West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jul 1904, p. 3

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”m. I“ good Mi III cedar. a never 9' ' ' "rly well fenc . lit f0! farm ma- nrch and school, emu to suit the rticulars apply Ilbui Sale. 13 NORTH Town of Dur- r, containing 4 D and particu- ‘ aale ya: 12 no new '4 . 5, GLEN. )fl u! not ILFOBD ”or. Dr 'UIHA.‘ r Sale. .ratio; ale. r Sale. r Sale. ice. Honovi ent. hugs )N Glam. nabk bard Mrs )flc Ind II’S N GAR- I! :3. con. bout "0 f mixed mber i0} Win W0 The good wife of the house always likes to have good Bread. and the best Breed is to be had at Stiuson’s The whitest. sweetest and most healthful and No huebend win ever find fault with Stinson's Bread We turn out e first-clue artick whether it’s Brad. Pies or Gel-pa enngive special attention to our customers. I JNO. A. DARLING See our line of Tooth Brushes We can save you money on them. Delightful after Shaving. PRICE. ._ 2501‘s. CREAM OF WITCHAZEL is not sticky and gloves may be worn -‘ few moments after using it. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two ap- plications will remove the roughness, and by its occas- sional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby’s. Makes Your Skin like Velvet Darling’s Cream of Witchazel. Darling’s A. W. WATSON I am here to stny and I wont 'he people to know it. Ordered goods at! short. notice. Having Twenty you-I oxporionoo in the businesu, the last 13 years in (jheboygan, Mich. I am in a position to satisfy all requirement: and gun- autee satisfaction. T the undersigned. wish to intimste to the people of Durhsm and vicin- ity that I hsve purchssed from Mr. Peter Calder the Dnrhsrn Bskery. and am now ready to supply orders forfiall kinds of Bakery goods. going like a SHOT and we always hit the mark. DURHAM, -â€" ONTA RIO. CHANGED HANDSâ€" Chemist and Druggist MODEL BAKERY. DURHAM BAKERY . .Stinson DRUG STORE. HAS be the most favorable location in the entire field. Mr. E. P. Rowe, sec- treas , of the company is in charge of the work. Messrs. Frcnk McCann and Joshua Porter, expert drillers, and a sulf of assistents, divided into day and night shifts, keep the plant in motion night and dey. 'The drill- ing plant is run by :35 hoarse powe' engine and boiler, end is of the most modern type. During the first five days the drill struck a number of boulders, noting the progress very slow, sud only cdepth of 40 feet wee ruched. The red ehele wee struck end since then e depth of ebont 35 A week ego yesterday the first of these wells wee commenced on the Ormiston fen-5n, which _ie thought to Their expert oil drillers who have no interest in the company have gone carefully over the territory surround- ing Owen Sound, and say that so far as surface indications are concerned that there is no more promising field in the Dominion than the north-east part of the town. Mr. H. G. Tucker who is a director of the Grey and Bruce Oil and Gas Co, has for a long time devoted some study to that par- ticular part of the town, and was convinced of its oil bearing possibil- ities. He persuaded the directors to look over the field, with the result that they too saw its promising fea- tures and now have 10.000 acres of ‘ land in that vicinity under option of lease. Five wells be drilled in difo ferent parts of the territory. so as to give the field a thorough test. That they will succeed in striking Oil or gas is beyond a doubt. Owen Sounders have little idea of the importance the urilling for oil or gas on the Ormiston farm. midway between Bothwell’s Hotel and Hat- ton’s Hotel on the Meaford road, may have on the future of this town in the event of being successful. Cheap fuel and light are two things sought after by every manufacturing indus- try. With oil or natural gas. this town could strengthen 'its bid for companies searching for a suitable locations for a factory. Oil or gas wells in close proximity would thus be a valuable asset to the town, aside from the employment of a large number of' men to Operate them. - Natural gas gives a uniform heat and : specially adapted for the drying pro? cess in cement mills. Its use would I cut the cost of fuel almost in two.| and. as coal is one one of the largest I items of the cost of manufacturing! cement. it is not surprising that one’ of the local companies has already made an offer of 253. per thousand feet for natural gas for their mill. It is a permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantee with every package at Darling’s drug store, Dr. Leonhardt’a Hom- Raid 18 a tab let taken interngliy. The names internal, External, Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Snppnrating etc., ore simply names of the difler- ent stages through which every case will pass if it continues long enough. Piles are caused by conjection or stagnation of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cause. No distinction is made as to the kind of Piles that Hem-Raid cures. “ Upon the broad question of the power ,of municipal councils under the amended Federal Act, the extrav- agant claims of Owen Sound, that it rests with the town to determine as they see fit. where and how the com- pany shall construct their lines. seems to be quite unwarranted by the Act.”-â€"Toronto Star. “ The defendants will. therefore, be perpetually restrained from inter- {ering with the work of the plaintifis in carrying their wires to their new oflices under instead of over. the highway. and for a legitimate purpose, and should be reasonably exercised. In- stead of that they have been unreas- onably exercised in bad faith and for a purpose not authorized within the power of the defendants. so that whatever those rights maybe. the company are entitled to succeed in this action. “ Parliament has clearly and dis- tinctly given the plaintifis power to carry their wires over or under public streets but has made that right sub- ject to certain rights. These latter rights must be exercised in good faith “ Any objection to the work on this ground is purely a subterfuge to cov- er some ulterior purpose. and that purpose is plain. namely, to coerce the company to pay to the town a tax upon their business, which the town has no sort of legal right to de- mand. Their objection to the work is not made in good faith, but for a purpose ultra vires and wholly un- warranted.” The town forbid. the compsny lsy- ing a. conduit scross Poulett street to their new ofices. on the ground thst the road could not he restored to its original condition. In regard to this objection his Lordship ssys : "The road is but a mscads’mized one, end one thst is often opened for far less generally useful purposes. over the knuckles from Chief J notice Meredith in njndgment given out this‘ morning in the Bell Telephone enit. Owen Sound Counted by Chief Jame. WHAT PARLIAMENT HAS DONE. Drilling for Oil. N 0 Difference. Don’t hi1 to test. Ferrozona, which druggista sell the world 076:. Price 500. per box, or six boxes for 82.60, By m‘il from the Ferrozono Company Kingston, On. Go: a Inpply of Fem-ozone to-day it unnu- hodth. Mrs. E. C. Raycroft. of Sunnyside. says: “I owe a great deal to Ferro- zone which improved my health very much. Before using Ferrozone I was weak and listless and had no color in my cheeks. After takings few boxes I felt better. and by con- tinuing Ferrozone I gained eight pounds in weight. My complexion is clear and my appetite good. I can recommend Ferrozone very highly. It is a splendidtonio”. Why non restore your beauty and keep beck signs of old age? It is easily done with Ferrozone. Sufier no more from nerviousness and week- ness ; use Ferrozone instead. Let. Ferrozone help you to get more out of life. It is on easy and quick road to henlth. n splendid remedy for all womsnly disorders, If you are thin run down, have transparent skin. you need Ferrozone When the nerves are weak and the tears ever ready to flow, its a sure elgn you need it badly. Nothing on earth makes blood so vitalizing. nothing puts on flesh, makes hard muscle. and renovatee weakened sys- tems like Ferrozone. Are Coveted Hy all Sensible Women. For Health and Beauty use Good Hgme Adjourned to meet September 15th to levy the rates. receive applica- tions for collectors and general busi- ness. School trustees will kindly forward estimates before that date. $20.40; W. Weir l9fi'days'eperatiag grader $39.00; repairs to grader 816.19; clerk, quarter salary, $36.25; do. postage and stationery six months 84.50. Gravel and sundry accounts amonn. ting to $54.14 were paid; Com. tax 347.43; tiles 8125 83; freight on do. $20.40; W. Weir 19$ days operating grader $39.00; repairs to grader 816.19; clerk, quarter salary. $36.25: Fergusonâ€"McArthurâ€"Thet Comr. Gordon’ 8 report be edopted and he receive $5 Com. teemâ€"Carried. Comr. Gordon reported on sevenl small jobs omounting to $27.00 ond a. culvert 66 foot. long across 0. S. R. cost and labor 830. coat of tile 830. 38, Egremonc half coat. Gordonâ€"oFerguaonâ€"Ehnt Comr. Robb'a report be :doptod md he re- ceive 85.50 0011. teemâ€"Carried. Comr. Robb reported on jobs in his division amounting to $141.23. Fergusd’nâ€"Robbâ€"That Comr. Gor- don’s report be udopted and he re- ceive 83 Com. teemâ€"Curiod. Comr. Gordon gave report of road work in his division amounting to 855.10. Robbâ€"Forguaonâ€"Tbat Comr. Mc- Arthur report be adopted and he re- ceive $5 Com. foamâ€"Carried. Comr. McArthur gave a ‘detailed statement of road improvements, etc. amounting to 897.50. Comr. Ferguson reported on work at. Varney and cost and handling of tile. Cost of tile $35.25; work and hauling tile $17.95; Egremont half cost gravelling lot 9. con. 20. 814; S. Chapman hauling tile 83. Report adopted and Comr. was paid 85 com. fees. Application from school trustees. Holstein, asking council to issue de- bentures for $2500 for new school. By-law 174 to issue said debentures was passed and debentures signed. Council met July 9th, minutes ap- proved. The reeve and clerk reported on taking inventory of books and documents of late treasurer and handing them over to the new treas- urer, and pronounced the old safe worthless and recommended immedi- ate action to purchase a fire proof safe. The report was adopted. The reeve was paid $2 and the clerk $1 for their services. Three firms were represented on fire proof safes. Af- ter examining cuts and deliberations thereon, it was resolved that we purchase from Goldie McCulloch, Galt, cost $136 free at Holstein. Robb---McArthurâ€"-That Commis- sioner Gordon spend balance of money granted in 1903 on Proton and Egre- mont townline.â€"Carried. H. Parker will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is every- where admitted to be the most suc- cessful'remedy in use for bowel com- plaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant. safe and reli- able. feet a day has been drilled. For the first 40 it. a rotary drill. driven by horse power. was used; since then a drop drill operated by steam power has been put into service. ' Four ‘ hundred feet of cascing is on hand to protect the drilling connections. of which there are 1,600 feet. An esti- mate places the Trenton rock, where ‘ oil or gas usually exists, at 600 feet. A large valve will be placed at the head of the drill when a certain depth has been reached, so that the event of stricking oil or gas the flow will be placed under instant check.â€"â€"Owen Souud Sun. l EGBEHONT COUNCIL. Busy Eomplexion D. ALLAN, Clerk. If Next Door South . at Post Ofico. CALL AND SEE ONE. Marshall Sanitary Mattresses HAVE COMFORT. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly nnd prop- erly attended to. “J. I). CONNOR W. D. CONNOR- Pumps of all Kinds. S. SCOTT â€"- THE GROCER â€" DURHAM, â€" ' ON'. GIVEN BY Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician. DURHAM, ONT. For which we will pay the “highest price” in CASH or TRADE. Galvanized and Iron Pip ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. ' School Medals > WOOL Custom Carding and spinn- ing attended to on short notice. Blankets. Tweeds, Yarns, Flaunels, Groceries and Dry Goods always on hand. A. GORDON Furniture! Furniture! These are the first medals that were ever given in South Grey and we sincere- ly hope that the winners will prize them as such. The time has almost come when the reports of the Entrance Examinations will names and addresses to us as soon as they know so that we can send the me. dals to the schools. It must be thoroughly un- derstood that these medals are given FREE by us and that they are not to be given till the certificates are given out. Teachers will kindly let us know a few days be- fore hand so that we can send the medals to the schools. constructed of heir and s thousand springs. This Msttress costs 1 little more then the ordinary, but think of the comfort you get. end think of the heelth you secure, end the extre cost will not trouble you. Manufacturer of And Dealer in - You spend at leut one-third of your time in bed. end your health depends largely on the invigoreting influence of 0. od night’s rest. You can’t foil to get real comfort if you s eep on one of our We Want - Edward Kress, ONTARIO. THE FURNITURE MAN. iw. H. BEAN UN DERSKIRTS a '"r" ' '~' r"l'" *r""'" J" (him: for picnics. per 100 .......... Cbenile Table Cloths 15- yds square Large size White Counterpanes . . . . . Black Mercerized Sateen [Index-skirts. a bargain at each ..................... 1.00 Table Linens. Fancy Japanese paper Napkins. iust_ the} AAA 7 piece Glass Berry Sets ...... 40c and 45c 4 “ Table Sets. 3 patterns .......... we Gold Decorated Table Sets ........... 81. 75 “ Water Sets ........ 1.85 .. H 7 piece Berry Sets 1. so 1.75 Gold decorations on above being burnt in will not wash off. New Glassware. July 4th.â€"2w. pd. The Big 4 BOOD MARE WITH CLYDE Foal at 1001:. also a. two-yenr-old Genenl Purpose Colt. Apply to R. MCNALLY, Durham. â€" â€"'â€" “-Vuv of the undersigned. on or about the middle of Mny, a yearling heifer. medium size. light gray, red neck. Any person giving information loading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. GEO. LEDINGHAM, Con. 3. Lot 8. Bentinck. July 6th.â€"3pd. DORNOCH P. O. vv “Ul- l) Garafraxa Road,â€"i_x; ‘t'l:e.‘t.o:v‘nship of Beatinck, known as the "Barker Farm." 109 acres about 75 acres cleared, balance. fau- bushiand. well watered and good barn. For further particulus apply to GILBERT McKECHNIE. or MRS. NEIL McKECHNIE. Lots ‘31 :nd 22, Con. 3, N. June 15th 1904. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned on or about Wed- needay. May 18th, 1904, 2 two-year-old steers. mostly all red : 2 one-year~old steers. mostly all red; 1 one-year-old heifer. with white on belly and white hind legs to books. Any one returning the cattle will be re- warded. J une 29th, 1504‘ Very reasonableitéITms cleared. balance hardwood bush. 50 acres fit to run any kind of machinery. No swamp. Large. well laid out dwelling house; fairly good out buildings: well fenced and well watered. A splendid stock and hay farm. also good for grain. Large bearing orchard. One mile from store and post ofiice. Two churches. Will be sold on \‘Arv rng nan-LIA 4.--... _ July 5, 13”.. April 27â€"tf. Farm for Sale or Rent EING LOT CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. Heifer Gone Astray. Horses for Sale. Call and see us. Juan’s FALKINGHAM, Durham. JOHN HUDSON '. A. ANDERSON. Crawford P. O. ’. R . Bentinck. 10. BEN. Agricultural Durham Bull Highest prices paid for Farm Produce incfuding Butter and Eggs. Grocery and Provision New Store HAS ALWAYS ON HAND: The Hanover Convoysnoor. HANOVER. â€". â€" ONTARIO. MONEY TO LOAN et low retee. DEBTS COLanmDâ€"Wmmas anx. All kinds of “ Squere Deele ” negot- iated; everything confidentiel. Buei- nose estebliehed 1884. BESIDES ABOVE I htve other lands in Ontnrio and North West- for .5310 or exchange and CAN SELL You; FARM if you want to sellâ€"no chug. if no sale. The Hnnover Conveyancer. Offers the Followlna : VILLAGE Bucxsulw Busmnssâ€"No oppositionâ€"Splendid tnde done â€"snap for good mm. 100 ACRES nonr Allan Pnrkâ€"Fair and â€"good timberâ€"cheap. 200 ACRES in n splendid settlementâ€" N ormnnbyâ€"owner aickâ€"bnrgnin oflered. Fm Batgains Head Ihis: â€"vâ€"â€" P. O.â€"good termâ€"owner fiimlid and eeger to sell. ’ ACRES in Egremontâ€"neer Holo steinâ€"fine 50â€"3911 cheap or trede for Inger term. Acwâ€"Durhemâ€"neer the Cement Works. GOODS delinrod promptly to 911 mm of the town. All kind: of Groceries. Ton Segue, Colo“. Spices and Tobacco. Flbur. Food. Pontoon. Out- mul, Common], Field sud Garden Seeds. It peye to get 3 bneiam edu- cetion end it peye to get it in our School. Our attendance this your he: been the lergeer in the history of this college. We hove pleced more student- in position this year then in eny previous year. Write to the College for e megnifioent . H. MILLER. . MILLER,

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