The advantages. Wherever it has been tried this system has given ex- cellent results. as is shown by the fact that it. is diï¬cult to gain admiso sion in the rings. as there is no in- clination to drop out. The farmers wives and daughters are particularly well pleased. as the abundance of fresh meat at their command simpli- ï¬es the questions of providing suit. able meals. Then the farmers get their beef at the actual cost paying no more for the best cuts than they would for the cheapest they could buy in retail. Under the operation Q! the beef ring each family gets its portion within a tow hours after kill. : inn. so that there is littld diï¬culty‘ in keeping the meat siresh {or nearly n week. The usual method is to use .0 steak and roast ï¬rst. and put the m iees into brine or a refrigera- the close. Bombers who have re-’ dived more hoof than they supplied; pay for the diï¬eronce at the price; mood upon; those who have’ put in f non thaothoy have received not void in the some way. Killing and Distribution. A? hutcherie employed to kill and cut! the animals, the owner retaining the 1 head, heart. fat and hide Ther amount paid for killing and cutting; up a beast is usually 89. -. to $2.50 with an extra dollar if the butcher Idea delivery. which is not agen eIal practice. Of course it is not ne-i my to employ a professional . hetcher but a man is required who: can do the work neatly and well and. cut up the carcase along the usual' lines and 1n the same way each time. The butcher provides a hook for each 5 member and hangs thereon the por- ' tion for each family as the animal is; cut up. Each member should has two meat bags with his name on. so that one of them may always be at the butcher shop ready to receive the. weekly portion. In the case of some rings each family gets only one piece; . in others a good piece of the hind: quarter and an inferior piece of the fore quarter. or viz: e versa; in still others a member gets a boiling piece. ‘ a roast and a piece of steak each 3 week. The various cuts are number- ,; ed, and an accurate record is kept by ' the butcher of the quality and weight '. of beef received by each member. In this way it is poss1'ole to arrange for; each family to receive approximately the same weight of meat. and the; same proportion of valuable and: cheap cute during the season. At the end of the summer the secretary: of the organization furnishes each member with a statement of the ' year ’11 operations. compiled from the tatcher’ 3 records. As no two ani- mals will have been of the same' weight. small balances wili have to‘- change hands in order to equalize matters. As aatandard price is al- wave agreed upon at the beginning efthe season. say ï¬ve or six cents, 'ar pound. there are no .disputes at . The Animal. The regulstions molly provide the: each member flould supply s steer or s heifer Oder three yesrs old. sound. heathv and in condition, dressing from 400 to pounds of heel. sud grain. N for st lesst six weeks previous to killing. 1! sn snimsl is not up to the studud it msy be rejected and thouner compelled to supply sn- other, or it may be sccepted st 3 lower vdustion. The decision in such cues is leit. to the ucretsry or aduly appointed committee of in- Insion. lat-ore luy_ hue Fresh lost in Although live stock is grown on al- Just every Canadian farm. the farm- . as a rule ï¬nds it very diï¬cult to furnish his table with fresh meat‘ during the summer months. Salt path and poultry are in general use. , ht it is evident that a liberal supply 1 0‘ fresh beef would make the problem a of preparing much easier for the? women of the household, and would? ensure a more wholesome and pala-f tnhle bill-of-fare for the family. l‘hei “era‘s farmer is several miles from 2 the nearest butcher. and would ï¬nd; lt both inconvenient and expensive' toeend amember of the family to: “In every day or two for fresh meat 3 especially as both men and horses! are apt to ï¬nd their t1me fully oco? “pied Again a farmer’s family could not consume a beef animal be- fore it would spoil. so it is out of the question to think of killing his own. ‘ In order to make the use of fresh meat possible in every farm home, even during summer months. the Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa, 1 recommends the more general estab- 3 liehment of beef rings, which has been successfully carried on for years . in some sections of Canada. Bee! Rings. These rings are not. us the name might indicate, .,trusts†for the control of the production snd ï¬le of beef, but sre groups of farmers who co-operste to supply their tables with fresh meet during the summer. The ring is ususlly composed of six. hen. twenty or twenty-four members although sometimes as msny as forty ere enrolled. Esch member agrees to supply one beef snimsl during the ummer, snd in order to give plenty 0! time for prepsretion, the members drew lots the previous winter to de mmine the order in which they shall contribute snimsls. After the draw- ing members msy exchange numbers if they ï¬nd it mutuslly sdvsntsgeous 'l'wo smell lsmilies msy combine for ewe shsre. mam me. Your: very truly. _._-..‘- PbbliationVClerk. - \ ‘v- CA? 8 I» S lstand 2nd special by C.'McKinnon ....... Foal under one year, sired by Guardian. lst and 2nd special by James Paton ................ 3 00 2 00 Filly. one year and under two ................... 2 00 1 00 Gelding. one year and under two ................ 2 00 1 ()0 Fill . two years and under three ................ 2 (I) 1 00 Gel ing. two years and under three ............. 2 (I) 1 ()0 Filly. three years and under four . ............... 2 00 1 00 Gelding, three years and under four ............. 2 00 1 ()0 CLASS 20.-â€"AGRICI’LTU RAL OR GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES. Span houses under 14(1) lbs each. attached to wagon. 3rd special by “'11). Sharp ........ 4 (I) 3 (I) 1 (x) Brood mare with foal at foot .................... 3 00 2 00 1 (I) Foal under one year .................... . ......... 2 (I) 1 (I) Filly, one year and under .two, 2nd specxal by S. P. Saunders, goods .......... , .............. 2 (I) 1 00 Geldin , one ear and under two, 2nd special by . J. wrence, whiflletrees .............. 2 00 1 (1) Fill -, two years and under three ................ 2 00 1 (1) Ge ing, two years and under three ............. 2 00 - 1 00 Fill ,threeandnnderfour .................. .... 200 100 Ge ing, threeand under four .................. . 2 (I) 1 m GLASS 2l.â€"ROA.DSTEB HORSES. Each weighing 1400 lbs or over. I Span horses attached to wagon ................ Brood Mare, foal at foot. lst special by D. Camp- bell ........................................ Foal under one year ............................. Foal under prie_year,_sir_ed by Lord Lochinvar, 1“ ‘- "O Golden Laced ‘Wyandotte ullet ................. \Vhite Crested Black Polis cockerel ............ “White Crested Black Polish pullet .............. (‘ornish Indian Game Cockerel .................. Cornish Indian Game pullet ..................... Black Breasted Red Game cockerel .............. Black Breasted Red Game pnllet ..... . . . ........ Golden Duckwing Game cockerel ......... . . . . . . . Golden Duckwin Game pullet .................. Buff Cochin coc ere] ......... ............... Buff Cochin pullet ......................... . . . . . . Partridge Cochin cockerel ....................... Partridge Cochin pullet ......................... Seabright Bantam cockerel ...................... Seahri ht Bantam pullet ........................ Game antam cockerel .................... . Game Bantam pullet ............................ gammy: 9L.- CLASS leiâ€"TURKEY'S: LL22....JEMҤ'§25,ZZ - «m Bred Prior to 1904. kain Drake ......... l’ekie Duck .......... Aylcslmry Drake .. . . Ayleslmry Durk. . . . . men Drake ......... Ruuen Duck ......... Ernden Gander ...... Emden Goose ........ T unlou~e Gander Toulouse Goose. One pair Guinea fmvl Bronze Turkey cock. . . . Bronze Turkeyflxen ....... \Vhite Turkey cock ...... “'hite Turkeywen ....... Bronze Turkey cock. Brnnze Tux-key hen . . . \Vhitc Turkey cock .. “'hitv Turkey lwn . . . I. That all diseased birds are to be removed and not allowed to compete. 2. All the fowl will be judged by the American Standard of Perfec- tion excepting Common. Aged Turkey cock, 1st special by N. McIntyre Aged Turkey hen. lst special by N. McIntyre. Young Turkey cock .......................... Young Turkey Iwn ........................... Gander ....................................... Goose ......................................... Drake ....................................... Duck ......................................... 'Ilu- executive of the Society have secured expert. Judges sent out by government. and they will have control of the horses cattle. sheep and pig (1115393 on the 20d day. \Vbite Dorking ullet ............ Houdan cockere ................. Houdan pullet ................... Black J ava. cockerel .............. Black Java pallet ................ Black Minorca. cockerel .......... Blark Minorca pullet ............. \Vhite Minorca cockerel ......... \V'hite Minor-ca pullet ........... . ()rpington Buff cooker-e1 ......... Orpington Buff pullet ............ Black Spanish cockerel .......... Black S nish pullet ............. \Vhite yandotte cockerel ...... “'hite Wyandotte ullet ........ Silver Laced Wyan otte cockerel Sily'ger Laced‘ W’yandgtte pullget. . . Silver Spangled Hamburg pullet ..... Hamburg cockerel, any other variety Hamburg Pallet, any other variety. . Red Cap cockerel .................... Red Cap pullet ...................... Silver Gray Dorking cockerel ........ Silver Gray Dorking pullet .......... )Vhite _Dor_k_ing cogkerel ............. Silvex Laced W andotte pallet. . .. (_}O_l(_len Laced yanQotte cogkgrel Light Brahma cockerel ............ Light Brahma pullet ................. Dark Brahma cockerel ................ Dark Brahma? pullet .................. White Plymouth Rock cockerel ...... \Vhite Plymouth Rock pullet ......... Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel ...... Barred Plymouth Rock ullet ........ Buff Plymouth Rock coc erel ......... Bufl' Plymouth Rock pullet ........... Single Comb White Leghorn cooker-e1. Single ()omb \Vhite Leghorn pullet . .. Rose Comb \Vhite Leghorn cockerel . . Rose Comb \Vhite Leghorn pullet . . . . Single Comb Brown Leghorn cockerel Single Comb Brown Leghorn pullet. . . Rose Comb Brown Leghorn cockerel. . Rose Comb Brown Leghorn pullet . . . . But! Leghorn cockerel ................ Buff Leghorn pullet._ ......... _ . . .. Huff Leghorn ullet ..................... {Biker Spang! Hamburg coc_l_;erel ...... -4.‘ wk ............................................ 50 25 Common cock, common hen, Geese and Ducks to be judged by right. No Pure breeds to be entered in Glass 18. Durham, September zlst SOUTH GREY FAIR. List of Prizes for 1904. (‘LASS ISLâ€"HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. 2“ l1£\SS l7 , :(‘LASS lBâ€"TURKEYS. : Bred in 1904. C LA SS IFSâ€"“COM MON FO‘VL. (Continued from last issue.) CLASS l4.â€"-()HICKENS. SECOND DAY. EXPERT JUDGES. FIRST DAY. “DITKS ANI) GEESE. 111 Sharp ........ 4 (ID ................... 3 00 ................... 2 (I) 2nd special by S. ................... 2 00 wo, 2nd special by trees .............. 2 00 roe ................ 2 00 three ............. 2 (I) ............... .. . 2 00 .................. . 2 (I) RULES '58 b 22nd, 1904. , Special. departure and oï¬er for the largest and best collect' ‘ 4 00 3 00 2 (I) , , , noxious weeds growing in the district of South Gre , to be â€3321-? f nor ' named, dried and neatly mounted onvhtdhoard’j htâ€, 2nd“: ha: 9 m 9 m with 9.3.0 “.1. m .u -. 5U 3 00 o) ' J o) 7 Pair spring igs, any sex, dropped in 1904, : speci by A. H. Jackson ............... CLASS 38.â€"TAMWORTH or other Boar, any age, lst special? by F. Peel, shoes. . . Ilireeding sow ............................ . air spnng pigs, any sex, dropped in 1904 . . . . Bacon hog, any breed ......................... judged. Boar, any age.. Breeding sow . . . Pair sprmg igs, speci by (,‘LASS 36.â€"SVVINE, BERKSHIRE or other Boar, any age, 3rd special by R. Aljoe, neckyoke, Breeding sow .................................... Pair spring pigs, an sex, dropped in 1904, 2nd special by R. runt ........................ Saddle horse, 2nd 8 ial by Dr. Hutton, special by W. .Vollet ............... __ a 0“ A ‘ __..._A‘ k- Ram lamb ......... Pair 3 ed ewes ..... Pair 3 earling ewes Pair ewe lambs ..... Fat ewe or wether. Ram, two shears and over .............. Ewe, two shears and under three ....... Shear-ling ram, lst special by Barclay spec1al by w. U. vouec ................... Brood mare with foal up foqt, 3rd special by W. Bull, am age ...... Cow ............... Bull, any age .......... Cow ................... be pruduced. Milk cow, 3rd special by \V. Irwin. Chronicle. H eifer, two years and under 3, 2nd special by Siegno'r, goods. . . . . .................... Heifer, one year and under two .............. Heifer Calf, under one year, 2nd special by f‘-_J_ 1 u , * z ' '"1- "J Gordon, goods .......................... Pair steers two years and under three ........ Pair steers one year and under two ........ '. . . Fat 0):. steer, cow or heifer, any age or breed (.‘alf fed on Pratt’s food, special by J. Darling........ ..................... Calf fed on Herbageum fond, special by C. Grant . . ................................ Ram, 2 shears and over. . . . . . . ...... Ewe, two shears and under three . .. Shearling ram . . . . . ................. Ram lamb...... .................... Pair aged ewes ..................... Pair shearling ewes . . . . . ........... Pair ewe. lambs ..................... ' VJ. McFarlane, neckyoké Foal under one year, lst McDonald ............. Ram, two shears and over .............. Ewe, two shears and under three ....... Shearling ram .......................... Ram lamb, 1st special by J. Livingston, Pair aged ewes ........................ Pairewes....................... ........ Pair mml lambs ......................... Ram, two shears and over ....................... Ewe, two shears and under three ................ Shearling ram ................................... Ram lamb: 2nd special by N., G. 6.: J. McKechnie ‘ v ’ .7 vr-â€"_ â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€" goods ..................................... Panr aged ewes .............................. . . . . Pair shearlin ewes .............................. Pair ewe lam s, 2nd special by Miss K. Cochrane. Mcuonala ................................. Filly, one ye_ar and under two. 2nd special by W. h ‘.I‘ Bull, any age ...... COW...........‘.... 131111, an y gull, any age. . . ’ D. Mills ........................ Gelding, one year and under two. . . . Filly, Pym yearg and pnder three, lst 'N. McIntyre, jr ............... Gelding, two years and under three, by J. J. Hunter, oods ...... Filly, three years and un er four. . . . Gelding, three years and under four. Bull, 2 years and over. . .. Bull, one year and over. . . Bull calf .................. COW ................ Two year old heifer One year old heifer . Heifer calf .......... Span driving horses, over 1551 hands, attached to vehicle .................................... Brood mare with foal at foot .................... Foal under one year, 2nd special by \V. Black. . . Filly. one year and under two ................... Gelding, one year and under two ................ Filly, 3 years an_d under three, 2nd special by C. Three year old bull and upwards ...... Two year old bull and upwards ....... One ygar 91d bull qnd upwards, lst sp - Parker, goods Bull Calf ........... Best herd, one male and four in above class eligible for entry. Test of speed around ring for farmers horses that have never won money, driven by a farmer or a farmer’s son ........................ . . Open race, purse $100 .. .. ...................... . 2:35 Race. purse $50.00 ..... .- .................... '-Iâ€" . ‘- Entrance fee 5% with 5% additional to winners, American Trotting rules to govern. The committee reserve the ri ht to declare races off if weather is unfavorable. Four to enter and t ree start or no race. Ramage, Review .................. Gelding, two vears and under thI ee, 2nd by W. B. Vollet ............... Filly, three years and under four ........ Gelding, three years and under four ..... Exhibitors of sheep must be in attendance while we or wether, any breed, 2nd special A. Russell, goods ................... Pedigree or certiï¬cate for the above classes:«_)fï¬Pure breds must, L‘l“nnl‘ 500318 C LASS 24. â€"THOROUGHBRED CATTLE. ~DURHAM. CLASS B.-â€"COACH OR CARRIAGE HORSES. CLASS 37.â€"YORK or other \VHITE BREED CLASS 32.â€"SliEEP, OXFORD DUVVNS CLASS 23 â€"-HORSES IN ACTION. L.‘ If. 'CI'I'ASS':31.‘fl'â€"GRA1)E CATTLE.'-"+. 'wwr‘w aâ€. .52 :6". :nF"D', “W CLASSIZS.~â€"POLLED ANGUS.“ CLASS :{iâ€"SHROPSHIRE. CLASS 26. ~GALLOWAY. CLASS 34.â€"-LEI(7ESTER. CLASS 25. CLASS: 5. â€"-C OTSWOLI). CLASS 27.â€"â€"â€"AYRSHIRE. CLASS 29.â€"-â€"HOLSTEIN. CLASS 30,â€".1 ERSEY. .m†4ma3m â€.113 001 2 00;! ’ __-- - lst sbé‘ciai' by Arthur .2 CLASS 39. lst special by H. â€" HEREFORD. fmnales--Diploum. Any animal lst special by (c Bell, special special RED BREED. by BLACK BREED. L U??? 25 00 15 (X) 2 00 Z (I) 2 ()0 2 00 2 ()0 2 00 2 00 Na 2 00 sheep are being 2 ()0 2 m3 100 1 , m 00 1 00 2 (I) 2 00 l (J) l (I) l 00 l 00 l 00 l 00 l 00 l 00 l (I) l 00 l 00 l 00 l (I) 1 (I) l 00 1 ()0 l 00 l 00 L“ 2. Con. 3. N. D. April 4. wotâ€"u. J. L. BROWSE. July 10th. 11. tf. Photognphor. 11 Street. the property of Mrs. J. L. Browne. The house contains 12 rooms, ooveniently situated. and quite new. Will meke an excellent bonding house. For pnrticulua epply to lUU Frame buildings; 5:305 ï¬rst-class land. $3.400. .l of Saddler utreet in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey. containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars apply to Also lots 3 and 4. Kinardine Street west, containing 1 acre. No buildings. This property will be sold en block or septum to suit purchases. Owner going west. For terms apply to August 3rd.â€"tf. - . .___-.._ "'1 ‘1. U miles north of Prioeville. .Farm in ï¬rst class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars apply to DUGALD I). MCLACHLAN. Jan. '28â€"tf. Prieeville P. O U on which there is a good solid Brick House 20:30, 7 room; Born and g cure of land ; good well and young orchard ; good stone basement to barn. 21 ACRES NEAR 'WILDER'S Lake. Two barns, stone stables with cement floors, good house, well watered Cheap. For further particulars apply to ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler utroet in the Town of Dar. _ â€"â€"â€" “v UUL‘J. DUIJJU I1 brick, furnace in each haif. two stories brick cellars. eligible site. on Garafnu Street Six rooms in each part besides D elg. containing 1m acres, about 10 cleared and 25 acres of good hardwood bush and ï¬ve acres of good cedar. The farm is well watered by a never faileia; spring creek and a well. fairly well fen in good state of cultivation, ï¬t for farm ma chiner . Convenient to church and school, ï¬ve mi es from Durham. Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars apply to A. H. Bunxm, Aug. 15th.â€"tf. Hopeville P. O 150 April 13â€"“. J une l. ISOLâ€"tf. One seven-room land. also a numl Sidewalks right terms reasonable. U aft-an street. A good building prop- erty, stable on premises. used a nqmber of years for livery. Good stand for hvory or Implement business. Terms reuomblo. Apply to v -- r-Iv‘vmnn n_-_l_..._ 4 and 5. Con. 2. W. G. R.. Narmnnby. Also part of second division of Lot 3. Con. l. Normanby. containing in all about. 110 acres ll) ncres cleared. 20 acres of mixed bush laid. log house. good fume barn. well fenced, well watered with springs and run- nin brooks. in good state of cultivntion, tit or all kinds 0 a riculturnl mnchinerly, convenient to churc . school and mils. Easy terms. A good chance for quick purchaser. For further particnlnrs apply to T..R. WHELAN. Durham P. 0.. or the Proprietor W. R. ROXBOUGH, 254 Borden Street, Torontc, Ont. J. P. Tau-mm, Dec. 2.â€"tf. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham. March 25, 1mg August 8th. 31%. _OT 3. ELGIN STREET WEST 53â€":Sidgfoad “50, I} Ema LOT_NO. 2,3051. 5. GLEN. N COLLEGE STREET, ONE TWO ENTRALLY LOCATED ON GAR- EING EAST PARTS 01‘ Lows March lOâ€"tf House 6: Lot for Sale. :e of the but tuuuing water. {at}. tntlo good. :‘ For further particulars 90p HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN To Rent or for Sale. Park Lot For Sale. For Sale or Rent. Boar ifor Service] House for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. EDWARD K8385 At Furniture Store Durham For Sale. J. M. HUNTER. Durham. MACKAY DUNN C. ELVI DGE, Durham. I cottage with a wash- an acre to 7 acres of land Abbly to ricer» ï¬ght. orchard , The good wife of the hou‘ like. to have good Bread. but Brand in to be had at Th0 whiten. sweetest l halthfnl and No huul our ï¬nd fault with Stimson W. turn out n ï¬rst-ch: 'hflllor it’s Broad. Pasta A“, give Ipociul nttemio customers. 0‘ JNO. A. DAR See our line of Tooth CREAU OP WI'I‘CHAZ sticky sud glove: may Has a marvellous 1 rough skin. One 01 plicat'ions will rem roughness, and by i sional use the skin the smoothness and Bread Delightful after PRICE. .. 2; flakes Your Skin lil Darling Cream 1 Witchaze in the buuinosc. the last Choboygnu, Mich. I am to “tidy all requiremen‘ “too utisfnction. 1 ï¬tting Tiénty yen} i I m here to suy tho people to know it, () on chart notice, Darlin 'l‘. the undersigned. wisl to the people of Durhu it, tth I have purchnsc Pater Ctlder the Bath: and Mn now ready to an for)“ kinds of Bakery g fluT-CLASB LINE Goods any: on hand. If} - RU G- ‘\ can sure you money few moments that u CHANGED going like a SH we always hit tl‘ DURHAM DURHAM BA’ flODEL BAKER Chemist and Drug‘ of a baby ’3. DRUG HAS ON‘