West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jul 1904, p. 7

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Broker-Yes: mammal an ly glrls‘ fathvrs have fulfil engagements. and the you I got married at all. I!“ Innate-t in m, bitter Iva-U In bitter!" his {00¢ W( S"!- n 0 1033.0. Dourlpflon o! It kn) Ilw vs .c'hPl‘. m An Dan-ems. 1 so your mother does not mg mango-menu? I an d.- an M Lighthouu. destone Iigl W333 the Ilt he '99 he read a": \\ itbout '0 stone "ng l of! the m 0‘ perhaps the melt rld. It has often stration by poet! D other lighthouse me or dangerous 5 so much money are three kW”. heir families. and [OW 1mm: In the wood 1‘ l- ;I“ after you've ':N m- prompt reply. s wentbi air the wind m" you will do. d for the post- '.'.000 shares of t was to make gave it a mo- .rhfl'. “do you rv'nuous life? :‘.ug to you?” 1 boy. w't go through. Minted ‘0 any- .” be ists, 0601’- at the num- lrish party by way of :o Chieftain- 9 were only entitled to the (7601’- mled as err aeads of old ms. There s a clear case nearest you *" 38km] the 775: the and was anecdotes My Years relates to Imagining nt his let- n silently prepared. oomy cor- ’QDQI'S. '18 SOC' I. being am: at b Wag. Seidl r “The vat of m was “mg out proved declar- as you right mm For transient advert'uelpents 8 cencsprr line for the first mserpon; 3 Cents pt» “"8 . . . line each subsequent insertion-mimosa m Musical! cards, not exceeding one inch. 34.00 penannum. fidvert'uements without specifi‘. directions will be published till forbid and charged ac- cordingly Transient notices-“ Lost,” “ Found,’ " For Sale,” etaâ€"so cents for first insertion, 25 0:an (0: “Ch. subgequem insertion.‘ A,,.__._._4 _--_‘l- â€"-;J mornm‘ THE JOB : : ls completely stocked with DEPARTHENT ell NEW TYPE, thus el- {ording facilities lo: turning out First-elm work. _ ' ad anon. . ”game“ was for !y advennsemu' finished on appiiauion to 33¢ age. _ ._ A n _ __ -_.. -_-.- a- “an... I‘m“ ‘n "1'!“- "if All advertise nenu, so ensure insertion in cunem week, should be btoqght m not late: than Tvxsmw Drs. Jamieson 6:. Macdonald. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambtmn Street, Lower Town, Durham. Ufiice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. harafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at fmt of hill. 'Ofiice hoursâ€"9.11 a.m., 2-4 .m . 7 9 [1.111 Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice ovar McLachlan’s store. Office hours, 8 to 10 _a. m., 2 to 4_p. m._an_(! 7 to9 u‘Jlll D, ll |II AV -0 “In, - Irv 1 . sun. v..-“ - v p. m. Special attention m?» to diseagee o'f women and children. Residence op~ {mSlte Presbyterian Church. 0 Block. R! rhe Station . t") L'nivorsitv; Graduate of Royal ruiloge of Dental Surgeons of Qntario. Nahumâ€"Calder Block, over Post Oflice. } (ENOR GRADUATE OF TORON- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. ()r'tice over Gordon’s new Jewellery figure, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount .t money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC., ‘ Mclxxtyre’s Block, Lower Town. Dur- nam. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- trv Oflice. Alta D-" \m ancers Etc. Mono Offices: â€"I:-. the McIntyre Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. V ---â€"- â€" L‘ er, Convgy;ncor,oic. Prints mono ‘0 loan. Old accounts and debts of 1 kinds, collected on commission. Fun: bought and sold. Insurance Agent. etc. Ufiiceâ€"MacKeuzie’s Old Stand, Lowet Town, Durham, Ont. A. "Jackson. \OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION L er Conveyancer,‘etc. Private mono? HU (7H MACKAY ear 1ch the County 0: Grey. attended to and notes cashed 1)OBERT BRIGHAM. blunuanu \ Auctioneer for the County of Gm?- 5319* promptly attended to. Call at my resulence or write to Allan quk P. 0. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofiice. IAMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC- ' eased Auctioneer for the County 03 Hey. Land Valuator. Bailifi‘ of the 211 Dn'ision. Court 8:10. and all other matters rumptly attended to. Highest refereence ruruisbed if required. ' tioneer for the County of; 6â€";ey. {‘vmmptly attended t0. Orders me .be left at his Implement uld stand. or it the erooma,‘ M mnon a Chronicle Oflice. by simple with a I disuse“ fti‘his fellow 0M ' those who (lair. i‘. ’0 ‘ of charm, I! can “79‘ J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. FPICE AND RESIDENCE-COR. FI’ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s ck. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street. near ARRISTERS. somgrrong, gQN. Nov. 9. '03. The underage! 0m: CLARK, Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. Emma AND Paornlm‘ou. . Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S.; Medical Dz'rectorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Dental Directorv. MacKay 8:. Dunn. I‘V . l Dire-do alga Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. BRIGHAM . W. F. DUNN Repairing and Custom work done as promptly as possible. Remember the placeâ€"Next to D Campbell’s Implement Warehouse J. S. Mcllraith BUGGIES 85 WAGGONS. A large assortment. of all the best. makes. SEWING MACHINES. STOVES. Huron Stoves and Ranges. HAY FORKS. ' The best in the world. THRESHERS ENGINES. The \Vhite “ Challenge ” Sepgr. ator and pay 313d secondhand The “ That we handle Boots and Shoes from many Valises, etc., and are Headquarters for Shoe Dressings,having nearly Twenty varieties to choose from. makers in different kinds We also handle Trunks, Take Notice TERMS CASH. White.” and “ Standard.” AGENCY. . W. MCKAY, Representative, Box 441, HARRISTON, ONT. de day. Mr.’ and Mrs. White of Ceylon suburbs were guests of Mrs. Thos. E. Blanr. the first of the week. Mrs. George Ryan jr of Durham is at the old home on the 4th the past week being far from well. Chas. Cotton felt of late as if the young gafiers were standing in better with the fair sex than he. so went to town on Saturday and bought a new buggy. new harness and a. 4-year old high-fiyer of a pony. 'Mr. ind Mrs.’ Ja'mes Bell ofWalk- erton visited among theCook and Edwards families the first of the week. Miss .Flora Stewart left here on Saturday to visit her sister. Mrs. J. Mills in Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. John McNally drove her over. Harri! Bidley of Ceylon visited at the Falls one day latelv. Recently Wm. Firth purchased a handsome Bell organ for Misses Sara and Rachel. and last week be ex- changed his old buggy for a. handy nice finished, new one. Mr. and Mrs. Firth are in most comfortable circumstances. Rev. Wray R. Smith bade Zionites good-bye on Sunday. His four year’s sojourn amongst the peOple here have been wonderfully blest. The mem- bership has greatly increased the finances were never in so satisfactory a state and seldom has the relation- ship between pastor and peOple been so dear. Mrs. .Smith has been a wonderful helpmate and many an eye dimmed with tears at the last handclasp. In the first. Opening of Okalome to settlers in 1889. the editor of thin paper was among the many seekers after fortune who made the big race on fine day in April. During his traveling about and afterwards ,his camping upon his claim, he encount- ered much had water. which, toget- her with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seem- ed almost impossible to check, and along in June the case became so bad he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as alast hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and ‘in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good ef- fect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little bottle g worked a complete cure and he can- ' not help but feel grateful. The seas- on for bowel disorders being at hand suggests ‘this item. For sale by H- Parker. A meeting hill be hold st Mrs. David Hamilton’s on Thursdsg. gply 7th, at 2:30 p. m. of Motto" and “ Working forVde King is de order of (From the Sentinel, Gobo Mont.) His Last Hope Realized. Traverston. Women’s Institute. DURHAM P. SCHOOL. Names are arranged in merit. Form II to IIIâ€"Lily Walker, Ri a McComb. Ethel Greenwood. Sad” Shape, Herbert Campbell. Carmen Aljoe. Form I to II -â€"- Keith Newton. Oliver Hunter. Ethel Morrison. Karl Brown and Geo. Hex-bottle. eq. Willie Farqubarson James .‘lCClOCL” li‘n, Hattie Lawrence. Easel Laidlaw. Rita Irwin. Ida Pineo. - P. S. DEPT. Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Charlie Crawford, Nellie Smith, Thos. Holt. Cecil Wolf , Fred Smith. Lynn Gram. Allan Roi.- ertson. Lizzie Kinnee. Ada Limin. Oscar Hahn and Athole Gordon. eq. Jessie Caron. Myrtle McDonald, Flint Hind, Sadie Kress. Jean Watson. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Ella Kinnw. George Catton. Foster Saundms. Hazel Marshall. Laura Siegue r.:Rub) Mills, Balla Ector. Lillie Harris, Mima Saunders, Vaddie CaldWell. Russel Currie. Flank McKay, Eva Burnett. Beatrice \Vilson, Alex. Kearney, “'illie’Gadd. ‘Vilaie Cam- eron. James McLean. Nellie Becker. Jr. III to‘Sr. IIIâ€"Brock Grant. Willie McCrie. Ruby Knisley, Lizzie Kearney. Catherine McDougall. Eddie McAnulty. Willie McGowan. Lyla Kelsey. Clarence Darling. Hazel Guthrie. Jenny McGowan. Arthur Hutton, Charlie Vollet, Annie Kear ney, Grace Hunter. Archie Gray. Nellie McGrath, Ida Harbottle. Bur ney Hartford. Sr. 11 to Jr. IIIâ€"Nellie Hepburn. John Vollet, James Smith, Victor Livingston and Allister Cameron. eq. Harold Aljoe, Harper Kress. Jamie Farquharson, Elma Holt. Mary Wright. Ross Turner and ’a‘rertrude McCombe.eq. John McNally. Lena Wilson and Lauretta Peel eq. Leo Becker. Agnes Ramage, Anson Lloyd and Willie Browning, eq. James McLachlan and Roy Calder. «q. Reggie Sharpe and Russell Burgo- inan, eq. Ruth Moran, Vernon Elvidge, Maggie Lauder and Annie Ector, eq. Eric Kelly. May Mo. Gowan, Robbie Saunders and Mar- gorie McKenzie, eq. Gladys Whit- mcre, James Vollett. Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"â€"Rita Darling, Mabel Lacimer, Hortonse Livingston, Lizzie Russell. Willie Petty, Roy Fluker and Mack Saunders, eq. Wilfrid Calder, Mark Wilson. Nellie Russell and Zetta Marshall. eq. Calvin liinnee, Jessie Currie, VVinni- freil McCaul. Jolin Volletc, Edna McUrIe. Willie Clarke, Tressa .‘Jcliuy, Maggie McNally, Robbie Campbell, Mamie Wilson, Bessie Saunders. Joe Warinington, Lenard Lavelle, Lorne \Villiamson. Sr. Pt. II to Jr. IIâ€"-Fred Laidlaw. Winnie Brooker, Susie Kelsey. John M cIlraith. Campbell McLachlan. Clara Lawrence, Sydney Holt, Milton Mills, Maggie Torry. Harry Gordon. Lorne Dean. Maud Burnett, Charlie Har bottle, Vivian Harvey, Florence Bar- clay, George Kress, Aggie Becker. Ufie Wall, Gertie Campbell. Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pt IIâ€"Vivien Crawford, Ruby Catton. Mamie Mountain, May Cliff. Horace Elvidge. Karl Lenahan, Evelyn Levi, Lida Livingston, Winnie \Varner, Katie Bell Black, l‘ommy Lauder, Leone Russell. Nettie Daniels, Annie Vollet, Verna Fluker, Irene Lawson, Earl McDonald Harry, Falkingham, Mar- ion McKenzie, James Lloyd. Pt. II (a) to Jr. Pt. IIâ€"hlaud Kress, Mary Hartford. Pearl Mitchell Lizzie Hillis, Edwin Search. Cassie Russell. Harold McKechnie. Sam Hartford, Russell Lavelle, Wesley Morton, Louisa McAnulty. Sr. I to Pt. II (b)â€"Maggie Hart- ford. Jennie Kelsey, Frankie Meg Ilraith._ Tommy Wright, \Villie Mor- ton and Roy Farquharson, eq. Ian Campbell, Gilbert Gordon, John Har- bottle. Harry Vollet. mas GRANT’S noon. Intermediate to Sr. Iâ€"Wealey Johnston. Emily Lloyd, May Mc- Kechnie. Fred Gibson. Bertha. Havens Ialay Quinn. Cecil McNally. Mary McKeohnie. Myrtle Daniels, Della Browe, Annie McGirr, George Doug- las. Janet Marshall, Percy Brvan, Norman McDonald, Murray William. ; son. Salem Dean. Jr. A to Intermediate â€" Laura. Bryan, Leone Fagan, Margaurite Hutton, Eileen Ireland, Georginn Lawson, Tereesa Vollet, Ethel Law- rence, Rita Torry, Charlie Havens. Frank Morlock, Jessie Black, Victor Catton, Bert Gibson. Jr. Bto Jr. Aâ€"Ella Carson, Gor- don Gunn, Myrtle Sparling. Zell Crawford. Walker Marshall, Roy Watson, Marion Calder, Annie Rus- sell, James Walls, Emma Wilson. Nellie Fluker. Isabel Lawson. Jr. C to Jr. Bâ€"Willie Lauder, Cecil Towner, Edna Lawrence. Lorne Jackson. Roy Vollet. John Living- ston, Eva Redford. Irene McFee. It’s because your nerves are in a weak irritable condition. Ferrozone will make them strong and correct the trouble causing your insomnia. “I fell into a state of nervous ex- haustion last fall” writes Mrs. J. Stroud of Dexter. “ I was run down couldn’t sleep and felt perfectly mis- ersble,-â€"tried Ferrozone and was quickly benefitted. I csn recommend Ferrezone to snyone suflering from over-wrought nerves and sleepless- neu.” No tonic is better, try Ferro- zone. Price 50c. st druggists. BUSINESS Promotion Examinations. If You Don’t Sleep Well. DEPT order of TR Y Shewell £2 Lenahan FU RNITU RE UNDERTAKING Ithaadtooontemplate the unfortunate condition of no many men of our day and generation. At 30 they feel 50; at 40 they feel 60. and at 50 when they should be in the “erg prime of life, the are almost ready for the grave. The fire of youth as gone out, the ountain of vitality is exhausted. Premature old age! No matter what produced it, whether evil habits in youth, later excesses, ' or business worries, the one thing for you to do is to get back the vim. the vigor and vivacity of manhood. Don’t lose your grip on life. There are yet many hap , golden years for youif. you only get help. We can and will not on y help you, but and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. EUR ‘NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you ave oat. It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the NERVES, vitalizes the sexual organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life. We treat and cure Blood Poison. Vsrisoccls. Btrictnrc. Glssi. Urinsry Drains, chnnl Wsskncss. Kidney and Bladder diseases. CONSULTATIOI FREE. If unable to can, write {or a Question Bunk tor Homo Trestmcnt. Dns. KEN N EDY KERGAN I48 Shelby 31., nzrnmr, man. PROMPT ATTENTION TO «)f the best makes it Has Never Been PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN For all kinds wt DEPARTMENT. 2. Years In Detroit. 250.000 Cured. Dank security. first-class goods at a high price. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a moderate price is a pro- blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. a very difficult matter to produce fHE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH 8TORE.. A Bellows in Toronto. This deservedly popular svatem by means of ulmrt. drills. ulnckbonrd diagrams and other inneresting devices brings the folluwing topics within the child‘s immediate cumpreheusiuu : 1;“ Musical Nutntiuu. Rhytlnnical I'echuique Key board Location. History. Piano Work. Fah’y I).-3m DURHAM SCHOOL. The who“! is (~qu for ful‘. J uuinr Leaving um Katricuhtion work. under the following «at of cmupeum teachers {or that demnmeu: [unwinding students should «me! term. or as noun after a: possible “'31 For terms apply to THUS. ALLAN. Principll. MISS L. M. FURFAR. (flash DOPTEI) BY ALL LEADING Fees. $1.00 Pt Myer's Music Method- 10113 STOX STAFF A241) EQUIPM EXT Chairman 1' month. Miss MARGARET GUI Twher M. M. II H udM Motion. M usiul

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