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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1904, p. 1

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IY DELIVERED. its a quart. 5 in Durham. .ed Meats. lled Ptices astv. Cheap. ’t think‘ you l'iDtS 7. lOcalb otbt L0( we to 82.50 no and m ig4 .39c EAN lV anv- 10c lghams ' them. a but 31:10 5V 1"; M Ii may have some trouhle to get a 9““ al of their lieenses. The Comm on- ers in Smut h Grey. \Ve unde nd, are coming nut flat-footed thi 1‘, determined t0 make the Hotel )ers toe the scratch. They claim t my hotel man being fined during t Ire- sent license year will not get a ew- al fur 190.3. \Ve have lung ente. ned the ”pinion that our present ..n:e . system “'uuld find much less usi- tiun from the temperance if lived up to as ituught t0. Ho inen iare too gmxl hearted to refuse lire: 8 ng requests uf many nf their our. who ask fur liquur (luring p bited hours. A refusal causes disc yet no man shuuld find fault witl land- lurd who persists in doing duty, and a determined refusal to v tethe law under which hotel men their licenses would soon raise the siness toabigher standard. Now 3 'the ('HURAL Society Concert this Thurs. (lay waning. Proceeds in aid of Public Library. CHURCH Union is in the air. The subject was discussed in the Presby- terian Church on Sunday morning last. (MYHERED DURING THE P187 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. A ma lot of Millinery goods is gdng out every day from Miss Dick’s esab- lishment. She now advertises fox-bur additional hands. at it nluuv. but we. kuuw enou of Mr. (’zunplwllfi dogged determin on to fee-l that he will go right th gh the work, and in a short time h . a. B. A. to tau-k to the end of his 19. . . t \\ v (-nngrntulntt- lmn 0n the real; so Tm: law is changed, we understand with regard to trout fishing, and it is now unlawful for any person to take more than twenty fish in any one lay‘ 0x Mnmlay evening the Mayor (1d Aldermen paid it visit. to the. Shaks- pearinn lhumatie (’luhaml were shwn the speeial scenery which is being ref pm-etl fur their Iwrfnrnmnce of “Ifin- let.“ billed to take place May 12 and 12%. The (-ivie fathers expressedghe must profuse terlnsnf the excellent} of the wurk being «lune tn lwautinyhe stage uf the opera lmuse. \Vr: had our iSSllt’ Ileal'lv off ' st \u v‘ in fun» \\ v 19 u m-d nf the S“ SS nt luspm ton ( ‘mupln-ll “'11” passed fith hullurh his first e xmninatinn inbhe Arts vuursv in (em-ans Uni“. )3, WHEN: hmlwtex-minmlun pursuing ne timo Inst wintm'. I’vw mvn wt to gel dnwn tn hard study and plug tray DR. BROWN, of Newstadt, Speciaist in Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and throat will be at the Knapp Houseon Saturday the 14th from 12 to 6 p. n. THE members of the Durham chir with Mr. A. Catton will render a Sag Service in the Zion Methodist Chuzch 4m Sunday afternonn. The ladies of the church have re st- ed [)1'. Macdonald to give an ' 688 on his experiences in Africa _'ng the late war. Part of this subje as gix en hexe some time ago, all the plain. eaxnest wav in which llwas gix e11 “as the strong feature ipon- net tum with the adventures de- scribed. The Dr. doesn’t Clair}; an orator, but he has a way of h wn of presenting his ideas which ore than compensates for any 1 of rhetorical style. He told his some time ago to a Toronto an nce and was well received. The will be illustrated by limelight ews from protographs taken by him Tm: lh-v. \V'my R. Smith will gve a. Black-imam] Lecture tnthe memhrs of the St. Thomas interdemnninatioml U ni¢ m of Junior Epworth Leaguers and (jhristnin Emlezwm‘vrs . in “Chrits (".‘hm-rh" on Tuesday evening next. fur and wish him success in his re t-ffm'ts. THERE. at big t1 wt in sture for use wlm attend the mooring in the by- tvriam church m-xt Monday ev ng. Two of the Hanover Hotels up for an infraction of the license la (1 THERE will be a song service in he Methmlist Church Sunday mornizg. (.‘nnw and enjoy yourself in prayer and pruisv. The Rev. J. P. Bell will prev}: in tlu- vvvning. â€". ___. _____ __ __ .___ “wan-m , ._ _ -_.______._.- “~â€" "m...“â€" Great SLAUGHTER SALE now on at THEOBALD, the C‘lothier’a. ' Now for Genuine BARGAINS. Local News Items . ' DURHAM CH RONICLE. VOL. 38---u0. 1938. 1y of hbwn which it‘lor‘e any 1* of Ild hisaory nu) au‘ nce The 933 elight {9W8 »y himf. gen te ned ! IN response to the appeal by the iForeign Mission Committee of the ! Presbyterian Church for funds to wipe ' out the indebtedness of $25,600 incur- fred on the year’s work. the Holstein “Congregation last Sunday laid $66.00 ' on the collection plate. A collection for the same object will be taken up in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday next. FRIEND after friend departs, and this spring is taking away some of our young people whc are following the ad- vice of Horace Greely and going \Vest. On Monday morning last Shirley Mc- Intyre and J efl" McCracken left ior Edmonton N. “7. T. With the inten- tion of remaining in the prairie lands of the \Vest. Both young men are very popular and in Wishing them every success We are only giving voice to the feelings of the Whole com- munity. In the departure of Jeff, in particular, the lacrosse boys lose one of their best and most determined players. and with the loss also of Dug Munro who left for Winnipeg a short time ago the team here will be very much weakened. Lacrosse isn’t every- thing and if our young men can better themselves by cutting loose from the ties of home, there can surely be no fault found. We wish them success, and hope they’ll soon make theirmark in the world. Mr. McIntyre accom- panied than u tar as '1‘th 1A )oK at your label and see how you stand in our books. The figures at the end of the name, if figures are used, show the munber of the issue on which which your subscription expires. “"e have changed some of our lists so as to make the reading on the label give the month and year of expiry of subscrip- tion. The present weeks issue is No. “1937” if the number on your label is greater than “1937" it indicates that you have paid ahead, if less than ‘1937’ you are in arrears. Where the month and year are given there will be no difficulty in understanding, ' for ex- ample, Dec. 01 indicates that you are going on three years in arrears. Those who owe us on subscription will confer a favor by making a prompt remittance A shor ime ago, a paper going on eight years in arrears was refused at this office. ' Soniznoxn' plugged up the :1; im'h hole at the Howng well from which the water has been g.1;ushiu;,r for the past eight or nine months. and the an- nouncement in town that it quit flow- ing caused no small alarm. Investi- gation however, by Mr. Carson dis- covered the cause and a new hole set up the jet of water just the same as be- fore. It is certainly a beautiful flow of water and We shall hale with delight the advent of some company who will apply it to a useful purpose. A NEW machine for setting wagon and buggy tires without heating has been put in this week by Mr. Robert Aljoe, one of our up-to-date town blacksmiths’. The contri ’nnee is not yet in position but in a, few days, per- haps before this paper reaches our readers. the trick of putting on tires will be done without the smoke or heat that usually accmnpany the job. MR. ARTHUR XV. BEALL, formerly of Japan, will delive - an address in Dur- ham in a few weeks. The lecture on “Purity,” if we may judge by the sub- ject, will be worthy of a heéfi‘ing. He is well recmmnended. THE Rev. VVray R. Smith has been invited by the Arthur Methodist church to become the pastor of that charge and has accepted subject to the action of the Stationing committee of the church at the Conference in June. J van as we are putting on the forms we learn of the death of Mr. James Whitmore, who died about eleven o’clock today, Wednesday. Aged about sixty years. FOUR apprentices and improvers wanted at Miss Dick’s Millinery at once. THE Choral Society’s Concert to- night, Thursday, promises to be the best musical entertainment ever given by the local talent of Durham. ° A $500,000 fire occured last Friday in Femie B. C. when the Whole busi- ness part of the town was destroyed, THE Rev. Wary R. Smith will preach Sunday School Anniversary Sermons in Palmerston on Sunday. SEE Keeler’s bargain list for Satur- day on page 4. THERE wasn’t much time for con- versation, but we got a mere glance of Mr. Fred Hunter, of India, who is off on a three months’ furlough from his position in the military service. He left the East about a month ago, coming home by way of France and England. He will have to spend an- other month on the return trip and will have a month to spend with friends in Canada. He is looking well and there is no doubt that military lifeagreeswith him. We are sorry that we did not have more time to spend with him and find» out further particulars about bismuth» 01 life. H. Lauder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black. On Sunday morning last she attended service in the Presbyter- ian church feeling quite well. Soon she was seized with severe pains caus- ing her husband and friends some alarm. . Dr. Macdonald was sent for and soon diagnosed the case as a severe attack of appendicitis. The patient was constantly and rapidly growing worse, and in consultation with Drs. J amieson and Gun, an immediate op- eration was decided on. The case, a very critical one, taking about three hours, was performed yesterday, Tues- day afternoon, and at time of going to press the doctors consider she has only a chance to recover. We hope for the best, and trust she may be long spared to comfort her sorrowing husband and parents. \V e regret exceedingly to announce the very serious illness of Mrs. A. W. Mr. John J. Russell, son of John Russell, of Glenelg, who has been away for about six years in Port Arthur and Duluth, arrived home on Friday last. His sister Charlotte, Mrs, J. D. Fraser, of Toronto and her two children ac- companied him home. He is looking well after going through a successful operation in the hospital during the winter. He speaks well of the West. Mr. Lmllow, Chemist at the (lenient Works returned Saturday after spend- ing thirteen weeks in the Hospital at Stratford where he underwent an operation for kidney trouble. Though looking a little the worse of the wear he is in a fair way to recovery and will soon be able to resume his regular work. Miss May Saunders who had her an- kle broken many weeks ago is now gett- ing quite smart under Dr. McDonald’s ti'vatmentl. She now shows very little lameness and will soon be. able to dance the Highland Fling. Editor Townsend, of the \Vroxeter Star, and his bright ten-year-old son, annk, were in town over Sunday and gave us a, brief call before returning Monday afternoon. Ben is looking well and reports business good. Revs. Farquharson and Little were at Cedarville and Kingscote on Mon- day considering the advisability‘cf having Kingcote connected with Cor- betton in the Orangeville. Presbytery. Mr. H. H. Miller was in town last week attending a meeting of the Sons of Scotland to which he has formed a very strong attachment. Mr. J. A. Gowanlock and family have removed to Port Elgin where Mr. Gowanlock intends to engage in the livery business. We regret to hear of the illness of Rev. Mr. Morrison, of Cedarville. but hope that with the return of spring he may recover his wonted vigor. Monday vxith her brother, Mr. John Cameron, after her Winter’s stay in the city. Mr. Calder, who was in Ottawa. for the past month was home from Sapnr- day night till Monday afternoon. Mr. H. V. Cottrell, son-in-law oi Mrs. Meredith here has moved £10m Yale B. C. to Vancouver. Mr. \Vm. Laidlaw Went to Quebec Tuesday after-noon. Mrs. (Dr). Jamieson, returned to town last week after spending a Year in the city. Mr. E. A. Rowe, of Guelph. is visiting in town. Mr. Adams, of Hanover-Auras in town Friday last. Mr. Archie Burnett, of Hopeville, was in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Catton were in Toron_ to for a. few days last week. TIIE GOING AND COMING UP VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF MA Y. People We Know Mrs. Chas. Cameron returned on DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. “’15 were tickled half to death on Monday morning last just because we received a five dollar bill from Mc- Ilraith the shoe dealer. Mac. is here now a little over a year. He came here as a stranger, started business in his own quiet way, and is evidently doing well. ‘Ve have no fault to find with him, as he comes in when ever he takes a notion and planks down the cash for his advertising. \Ve never yet had to ask him for any money, and from the way he does business it seems we’ll never need to. There’s pleasure in doing business with men of this kind, and it would be' base ingratitud'e on our part not to wish him success. In this connection we have pleasure in saying that Peel the other shoeman is as good as the wheat And our regular settlements are al- ways satisfactory. There’ s nothing like leather and there must be some- thinxinittouakethangoodm MEDALS for Entrance Candidatesâ€" Those passing Mr. Gordon’s jewelry store may see the medals offered to Entrance Candidates some time ago. To set aside a misunderstanding we are advised to say that the silver med- alist is not entitled to the bronze one in the centre. The bronze one goes to the candidate taking second standing The silver medals are worth $8. each, being hand-made and hand engraved. There are. seventy letters on each which cost Mr. Gordon three cents a letter for engraving alone. Students in this work will do well to 8p“: up a little and endeavor to win one of those valuable prizes. THE (fk‘n'respondent from Henry,s lorners states that a team belonging to Mr. Hunter took fright at our gas- oline engine which caused them to run away etc. \Ve regret that anything of that sort should occur and in order that a repetition of the damage may not be laid to our charge we have removed the exhaust pipe and now the most nervous team inlay stand any where in the yard without danger of being frightned. VTHE Middaugh House is again to change hands Mr. Stockton having sold Out to a gentieman from St. Thomas who takes charge next Week. Mr. Stockton has been here about a year, and during that time he has proved himself a good citizen and en- deavored to conduct a good house. He intends buying a hotel elsewhere but has not. yet secured a suitable place. W E have been informed that Mr. C. F. Stockton, of the. Middaugh House, who recently sold out his business here has bought the Queens hotel in Mount Forest. During his stay here we have learned to look upon Mr. Stockton as a good man for the business, a gentle- man in his treatment of the public, a man who minds his own affairs, and tries at all times to keep a good orderly house. THE Trustees of Hutton Hill School are advertising for a teacher to begin work immediately after the holidays. Mr. Graham’s resignation has caused this, and if the section is as good as Mr. Graham says it is, it must he a veritable teacher’s paradise, and we hope they may get a good man, or woman to fill the position. \VHILE working at phe Shingle jointer at Charter Smith’s Mill Tues- day morning, \Vill Purvis got his fingers too close to the revolving knives and had about a quarter of an inch trimmed off a couple of them. He is now nursing a sore hand, but we are pleased to think he Will be all right again in a week or so. THE Sons of Scotland have engaged the 48th Highlander’s Band for their games on the lst of July. Lovers of sport may now begin to look forward to the biggest day’s amusement ever seen in Durham. ALL changes of ads coming in late are charged up for composition. This notice has now been given several times and when accounts are rendered We don’t want to hear any kicking. Charges are from 25c. up. MISS BANKS, who carried on a fancy goods business in part .of Miss Dick’s Millinery Rooms has given up for a few weeks, but, will resume shortly in Mr. Russell’s store, up stairsâ€"3. ON Tuesday evening Principal Allan caught the biggest trout he ever caught in his life, and that’s saying a good deal. . we. 3? "W *_Your money refunded if we fail to satisfy you. 5X? - CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGB. §J.J.HUNTER§ ‘ . ‘.‘- The Newest Spring Fabrics include beautiful mixture effects quite unlike thom worn last season. New patterns ideal for spring costumes and waists. Our new prints are now in. A grand collection. of beautiful new designs from which you may select. The Comianoason . . . ' the Zomcr Store . wall show unusual clung“ in ltylee. Never before hove more uttreotive fob. rice been oEeredâ€"meny of them being entirely new in weave end pnttern. The most beeutiful collection of Print- ever on diepley in Durhem. Our etylee being exclusive e lerger veriety in not shown by eny other Itore. OUR GRAND SHOWING 0F $1.00 PER YEAR.

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