed grain as members of the association. only nine of them are growing seed corn. It is hoped that others may be induced to take up the work. According to the rules of the association seed corn growers are required to grow but One variety on the same farm and keep it pure by following a system of selection similar to the plan adopted by the Illinois Seed Corn Breeders’ Associ- ation. Arrangements are being made by Prof. Robertson for issuing an annual association catalogue for the purpose of advertising pedigreed seed produced by members. Herein is provided an opportunity for seed growers to build up a reputation as producers of high class pedigreed seed of corn and other cereals. Be cause of the increasing demand and limited supply of reliable seed corn the production of pure bred seed of this important cereal 03ers special inducements. Variety names have become very much confused and are not a safe guide unless the seed be obtained from a skilled grower of seed corn. Cross-bred seed corns sold under the names of favorably known standard varieties have been the cause of much disappointment and loss in crop. There are, in many cases, ex- ceedingly wide difl'erences between two strains of seed which bear the same variety names. Under exist- ing conditions Canadian corn grow; ers cannot do better than endeavor to get seed of the best known stand- ard varieties from sources that have been proved to be the most reliable. Owing to the male and female or guns of reproduction being bourne on diti'erent parts of the same plant it is difï¬cult to keep varieties pure. The pollen is borue'on the tassel and must come in contact with the silk before seed formation can take place. The pollen is carried chiefly by the wind. Even when planted two or three hundred yards apart. two distinct varieties become cross fertilized. and in consequence, estab iished types become broken down. The characters of a variety of corn cannot be preserved unless a system of continued selection of seed be fol- lowed and the crop for seed be grcwvn at least a quarter of a mile distant from any other type or variety. I As a fodder crop the corn plant is gen important. one. For ensilage pur- poses a proper combination of stalk, leaves and ears is desired. Var- ‘ieties that are suitable for ensilage ’are not, as a rule, the most proï¬table [to grow for bushing on the same tfarm or in the immediate locality. !The largest yields of fodder are ob- [tained for the later ripening varie- gties, and for ensilage the best returns are obtained from sorts that will jut ; reach the glazed stage of ripeness be- .fore the time for early frost. Vari- eties that give the largest yield of good ensilage in Eastern Ontario. Quebec and the Maritime provinces ‘are among the best varieties for husking in South Western Ontario, and the best varieties for ensilage in the latter district are grown for husking in the great corn belt. It is not to be recommended, then, that farmers along the northern corn belt grow their own seed for ensilage corn. In securing their supplies of seed they became accustomed to de- pend entirely on their seedsmen. A great deal. therefore. depends on the care exercised by seed merchants in securing their supplies of seed corn. Reliable Seed Corn Difï¬cult to Obtain. DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- No Difference. For Sale. W. A. CLEMONS, Publication Clerk. SEED CORN. C. SMITH 6: SONS Cream . . . Separators. The “MELOTTE,†two-piece bowl. The best skimmer and the lightest. running machine in the market. DURHAM FOUNDRY SEWING MACHINES. The “ White.†and “ Standard.†STOVES. Huron Stoves and Ranges. HAY FORKS. The beat in the world. THRESHERS ENGINES. The White “Challenge †Separ- ator and new and second hand Engines of all makes. D. Campbell, - DURHAM,0N1 BUGGIES WA'GGONS. CHEMIS’I‘ _ AND â€" DRUGGIS’I‘ DURHAM, ONT. Frost Wood If you purchase 6 boxes of Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills for $2.50, take 3 boxes of the Pills, and ï¬nd you are deriving no beneï¬t from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 boxes you have not opened, and get your money backbNo fairer, squarer proposition has ever been offered, and we wouldn’ think of making it unless we were conï¬de t the remedy will do all that is claimed for it. By the single box the Pills are 500. There is no other remedy which will so quickly restore you to health and strength and animation as Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, and there is no other you can buy which is accompanied by a, positive Guar- antee of Cure or your money refunded. To cure Anaemia, Pale and Sallow Com. plexion, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Im- paired Memory, Depression of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Impure Blood, Pimples and Eruptions, Poor Circulation, Heart Palpitation, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Female Weakness, Nervous Head- aches, Coldness of the Hands and Feet, Loss of Vital Power, General Weakness and Debility, and all diseases and disord- ers arising from a run-down condition of the nervous system or weak and watery blood. l About the year 1842; Mr. David Fife. of the Township of Otonabee. Canada WeSt, now Ontario procured. through a friend in Gzasgow. Scot- land. a'quantity of wheat which has been obtained from a cargo direct from Dantzic, Prussia.- As it came to hand just before spring seed time, and not knowing whether it was a fall or spring variety, Mr. Fife con- cluded to sow a part of it that Spring land wait for the result It proved to be a fall wheat. as it newr ripened except three cars, which grew apparently from a single grain These were preserved, and although sown the new year under unfavor- able circumsrances, being qaite late and in a shady place, it proved at harvest to be entirely {I‘ve from rust when all wheat in the neighborhood was badly rusted. The produce of this was carefully preserve-d. and from it sprung the variety of wheat known over Canada and the Northern States by the different names of Fife. Scotch and Glasgow.~- Farmers Ad- vocate. We Positively Guarantee 'Bissell Disc Barrows and Land ROIIOr-so Steam and Gas Pip'ng and Fit tings. Castings of all kinds made to ordpr. Saws gummed and ï¬tted. McCormick Bihdors. Mowers and Rakes. Repairing promptly attended to. Domestic Sewihg Machines. Dealers in and Manufacturers of Harvesting.Machinery and farm- ing implements of all kinds. A large assortment, of all the best makes. fl WRITTEN GUHRHNTEE. JNO. A. DARLING The Origin of Bed Fife. DR. HARTE’S CELERY-IRON PILLS AGENCY. Agent. TR Y Shewell Menahan PROMPT A'I'I‘ENTION TO FURNITURE UNDERTAKING N.,ï¬. .l. McKechnie. It Has Never Been N., (i. J. McKechnie. ' Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you con- templating marriage? Has your blood been diseased? ° Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Consultation free. No matter who has treated you. write for an honest Opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Book. raceâ€"“The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. “Dailegses of Women," “Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet.†All sent rm 3e . IO IEOIOIIE SE†0. O. O. NO IIIES OI IOXES OII SWELOPEO. EVERYTHIIO CONFIOEII’IAL. QUESTION US? AND COST OF TREATIEIT. FR E E, POI HOUE CU RE safet'y. ._ --â€"-â€"-uw qulllllb DKYICD. Our New Method Treatment will urify the blood. heal up the sores. remove all pains; the hair will grow n again. all organs will be restored to their normal condition. and the patient prepared to renew the duties and pleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute an Palm, For over thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment is original with ourselves. and never fails to eradicate the poison from the system. Beware of mercury and other mineral poisons. which so many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease. as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison into the s tent. whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison in the bl and removes it from the sgstem entirely. so the symptoms can never return. If on have an of t e following symptoms consult us before it is too ate: Blotc es, eru tions or pimples; falling out of the hair. itchiness of the skin. sti ness or aims in the joints. soreness in the muscles. sore throat. ulcers or be taste in the mouth. sore tongue, sourness of the stomach. enlarged glands. _ running sores. etc. of the best makes DEPARTMENT. For all kinds of 148 SHELBY 8T. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ï¬rst-class goodsmt a high prion. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a moderate price is a pro. blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. A‘ very difficult matter to produce THE POPULAR CA8}! STORE. THE POPULAR 0‘8}! 8TORE. 7 '__' â€" â€" "v-..“I.‘ .. No matter w'hoflliaa {rented you. 3e 0! Charge. Charges reasonable. r" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. Strlcture and Gleet." All sent rm £3:- Intending students ehomd enoer et beginning of tone. or on own efter no possible. l'eee. 01.00 per month. WU. JOHNSTM. l‘hs school is equipped for full Junior Lend-g and Matriculation work, under the following at“! of competent teachers for that department: 509"!" system by means of chart. drilli lackbourd diagrams and other interesting devices brings the fullowing topics within the child’s immediate comprehensiun : ’ Musical Notation. Rhythmical Motion. l‘echuique Key-board Location. Musictl History, Piano Work. F‘eb’y 5.-â€"-3m DURHAM SCHOOL. For terms apply to T808. ALLAN. Principal. X188 L. M. FURFA R. Classic. 1nd Modern DOPTED BY ALL LEADING DETROIT, MIC". School‘s in Toronto. Tight deseryegjy Myer's Music Method- STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Chairman M188 MAuaAnmflmt. Teacher M. M. I. C. RAXAGE. Seaman. 80F ls.