he so accustomed in: that one of th of it in a week y. The same 1' lsons savages 1n- 3. and you can kfll the cm oasiblo drop of it vein: or laid u ed lip. But the [rink a teaspoon- ?ulâ€"witbout Int- "01101 use nerve cells utrition and laid a man table and Id ant when- Icntal sum or The increased Inc to the life is that brain to anybody.â€" msel rt, Mommsen we might add I and Kelvin. work increases be acne cells 3006 enmity â€PO! a! cam DOSI It Mt 8! f0 309 that th 01' Sll' paper 119 only 01!} It In 'ians >cto- the kill. ‘SU’ES b its t for would 0!) That who red DU! 10 IOI'SCI Inna: ydro- :s for time. kin ‘Ol’. yor feel ear: to an zle OD If If er, Conveyancer, etc. Private mone to loan. Old accounts and debts of 31 kinds. collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. ()ï¬iceâ€"MacKeuzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham. ()nt. UGH MACKAY. DURHAM, Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. It Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. 0. Orders may be left at the Chronicle oï¬co. D McIntyre’ 3 Block, Lower ',l‘own Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- trv Oï¬ico. d ensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Land Voluator, Bailiï¬ of the 2nd Divxsion. Court Sdea and all other matters Promptly attended to. Hurhest refereenca urnished if reqmrod. D \eumcers Etc. Money to' Loan. Oï¬ices z-l: ; the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. (J - 36m} for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Orders maï¬be left at his Implement Warerooms, llc nnnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oï¬ice. by simple means With a severe inn; dection, aid that dread disease Com-pun. u mione to duke known to his fellow enlerere them of euro. To those who desire it, he will My lend. free 0! charge, 5 copy of the Minion need, which D Ofï¬ce over'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at!) oper cent. on farm property. and 'm iovo b R". 80 ARI) A. ot charge a copy ya! the preoc?prtiocl;nm, vnwn they will ï¬nd a into euro 0 Altyhllt, (Hummus Mandwthmtuui lun na’lodu. Koala-(110m: will tn h_' Hagnmedy u it in “W '1‘th airing _ _-A AL-.. _Abk‘-- Arthur Gun, II. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice over McLachlun’s store. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. 2to 4 p. In. and 7 to9 pf. 11:. Special attention given to diseases 0 women and children. Residence op poeite Presbyterian Church. (-arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. m., 2-4 p. m., 79 p. 1:: Telephone No. 10. the Durham Pharmacy. Ualder’s Block. Rosidencoâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street. Lower Town, Durham. Oflice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. W. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8., I..D.S. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. t3 Universitv; Graduate of Royal College of Donal Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block over Post Oï¬ce. mm For transient ndverti‘cmcnts 8 cer. CS prr line for the ï¬rst inunion; 3 cents pg: “"3 . . . line ach subsequent inscnionâ€" mimon m Profanional cards, not exceeding one inch. “go perï¬nnum. .Advertiscmcnts witho‘tt speciï¬c (auctions will be published till forbid and charged ac, â€din ly Transient noticesâ€"“ Last," “ Found, gale,“ etc.â€"â€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion, 25 cents {at end! subarequent insertion.‘ THE JOB : : DEPAR’ITIENT WEI All advertise nc us, go ensure insertion in cunem week, should be btought m not late: than Tussuav morning. in" mono" magma nun-m: mm» mm, mu m DURHAM, ONT. I“ w ____-_'.__--- - All aluminium! indexed by stnngen must be paid I: in advanco. _ . Contact rues («gm-"1y advertisements {ï¬nished on .ppliauion (,0 tin; 0 cc. . . C .4â€" . I. , ,____A--- ---A.. .‘ A--“-A .--Aâ€"‘n_ .- w--- THE Illlfllflllfl mum Nov. 9. m. AMES CARSON, DURHAM, 1.10f OBN CLARK. LICENQED App- OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED MacKay . Dunn. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- G. Lefroy McCaul. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.. J. 6. Hutton, I. D., C. M. A. H. Jackson. O'I‘ARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION- FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF "V" ' ' I: completely stocked with PARTHENT an: new TYPE. thus af- fording facilities {or turning out Fiat-clue work. J. P. Telford. ARRISTBR, SOLICITOR. ETC. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. EDITOR AND Pnornm'rou. Mediral Dz'redorv. Dental Dz'rectorv. Miscellaneous. Legal Director» I! PU 31.131130 \V. F. DUNN SEWING MACHINES. The .. \Vhite.†and “ Standard.†STOVES. Huron Stoves and Ranges. HAY FORKS. The best in the world. THRESHBRS ENGINES. The \Vhite “ Chnllenge †Separ- ator nnd new and second hnnd Engines of all makes. BUGGIES \VAGGONS. Remember the placeâ€"Next to D Campbell’s Implement Warehouse Cream . . . Separators. J. S. Mcllraith Repairing and Custom work done as promptly as possible. The “MELO’I’I‘E,’ two-piece bowl. The best skimmer end the lightest running machine in the market. D. Campbell, - Agent. Frost 6: Wood A large assortment of all the best makes. That we handle Boots and Shoes from many makers in different kinds We also handle Trunks, Valises, etc., and are Headquarters for Shoe 1’)ressings,having nearly Twenty varieties to cheese from. Mechanical En'firm‘fr; H 6 1:13:23 trical Engineer; F‘scfrffm; Cal! if: Mining Engineer; 52“???" 1.1;. r. tectural Draftsman : S gr: Fair (K; C ': Designer; Shrr-x'o. 23': When:- ’â€" - Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenog L‘. In _ or Spanish. with P! monograp! 1 ' ,Lomx l ‘a Corresponden (:3 Se 10018 Take Notice TERMS CASH. 01 CALL ON OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: AGENCY. Box 799. SCRANTON, PA. W rztt. TO L {I I, , , 5.2;} INTERNA’L‘LQ g; [32 J. W. McKAY, Representative, intern/s 3 Communion was held in the Pres- byterian church. Priceville and was largely attended. Mrs. McPherson is home from Cleveland. She intends to stay all summer. We were pleased to note in last week’s issue an account of the doings of the County Council recently at Markdale aud a Splendid photo of the house of refuge and prominent men associated with the building. We also notice the Chronicle is improving the older it gets. We suppose the Editor is getting older too which ac counts largely for the improvements. As wisdom. wit and understanding coupled together constitute the suc- cess of a good editor. [Isn’t this a little bit of Highland taffy. John ?â€" Eu] If rain make small potatoes grow larger we ought to have a good crop this summer. Fall wheat is getting rusty and as the kernal is only form- ing the grain is apt to be shrunken. We are just starting haying which is a good crOp. Other crOps look well. Archie McCuaig is putting up a ï¬ne brick house. He has the cellar ï¬nish- ed and will be at the main part soon. Neil McCannel is a busy man also, but with the assistance of Bob Fisher he will soon have his building ready for the framers. Sam McDirmid is going on with veneerlng his house. John McKinnon moved his stable to a more convenient place at his barn The A. O. U. W. had a picnic on Priceville school grounds on Friday, 8th, inst., whlch was fairly well at. tended. Ceylon and Swiuton Park foot ball teams played a game, vic- tory for Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. James Black. of Man- itoba, are visiting at Mrs. Black’s old home here for the last week. They intend staying till August 1st. Mr. Black has 150 acres of wheat sown which he says never had a better ap- pearance at this time of year. Our teacher, Miss McCannel, is away on her holiday trip to Calling- wood, Stayner and other parts. D. McDonald still continues teach- ing during the vacation in the separ- ate school, Pomona. Kate McIntyre. of Toronto. is spending her holidays at her mother’s at this place. Miss Stonehouse. who has been sick for a long time, is not improving any in health. We ï¬nished road making here and now we expect councillor John A. to give us assistance by wav of grant- ing us a few dollars to ï¬nish up with. Hugh McDonald. Durham Bead, has been visiting in York county for the last. three weeks. . John McDonald (Hugh’s John) left for other parts a couple of weeks ago. He will be greatly missed as he was 11 young men that was well liked by everybody. Dan Ferguson came through here lately with a. whole string of buggies utter a. gay team of horses on his way to the famous township cumm. Mr. Editor, as it is raining it gives us an opportunitv to write a few items for your noble paper. Box 441, HARRISTON. ONT. Top Cliff. July 4th.--2w. pd. Miss Mary Dixon has returned from Guelph where she has spent an en- joyable and proï¬table three months’ course at the McDonald Institute. Is a remedy capable of aflord‘ing immediate relief to the hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. It may be a cold perhaps. toothache, neuralgia, pain in the back,â€"use N erviline its more penetrating, pain subduing and powerful than any other liniment. Nerviline is at least ï¬ve times stronger than ordinary remedies and its worth in any house- hold can’t be over estimated. For man or beast Nerviline' is a panacea for all pain and costs only 25¢. per bottle. Buy Nerviline to-day. Mr. John Hornsby visited his daughter. Mrs. W. A. Jones of Owen Sound. for a few days last week. He reports all well. Rumor has it that. Mr.â€" John Weir has purchased a new organ frompne of the Durham ï¬rms. Mr. Chas. and Miss Kite Dixon re- turned homo Tuesday from a two .weeks’ visit with relatives near Woodstock and Listowel. Their uncle, Mr. Thos. L. Teasdale, from Britton accompanied them home, and will visit relatives and acquaintances around here for a few weeks. Our roads are being greatly im- proved by the use of the township road grader with Willie Weir as operator. “Cooking of meats†were well dis- cussed. A number of papers on other interesting subjects were read also. At the close of the meeting the crowd was photographed by Mr. W. Young, Pres. of Farmers’ Institute. Mr, Geo; Binnie. Secy.. was also present. A very social and proï¬table after- noon was Spent. John Stodard raised his barn with block and tackle. Its a great. saving on men though it’s slower work. It is the oulv Pile remedy used in- ternally. - The S. G. Women’s Institute held on Thursday last at the spacious and beautiful home of Mrs. David Ham- ilton at the lake was well attended. There were upwards of ï¬fty present. The topics, "Canning of Fruits †and This announcement is made with- out any qualiï¬cations. Hem.Roid is the one preparation in the world that guarantees it. Martin Stonehouse, Durham Road had some eight or ten sheep worried by dogs one night lately. I! is too bad that dogs of this kind are allowed at. liberty and it would be a good not for anyone seeing docs going in pairs to make quick work of putting them out of existence for they are generally like Paddy’s pig, if they are n0t coming from doing mischief they are going there. Hem Roid will cure any case of Piles. it is in the form of a tablet. It is impossible to cure an estab lished case of Piles with ointmeuts. suppositories, injections, or outward appliances. The people of Ebenezer church pur- chased a morocco bound pulpit bible. \Ve are pleased to welcome back to our wider the smiling face of Miss Bella Weir. who has spent the last few months with her grandmother in Glenelg. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McQueen, Stay- ner, visited at McCannel’sacouplo of weeks ago. A guarantee is issued with every package of Hem-Raid. which contains a month’s treatment. The circuit Garden Party held at Priceville on June 30th was well at- tended. An excellent program was given in the evening at which the Dundalk choir was in attendance and rendered excellent music. Quitea large number went from this part and report a good time. Election matters are quiet. So far we don’t hear much said about poli- tics. Donald McDougall and sister are on their holiday trip up to the Amer ican Soo. Mrs. Chas. McDonald is improving in health after a spell of sickness. â€"The Baptists are improving their church by puttinga platform in from. Mrs. McDonald sold her farm to Red Sandy McDonald. .Bertlm McIntyre is Northern hBusiness Sound. Rev. Mr. Matbeeou baptized ï¬ve infants in the Presbyterian church at the préparatory sax-vices last Fridav. A large number of new members are added to the church roll.†over}- communion season. The Methodists had a very suc- cessful garden party one evening lately at the parsonage‘ Price-villa. We don’t hear of anybody getting married although our highways are travelled late and early. which may be the means of causing suspicions for future events. Dan is a great cunvaasn and talker. He “ya he hun’ c told . falsehood for the last six years. D Foal u toot. also n two-yesr-old *enoral Purpose Colt. Apply to R. MONALLY, Durham. Go and talk to Darling about it. BOOD MARE WITH CLYDE Horses for Sale. A Family Necessity. A Broad Statement. Glenmont. “’0.9 ‘4 "0.0 home from College, 0 of the best makes TRY Shewell Menahan FURNITURE PROMPT ATTENTION 'I‘O UN DERTAKING ' Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you con- templating marriage? Has your blood been diseased? ' Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Consolation 21-00. No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. loot! rumâ€""The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. “Dailseeafses 01' Women," “Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet." All sent run: se “0 IEDIOIIE 8m c. 0. 0. I0 I‘ll! OI IOXES OI ENVELOPE8. EVERYTHING GOIFIDEIYIAL. QUESTIOI U81 AID 0087 OF “Eli-BIT. FREE. FOR HOIE CU RE safet'y. 7.9... __ -Vâ€" -uocuuusl \Isvw C-‘Vo "our Né'w 'Me'thod Treitinent'wm urify the blood. heal up the sores. remove all pains; the hair will grow n again. all organs will be restored to their normal condition. and the patient prepared to renew the duties and pleasures of llte. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute man ‘A‘.’ For over thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment is original with ourselves. and never fails to eradicate the poison from the system. Beware of mercury and other mineral poisons. which so many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease. as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison into the system. whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison in the blood and removes it from the system entirely. so the symptoms can never return. It you have any of the following symptoms consult us before it is too late: Blotehes, eru tions or pimples; falling out of the hair. itchiness of the skin. sti ness mains in the joints. soreness in the muscles, sore throat. ulcers or taste in the mouth, sore tongue. Bourness ot the stomach, enlarged glands2 _ running Asores, etc. --_. "_ - N., (i. .l. McKechnie. DIFIDEIYIAL. QUESTION LIST AID 0037 OF TREA‘I’IEIT. FR 5:, FOR HOIE CU RE DnsKENNEDYJ‘ KERGAN 148 SHELBY 81'. DETROIT, MIC“. It Has Never Been N., E. .l. McKechnie. For all kinds of DEPARTMENT. CURSE GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ï¬rst-class goods at a high piice. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of th customer at a moderate price is a pro. blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. a very difï¬cult matter to produce THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. v A b‘choolsin'l‘nronto. This deï¬ervedly popular system by means of chart. drills. blackboard diagrnms and other interesting devices biings the {allowing topics within the child’s immediate compreheusiun: Musical Notation. Rhythmical Motion. Technique Keyboard Locatiun. Musics! Hiatury, Pinno Work. Fob‘y 5.â€"3m. DURHAM SCHOOL. the school la oqmppod for full Junior Lam ad mtrloulnmon work. under the following on! of competent. tmchera for that department: THOS. ALLAN. Principnl. MISS L. M. FURFAR. Classical and Modern Intending student; Ihomd onwr at beginning of term. or at noon nftor u pouiblo. Foot. 81.“) per month. WI. JOHNSTON. C. RAMAGE. Chairman. Secretary. For terms apply to DOP'I‘ED BY ALL LEADING Myer's Music Method- STAFF AX!) EQUIPMENT. M188 MARGARET GUN '1‘th! M. u. I.