L large only. age, Oxhoart . lat Dutch bud growers m base we. «sin 23 mhy, Orchu’cl Millet. etc. 3 Boots M. Green Top. Norfolk Gian led Elephut. Carter’s Elm Top. Hutton’l “bury. White Green Scone. - WY “4“ Is at nits at $1 pry 25c bottle 01 ““8 “'0 Rive aw For Co . md wi le of Black Cu is at $1.25 nod 81.50. 10: of S at no t I’LY CASH SYSTEM . Intermediate DURHAM. Snaps {GEL AND room to retain for you '11 ï¬nd an Retails at OLE Egypzian Rettils at. $1.15 .1 laced Boots. Rivoaway free Going for 25¢ Retails at nd $1.15. o! Glycor. the Vic- :11 every Dressing Scribbler. While Mov- All 3nd Alec etc. .mr ’Tis 8 Marvel Our Customers are fast ï¬nding it out There is no Paint to equal Sherwin Will‘ iams Readv Mixed Brand. Every person with a knowledge of paint will not use any other. . Aschool Adapted for Buggie. Wagon, House and Burn. We have a great variety of Bird :nd Squirrel Cages, all latest designs. It will pay you to secure one of our Hand Grain Seeders. If you require rubber tubes for your Gr in Seeder we have the quality 3113 our price is right. No Person can get through house cleaning satisfactorily with- out a good Step~ladder and Carpet Beater, and ‘we have the quality. In Fishing Tackle we take the lead. You should see our stock of Fly Hooks. Gut Hooks, Pike Hooks Jointed Poles and Fish Baskets. Our variety of Chums com- poses Crock Dash. Wood Dflssh Backer and Barrel. lid'" And I knew her lip and cheek and brow W'ere almost as white as her baby’s HOW, I know that some .things Were bid “"3“ use» The crimson frock, and warppings 83?; The little sock and the half-worn shoe The cap with its plumes and tassels Iknow that the cofï¬n was narrow and small. One yard would have served for an ample p‘all; And one man in his arms would haw. borne away The rosewood and its freight of clay, But I know that darling hopes were tears, How much of light, how much of joy 13 buried With an only boy. hid Beneath that little coflin-lid. I know that a mother stood that day With folded hands by that form of blue; And an empty crib. with its covers Spread. As white as the face of the sinlees ggx, dead. ‘Tis a little grave; but oh, have care! For world-wide hopes are hurried clay; I know that burning tears were hid “Neath the drooping lush and aching there;. , And ye, perhaps, in coming years. May seek, like her. through blinding By 3 Persistent Cough, but Perma- nently Cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage. a student at. law, in Greenville. S 0.. had been troubled four or ï¬ve years with a continuous cough which he says "greatlv alarmed me. causing me to fear that, I was in the ï¬rst stage of consumption.†Mr.Burbage,having seen Chamberlain’s cough remedy ad- vertised. concluded to try it. Now read what he says of it: “I soon felt. a remarkable change and atler using two bottles of the twenty-ï¬ve cent size. was permanently cured." Sold by H. Parber. Warranted every bottle. -2 - that day. Ah! they did not. know how deep a shade That little grave in our home had made. “I" a only a little grave,†they said, ‘ Only a child’s that’ a dead; †And so they carelessly turned away b tom the mound the Spade had made Let us show you our elegant line of wall paper.-â€"MucFarlnno‘and Co. GREATLY ALARMED. The Little Grave Jr. IIIâ€"Mabel Wismer, Vila Mo. KPchuioâ€"a. John (ï¬rmshv. Sr II Gertie Morton Jr IIâ€"Gmngo Nawellu Herbert Dunsmoor. Aifred Barclay, Noble Bartlex PL. II-â€"-Annie Ewen, R05 Wismer, Sr.I “ illi. Edge, Mabel Vessie Jr. 1"lhommGrasby, Earl Vessie Garnet Winner. Edith Wismer. Earl M cKechn ie. Jr IIIâ€"Mary Ann Ball. Archie Kennedy. Katie McFarlane, Jr. IVâ€"Millie Whitmore. Way Young Sr. IIâ€"Nellie Hepburn, Harold Aljoe, Agnes Ramage and James Smith eq. Allister Cameron. Leena Wilson and Victor Lixiugston eq. Harper Kress. Jr II. I‘dâ€"James Farquharson' Gladys thtmore. Ruth Moran. Eric Kelly, Marjorie Mackenzie and Louis Lavelle eq. Sr. IIIâ€"Elmo Ed wards. Cassie Ryan, Allan Davis, Edith Tucker. Sr. IV Cassie Kennedy. Laura McGillivray. Sadie McKeown. . Jr. IIIâ€"Catherine ï¬lcUougall. Brock Grant, Ruby Kuisley. and W. McCrie vq Eddie McNulty, and Hazel Guthrie - Jr.’ II. (h)-Mabel Latimer. Jessie Currie, Calvin Kinnee, Wilfnd Calder. Tressa. McKay. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Winnie Brooker. Fred Laidlaw, Maggie Torry. Campbell Mc- Lochlan, Milton Mills. Jr. Pt. II. [a]-â€"Mannie Mountain, May CliE, Ruby Canon and Tommy Lauder eq. Vivien Crawford, Lorne Russell. Jr. Iâ€"Norman McDonald, Myrtle Daniels and May McKechnie eq Mary McKechnie, Wesley Johnston, Della Browe. a: a: at ‘ S. S. No. 5 GLENELG IV-Davis Staples, Jessie Peters, Percy Hunt. Vâ€"Lizzie Binnie. Violet Britvon Kat» Mc'Arthur. Jr. lVâ€"Madge Morton, Ellen Edge John Nwwell. Melinda Grasby. Jr [b]-â€"Charlie Havens, Frank Morlock and Laura Bryan eq. Jr. IIIâ€"Stewart McNally, Mary Peters. Tom Cook. Sr. IIâ€"Frauk Ryan. Dollie Ander son, Lorne McNally. Robbie Wright, Eva. Jack. wood Curman Alice. . ; She was thin and weak and Form Iâ€"Keith Newton Hattie Lawrence, Willie Farquharscn. Jam: ? did one dollar for a bOttl‘e 0‘ McClocklin; Essel Laidlnw and Geo.j 1cotts Emulsion, and by tak- Harbottle eq : :1 . . ‘ . P. S. Dam. . A g 1e<rular doses had gamed Sr. IVâ€"Irene . Lyman Fannv! xxelve pounds 1n weight before Moran. Bessie Telford. Wm Campbell -he bottle was finished. Robbie Laidlaw. Jr. IVâ€"Cecil Wolfe, Tom H011, Eight cents a pound is Nellie Smith, Allan Robertson,Lynn gheap for SUCll valuable ma. Grant Sr. IIIâ€"Eva Burnett. Belle Ector.g ‘erIal. some Pay more: some gosger‘dï¬aunders. George 011th, 333‘ some get nothing for u y . 1 s. . 1 Jr. IIIâ€"Catherine ï¬loUougall, ‘3†money. YOU g€t your Brock Grant Ruby Kuislrâ€"y. and W. mney's worth when you buy V e M N lt, dHazel , , . 29:28} Edd†c u 3 8" sotts Emulsxon. â€-â€" Sr. Iâ€"Jennie Kelsey, Willie Hes- lett. Jas. Billings, Maggie Han Lford, John Harbottle. Jr, IIâ€"Speucer Edwards, Wilfrid? Hunt. Wesley Hunt. Elm McNally.§ Basil DaVis, Chas Smith, Alexï¬' Wright Sr. Pt. II - Jenny Jack. Bessie Smith. Ivan Edwards. Edi'h Peters. Jr Pr. lIâ€"Mary Peart. Iâ€"Bvrrie Wright. Nina Edwards, AVHI'uge attPlldADCH 22. Sr. IIIâ€"Jennie McGillivray. Win nie Binnie. Jennie Fallaise= Au“; VLI“, ‘UuVJ vulvvu uuu ‘VlulIlJ | . . Lauder eq. Vivien Crawford, Lorne Jr' P" 11’0â€â€œâ€œ9 “Outlaw. George Arnett. Russell. ' ‘ . Jr. Pt. II. [51-13de Search. \V. br. Iâ€"Flora Mchllen. Morton, Lizzie Hillis and Cassie Average attendance 39. Russell eq. Maud Kress. Harold Mc- ALEX. FIRTH, Teacher. Kechnie. a Sr. III-~Arthur Ritchie», Minnie Vessie. Elms Edge. Form IIâ€"Lily Walker. Sadie Sharpe. Rita McComb. Ethel Green. wood, Curman Aljoe. Form Iâ€"Keitb Newton. Hattie Lawrence, Willie Farquharscn. Jae. McClocklio; E3991 Laidlaw and Geo. Harbottle eq HIGH SCHOOL DEHARTHENT. Form IIIâ€"'Annie Pony. Balk Bin- nie and Charlie Farquharson. equal, Bertha Wilson. Kate McDonuld, Clara Aljoe. S. S N†:2. BEN'I‘INCK and GLENELG Sarsaparilla Jr. [ajâ€"Victor Carton. Jessie Black Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Aycr’s Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula and will explain. “When 18 your: old. for may month. no one thought I could live become of thin blood. not, in n tow weeks. Ayer’a Ssmporlllo oom- plotoln restored no to hoolth." u. E. Buoxmu'nn. Vineland. 1!. J. The Children S S. No l GLENELG HONOR ROLLS W. J. RITCHIE. Teacher. AMY I EDGE, Teachvr. DURHAM. for Wad IIIâ€"Bessie Milligan, Gertie Morice Chas Lawrence, John Picken,Ear1 Vollett and John Petty eq Sr. IIâ€"Sadie Langrill, Florence Mountain. Agnes Petty Manon Petty Willie Wells Jr. 11 -Robert 0113. Victor Noble, 1 Fred Cuff, Leila Vollett. Jr. II. (a)- -Beaaie Webber. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Leslie :Morice, Maggie Donnelly, Herbert‘Noble. Jr. Pt II. [a]â€"Edward Hutton. Jr. Pt. II. [b]-â€"J ames Langrill. Iâ€" Melville Morice, Grace Petty, William John Vollett. __..- -- --â€"-.. -â€"..â€". - â€" S. S No. 2. ORCHARD. IVTSarah Eddington IVâ€"Mary Pinder, Simon Hoegi, Agzie Mark. Sr. IIIâ€"Aggie Brown, Laura Hoegi Perry Honflin, Olive Hoy Gertie Hoy Jr. III â€"Jessie Douglas. Sr. lIâ€"Jenet Hoeflin. Jeannette Hoy, Charlie Lewis. John Dickson, Flossie Dickson. Jr. IIâ€"Roy Dixon. John Garvey. Earl Hoegi, Arthur Hoy, Will Myers. Pt IIâ€"-â€"Essie Douglas and Walter Hoeflin Jessie Hoy. Pearl Schram, Leslie Hoegi. Justice cannot be done the goods on paper, you will have to cnll 1nd inspect, and nllow us to show you the who. Theobald. Jr. Bâ€"George McLaughlin. Myrtle Allan. Jr. A -- Willie Finnegan. Average attendance 26. ° It hits people in the tender spot and makes it mighty hard no brace up. Nerviline will take that kink out. of your spinal column in short order: it soothes. that’s why relief comes so soon. Nerviline penetrates that’s why it cures. Five times stronger than any ordinary remedies Nerviline can’t fail to cure lame hack tumbago. sciatica and neuralgia. Nerviline is King over all muscular pain. has no equal and costs 250. per bottle. Jr. IIIâ€"lusnph \Iorrinon. Esther Tucker. Archie Allm. Ethel Dennett Sr. IIâ€"Emm Dennetc. Archie Black, George Wilder, When buying a suit for your boy see Mockler’a new reedy made cloth. ing 20 per cent 03 for one week to introduce them. Jr. IIâ€"Ben Wbitmore, Rennie Smith, John Aruett. Sr. Pt IIâ€"Hazel Dennett, Maggie Woods. David Wilder. Willie Gray. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Campbell Crittenden. Willie Wilder May Allan,Sara Allan. Sr. lâ€"Earl Mead. Annie Kerr Mary Kerr. Aâ€"Gracie Pindor, Milton Hoeci. Murray Schram. Bert Dixon. Bâ€"Norman Dickson. Harris Fizzel Average attendnnée 31. A. HABROW. Tescher. S. S. No 2. Egremont. lVâ€"Lottie Eden, James Barbour. Katie Morriso". Sr. IIâ€"Noretta Fallaise, Amelia Rigby. Laura Beaton. Sr III-- Mugw Crittenden. Maggie McLaughlin. Stanley Mead Mary \Voodd. Sr. Po. IIâ€"Wilfred Nichol, Alex. McFarlane. George McInnis. IVâ€"Fred Mountain, Margaret Petty. John Lawrence, Will Morice Della Vollett. Vâ€"Alice Lawrence, Elsie Petty, Mary Morton, Donlie Hapkins. Eight cents â€a pound is what a young woman paid for :welvg pounds of flesh. I‘monto, We will send you a little rec. SCOTT 8: BOWNE, CHEMISTS. onto, Ontario. 50c. 'and $1.00: all druggists. ANNIE L. LAWRENCE. Teacher. Cold Settles in the Back. HUTTON HILL SCHOOL JOHN A'. GRAHAM, Teacher Fall Wheat ........ Spring \Vheat ..... Oats ............. . Eggs ............. . Potatoes per bag. . . . Apple - ............ Flour per cwt. ...... Oatmeal per sack. .. Ch‘op per cwt..... Live flags. ........ Dressed Hogs per cm Hides par lb ...... Sheepskins ......... Wool . . . . .. . ..... Lamb ............ Try our Halifax Fish Cake. Maple Syrup in We now have uur grands, and “0 don I think vow can ï¬nd a more complete. line of GR( H ERIES in Durham As an example how is mu line of L anned Heat... Dixon 1 Cow. 4 Yorkshire pigs 4. weeks old. ‘25 Bushels Mensury Barley for seed. 3 Yearling cattle. 1 Fat steer. 2 calves. NEW :ARRIVALS up EARLY SUMMER HATS IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTXENT. J AS. ELAN D Skirts and Gowns. Newest ...... Spring Ideas. Now for Specials Ladies’ White Waists. CHICKEN LOAF 20p BEEF LOAF... . . ..1:’.c VEAL LOAF ............. 15'" CHIPPED BEEF ......... 2n COBNED BEEF ...l.5c (t. :m: Market Report. Br cwt........ 2‘25 lper suck... :2 40 3r cwt..... . 100 028 .......... .500 Hogs percwt 600 Der lb ........ 5 WM. L. DIXON. O ,.R Dmuuul. May 4. 1904. OFFERS FOR SALE REUENBER THE PM Of McIntyre Grocery. :7. nouns 930mm neuveaeo N. P. McIntyre. DROMORE. ONT. In Cnrpets. Linoleum: nnd Floor Oils. Bonne late ttl’iVOll in the Cape: Deputmenc, arrived lete. going enrly. Among others notice SPECIALâ€"Rich Tapestry, dilerent pawns. excellent vnlue at 80c. extrn specie! at 65c you'd. Well made end beeutifully trimmed with Lace Embroidery and Insertion. Alto plein and with Tacks. Skirts. 75c to $6.50. Gowns. 60c to 01.50 Silk Waist Fronts with Drawn Work. They are hand wrought on superior quality wash silk and vill make up exquisitely. Patterns all different. The prices are $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Silk the same quality to complete waist, 27 inches wide, 60c per yard. The very newest eflocts in goods nnd mute-up, ranging in price from $1.00 to $2.50. SOME OF THE 40 8 00 9 ‘2 50 2 40 I 00 5 00 6 25 or ()0 X0 McIntyre Block. â€"â€" Durham. Ont. ..Mil|inery. . LUNCH TONBUE .. DEVILED TURKEY†DEVILED HA“ ...... . DEVILS“ BEEP. . . . . .. POTTED KARLâ€... . .. Bulk. 30 cents a'quart. UIDLA W8 0L0 8TAHD. Money mumot buy any- thing more tasty. ‘ a wish m “91 «Heat. ma to (a. grund (in-May of Mflhnety at MISS DICK Mmï¬ Ullk'- Nun bo-fof.‘ has than» own such a grand; dinning m choose from. Tb.» 363198 :r- 80 becoming nud‘l the (mums so ‘ beauti'ullyo‘ bleudru That our «Horn.- to- pleuse the. ladies in Uurhul~ and bur-roundiu‘g comm-y m- uot in vain are prove" hv tho crowds who visit. the show. roomsdmh' Our prices W alum)» removable. M Did 80c 10c. [00 10c 10c