bu Hand. $235 me and Undertak- ESS. I am prepared 1 makes of all kinds pply your needs at 1ains. {LIX vilC «s are mg DE CS VOTE ure! 1m Honey. 10c 3 lb 3H5 Cheap. Ible 1 DO u Jacob Knot, roiit.†:8 and their of time and stock. Our shopwvorn. HAM. ONT. rating we A) and .I‘CSS. 300 .g Prints. Gingham- uow in. ' See them. BLOC K wide wide ape Wide. wide wide H Picture (tuning p‘om ptly nad neatly 1 mac II wide 1193 DURHAM in wide you call u out 1 Quality, Sty]. “l during the put the very near COD! “Exam" . 40¢ apair â€The aw: .T‘Zx' apair 31.0)3Dair es except ï¬dent that )ng uc each :0 each D Uï¬ice over'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store Lower Town, Durham. Anyamount of money to loan gt 5 per cent. on farm property. u'v Oflica. A RRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.. McIntyre’s Block, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly “tended to. Searches mada at the Regis- W. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- t.) Universit Graduate of Royal 001192 e of Dents :88“! eons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block over Post Ofï¬ce. . U the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. l ï¬ce over McLachlan’s store. Oflice hours, 8 to w a. m., 2to 4p. m. and? to9 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbyterian Church. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- vexancers Etc. “ones? to Loan. Oï¬ices: â€"l:‘. the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. T1333, Durban. Ont. er. Conveyancer, etc. Private mono to loan. Old accounts and debts of a1 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Oï¬ceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand. Lower (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A shnrt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambmn Strmts Lower Town, Durban. Oï¬ice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxg and George Streetsâ€"at font of_l_n_ill. ()ï¬igqhoprsâ€"EHI 3.11)., 2-4 UGH MACKAY . DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0: Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. [‘2 Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allen Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle oï¬ce. Arthur Gun, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- ï¬ce over McLachlan’s store. 051cc THE JOB :: ls completely stocked with DEPARTHENT am new TYPE, thus an. fouling facilities for turning out Pint-clan U eased Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Land Valuator. Beilifl' of the 2nd Divnsion. Court Sdee end all othet matters romptly attended to. Hmheet refereence urnisbed if required. in" A“ advertise nests, to ensure insertion in men; tuck, should be bought in not but than Toucan mung.______ #____ mm For transient advgrtisetputts 8 cams per line {or the ï¬rst msctton :3 cents pa um , . . ling each subsequent magmaâ€"minus m Mammal cards, not exceeding one inch, “.00 annum. Advertiwmenu without specxï¬c 51â€Â»:th be published till forbid tad charged ac- wgze Transient noticesâ€"“ you“: “ Found,’ " Fa feta-50 cents for flat mscmoo, 25 cents (age!) subgequem insertion: ‘ , U tioneer for the County of Grey. Soles promptly attended t0. Orders me be left at his Implement Warerooms, ll innon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oï¬ee. M Tu: Cagnmcva will be“? to any .ddress, rec 0 postage, l.00pcr um . , , . year,payablc gn advanooâ€"‘l. may “W a no; sq paid. 'lhe dateto'hlc every Mia; h aid :3 (1:30? :d by the numbcron the m w 0 paper Fit 4; attuned until 311m .3 â€new at the Optnm uf the proprietor. Alladvenismu ordered bystrangm m be pad Irjn dunes. - .I. P. Telford. ARRIS’I‘ER, ‘ SQLICITOR_. ETC. l. G. Hutton. M. 0., Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. FFICELFIRST DOOR EAST OF AMES CARSON, DURHAM, LIC- OHN CLARK. LICEHSED AUC- OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, CQMAMISSION- WV THURSDAY uonmuo “a: mac noose, mu m DURHAM, ONT. G. Lefroy McCaul. Emma AND Pnopnm'ron. Medical Dz’redorv. MacKay Dunn. WWW Dental Directorv. Legal Directory p. m. Telephone No.10; Miscellaneous. \V. F. DUNN. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 1103.. Eng., and to Golden Sq. Throat and N036 Hos Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose U York and Chicago. ' Diseases of Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham..the 2nd Satundvv in each month. Hoursâ€" 1-6 pm. WANTEDâ€" FAITHFUL PERSON TO call on retail trade and agents for manu. facturing house having well established business; local territory; straight salary 820 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary; sition permanent; business successful. inclose self-addressed envelope. Su rintendent Travellers, 605 Monon Bldg.. hicago. Will be at. the Middaugh House lat Wedneadgy of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. WANTED-FAITHFUL PERSON T0 travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents“ Legal territoryj.m§§l_h‘ry 820.“) per week with expenses additional, all pay- able in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business successxul and rushing. Standardiliouse, 330 Dearborn St" Chicago. â€"1932 WANT EDâ€"SEVERAL IN DUST RIOUS persons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with nlarge capital. ,to call upon merchapts and agents for successful and proï¬able hues. Perman- ent engagement. .Weekly cash salary of 824 and all travellmg expenses and hotel bills advanced ugh week. Experience not essential. Menttop references pug enclose NEW Pumps AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, RIB-CURB, PRESSCURB ALL WORK GUARANTEED at â€Live and let live†PRICES. ééiéSdEEéest' Envelope. T. 332, Dearborn St. Chicago. Pumps._ 1 ï¬nance. and the ï¬ublic in general um I um prepared to furnis WELLS. Allordard taken at the old “an. near McGowan’o Mill will be promptly at tended to. DR. BROWN L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULA'I’E of London. New GENTLEMENzâ€"I can but speak well of the Interrational Cor- respondence Schools and their system of teaching in the different branches of education. In teaching languages there is no better system. Their Commercial Course. as well as their course in Drawing' and Sketching. is perfect. Any person with a common school education can through these schools acquire a thorough knowledge of any of the branches they teach. The long evenings of the fall and winter season could not be Spent better than by taking up one of the branches taught by them BEG LEAVE TO [moan MY CUS- Noteâ€"H. S. Hallman has {our children with the I. C. DB. GEO. S. BURT. GEORGE WHITMORE. BXCLCS IVELY J. W. MCKAY, Representative, Box 441, HARRISTON. ONT. THE NATIONAL TESTIMONIAL. The coming Militia Camp promises to be one of unusual interest. During the past two years only small contin- gents have been ordered out. this year full companies will betaken. I would like to see all the old members go and enjoy a camp under the improved con- ditions, also as many new men as can be secured. Quite a number have al- ready joined so those who intend go- ing should apply at once as early as possible. See later ad. for date of drills. Cream . . . Separators. TERESHERS ENGINES. The White “ Challenge†Separ- ‘ator and new and second hand Engines of all makes. The “ MELO'I‘TE,’ two-piece bowl. The best skimmer and the lightest running machine in the market. Hampden, May 3rd, 1904. STOVES. Huron Stoves and Ranges. SEWING MACHINES. The “ Whitp.†and " Standard.†BUGGIES WAGGONS. HAY FORKS. The best. in the world. Frost Wood (Sd.) H. S. Hallman, Editor Gospel Banner Berlin. . Campbell, - DURHAM, ONT. A large assortment of all the bust. makes. Volunteers Attention ! O. M. SNIDER, Captain; N o. 4 Co’y, 3lst Regt. AGENCY. Agenf. He had no knuwlmlge of anv (use of an adult bect [Hing consumptive in this way. In cmwlusion, Dr. Ravel.- a1 urged that while’tt is important to educate the public. to build sana toria, and to establish large institutes for the treatment of advanced cases the whole duty of prevention wa~ not being done if the possibility of infection from animal soutces were neglected. The speaker was moat favorably received, and at the close of the lecture was accorded an un- animous vote of thanks on the mo tion of His Excellency, the Governor General, who has always taken a great interest in the work of the as- sociation. ï¬fection from animals A phase of the question in which farmers are particularly interested was discussed by Dr. Ravenal. an eminent United Stafes authority, who is aseisgant medical director of Henry Phipps. Insritute at Philadelphia, in an able address on “Animal Tuberculoses in their Relation to Human Health.†Dr. Ravenal detailed with exactness the adVancemeut made in the study of consumption since Koch of Berlin made his famous discovery of the tubercule bacillus. and said that in the course of many years exneriment- ing he had not found any animals that were immune from tuberculosis. The lecturer vigorously combatted the opinion of Koch and Others that there is an essential difference be- tween human and bovine tuberculosis and cited a large number of experi- ments in support of his view that these were practically idential. While admitting that the majority of cases of consumption were due to infection by inhalation. he claimed that atonsiderable percentage could be deï¬nitely traced o infectiun through the digestiv tract by food, particularly with and meat. The few ï¬guresavailahle seemed .to indicate that about 23') per cent of children’s cases were due to the latter cause. Fresh Air, Light and Sunshine. The keynote of the convention was: â€"-“Live as much as possible in the open airâ€. Fresh air, light anh sun- shine in most important preventives of consumption. and all rooms oc cupied bv consumptives should be as well lighted and ventilated as pos- sible LlVlng in over crowded. ill- ventilated, dark, dirty rooms; insufï¬- cient or bad food; dissispatio; or any- thing which enfeebles the constitution and thus impairsits power of resis- tance. is likely to facilitates the invasion of the system by the germs. These are found in vast numbers in the dust particles of the dried spit of the consumptive and to the minute droplets sprayed into the atmosphere by the consumptive in coughing, consequently spitting about the streets or in buildings (churches schools, theatres, railway stations, Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when constipated; when you hav no ap- petite. feel dull after eeZing and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your ap- petite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by H. Parker. The Imperial Cement works will resume work on Monday with s. stsï¬ of seventy men. Extensive altera- tions have been made to the plant and they will have an increase out- put of high quality. The company ore taking on :11 the men they con secure .--Owen Sound Times. While sauatoria were helpful in the case of those who had the diseasH he believed that the great. means of its prevention was in education. Amusing the public. The report of the executive council pointed out that the operations of the ins. ciatton have combined with other influences to concentrate public altt-uflmt in some degree upon consumption and to awaken a desire for information re 19rdlng the mo a-ures which should he taken to stay its ravages. The Secretary, Rev. Dr. Mome. of Ottawa during the year distributed by mail and otherwise over 100.000 leaflets on "How to Prevent Consumption“. t Rules for Consumptivesâ€, etc. Many lectures were also given, with the hearty co operation and sympathy of the medical health ofï¬cer: and Other members of the medical pro~ fession; the mayor and members of municipal councils. the clergy of all denominations, and the prcprietors of newspapers. As the president. Hon. Senator Edwards. pointed out. literature such as the association distributes should be in every home. so that the people might be taught the simple means bv which thw scourge may be avoided. Many of the most thoughtful end publicospirited men of the Dominion are numbered emong the oflioere and members of the Cnnndinn Association {or the prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis, which held its iour'h unnnnl mew- in'g Ottawa on April the 20th and :31 st. Every thinking man and woman mus: be impressed with the neeres sity for united action to check the revnges to! a disease which causes one death in every eight in this country. and gives rise to -a vast amount of estimating and permanent ill-health. It is calculate-d that in Canada at present moment netwmn 30 000 and 4t.),UOO persnm are sufler in: from it. yet it is undouh'lya preventable disease and one that is cnrablein its earlier stages. To Stamp Ont Consumption Just What You Need' .-_.._,__ oâ€". 0.9 .vâ€"¢ _.--- - Sisewell (Y2 ml PROMPT A'I'I‘EN'I‘ION 'm PU RN ITU RE UNDERTAKING I . 08.}; “Jim N., G. J. McKechnie. It Has Never Been N.,B J. Mckechnie. Itlasadtooontemplate the unfortunateonndltionof aornanyinenol outday and generation. At 30 they feel 50; at 40 they feel 60. and at 50 whenthey should heintheve primeof life, the are almost readyfa the grave. .The ï¬re of youth gone out, the ountain of vitality is exhausted. Premature old age! No matter what produced it, whether evil habits in youth. later excesses, or business worries, the one for you to do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manh . Don’t lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden year! for yonif. you only get help. We can and will not only help you. but cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years. during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you have lost. __ A-_ _ -n .- noâ€"n-OC‘A “3'- OWE. It puriï¬es and enriches the BLOOD. strengthen. the “RV vitaiizes the sexual organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses ï¬ts a man for the active duties of life. We treat and cure Blood Poison, \‘arlcocclc. Strictnre. Glaat. Urinary Draina, chnal Weaknaaa. Kidney and Bladder diseases. CONSULTATIDK FREE. If unable to call, Write (or a Qucatlon Blank for Homo Treatment. 035. KEN N EDY 8| KERGAN 0f the best ma! HEPAR'I‘M EXT. Fur all kinds 4.»! '48 Shelby 8!... DETROIT, .10â€. PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN 28 Year. In Detroit. 250.000 Cured. Dank Security. Gurus Gum-ante“! or Ila Pay. TR 'Y ï¬rst-class goods at a high price. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a moderate price is a pro- blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect ou i-«stoc. a very difï¬cult matter to produce fHE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CA8" STORE. 1 K (’5 1% := : :LsURHAM SCHOOL†handing umdoula should onusr M beginniluol Iona. or u won nftor u poumlh. WM. JOHNSTM. Chairman {he who“! u " cupped for full Jumur Loam am “urinals-mu work under the follow .un 01' cmupewm {Huskers for that datum: ti :lchcmls in Toronto. This dWVOtH" pnpulu' svslem by mum of chart. (Irma. nlavkbmrd diagrams sud other inmmï¬na MVims {Minus the following topics within ,m. chiid‘s iuunadium cmnpmheusiun : “using. Nubdlcm 'Ruythmical MOï¬OB. I‘m-llniquï¬_Kmubuu‘d meuuu, \Iusim’ «WV .3. ~44!" For wrun- npph tn THON. ALLAN. Principal. MISS L. M. FORFA R. Clunicn and Modd- Fan. 1 on per manth “()PTEH HY ALL ‘.‘LEADING .‘ayer's Musuc Method. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT Pi a t w “ 'u r k \- OW L‘-' «can use MARGARET GUN rancher \I (I. R AHAGE.