om °sons woru II in. take a lit bring it I Amount cry. . f3 chiefly con- nent of White , White Braids. summer trede. IOI‘ gives out an en air of ‘lognnca similar was so notice- most com- lmmer )Iil- ISO be 10?! nu â€I‘HIER. ICK Toronto. .d price I! and ening. nicest as no Ll the V011 . We N REMEMBER the Farewell Garden Party in the Parsonage grounds Tues- day night next. Admission lOc. Fun S.\LE.â€"A second hand cook >1th! with reservoir, nearly new, will lw sum cheap. Apply at this ofï¬ce. I)0.\"'r forget the Baptist Lawn So- cial to be given on the evening of Tues- day July 5th. Particulars later on. .\ XL'MnEn of our Lacrosse boys went to 0an Sound Tuesday and were de- i'mtml by the \Vellingtons the score Ming: 8 to U in favor of Owen Sound. GATHERED DURING THE P187 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READER8. The Rev. Thos. Coiling, B. A. ap- pninted to Durham Methodist church has been elevated to the ofï¬ce of chainnan of Mount Forest District. RAIN has been plentiful during May and so far this month the crops are very promising. READ Miss Dick’s change of ad. on pug? 8. “'9: are pleased to report the success of Mr. Archie \V'. Hunter, who recent- ly made a creditable showing in his se- roml year Medical Examination at Mc- (sill (‘ollege. Montreal. There were over one hundred in the class, and our young townsman stands seventh on the. list, with honors on every subject. This speaks volumes for Archie’s abil- ity. {ml with such a record we are con- fident he has been keeping down to business. “'0 tender our congratula- tions and hope the remaining years of Tm; I. O. F. Members may look for- ward to a happy future, especially those who are old enough to partici- pate m the beneï¬ts of the order. Mr. Awhie Sinclair receives this week one hundred dollars, being the ï¬rst instal- ment of his beneï¬ciary, and every hir thâ€"day from now on is entitled to a similar cheque, for the next ten years. The beauty of it is too, that he has nothing more to pay. his Cuul'sc may he marked with similar .\ I'B'I‘I'I'lux fur better mail service brings fruit, by additional mail on the night train in. and another bag out at :; p. In. This rhange has long been t'e-lt m-q-vssury, and will be appreciated by the- general public. SUCCQ T HE Vulnntcex-s left for Niagara Tm'sday nmrn-ingand for ten or twelve «lays will be nndvr drill. It seems dif- ï¬cult to get enough men to form a unnpuny and notwithstanding the ef- forts of Captain Snider to go out. with at full force there were only eighteen to leave with his company. They were nearly all youngfellows, many of them going out for the ï¬rst time. It’s a busy time now, and many who were anxious for the war were forced to stay home through pressure of circum- was set aside for a sort of jolliï¬cation, when feasting and drinking were free- ly indulged in. It must not be forgot- te-n that the thief can be punished, if Clih'lflï¬'fll'ed, and we hope all perpetiat- «ms of such actions will he found out 'and made to pay the penalty. stilllk'vs. The farmers are busy. The filvtnl‘it‘s are busy and few employers HUT to spare. the men, while many em- pl yers are disposed to stay with their jo )5 rather than go to camp at a much lowerremuneration. The boys from here are Alister Gordon, Howard Lawrence. John )IcGirr, Alex. Sand- Sitl. \Villis, Chas. .\lc(rilli\ray. -\1tlmr.â€"\ljoe,.Alex.Mil omh. 031': u Turner Geo. Burnett. Roht. Vollet, Thomas Reid. Tom Moore. (Thistle) “'08. Arnett. Alf Noble and Thomas )[c(‘ox11h.with Staff Sergeant. \Vm. Raniage. and Captain 0. M. Snider. “'0‘ hope the boys may have a proï¬tâ€" ahle and happy outing, get plenty of exercise, and return home with well- developed mum le. 111‘ a good know- ‘ledge of military manom ring. Mr. G L. McCaul, who knows something of camp life sent with the boys a bundle of Magazines for perusal during leieinre time’. The act was commondnhh and showsforotbonghtonthoport of tho donor. Woolpoctalomr from“ .mhmw Hopwo’lnotin SOME mean mortal stole a gobbler last Sunday night from Adam Watson east of the town. In heathen times :m or 10 years ago, such thefts Were common amongst burners of brick, lime or charcoal, one night of which Local News Items Great SLAUGHTER SALE now { VOL. 38---N0. 1944. 0m: reference in the (,‘lunnicle three weeks ago to Mr. Frank Irwin’s at- tachment to the United States roused our estemnetl young friend’s Canadian patriotism in a manner quite. refresh- int,r to us. In a letter received from him last week he duly credits the Uiii'eel States with being "a great and grand country," but at the same time («presses in no uncertain manner his admiration of Canada and the. love. that still warmly burns within his breast for the land of his birth. \Vetake the liberty of quoting from his letter as follows :â€"“I saw your reference in the Chronicle and it seems you imagine I am quite American. Don’t think, dear friend, I am one of that class Who is ashamed to acknowledge and hold up his country. I am still as willing to uphold the old sod as ever, and strong enough to ï¬ght the .man, especially these Canadian born adopted sons of America, who are, some of them, only too willing to run down their native country, and try to impress people of their intense loyalty to this country, after a few days residence across the line. I am proud [am a ‘Canuck,’ for they have proved themselves time and again, to be men of nerve and backbone, superior statesmen and warriors. I shall always love and think well of dear old Canada, the land of my youth and forefathers, and also the people there who are second to none on earth. Just let America try to make a state of Canada without her consent and you will see which country I’ll stand by, no matter if I have to walk from bare to the line to join the 3lst Battalion.†With respect to the latter we have no THE Owen Sound Association of Baptist churches meet in Wiarton this week, and the following from the Bap- tist church here are in attendance?- Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Miss Flora McKenzie. Mr. Chas. Browne and two daughters, M iss Ada and Bessie Browne. The Rev. \VrayR. Smith will preach a blackboard Sermon on Sunday morn- ing in the Methodist church, Subject “Sifters and Sepa-trators.†The mem- bers of the Junior League and the pupils of the Sunday school will meet in the basement at ï¬fteen minutes to eleven o’clock. Parents invited, good music, hearty singing. “'15 referred recently to the pur- chase of the Durham Brick yard by Mr. \V. Black of this town, and we have pleasure this week in telling our readers that negotiations have been concluded, between Mr. Black and Mr. \Valker, of London, a practical brick- maker who is highly recommended. Operations have already commenced and in the course of a few weeks the ï¬rst kiln will be ready forsale, and we hope the results will be so satisfactory that many who think of building will find it a great beneï¬t to get brick at home. During the past two years a great many brick have been shipped in at a cost for transportation of a dollar and a half to two, dollars and over, per thousand for railway carriage alone, besides an additional fifty to seventy-ï¬ve cents for taking them off the car and carting them to the ground- \\'e do not presume to fix a price for brick by the new manufacturers, but a large percentage of the trans- portation charges should go to the purchaser and still leave the manu- facturers a good price for their work. Now that they have started they’ll need wood, and for an article such as they want we are told there is plenty to be had, which should be secured at a fair price. we expect to learn more of this matter in the near future, and we wish the re-opened industry‘ a. large measure of success. THE 1. 0. F. will attend Divine‘ Ser- vice in the Methodist church on Sun- day morning June 26th. All the mem- bers are requested to meet in their Hall at 10. 30a. m. from which they will proceed in a. body to the church. \Vm. Johnston Jr. R. S.-â€"-2. THE Farmers Excursion to the Mod- el Farm takes place on Thursday next and should be well patronized. SEEDs.â€"C-orn and all kinds of mm; seeds. at Geo. Lawrences. STEADY work for ï¬rst-class plumb ers, gas and steam ï¬tters. Samuel A. Esswein, Columbus, Ohio.â€"â€"3. MR. PARKER’S Sale of Shorthorns to be held on \Vednesday the 22nd should bring a large number of buyers. Mrs. (D13) Juxnieson left Monday morning for Centre Island Toronto, where she will spend the summer months. Mrs. Jake Kress and family are now living in their new home on College Street. Mr. Kress himself is at the Sanitarium in Muskoka and we hope soon to see him back amongst us in the fullenjoyments of health. Mr. Roy Cook and Miss \Valker. of M t. Foiest, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mr. Cook who' possesses a rich sweet voice sang. a solo in the Baptist church at the oddfellows ser- vice in the afternoon, which was high- 1y appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lynn Wixon, of lngersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Lang- ley, Toronto: Mr. B. Donaldson, of the General Post Ofï¬ce, Toronto, Miss E. Swallow, of Toronto, and Wm. Swal- low of \Vinnipeg were present at the burial of Miss Lydia. Swallow. Mr. Turner, of Garafraxa, drove over Monday to visit his brother Anthony Turner of this town. M r. Th 05. Swallow returned Friday from an extended visit with his daugh- ter, Mrs. F. Lynn \Vixson. of Inger- soll. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ackert, of Holy- rood, Ont. accompanied by their daughters Mrs. Robert Harper, and Miss Ackert, and son Harold, Spent from Saturday night till monday after- noon with Mr. Ackert’s sister, Mrs. W H. Shaw. They are on their annual summer holiday, and will drive through to Meaford before their re- turn. Mr. Geo. Turnbull, of Bentinck left Monday morning for the Land of the Heather, and will be gone a couple of months. His destination is Lochinvar, Sutherland, Scotland, the land of his boyhood. “'e really Wish him a. pleasant trip and hope he may ful- ly enjoy his well-earned holiday. He intends to be back in time to attend the Toronto Exhitition, but he’s going to miss the big Scottish Demonstration here on the let of July. He’s Scotch and it might be a. wide guess, and'per- haps a wrong one to think he leaves to escape the bag pipes, which charm the heart .Of every true-hearted son of" the Heather. It is about fourteen years since we crossed “the puddle†twice and we would like you much indeed Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned last Friday night from conference and visiting friends in the vicinity of Brant- ford. Mi. J. H. Burrowsleft Tuesday morn- ing for Calgary where he has secured a good position as Druggist. \Ve wish him success. ‘ to be a. fellow passenger with Mr. Turnbull. ’ Mr. Chas. Mighton and Mr. John (Jaiger, of Ben tinck left Monday morn- ing for Michigan where they intend to spend some time. Mr. Benjamin Williams left; Monday morning for Bad Axe Michigan, where he intends to spend a. few weeks. ing for Michigan where they intend toI LANGLEYâ€"WS\\'.\I.L(HY. spend some time. An interesting event amid unusually Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned ‘ pretty sin-roundings, took place at last Friday night from conference and l “Hommvood,†the residence of F. Lynn visiting friends in the vicinity ofBrant- I \Vixson, lu-other-inolaw of the. bride, ford. . yesterday, when Mr. Allan James ‘ r ‘, 3 , r . n . . ‘ - Mi.J.H.BurrowsleftTuesdaymorn-i1“"‘8'1‘3’ of foionto, “as unltul 1n ing for Calgary where he has secured l 1‘11‘1'1'13‘g“ ‘0 M 155‘ Mal-"'1 SWEIUOW. - ° . . ' r)‘ - ‘r I . . V . ,, _ a good pos1tion as Druggist. \Ve Wish ; 13"‘ln§‘f)t (limghtu' :-’f Ml- f 1.1%- ‘5“ «1] o ' Y 1 “ . ,l .(o . v .‘ hnn success.‘ on of m 1111] Hit in ultlful 1a“ in . , at the charming home with their rich Mr. Adam Robertson is in Palmers-l . ' ' , ; profusmn of floral and evergreen sur- ton to-day Thursday, attending the . _ _ , roundings, was an ideal s mt for the District Meeting of the Independent . . . I . . ‘ ceremony vs lnch was celebrated in the Order of 1‘ oresters. presence. of a number of intimate Ml’- Joseph Corbett 0f (iravenhurst. friends and relatives of the contracting and his grandson Elijah Armstrong, ! parties, Rev. S. E. Gregg, pastor of the G. T- R- Agent at Longford. spent “l Baptist Tabernacle ofï¬ciating. Miss few days liLSt week visiting 01d friends Emma Swallmv, sister of the bride, in this town and vicinity. was the daintiest of bridesmaids, and Messrs. Will Robertson and Art MC 1 Mr. \Vill Langley, of Toronto, assisted Donald, accompanied by Misses Cassie ' his brother in a like capacity. At the McDonald and Mary Marshall visited j conclusion of the ceremony the com- Miss Annie Neal, Mt Forest, on Sun- Ipany partook of a dainty luncheon. day. .5 The bride, who is one of Eve’s fairest Mr. H. J. McArthur, brother of Mrs. :daughters, was "IOSt becomingly J. C. Nichol. of this town recently , gowned in ivory CFC-P9 £10- chine, over passed his Medical Examination at the : Valenciennes 1300- The skirt was Omaha (Neb) University and is now in . made en train, with panel front and the practice of his profession at Platts- the bodice had a yoke 0f I'iCh point. mouth in the same State. 3 She wore a picture hat of white chiffon and carried a bouquet of Lilies of the Valley. The going away suit was of Scotch tweed in a fawn mixture, with a waist of palest green silk, and a ‘ black poke hat of folded chiffon. The petite bridesmaid wore silk viole of , pale blue, over taffeta, with a yoke of M!" Roy 000k and M153 Walker, 0f Valenciennes and a black picture hat. i“? Igorestlgpelét Sandi? in town Wlt’h ' She also carried a bouquet of lilies. nen 8' r. 00 w 0 possesses a After receiving the congratulations of rich sweet voice sang. a solo in the. . . th 1r f lend the ha 0 u l 1 .ft f Baptist church at the oddfellows ser- l th: west ons a sh. o rt? [hangyï¬izofi tri: vice in the afternoon, which was high- Mr‘ and Mrs. Langley will- reside in ly apprecnated. Toronto where a pretty home awaits MP- “Dd Mrs. F. Lynn WiXOD, Of them' on their return. The friends of lngersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Lang- the family here will unite in ardent ley, Toronto: Mr. B. Donaldson, of the wishes for many years of unalloyed General POSt Ofï¬ce, Toronto, Miss E' happiness in their new relationship.â€" Swallow, of Toronto, and Wm. Swal- i The Oxford Tribune. Mrs. Jake Kress and family are now living in their new home on College Street. Mr. Kress himself is at the Sanitarium in Muskoka and we hope soon to see him back amongst us in the full‘enjoyments of health. M r. Adam Robertson is in Palmers- ton to-day Thursday, attending the District Meeting of the Independent Order of Foresters. Mrs. Thos. Jackson and her mother, Mrs. Paul Nelson, are visiting friends near Galt. Mr. Ed. Kress and family moved Mon day into their new residence over the furniture ware rooms. Mr. Charter Smith was in Toronto, last week to visit a sister who is serious- ly ill. Mr. \V. H. B ean is in Toronto this week as delegate to the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Miss MacFarlane left last week for a visit at Flint, Michigan. Mrs. Wm. Smith visited her son at Holstein last week. THE GOING ,4le COMING 0F VISITOR8 IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. People DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1904. Know GLENDENINGâ€"RIITCHELL. The marriage of Miss Laura Irene Mitchell, eldest daughter of Mr. John Mitchell, publisher of The Hanover Post, and Mr. \Vilfred George Clcn: dening, of the \Vesting House Electric manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, and eldest son of Mr. W. S. Clcndening, Of VValkerttm, public school inspector for East Bruce, was solen’mized at the bride’s old home on Tuesday morning of this week at six o’clock. Rev. “7'. W. Lwch, pastor of the Hanover Methodist church. performed the 'cere' mony in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Neither bride nor groom was attended. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding break- fast was served, after which the party drove immediame to the depot for the early train south. The young couple spent the day in London with friends of the groom and took the evening train for Wilkinsburg, Pa., where they will reside. The bride re- ceived a large number of very beauti- ful gifts. 0n the evening preeeeding thewadding, hér mothergaveareeapâ€"f tiontorherwhenalloldfriendlealled between the hours of eight and ten to bid adieuâ€"Hanover Post. Joe Burnett and Alister McIntyre are going to \Vinnipeg next week. They intend to push the sale of Oxford Cream Separators, and readers in the \Vest can take our Word for it that they have an excellzmt article. The following from Mt. Forest at- tended the I. O. O. F. church service on Sunday lastzâ€"R. Ainley. James Brown, John \Volfe, Alex. Hackett, Louis Pfaff, Dan Krusp, Ben Sibbald, O. E. Koenig, Wm. Davis. M1. Walter Park, of McGill’s Medi: cal College, Montreal, is \isiting in town. Mrs. Guy Williams leaves ina week or so to join her husband at Tisdale Saskatchewan, N. \V. T. ’ Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald returned froma fortnight’s visit with friends near Toron to. Mrs. Jackson and her daughter, Mfss Christine, returned from North Carolina last Week. Mr. Will Mofl'et is down with Typ- hoid fever. Mr. J. M. Hunter, though‘ not well is slightly improved. H. W. Mockler is seriously ill and his friends are anxious about his con- dition. Mr. Arthur Laidlaw, of Jackson, Michigan, was a guest of his parents over Sunday. June Weddings. 0.9.â€"« This week we will begin a Mighty Bargain IIIIIO Carnival. Our Great Moving Clea1ance Sale of all odds and ends left over f1om the season’s selling. In order that all Out-of-town Folks as well as the Citizens of Durham may enjoy the exceptional money saving opportunities of this G1eat Sale we its ï¬le élé ails * will continue f01 30 days the selling of all lines 1n 9* Dry Goods, etc. at Greatly Reduced Prices. This Great Sale is full of mighty opportunities though the t1ue greatness of this store’ s ofl'e1ings can only be reahzed when you call and see its display of quality Merchandise and the prices at which we a1e selling at Grand %***%%**%**H*W*Â¥%ï¬ J.J.HUNTER§ OUR CLOTHING TRADE is progressing every day, and the reason of it is that the man or boy Who buys a suit from us gets 100 cents worth of service, comfort and satisfaction for every dollar he pays. This season we are showing a larger range than ever in men’s and boys suits. Progress Clothing for Men Call and see our Clothing and see for yourself the way they are made and the quality of cloth. Progress Clothing. for Boys PROGRESS BRAND BLOWING . . . S. F. MORLOCK Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing. SH REWD v: BUYERS Ringing Out the Glad Tidings to CASH FOR BUTTER, EGGS AN D \VOOL. THE BUSY STORE ON THE 808V CORNER. We have them in all the latest eflects in Fancy Wereteds and Scotch Tweeds, made in the very latest styles and best quality of Trimmings and Workmanehip. They are made with a snap end style and hsve that manly appeerance that make the boys proud of their new suits. $1.00 PER YEAR.