[cw Dress Goods [cw Suitings law Prints kWBoots 6: Shoes kw Parasols N Flannelettes HAVE YOU SEEN 9E" A Full line of Groceries Always on Hand. INTER is practically banished from thought the moment you enter this store. The very breath of spring: prevails throughont this busy bee-hive, spring goods havmg ï¬rst place with us, rushing to us, delighted with our stock. House Block. I Miss Janet. Gibson, of Toronto, ’youngesc daughter cf Mr. A. M. Gib- !son. formerly of this place. is we learn new in ; lucrative oosicion in Nova p‘omia. head milliner in ; lum- . nuron rjrnest had the misfortune -‘ H 'gto lose his cow, inflammation being Myâ€. 5. l'hompson 50:1,. whom we . the cause. It means a $4†loss for rel’OYWd “‘35 sveek very 1“ f†Bond 5 Mr. Ernest, which is too much if it Head died 'on 1‘ rlday: aged woyears. Icould be‘prevented. Her remains were interred in the l Orange Valley cemetery on Monday! John MCDO‘WQU ‘9 home again 8f~ her former pastor Rev L W Thomlte!’ Spending the winter in other of this place. and Rev. J. Hunter,;patts ' . . . , l Markdale.ofï¬ciating. The deceased} 51'†03â€â€ Paris has returned was bereft of her husband about 3.7) ’ home after spending the winter With years ago and from then till about 5 l her aunt ‘P 3‘15“.†. We â€9 pleased l years ago resided on the weer, back ; to have Miss Parts With us again. _ Malcolm McFadden had the mis~ a uprightland exemplary Christian life. : fortune to break his arm at the wrist. fl Her name was enrolled with the; Mack will have to nurse his arm in- a l members who organized the Presby. . [out to: U†0110 W636 UaCK I‘lilj. l l 'stead of the baby for at least. three terian church here Three sons,!weeks to come. Samuel A., Midhurst; John J., Oril~ lia, and Rev. A. E., missionary to Joe C the Jews. Jerusalem. and one daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth teacher 1 survive her David W. . . . notion to start on their own hook. behttmg the occasion was given by! ' ° , the pastor. At the close of the meet- § trailing and halter shanks flying. ing refreshments were served by the, ' members and an enjoyable social the Corners. season was spent together. l At a meeting of the choir of the;‘ Me'hodist church on 'Ifhursday even- it was feared would necessitate an operation. Dr. McWilliams of Dan: dalk, was in consultation with Dr. Carter on Saturday: On Sunday a change {or the better took place and the Dr. is now hopeful of his patient. 4 i l l . i tineau County. “Deceased was a i devonttchriatian and was beloved by i all who‘had the pleasure of her ac- ' gallstones. She leaves her husband BamaeLAeheson. an three sons. i William. Bob-rt; at; -‘.Bamuel. to g _w â€"-â€"_-â€"-- rmillin'ery rstuhlishment Miss Gibson will meet success in entering to t] daughters of the blue nc tho so. the Junction has sold his residence OppOSlte the Presbyterian church to Thos. Snell who is retiring from the farm on the wesc back line. T. J. Sheppard has purchased a . property at Toronto Junction and has 'anuounced that he will retire! from business here in about three months. Mr. Sheppard was formerly in busi mass at the Junction and in therefoz-e not a stranger in that town. lie will there handle dry goods only. Mr John Sheppard who will also move to} the Junction has sold his reszidence;J OppOSite the Presbvterian (Janna. â€1 W. E. Richardson met with a loss a few days ago which he Very much regrets. His tine mastiï¬ took ill and after being sick for a week or .. with no hopes of recovery he had her humanly shot to end her suffer ‘ings. ' Stella’s massive form we {or years afamiliar ï¬gure at the drug' store where during her nocturnal watch she would have made it wry unfortunate for any stranger who might have intruded. OH duly «hel was gentle and playful with any one and was a great pet in the home of her master. ‘ur. wallet has engaged his hand in more ways than dispensing and Ihr‘ improvements made and tusm dis. played have given the place gain: a citiï¬ed air. A C. N. Richardson. who is mm a {mi fledged pharmacwtist and op'iciau. has become a partner with his (mm. W. E. Richardson ‘ Iished Richardson ‘ We join Charlie‘s numerous :rh-uds ish him a large measure of success in 'h~ old business with which he now «winds identiï¬ed. Mr. Richardsw. has for many years Supt†{ Artemesia council have their hands an unexpected m job of bridge building. rhr meat. tile bridge over the Sn Stinson’e with considerable road way. have been washed the recent freshet. The bri built last. summer at a cost and was pronounced at sul job. " Return! from “0011mm wu, I van 3 e “recto: Mg ltplwd m bad. and m! u out!) hwu gone. 83th 00?] “M. ;,..n a 10' bottles at Ayer a only cured me' 0.0033113. Scranton, Pa. Impure Blood stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. I. rwwv â€"v uvv'luvuu, lug lUlflIll-Ib UG" ahï¬shment. .We truzt Eng interred beside the grave of berj m.†mean wu’h much sou Alox. The bereaved family have _ e sympathy of a host of friends. ’ the blue noges down by Deceased win the olden: dauchmr at! Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boiis, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuraiiia, “- “.. o ousness, depression. If the nilding. â€)8 new (39 9 over the Saugo-Pn av considerable of the been Washed away M let. The bridgn was unexpected am! mm 1_\ have U0“) 0 I] vat of $320 substantial J. C. AYE“ C0,, Lowell â€â€˜33.: "Hoff; The weather continues cold and the e w: snow falls jus; as natural as it did in Mr December and our farmers still stick Aaron Ernest bad the misfortune .I u 0 . . l "to lose hue cow Inflammation being! a ’ m W81 the cause. It. means a $41) loss fo Bond I Air- ErneSt. \Vhinh i9 fnn Dhl‘n“ .‘I 3- the sympathy of a. host of {Eiel'xds Deceased win the eldest daughter 0] Mrs. Jos. Carwardine, of Durham. after his horses one day this week. €It seems Mr. Witter had them har- nessed ready to draw wood and be- fore he got them hitched they took a notion to start on their own hook. Thev passed the Corners with linesé trailing and halter shanks flying. George caught them half a mile from Joe Campbell’s barn to be erected this summer. It will. no doubt. be a success. ' One of thc held at. Andy cently. Mr. Henry Eckhardt had the fortune to lose a colt. for whic haul previously been ofl’ered $130 -vuv. yuan an: taken charge of the engine. Johnnie Tucker is engaged with A. Picken for the summer. Ben \Vaters. of Michigan. is visit. ing is visiting his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawrence. Mr. Eckhardc had a day lately while the Socially spent in mus: chit-chat. i “’8 only fragrant healing Catarrbo~ zone which is breathvd all through the air passages that is sure to reach 'he seat of Catarrh No failure ever known if Uararrhozone was used. It bwalfl and doesn’t irritate; it soothes. kills the gurms and thprefore cures. Us». only Catarrhozwe the one car- ain cures Two months treatment 31 ()0; trial size 25c. Rev Ivison \Vilson is city this week to attend Sackett’s Corners mu. wm. Neil is Spandinga few days with friends in Markdale. ‘ Miss Alice Holman. 4th line. has haw!) visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Peter Holman. for some days. Mrs Roht. Best has our thanks for a very much appreciated treat on; Mimi-day. Dr. Murray épent T ° I . u city on bHRIDGBS 88dâ€, m the! O Mrs. W. T. McKee of the «it has moved to town and Cullinnweod street. h line, settled on “Pen-Ins,†“Mooneys.†These are e100 1' , Vinegars-Imperial (White Wine), English Melt. 1- Bulk Picklesâ€"You need no jug. We furnish ' Watson, those preValenc Spring Bank. se preValent jigs was Picken’s one night. re- ‘. ..9 *- : Wilson is going to the t to attend the temper- called by the executive of town, spent Sun- ad a wood bee one the evening was music, games and Wood bridge hag l‘ which he mis- u: @***%$?*%*Â¥5Â¥%%%%% McIntyre Block uuu neaa trimmer, we are boï¬nd to make the best showing in Durham. You are cordially invited to inspect our immense stock. and head trimmer make the best th SPRING and SUMMER ..Millinery. . These are all Fresh. Fancy Biscuits. \Ve have not received our stoc Groceries yet, but what we have received resh and good. These arrived this Week. I E are having; a particularly splendid season in our large MILLINERY department. Never before have we had such thoroughly artistic goods at such prices. All the best and most novel efl’ects we could ï¬nd have been brought here {or you. (luri lace and tulle hats and folded chiffon, also the beautiful flower hats are greatly admired. McIntyre Groceï¬. Durham. Ont HE CLOTHIER ï¬ve preparers i. The Best Pure Honey fo,‘ Inc In 'are perfect imitatn of CUI‘ GLASS with HeavGold Band around tap. Gold eing burnt in will not wuh of J net the thing for wedding presents. Gold Band 4-piece Table eta. 81.75 each. Social Tea Assorted Sa ‘3 Pine Apple er Wheatlet W r Arrow Root Peach Tart Jam-Jams Graham Waf Water Ice W Cheese Wafe The. followingSets Heavy All-wool Blkets $2.75 pair. Heavy Allowool Bitets, $3.00 puir. CALDER _ He Sells Berry ets, $1.60 :ONE 27. , 400 and 64:84, 60:80, law a] menm to u oven citizens the: wonder whnt w: cont hnnging on 'nonr the. corner 8 hr d we can 1mm up us an advertis randy-mules soiq in any other sto van t scrap nrou the old supernnn found next mm- by some ne “hoping no oubt own» might be In; his good- “humor watcha- aunt-nu. to ï¬nd an needle ï¬nd that watch in drift. A few d: It. Wctoon. the 1 (Month «tough in: time-piece, an cription ï¬ns out (001 Me in hum watch w... np'} m. but was p to Hr. Gordon (0 THERE no some yot. Some time . My in town lost 1 vortiood it in the known nuns of Wet-tune. Of FRO! the favora.‘ A. Grtham's teachl ‘ low days ago t tendered his res charge of . . S. No. out of the town. cambent. Mr. '1‘ uk- up the stud will currender the acting knife. gt. t um term. Mr. hlnull 3 success! Mots of No. 9. tho mantel of so a It. Tyorman is I manor. THE voice of an is heard in the ll .thn mnï¬lcid 8cm banter. When ya ,ï¬no evenings snc husk door nfter n {arrive glnnce ow he climbs the (em up your/ mind thl ovnde one of the o! A good husbnn inc boon commnn household Inrnit itdrs. bent cnrpet do n [our more cho fora cooking I. bli pantry floor. TKREE of the ch01 by the Choral Sc lhy 5th are eels sung by the Phi“: in thalarge cities. a (Human). Long! Good Night Belov Chérua (Ernuui). been leuned by :11 music. words only Everyone should hear those choru welltnined. Pro Institute. Admis reserved. Plan at BEFORE buying t money will be saved the maria of The Cundt. Proï¬ts pd on only. Inform furnished by upplyi helm, Geneul A or W; K Reid. 8i» humâ€"2. WE regret to law In. Thoma Taylc Hr. John McCflmon died recently tt- her am. A sketch fr Enterprise will app Tm: Cement Mill i gal-r work once mot the kilns full blast (J on shipbing cement 1nd prospects ore on for o good souon’a 0| .DUIHAM has u lot a man who in their uroro‘ they would live: {or their uurli by down 0. cat-yet up than: to help In th donning. I? will be noticed “the Gas Oil C groomed to Msy 5th us anuou “WERED DURING TM CHRONICLE 1 WANTED -â€"A younq {or two small childr Apply Mrs. R. 0. W1 Local Ne ad it won;