‘3: We eell the “ IMPERIAL †end “ KEITH" mekee. neve you tried them? Perfect in (it end elweys etylieh they rnelte life’s well: eeey es they are comforteble to the feet end eeey on the pocket-hock. We heve e full line to eelect fromâ€"ell ehepee end eieee. Men of good nnderstending ltnow e good thing when they eee it. end es eooneeqnenee our PATENT leether ehoee heve hed meny p-zrcheeere. They certeinly are the peer of ell dreee ehoee end ere feveritee now. Come in end we will gledly hoot you if you so deeire. Gentlemen’s Footwear. The People’s Store é TOO OFTEN an ill-ï¬tting shirt. waist is the fault. A shirt waist that doesn’t fit well, and is Without stvle. will mar an otherwise perfect attire. We claim to have in stock a line of shirt waists that is sure to please the most fastidious. They are made from best materials and are right up-to date in cut and style. See these waists and have your pick before the line is broken into too badly. They are quick sellers and are just the thing for the warm days that are sure to come. Ladies’ Shirt Waists. ï¬ï¬MWWflï¬Mï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚fl Prices Correct Dress is easy to recognize, yet many ~women just miss it. 90c, 3100, 3125. $1.50, $1.75. 3200, c. 81.00. 31.25. 31.50. 31.75. 32.00, 250, $3.50, $4.00, 35.00. in Your Stocking~Feet. If the Shoe fits Don’t go and “ KEITH†nukes. Hgveugop land) included in «lo. Cttnlognu mailed on application. Hegistemd Shoï¬hom Cattle Wednesday, June 22, ’04 “ Stock Bun," (bred ih Scot DURHAM, - ONT. A young son has arrived at the home of .Wm. Derby on Monday morning. Last Week Mr. Thos. Rosy bad a gang of men Jacking up his barn. after raising it about {our feet it fell te the ground and was so badly da- maged that. it will be necessary to take it apart and rebuild it. The muons have commenced the foundation for D. Donnelly’s new brick dwelling. Mr. and Mrs W. Mills and children Spent a few days with" the Hunt family. Christena McLean is home from Stratford and is prOgressing rapidly towardsrecovury. Her mauy'friends are pleased to see her looking and feelingso well. The fresh air and careful nursing will soon bring the roses back to her cheeks. The nurse Miss Cat-mom. of Orc- hardville, spent last. week with Mrs. A. W. Hunt. Mr. Sims of Owen Sound visited his daughter Mrs. H. Livingston re cently. Miss Sara Reay is very ill with bilious fever. Hope to hear soon of her recovery. At 'ime of writing Dan Shun is visiting his sisters. and other friends at Holland Centre previous to his departure for the West. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Livingston. spent Sunday with the latter’s sieter Mls Cross. of Louise. Alex. McGillivray Sr of Bruce rec newed 01d acquaintances here last week. He was accompanied back by John Clark Sr. who will visit his danghter Mrs D. McGillivray and his many other friends in Bruce. Euphemia McCormack spent a few days with Glenroden cousins last week A great many people complain, he- caus» they see their names in print from their burg and yet they are the first ones to look up the paper to see if there is anything in fromâ€"‘Plt may not be of any interest to you; but there are peOple. who take the Chronicle that are living hundreds of miles from here. To them it may be an intereSt since a great many of them have left these parts. It may not be a literary treat ; but is is weak- ly news from home, just the same. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Smith visited the Vickers family. ' Dan Skena is leaving for the West where he intends bowing out his fortune Succoss Dan Quite anumber from this burg at.- tended the prayermeeting at the Rocky last week. There must. be quite an attraction up this way for 'he Aberdeen boys. when they come round this way for a short out home A few from this line were out last Thursday to Mr D. C. McKPchnie’s barn raising. The day proved rather wet for them. so thev were in attend ance again on Saturday. and succeed ed in completing the raising It has not been the best, spring for builders Hair Vigor Last weak was Spud planting week. Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It sullen for food, 'starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer’s Hair Vigoris a hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. “ Hy his no coming out totflbly. I m :lmoot sink! to comb it. But Ayers nu: Vigor prom no the an ad mo tutored tho’unn’tun won" “at: nu. E. G. K. WARD, unding. N. J. Auction Sale ! 1.00 3 bottle. fl. PARKER, Durham -â€"-ATâ€"- “ RIVER FARM,†oor Ha If Mull Corners. Vickes. CREDIT 40.0%. for J. c. 4):; 00.. for the purpose of nomjnatinz a Candidgte for the 0500 of Councnllor to ï¬ll a vacancy for the reminder of the you Iâ€. Sho Id 1 poll be required it will be 0 u- od on uy. Juno the 27th at the fol ow- ing phat:â€" Nom WARD-:At Norma Kelsey- Home. Clifton Eludgo, D. R. 0. Eur WARD-At Town Hall. Joseph Burnett. D. B. 0. Win WARDâ€"At 8. P. Smudon’ shop. John Baith. D. R. 0. Pnllumati}. mud clan-guy... will be held in the Town Hall at 8 o’clock Monday, June 29th, 1904 l. at the Clerk’s ofï¬ce up to June 2lst inst, for the building of a stone retaining wall north and south of Lambton St. east of new bridge. Tenders to state so much per perch. All material furnished by the tawn. Also. by same date, separate tenders wanted for (1) Stone. per cord: (2) Sand. Ber cubic yard; (3) Lime. per bushel; (4) meat, per bbl. Speciï¬cations can be seen at the Clerk’s oflice. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. W. B. VOLQET. Anna. McLacnun. Clerk . J uno 6th.â€"2. ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED at, thQ Clerk}! oflice up to June 218t that 1, George Caswell. have no agents authorized to sell my goods and chattels or any of them. and that any at- tempted sale or disposal of any of my goods and chattels without my written consent by anyone purporting to be my agent will not be recognized by we. Dated this 6th day ofJnne. 1904. 2â€"pd. GEORGE CASWELL. The Markdale boys give our play- ers a good name. but are rather core with the parties who interfered Geo. L. Allen 2nd. Vice Pres. C. L. A. gave excellent satisfaction as referee and will report the game as unï¬nished. Although Durham was ahead when the 'scene occurred. NOTES. Did you ever see a Donnybrook ï¬ght? BASEBALL. The game of baseball between teams representing the Middaugh and Knapp Houses. and termed Poverty Row and Hogans Alley re- spectively will be played on the school grounds on Friday evening at 6. 30 sharp Following are the play- era HOGAN’Q ALLBYM-MacGould, P Hogan, C; Gagnon lat. B; Broomal! 2nd. B; Remy, s. S;Grasby. 3rd. 13' Brown. C. F ; Sharpens. L. F; Cook R. F ; Mascot. D. McDonald. The ï¬rst Championship Lectosee Much of the season wes played on the Lactose Grounds here between Aberdeen: of Murkdele and the Home team. POVERTY Row ~Theobald. P; Math- eson. Cf Ludlow. lst. B; Graham. 2nd B; Pawson. S. 8; Duncan, 3rd. B; Mcbaaery. C. F; Pickering. L. F; Brown R. F ; M. Guth. ‘Jascor. V O'I‘ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i that 1. George Caswell. have no Mrs. (Dr.) Jemieson Opened the game by placing the hell between the sticks and the game started. The ï¬rst quarter was good La- crosse. and both teams showed up well. Although the Durham home had many chances to score only one coal was landed. It's too bad if true sport is allowed to degenerate through lack of deter- mination of the better class of cin’, zone to put down rowdyism Sport is sport. and most peOple would {refer to see a good game for their money rather than witnessa Donnybrook ï¬ght. The second quarter was started when. in a mix-up, one of the Mark- dale players threw down his stick and took to the flats. This aroused other members of the visiting team who took a hand in the fracas. Then came the Donnybrook, the crowd rushed in pandemoninm ruled. riot ranrampant and the scene was a disgrace in any civilized community. The intruders had no right’ on the ï¬eld and the Management of the Durham Lacrosse Club are very in- dignant and request those who must ï¬ght to go elsewhere to give vent to their pugnacions spirits From the general disgust expreseed by respectable citizens we don’t think the conduct of Tuesday will be toier- ated in the future. ‘ The trouble could have been settled by the referee and the contesting parties without. any bloodshed and how much better it would have been. fl Markdale spectators| treated our boys the way their boys were treated here we’d be apt to mention it. Wm. B. You“. Rounding 0600!. Juno 1. III. YEETING OF THE MUNICI- pal Electors of the TOWN OF DURHAM Tenders Wanted. Municipal Notice. That m [Itch NOTICE. Chairman, B. of W. We Have Received Several Testimonials in regard to the quality of our JAPAN TEA. We Have Received Another Shipment at the old prices 25c, 35c and 50c. Now we Don't Want You to Take any person’s word for it. All, we want you to do is-to call in, take a pound apd try_it._ _If _it_does. not suit bring it back sud get Not Part but the Full Amount of your Money Back. 3. Can anything be more fair than this? Fall Wheat ......... Spring Wheat. ...... . Oats ............. . Peas . . . L ........... Barley .............. Hay ................ Butter ............. . Eggs ................ Potatoes per bag. Apple- ............. Flour per cwt ...... . Oatmeal per sack. Chop per cwt.... Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cw! Hides per lb ...... . Sheepskins .......... Wool . . . . . ...... Lamb, ............. ’PHONE 27. young Pigs. Seed Potatoes. 1 Pure Bred Shortborn Heifer, 15 months old. 1 Colt, 1 year old. Several Cows. Calves. Stockers and‘ Dixon %*$$$$%**ï¬$$$*tt$ï¬t*$¢$$$ J.' M. HUNTER BLOCK. THE CLOTHIER. That we are going out of this business and must have the stock sold. You get the advantage in prices on Clothing. Shoes and Furnishings. If you have not seen our Summer Suits for men it will pay you to call in. Swell patterns from $3.00 to $6.50. You pay regularly from $5.00 to $8.50 for the same suits. This stock of Clothing, Shoes and Men’s Furnishings must be cleared out in the next sixty days. If you have not been the lucky one in se- curing a suit at never equalled prices, don’t let this chance pass. Have you a boy that should have a suit “P We have still a number of boys’ suits, excellent quality and at manufacturers’ price. You can’t afford to let those bargains slip past. r- .............. l 00 to per cwt ........ 2 50 to 931 per track. 2 40 to per cvvt ........ 1 10 to Ilogs .......... . 5 00 to edHogs per cwt. 6 00 to 1 per lb ........ 5 to whine. .......... 40 to ...... . 26 to .‘fIIITII........ 7m w ............. 5to ................ 10 to 10 Market Report. WM. L. DIXON . DROMORE,ONT. Dmuum. June 8. 1904. T HEOBALD McIntyre Grocery OFFERS FOR SALE 8 88 to 8 90 to 28 to 58 to 40 to 8 00 to 11 to 13 to . 75 to 1 00 to 2 50 to 2 40 to 1 10 to N. P. McIntyre. JAPAN TEA. 5 to 40 to 16 to 7 to 5 to 10 to Look Here 110 625 3O 11 13 75 10 Call and see the most com- plete stock of Summer Mil- linery. It will please you. FROM New York and Toronto. McIntyre Block. â€"- Durhnm. Ont. ..Mil|inery. . MISS DICK l-DAY‘S NEWS chiefly con- come a shipment of White Straw Shapes. White Braids. etc., for the summer trade. This assortment gives our millinery room an air of conspicuous elegance similar to that which was so notice- able at the Spring Opening. The hats are of the nicest braids, and the shapes are most becoming and the prices are reasonable. We also display a variety of Children’s Hats in Muslin, Silk and Leghorns. and all kinds of Baby Bonnets. REHEDIBER Party in thv 1’ day night next Cl "'5ka DURlflj CHROUI _ FOR SALE. stove with m he sold Cheap DON’T forget a: cial to be given 0| day July 5th. 1’: RAIN has him and so far this pointed t has been chairman going out for U busy time now. anxious for the my home thzjom canoes. The In fwtories are bill} are to spam the 0 rather than lower remunerau here are Alisa Lawrence, John en. Sid. “’illis mm} Aljoe, , A‘ Turner. Geo. BI} Thomas Reid. 1 pug very pnnuisin THE Vuluuu-e Tuesday morning dnys will be undc flcult to get enuu company and nut forts of Captain I a full force there a full force them leave with his cc nearly all young camp lifv sent wi of Magazines for! flme’. The act. w allows forethougl donor. We 01])! camp in next in. W ‘ young wwnsmu the list. with hot: This spanks volul ity, and with sud ï¬dent he has be business. \\'9 be tions and hope Ll his course may ll 2M". McComb with H Mange. and (‘4 We‘hope the boy able and happy 0 exercise, and mu L. loCuIL who I by th WE are please! of Mr. Archie \V: ly made a (media cond your Media Gill College. MO! over one hundred THE 1. (J ward m at those who \V Great common among lime or charcoal. was set aside for when feasting II Iy indulged in. 1 tan that the tbie discovered. and I on of such antic! 'and made to pay Local N Archie Sinclair ! hundred dollars, ment. of his he! bir til-day from I similar cheque. I The beauty of it nothing more to SOME mean we lat Sunday nigh: cut of the town 30 or 40 yen-s I paw A xrxm ) mel h“ REA]! 3' is: I “1 Th. \‘V l 2‘0 8‘ #85 VOL. 38‘ Amen, Al 'l‘l run nnx U l‘l "U“ the lmrh 0 l0 val] l‘h N ‘I'\‘ 0|“ \V ll