West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Sep 1904, p. 8

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Russell’s ', AND CLEARING LINES FOR THIS WEEK This week we devote to the clearance of summer goods and remnants throughout the stock. The thread-bare terms of “bargains" will not express the values that are going. A bargain is some-- thing at less than it is worth, but will thus convey the fact that tor half price you can buy many lines, such as Laces, Embroideries, Blouses, Ging- hams, etc., etc. 6 only Lawn Blouses. with lace o 01 7" ). sale price .......... 1 only stn Blouse. was 82.50, for 5 only Blouses. embroidered end .5- ior ...................... 3 only Blouses, embroidered sud for .................... . 6 only 30 Iiuos’ Straw Hats, 200 yds. Funcy Ginghsms, were 7 lbs. New Figs for.. 1 qt. Bottle Untsup“ 41M. Currants. . . .. . Blouses, embroidered for .................. Saturday Groceries. Hats. were 40c to with lace or Embroidery. were 81 us for Fresh Groceries. were 20c to 40¢. for.. 30, for . for ........................ 81.25 tnd tucked sleeves. were $1.23, ............... 85c end tucked sleeves, were $1.75. $1.25 and tucked sleeves, were 83.00, .............. $1.95 125e, 15c 20c and 25¢, for.. fine. for Russell's [.50 and .. . .. 75c .36.:30 ..IOc ..lOc ,5c l. Particulars of the marriage of Miss Strain referred to by us last week are ' given in the Great Falls. Montana,§ ' Daily Tribune of August 15th as fol-l. lows: " The wedding of Miss Mary} Strain of this city to H. B Lind. an attornv of Goldfields, Nev,. was an- uounced yesterday as having taken place at the borne of a brother of the groom at Reno, Nev., on Saturday evening he announcement will come as a surprise to the many friends of the you-n} ‘lady in this city, but at l “u“ “I!“ "h 4*» ---------- the same time it will be received with ‘ pleasure and scores of congratula- , tended holiday here, returned to To- tions will be expressed, wishing the l route on newly wedded couple all the happi-g . should bring. Miss Strain was for a 3 have been 'the gu number of years in charge of the ! ling for a few days. ‘ millinery department in her haother’si Mrs Thurston Sr and Miss Thur. . . . ‘ ‘ 9 " departmental store 1", thfs city. and l ston, of Toronto. are the guests of Mr. Lind is a lawyer in high standing! Mrs. W. H. l‘hurston. . atGoldhelds. hev. The happy coupleg Miss Flesher. of Parry Sound, is will make their home in the latter. , , , ' place after a tour of the Sonth.aaiiVlSItltlg Mrs. Wm. Wilcox on the The bride has many friends here who l back line. are pleased to learn of the happy'. Mrs.J.C. Crane, of Owen Sound. ' ' 'ting her mother, Mrs. Robert event in her life. Trimble. The MethodiSt Ladies’ Aid gave a _ lawn social on the church grounds on ‘ M”. 3- Srigley and daughter, MISS Wednesday evening of last week at Laura, 0‘ TOFOMO. are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Joy and famiiy. which twenty dollars was realized. The evening was fine and a very en- Mrs, W. H. Heard is visiting joyable time was Spent on the lawn “he” Wh‘Ch an interesting prOgram Miss Celia VanDusen is holidayin; was rendered in the school room of in Collingwood. the Ch“"°h° . . . . ‘ Misses Ethel and Bert Crossley an After a brief illness With acute in- visiting friends in Toronto. testinal trouble Miss Margaret Mat- \lr nd Mrs G 0 Mitchell an' theson, youngest daughter of the M‘ ° 3M 1 J .A 63.0 d tt d (1‘ late Henry Matthewson, died on Sat- F1}? t Bren, '1 k. 3T a den e ‘ urday last at the home of her mother p132“ 3F e‘vs 1;. 61;.“ :68 :37. th' rs. . . 1c ing eav s 1 on the Toronto Line. The funeral . . _ week- to Visit her meters at Toront took place on Monday to the Irwin . . and Ottawa. She Will be accompanm cemetery. Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson of _ . this place conducted the burial ser- to Toronto by 1191' 1110003. M13868 Rub vice at the house and grave. The a . , holidaying here. deceased who was ‘29 years and 11 ' ble Dr. Murray will be a visitor to T« months of age was an estima ' ronto this week and will be absel ged ,next week attending the Dominic mother. {Dental Convention. -_ _ as__ 3-1mm. nnr‘ thn Misses Va In view of the union evangelistic meetings to be commenced here by A. H. Ranton on Sabbath, September 11, the joint committee of thel churches decided on Tuesday evening l last to commence union prayermeet- ings to be held this week on Tuesday and Friday evenidgs in the Baptist and Methodist churches respectively. ‘ The committee of management isl comprised of Messrs. W. Clayton, 'I‘. ‘ Granger and R. \Valler, Methodists ; A. S. VadDusen, .J. A. Felstead and F. Chard, Presbyterian ; R. Allen, T. Whitten and H. Holman, Baptists; with the respective pastors, Revs. . Wilson, Thom and Hurlburt. Master Harold Mitchell, second son of Mr. Geo. Mitchell, had a narrow escape from serious injury on Satur- day evening last. the streets he was knocked down and run over by a passing horse and bug- gy, but escaped from his perilous position with a bruise on the top of his head and other slight injuries. Mr. W. J. Douglass and family, who were summering here removed last week to their Collingwood home. Rev. J. S. I. and Mrs. Wilson on V‘ ompl'lfluu Ul- L'lvvuou- of iranger and R. \Valler, Methodists ; In reading over the minutes 0‘ the t. S. VadDusen, .l. A. Felstead and . . , Ch . . last Glenelg Counc11 our attention . ard, Presbyterian , R. Allen, T. . r: V . . was drawn to that item of three dol . hitten and H. Holman, Baptists; 1 . q . ' l . . are paid A. Mcuuaig for damage to Nth the respective pastors, Revs. . . n. Wilson Thom and Hurlburt hay and Waggon, and on making m- h ’ . ' quiries we are inclined to think it was ‘ Master Harold MWChelL second 30” merely an accident from overloading if MY- GOO- Mitchell, had 5 narrow ;at the breaking up of the roads as .scape from serious anufy on SOBWF' theload contained 3,UOU weight. The lay OVODIDK 135‘. Whlle playing “1 hill where it occurred is in the vicin- .he streets he was .knocked down and ity of‘Mr. Mchaig’s own home and "in 0‘79“ by 3 9393""! horse “9‘1 .hug- he was well acquainted with its con- ‘ lyio 1.1M escaped “:0!!! his perilous .dition, and as he went by that road P99ltl°n Wlth a bruise on. the .‘OP 0‘ which is a considerably longer route his head and other 911%“ 101““93- to Durham than the one he usually Mr. W. J. Douglass and family, travells down the South Line is con who were summering here removed clusive evededce that it appeared to' last week to their Collingwood home. he in better condition, though no one Rev. J. S. I. and Mrs. Wilson on would accuse Mr. McCuaig of going tertained the Methodist choir at the that way just to run upa bill againSt parsonage on Friday evening last. the Council. The place had been The Thompson Bakery and resi- ”“13 no doubt the coun dence had a narrow escape from hre . on Monday. When discovered the plaints at that season of the year as roof was on fire and but for water all wishing to have repairs made dur. the summer calls the attention convenient and timely help a seri . , . conflagration might have developed. 0‘ the board to 1‘ "1 early Spring 1‘ “it their case would no: look so gcod Mr. David Clayton, a Flesherton later on Our Council is alwa s“ ell boy who has for the past few years °. ' . y ’ . . . adv18ed at‘the annual meeting not tol conducted a thrxvrng harness busmess‘ d . "h , d’ ‘ at Sintaluta N. W. T where he expen .moneynn elt’ er gra gig or ’ ' , d " . d (i ‘gravelling during the earlv apring orl fillresaihtggwllfzsaudisercfgjd oaf 1;: fall, and we think our citiz ins should 0°. _ . p ‘ ltry to maintain the principles we all busmess, leased his property and: , . H F 1 ‘ . . . . Iadtocate. lhe athers may have iwnh his family has returned to 001- \ done ri ht in settling the claim a" 't llingwood where he formerly resided. l g " ‘ _.° ' l . ,. , .was small and the first of the land Before leavxng Smtaluta Mr. Clayton l rather than ‘ut a p00,. man ,0 law ' who was the \Vorshipfull Master in exnenses, bull: they should make it ' the Masonic 1“)de there. was pre Iclear now how far they intend to let ‘ . , 7 ' y x . tsented by the 10ng With a gold locket , that sort of thing run as there are S( [6 l i ‘ ' yr d m ' I . . lhandsomely en". ave . acco ”Died few but have an experience like Mr. by an address \\ hich ll) part said: 1 , . . . h extreme re ret that. we ; McCuaig some time and can hardly ' g Ltell whether to blame themselves, ' ' ' e d (l i ‘tur '. . . . 0f 3.0“ mt Dd? era‘r .8 r their horses or the condition of the from our midst. Our sincere wish is l . . . roads. They wrll want damages now that prosperity may go With you. 2 ever time if such are goin . We are very sensible of the fact that a y . . . g. 1 our lodge owes much to your zeal and A notice in the Chronicle 13 a sure {land easy way to recover strayed an- l faithfulnessâ€"in fact the existence 0 limals although some farmers will try every other means. Last spring one . ' o o T a lodge in Sintaluta may be traced to , {your efforts to that end.” i . . ' \lrs J Runstadtier ave an en'o - l Of our neighbors 1°” a steer and 111' able party to a compan: of friends gn l stead 0‘ going to the printer W911i N Thursday evening last in honor of l :hgrmanby woizzard \f’hootold [3‘11“ her guests Miss Wolfe and Miss 18 east was 1" the “(“th 0‘ l ‘ Runstadtler A number were pres- , Forest in an honest man’s enclosure ent from Markdale Priceville and making the “1.3“" more bewildering Dundalk ’ than ever as it may be as difficult t1 ° lfind an honest man around Moun _L_ fl_1nnn“: _ ‘ Miss Ida Irwin, teacher. Dresden, who is holidaying at the parental ' entertained week . We congratulate Miss Myrtle Thur- ston, second daughter of the Advance Editor, on her success at the recent Junior Leaving examinations at Owen Sound where she attended the Collegiate. For one of her years Miss Myrtle may justly be proud of holding a second class teacher’s cer- tifitlate. __ . II ‘1 ‘ ‘I-nkn [luuuvco Mr. Alex. Campbell, M. A., Macbe- matical Master in Kingston Collegi- ate Institute, paid his old friend Mr. Geo. Mitchell. banker. a short. visit last week. - -- 1n- ___. ‘_A Ififlv VVVVVV Rev. L. \V. and Mrs. I‘hom were at Shelburne on Monday attending the Silver Wedding of Rev. C. W. and Mrs. \Vatch. Mrs, J. E. Hansford and daughters who have eummered very enjoyably here returned to their home in Toron- Flesherton. vwvâ€" â€"â€" Mrs. J. C. Crane, of Owen Sound. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert Trimble. Mrs. R. Srigley and daughter. Miss 'L‘aura, of Toronto, are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Joy and famiiy. Mrs. W. H. Heard is visiting in Collingwood. ‘ Misses Ethel and Bert Crossley are visiting friends in Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyd attended a picnic at Bell’s lake on Tuesday. Mrs. F. \V. Hickling leaves this week- to visit her sisters at Toronto and Ottawa. She will be accompanied to Toronto by her nieces, Misses Ruby , and Lydia Aikenhead, who have been _ holidaying here. l Dr. Murray will be a visitor to To r ronto this week and will be absent .,next week attending the Dominion i Dental Convention. ’11. v.4â€" M A notice in the Chronicle is a sure and easy way to recover strayed an- imals although some farmers will try ; every other means. Last spring one of our neighbors lost a steer and in- stead of gOiDg to the printer went to a Normanby wizzard who told him his beast was in the vicinity of Mt. Forest in an honest man’s enclosure, making the matter more bewildering than ever as it may be as difficult to I find an honest man around Mount Forest as it would be to find an ani- mal that had strayed into the forty l mile swamp. Your Glenelg Centre young man is anxious to know if we have entered the matrimonial cage yet. or if we have many penalries to pay. No. dear bachelor friend we have never thought of paying such things, there will be quite enough paying to do in that state of ~ oudage without attend- ing to penalties, or else marriage is not much like what it is talked up to be. Mrs. R. Mead is visiting her sister in Mount Forest this week. Jim Johnston bid the girls all good- bye last Sunday night saying he was goibg West on Tuesday, but he didn’t go and as a reward for giving them a heartache for nothing he was laid up the rest of the week with a stomach- ache. There is probably more truth than sympathy in saying it serves him right. Out of consideration for the hens some peOple thrashed their fall wheat last week. Clark’s new separator makes a good job of threshing any kind of grain. What spring grain Corner Concerns. was thrashed turned s good sample. Friday. in that. old saying that W heart is there will wander. There has been a goodly numum u. mammoth quilting bees in this neigh borhood lately, wbm her it is the Sign of a hard winter or that Leap Year is going to end up in an interesting way we cannot say. The white frost helped the late on rapidly than the) have done and h finished earlier the “U "u. vvvvvvv helped the late oats to slide in more rapidly than they otherwise would have done and harvesting will be finished earlier than was anticipated. We are pleased to see the Man on the Street has time to write again. but we are sorry he can't get to see a aharmless game of lacrosse, as for 4 that 24th of May celebration that he ' missed on account of having to help . clip sheep It is just as well he didn’t ' go as the fakir with the wheel of| fortune attended everything in those good old days, and if it took both him and his dad to fleece an innocent sheep those fellows would have taken the very hide ofi him, cheating him : out of his eye teeth and then make 1 him believe he had been born with- ' out any. We agree with him that those fellows are just as well kept on t the outside of the fall fair grounds although we are not inclined to con- sider them the most dangerous char- acters in the world. Young men are well warned in the home, from the pulpit and bv all good societies of the sin and danger of gambeling at that particular stage of the game and if they are caught we Say it servesi them right. But if 9 man came alongl with a waggon load of pies or fancy 3 little boxes such as they have been encouraged into gambling for and . raped a lot of them in we would sym- .Ipathise with them and censute the 3 promoters of such affairs because We a believe certain evils attend even that », ‘mild part of the game. \Ve are told |that young men have lost. good posi- tions and the confidence of the public l lwho were studying Sunday School UUDIULC;V nun vp-w- -_- -- societies is good material in the other fellows’ hands. To cure Anaemia, Pals and Bellow Com. pinion, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Im- sired Memory, Depression of Spirits, Byspepsis, Poor Appetite, Impure Blood, Pimples end Eruptions, Poor Circulation, Heart Palpitation, Dizziness Shortness of Breath, Female Weakness, fiervous Heed- eches, Coldness of the Bonds and Feet, Loss of Vital Power, General Weakness end Debility, and all diseases and disord- down condition of Dlwu. There is no other remedy which will so quickly restore you to health and strength ‘ and animation as Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron 3 Pills, and there is no other you can buy i which is accompanied by a. positive Gw- ante. of Cure or your money refunded. - 1 u benefit from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 boxes you have notoopened, and get your money backbNo fairer, equal-er proposition hu ever been ofl'ered, and we wouldn’ think of making it unless we were confide t the remedy will do all that is claimed for it. By the single box the Pine ere 500. CHE MIS’I‘ â€"- A} RE OPENING Thursday, Sept. I, 1904. The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will re- open for the Fall Term on Thursday. Se t. let. at 9 a. m., when pupils will be enrol ed and classified, and classes organized for the General Course; the Commercial Course; for all grades of Teachers' certificates: for Pass and Honor Junior and Senior Matriculation. and for en- trancefiinto all the learned professions. a Staff and Equipmentzâ€"The staff consists ’of nine teachers. ALL encuusrs and men of the highest professional standing. The equipment istboronghly modern and efficient. and among the best in Ontario. Termsâ€"The fees are: Fo Counties of Grey, Bruce, W« and Simcoe. Ten Dollars; in Twelve to Fifteen Dollars. For Annual Announcement tlon, apply to â€"- .- _‘_‘ J NO. A. DARLING THE OWEN SOUND Theo. Murray. Principal. John Rutherford, Scc'y 'l‘rens‘ For pupils from the __ __ - “â€"‘AAâ€" or other intonna Duanau. Aug. 24. 190 Fall Wheat .......... 3 88 to 3 Spring Wheat. ........ 90 to Oats ................ 28 to Peas ................ 53 to Barley .............. . 40 to Hay ................ . 8 00 to Butter ............... 11 to Eggs ................. 13 to Potatoes per bag ..... . 75 to Apples .............. l 00 to Flour per cwt ........ 2 50 to Oatmeal per sack ...... 2 40 to Chop per cwt ........ 1 10 to Live Hogs .......... 5 00 to .Dressed Hogs per cwt 6 00 to lHides per lb ........ 5 to Sheepskins ........... 40 to \Vool ............... . 16 to Lamb .............. 7 to Tallow .............. 5 to l Lard ................ 10 to A‘_ ‘C‘ ‘31qu “UL Gd. Vvanu -v‘ ____, tinck, containing 1(1) acresâ€"85 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush. 50 acres fit to run any kind of machinery. No swamp. Large. well laid out dwelling house; fairl good out buildingw well fenced and well watered. . A splendi stock bearing orchard. One mile from store and postoflice. Two churches. Will be hOld on very reasonabldterms J 11116 29th, 1901. August .. Millinery The remainder of our stock must be cleared out in the next four weeks. and to do so we are going to sell everything ,at cost during this month. There is still a lot of beauti- ful Black Hatsâ€"every one made of {the best materialâ€"end selling for half what they are worth. Also some Ladies' Bonnets that we are offering very cheap. Every but will be sold at a remarkably low price. EING LOT 29. gm. 10 mm -nnnn McIntyre Block. â€"- Durham, Ont. School Medals GIVEN BY During August we wish to call attention to the bargains we are offering in Millinery. Watchmeker. Jeweller. Optician. DURHAM, ONT. Farm for Sale. gag; . MISS DICK A. GORDON The time has almost come when the reports of the Entrance Examinations will be out. The teachers of those winning medals will be kind enough to send their names and addresses to us as soon as they know so that we can send the me- dals to the schools. It must be thoroughly un. derstood that these medals are given FREE by us and that they ate not to be given till the certificates are given out. Teachers will kindly let us know a few days be- fore hand so that we can send the medals to the schools. These are the first med-AI that were ever given in South Grey and we sincere 1y hope that the winners will prize them as such. . A. ANDERSON. Crawford P. O. 92 30 11 13 10 ' Local News CITNERED DURING THE P41 CHRONICLE READ! spOt How-w: t tip-town- the 8001?. THE following aw i ,the Model Selmul : ~ M stall. Brauifl', Hutton aid. Clark and Mr. couple man» an- vxpm THE annual Inn-Ming u Wufuéturing ( ‘« nnpa “'ednesday at. thv (‘um Monday afternoon 010889., to have his h of jnint and {rm-tun MEN \VANTED tin work in thv w to good mm). A to 3 . P. Tvlfnl‘d. Sept. 22nd. mun Durham Publiv programnu- will ficulm-s sw ad. . good in nur The way we is by the W111 paid up, and for our point “'15 havu u Donald. 01' ( lmndmme rel SvumuJ-e-olu-nml nu a large atu‘ndam-u |'( The smue regular 8!; with the exoopliuu M I the [)le of MCI nan-"h. to beach tlw young id During the Mndvl 9 Smith, an vxpvrionom mended tearhm- will Axe“, ('4an MT. FOREST was deft 51': n1 triifiltva‘ UH Mt. Fan‘s! there m-vm any good. mm not, red. it is a In ing auburn with huh D. «Hamish m young died un having [4 m I m Dog"? fm'gvt t rt in the tow: mt. 22nd. und« M iss Is: mu 1 recmu, uuu distant WI) [00de mm! man} «rs 9113343 are makin Board has VOL. 38-»N0. I 0111‘ (’X taken n m She nppe much fim soda water um ll She ('hewvth lb“! and when tlw v\ she is still clwwi notion intn hvr I and she “'ln'hh‘ “was ‘, hflhih neighlmrhood 2: She 800th f: nth beau ut Wlm "HES \\' r: mgr: a dfl‘S:~‘ that i- Mn and ton lung .1! tho glith till Hu' nigh lieth all-d in (lu- eleveuth huur. “ humps aground an work. She sighe Tm of will H hi 1p} mu e mmittaut {Iv we fig way In and it, 100mm t Apply ! ”t ll m in Mc'K \K' a W1 pod ‘1il flunk M plm‘mlo Am"! t “V H xhihi Fif! _\' bra.” .191 St flu U wh \\ ft ll

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