{LOCATED ON GAR- use for Sale t For Sale STREI an or for Sale. IOI‘ or Rent. " . Suï¬â€. Buried. K1389 inp- m for Sale. 3an each half, two 2033. i a site, on 0" m in each part 500‘. etms reasonable. 1' :ppgy o_n_ the_ pt... ; 116 mu. 'about ‘- 1. of good halved I of good cod". The D 0 rd by a never all «It. fairly well font: intion- tit for turn: ma- .‘ :H CHA LLENG. tor Sale. at for Sale. Sale. \ d ale. ale ) KRESS, Stow, Durban. Hoocvillo I 1‘, ONE ottage i acre building lots. Prices right. {AS FOR SE, SOLID I! ()I'chï¬l‘d. ’prh‘OI'. tree: west, ms. This r gamut. mm. For IL DER’S Durham I) umngé particu W EST subbs watered *2 W09 mbor oi I! act hero of AN LOTS anon, nary, mills. quick upply 'r the Ul‘dOn na'blo. phat. TWO lit “#6 apply m Oin with ham. wash- ! land rill: wil‘ fur- TH Dar wm l 10 zed well ml. u Ol' )l’ - -â€"v .1qu -|W.,’ likes to have 390d Breed, end the bee: Breed is to be bed et Stinson’e. The whitest. sweetest and most heelthful mede No= husband 'will ever 614 fault with Scinson’e Breed We turn out a fin-stocks. eniele whether it’s Breed, Pie: or Get... end give upeciel utention to our cnetonm. JNO. A. DARLING See our line of Tamil Brushes We can save you money on them. CREAM OF WITCHAZEL is not szicky and gloves may be worn a '{ew moments after using it. Delightful after Shaving. PRICE. â€"_ 2501‘s. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two ap- plications will remove the roughness, and by its occas- sional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby ’8. Makes Your Skin like Velvet Darling’s Cream of Witchazel. Darling’s A. W. ’WATSON I am here to any and I want the maple to know it. Ordered goods on short notice. Having Twenty yesrs experience in the business, the Inst 13 years’ in Cheboygsn, Mich. I am in a position to satisfy :1! requirements andjusr- antes sstisfsction. , the undersigned. wish to intimate ‘ to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that I have purchased from Mr. Peter Calder the Durham Bakery. and am now ready to supply orders for all kinds of Bakery goods. going like 3 SHOT and we always hit the mark. DURHAM, â€"- ONTARIO. CHANGED HANDS â€" Chemist and Draggilt. DURHAM BAKERY . Stinson DRUG STORE. The Edge Hill Union Sunday School is in operation ognin this you with the some stafl of oï¬cera on last year. The ottendonce is about ï¬fty. Ul 5.3" "‘0‘. out! drove to UWOD Sound and wee going to 'tehe the boats from there to Port Arthur. Her pleasent disposition mede her many friends during her etey emong us. The Edge Hill Fresh Beef,Aeeocie- tion will deliver the ï¬rst heel of th'ie eeeeon on Wedneedey morning. J une. 15. The people of thin pert would not do without the heel ring now for eny money. . Ir. Chee. Holet leevee thie week on e trip up the Lehee ee fer ee Port Arthur. no will ope-d eomo time with ye eee flora whole (er-lee Age {or Killing. Age eï¬ecte the flevor'end texture of the meet to quite en extent; It in e well-known (ect thet meet from old enimele ie more likely to be tough then thet from young ones. The fleeh from every young enimel lecke flevon end in wetery. An old enimel properly iettened end in “bod heelth would he preferred to e younger one in poor condition. Cettle ere ï¬t for heel et eighteen or twenty monthe it preper- ly fed, though meet from ouch eni- mele leohe in flevor. The Edge Hill Fresh BeefAuooie- tion will deliver the ï¬rst. heel of thin season on Wedneedey morning. J nne 15. The people of this port would not do without flue beef ring now for on, money. Miss Lily Jopp, who hes spent the winter with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jes. Edge, returned to her home in Moosomin, Asse.. on Mondsy of last week. She drove to Owen Sound and use going to tote the boats from there to Port Arthur. Ber plesssnt disposition mede her men y friends during her etey smong D8. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Corlett, of'Dornoch. were guests of Mrs. Thou. Greonwood the beginning of the week. Mr. Jon. Firth is jacking up his: barn to-day (Monday) and will build a stone foundation under it. This will nï¬ord him much better accom- modation for stock. Mrs. Jae. graplee and son Fmd vis- ited friends in Owen Sound recently. (Intended for last Week ) Crops are looking well now, deepite the late spring and if present condi- tions continue there will likely be as good a crap as last year, with the ex- ception of fall wheat which is not up to the ayerSge. Sold for $1.00, with absolute guarantee. It is for sale at Darling’s drug store. It will cure any case of Piles There is a. month’s treatment in each box. The news spread and although this was only two years ago the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Leonhard: of Lin- coln. Neb. the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world. The that package of Hem-Roid (the infallible Pile cure) that; was put. out, went to a small town in the State of Nebraska. It made thecure of a case of Piles that was considered hOpeless. In the tree-embowered, old stone house of Mr. JohnoFallice, Sr., on Thursday of last week, a most happy union took place. ’Twas the mar- riage of his adopted daughter, Miss Mary Marlow. to Mr.‘ Adam Ander- lson. both of the 5th con. The cere- 'mony took place in the lilac-decked parlor at 12 o’clock. Rev. Wray R. Smith coming up specially from Con- ference to perform the ceremony. Miss Annabel Blair softly played the Wedding March and Jeanie and Nor- retta Fallice made two verr pretty' flower girls. The bride was most handsomly gowned and never looked mork fair and sweet. It was a glad day for Adam and he looked the true. hearted, honest lover. He is one of our most stalwart youths, Well-read. pOpular, an up-to-date farmer in good circumstances. Miss Mary has the reputation for being one of the best cooks and housekeepers on the line, so the pair have a bright future awaiting them. About forty guests witnessed the nuptials and partook of the good things provided. The presents they brought bespoke gener- osity and goodwill. A group of gay spirits accompanied the bridal party to Ceylon. where thev took the even- ing train for King township to Spend a few days. We venture to say Adam hasn’t all the rice shaken out of his wedding garments yet. The neighborhood is one in heart and mind in wishing them life’s mostl treasured blessings. l On Tuesday morning of next week, J une 14th, the meat bugs and basket: will be early on hand at E. W. Hunt’s Mr. Boyle’r is the ï¬rst heifer to be relished and the inspectors say she’s a. good on. Hayward’s Falls will soon he a memory of the past. Mr. Minnie has an expert blasting the rocks and he. already, has the cavity at the foot of the falls levelled up with the surface. A powerhouse will be erected where the tumbling waters leap. Miss Allie Davis, as fair a maid as we have in the vicinity, arrived un- expectedly from Toronto last Thurs- day. Hearing Of her father' a mud; hastened her home. Mrs. Richard {Haley has been suf- fering for some weeks with a growth on her shoulder arising from inflam- matory rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. R. Reed. of Paisley. ere visiting among relatives in the neighborhood. We hum a tough ox god to crack over the fellow’s head who not up the type for our last. week’s budget. --- Miss Mgr-ion Manbb. who bu been home during the winter; and spring, left for Toronto on Thursday, after enjoying a big time at the Anderson- Marklo‘w wedding. Her sister, Mrs. John McGillivray, is gradually re- covering. ' A fair fece ehowe hirer. end e sweet voice sounds sweeter, emid the rustling leaves of e night in June.†The boys any Sir W. Scott’s words are morethan true. Edge Hill. How It Spreads. (Intended for but new Tavcrston. H"... .I-‘d -â€" Breeding and Quality. Quality in meat is largely dependent on the health and condition of the animals slaughtered, and yet the best quality of meat is rarely, if ever, obtained from poorly' bred stock. The desire "marbling†or admixture of fat and lean is never of the best in scrub stock, nor do the over led showring animals furnish the ideal in quality of meat. There seems to be a con- nection between a smooth. even and deeply fleshed animal and nicely marbled meat that is not easily or plained. Fine bones, soft luxuriant hair and mellow flesh are always desirable in an animal to be used for meat. as they are indications of small waste and good quality of meat. Condition. First class meat can- not be obtained from animals that are poor in flesh. A reasonable amount of flesh must be present to i give juiciness and flavor to the flesh, and the fatter an animal is, within reasonable limits, the better will be the meat. The presence of large amounts of fat is not essential, how! ever, to wholesome meat and it is far more important that an animal be in good health than that it be extreme- ly lat. It is not wise to kill an ani- mhl that is losing flesh, as the mus- cel ï¬bres are shrinking in volume and contain correspondingly less water. As a consequence the meat is tougher and dryer. When an animal is gaining in flesh the opposite condition obtains and a better quality of meat is the result, Also a better Selection of Animals. The author of the bulletin points out that in the selection of animals for meat health should be given ï¬rst consideration. No matter how fat an animal may be or how good its form. if it is not in perfect health the best quality of meat cannot be obtained. If sufl'er- ing from fever. or any serious de- rangement of tle system, the flesh will not be wholesome food. Flesh the ravages of disease before slaught- er is not likely to cure well and is very diflicult to keep after curing. Bruises, broken limbs, or like acci- dents all have the same eï¬ect on the meat as ill health. and, unless the animal can be killed and dressed im- mediately after such accident it is not best to use the meat for food. A raise of two degrees or more in the animal’s temperature at or just pre- vious to slaughtering is almost sure to result in stringy. gluey meat and to create a tendency to sour in our- 109;. Much valuable information regard- ing butchering, curing and keeping of meat is given in farmers’ Bulletin No. 183 of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. entitled, “Meat on the Farm.†The many illustrations en- able anyone to follow closely the directions for killing and cutting up cattle, sheep and swine. The gener- al advice given is worthy of close at- tention by all farmers who do not depend on the butcher for their meat supply. That makes Catarrh such a dreaded disease. If you have Catarrh taint, dropping in the throat. if you hawk and spit and have a stuï¬ed up feel- ing in your nostrils you should use {fragrant healing Catarrhozone at “once and get cured. Thousands have been saved from Consumption and completely cured by Catarrho- zone, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t stamp out your Catarrh al- so. Catarrhozone will really cure you and prevent the disease from re- turning. It’s very pleasant, just balsamic medicated vaporâ€"no naus- ‘ eous drugs. Absolute cure guarante- ed to users of Catarrhozone; it can’t fail. try it. Complete outï¬t $1.00; sample size 25c. On Wednesday last week Mr. Barry time thereafter. They Will be at Williams raised his barn. Harry is we" best MONO!“ tNJ reaching two a ï¬rst rate fellow at a raising him. 3“" 0f ‘80- 080‘â€! at eight to self so everyone worked well although “'91" months. the rain at times made it a little dis- Preparation of Animals for Slaugh- agreeable. The structure is aboutjter. An animal intended for slaugh- 45360 and was framed by Mr. James ter should be kept 0! feed from 24 to Brodie. Everything went together 36 hours. otherwise it is impossible nicely and the raising passed 08 with , to thoroughly drain out the vein out any serious mishaps. Wm. " when the animal is bled, and a red- Ritchie and Joe Atkinson were chosen dish colored unattractive carcass will captains and divided the men in good be the result. Water should be given shape. The race resulted in a win freely up to the time of slaughter, as 13: the fcrmer by a few rafters and it keeps the temperature normal and the collar tie. The barn when com- helps to wash the shots matter nut pleted. will ï¬ll along felt want for of the system. resulting in a nicely Mr. Williams and will enable him in colored carcass. future to safely house his grain with- The care of animals previous to out the troubles necessarily incum- slaughter has a considerable eflect bent With SMCklngo on thï¬ knnnino nnnlieinc n3 6“; m--. Mr. Don Edge recently disposed of live heed of in «ï¬le which tipped the scales st 6160 lbs. This is good weight and indicstes a thorough knowledge of successful feeding. It’s What It Load! to. Moat on the Farm. CALL AND SEE ONE. Marshall Sanitary Mattresses The Agent. HAVE COMFORT. OX FORD CREAM SEPARATORS A full line of Organs, Singer Sewing Machines and New Scale Williams Pianos, which for easiness of Action and fullness of Tone excell all others. always on hand. New and Second hand. Over twenty wheels to select. from. Cushion frames and Coaster Brakes, which make wheeling a pleasure. Repair- ing wheels promptly attended to. BICYCLES. Our car of buggies is going fast, up- toodate in Style and Finish. Seeing means buying if you are in need. BUGGIES. The best is the cheapest. eSpecielly when the prices are right. BINDERS. MOWERS, RAKES, HAY LOADERS and SIDE DELIVERY Massey-Hams Showmums Also every form of rheumatism, N euralgia sciatica are best cured by Nerviline the quickest relief for ;mucular pain yet discovered. It’s because Nerviline strikes in and penetrates right to the core of the pain that it gives such unbounded satisfaction. "I caught cold in my shoulders while driving and suï¬ered great pain. writes G. E. Dempsay, of Berlin. 1 used Nerviline freely and was soon quite well. I have found Nerviline an excellent remedy for rheumatism and neuralgia as well as for cold on th chest. I recommend Nerviline high\;d wouldn’t be without it.†Fri 5c. MONEY at 4§°/°. MacKay Dunn. Durhamâ€"fl. l The care of animals previous to ,slaughter has a considerable eï¬ect ‘ on the keeping qualities of the meat. {In no instance should an animal be skilled immediately after a long drive or after a rapid run about the pasture The flesh of an animal that has been overheated is usually of apale colour and very often develops a sour or putrid odor within three or four days after being dressed. Bruises cause blood to settle in that portion of the body aï¬ected. presenting an uninvit- ing appearance, and often cause the loss of a consideradie'portion of the carcass. Therefore, a thirty-six hour fast, plenty of water. careful handl- ing. and rest before slaughter are all important in securing meat in the best condition for use. Your very truly, lAyer’s Pills Want your moustache or beard BUB“ N 6 "AM ’§.. DYE abeautlful brown 01' “Ch blï¬Ck? USC um cu. menu on I. r um. Ihe need at my ego titer eix weeks. but the moat proï¬tehle ege et which to eluughter is eight to twelve months. Sheep muy he used when two or three months old end at my time thereefter. They will be ut theirheet previous to reaching two years of uge. usually at eight to twelve months. Prepurutiou o‘f .Auimele for Slough- Are steadily going to the front. They sell at sight. JUHN LIVINGSTUN Racking Pain In the Joints. Furniture! furniture! constructed of hsir snd s thonssnd springs. This Hottross We“ costs s littls more thsn tho ordlnsry, but think, of tbs comfort Produce you got. snd think of tho hoslth yon socnro, sad the sxtrs cost will not trouble you. You epend et leut one-third of your time in bed. end your health depends lergely on the invigoreting influence of e d night'e reet. You cen’t foil to get reel comfort if you I eep on one of our W. A. CLEMONS, Publication Clerk. RA KES. Durham MW. H. BEAN TABLE LINENS. Table Linen, 54-h wide.‘ ...... 25c yd Table Linen. 65-h: wide ........ 50c yd Linen Table Cloths. 2} yds. long. 81.40 Henvy Twill Sheeting. 72-in wide. . . .25c yd All our Spring Prints. Ginghunl and Muslin: are now in. See‘thom. Oil Cloths. ROLLER BLINDS. 2 yds. long. 27-in wide ...... 25c 41 pair lï¬ yds. long. 27-in wida ..... 10¢ a. pair 3 yds. long, 36-“: wide ...... 70¢ a pnir 3 yds. long. 37-in wide ..... 75c a pair 35 yds. long, 50-in wide. . . .81.“) a pnir All Curtains have taped edges except the 25c line. The Big4 Lace Curtains. Will be It the Mlddaugh Home In Wanna-thy of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose [an Assistant- Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon 833.. and to Golden Sq. That and Non Ho. U York and Chicago. Diseases 0! Bye. Ear. Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Batmdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"6 p.111. Hympurchuocbom album. Oolory-Iron Pills for â€.50. “to 3 has. of the Pills, ond ï¬nd you on thriving no MHz-om theirmyoueonntnnth 3 empty boxes, together with tho 8 how on hove not opened, and got your mono, ck‘No hirer, oquorer pmpodtion bu ovubanoflmtondwowomn 'think olmkingitunleuwomoonfl till. remedy willdo :1“th in mum. Bythoainglo boxthoPilhuoflo. JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIS’I‘ -- AND -» DRUGGIS'I‘ DURHAM, ONT. There is no other remedy which will so quickly restore you to henlth and etrength end nnimntion us Dr. Horte’e Celery-Iron Pills. and there is no other you con buy which is accompanied by a. poeitire Guer- enhe of Cure or your money refunded. Hurt Pdpitstlon, Brands, Femslo Weumu, ï¬mom Beul- sohes, Coldness of tho Hsnds snd Feet. Loss of Vitsl Power, Genorsl Weskness sud Debility, snd nll diseues snd disord- ers uising from s run-down condition of tho nervous system or wesk snd nus-y .RéDULgTE» of London, New L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. Floor Oil Cloth, l yd. “ide ..... 25c yd Floor Oi'. Cloth, 2 yd. wide ..... 50c yd Table Oil Cloth, 45-h) wide ..... 25c yd Roller Blinds plain ...... .. . .. 2% each Roller Blinds. with lringo†â€45¢ each CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. Pest Pure Honey, 10¢ : lb. IWRIITEI GllflflfllTEE. Keep them in the house. Take one when on feel bil- ious or dizzy. hex act di- rectl y on the liver." "$35.33;: DR. GED. S. BUM. DR. BROWN IIII. flAII'I'E’S CHEM-IRON PILLS EXCLUSIVELY of HAS ALWAYS ON HAND; 100 ACRES in Bentinck. near Dur- hamâ€"90 cleared. 10 hardwood. Good building". apring creek, orchard. etc. 83200.00. 100 ACRES near Allan Parkâ€"68 cleared. 20 hardwood and 18 ewamp. 82100.00. 150 ACRES near Lamlaeh-Stono dwelling. good out buildinn. Fine farm. Under “000.00. 105 ACRES near Allan Parkâ€"Ex- cellent farm. ., fair buildings. Cheap. ‘ 1 ACRE more or leaeâ€"«Garafraxa street. Durham. near Cement Workeâ€"Fiue lots. OEered very cheap. Beaides above I have a large flat of other lands of all kinds. The Hmover Conveylncer. HANOVER. -â€"- -â€" ONTARIO. “ Alway: Promptâ€"lever Negligent." H. H. MILLER. If You i W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL We bin scores of â€56335;; from other colleges. Auk to 3 see them the duy yau enter. I Commence course now. Can- loguo free. LIST OF LANDS STRAND. mm. Thin school «nod. for tho manner AND we? in businou dducntion in Cunudn to-dny. Mmy business colleges employ 231' grnduatos as teachers. â€mum-«£50»; Tom. All kind. of Growth. Tm. Bonn, Calms. Spica ad ‘7 WISH TO BUY 03 0“ sell property, borrow money. insure I. property. htvo writings drum or collect a debt all on me. Floqr. “Food. £0th. .0... plscod in good position. ouch your by the (“noun The Hanover Conveynnoor. OFFERS: Grocery and Provision Store . MILLER. NEW