We’ve Got a Cure for the Dull Days. Try Would you like to know the secret of it ‘? - If so just step into our store, look around, price the goods, and if the dull days don’t fly away from you we will lose the prescription. us for Fresh Groceries. DURHAM. ONT. At high noon on Wednesday of last‘ week a pretty wedding took place at [1 the residence of Mr. and “m P. 1: Loncks when their eldest daughter Stella became the bride of Mr. Aaron Wyville. of Markdale. Rev L. W. r Thom, pastor of the Presbyterian I church here. performed the ceremony in the presence of about ï¬fty guests. The bride who was given aw'ay by her father looked charming in a dainty gown of white silk. trimmed with applique and chiï¬on. and carried i a shower bouquet of bridal roses and fern. She was assisted by Miss E. g Matheson, niece of the groom. who - . wore a pretty gown of white organdie ‘ ‘trimmed with insertion, and carried ' pink carnations and fern. Mr. W Loucks. brother of the bride, acted l as best man and the brides sister Miss ‘Eva Loucks played the Wedding iMarch. The house was artistically‘ . decorated with evergreens and flow-v ‘ers. After the ceremony and usual! ;congratulations a sumptuous wedd-\ I l ing breakfast was served on the lawn ‘under an arbour of evergreens a bower of beauty. At this juncture Mr. W. H. Thurston turned his cam- Esra on the company and doubtlessl [secured a desirable picture. Pre-l paratory to travelling the bridel .i donned her going away gown which was a military blue lady’s cloth with : touches of white and a white silk‘ blouse. She wore a stylish hat to '1 match A number of friends accom- gnanied Mr. and Mrs. Wyville to the ‘depot and they left on the evening train to visit Toronto, Kingston. 0t tawa and other points after which ‘ they will settle in their new home in (Markdale and be at home to their 'I friends after October 15th. The bride l was one of our most estimabl‘e young 1 woman the array of beautiful wedd- l‘ing presents showing the esteem in g which she isheld by her friends. We 'join the friends of the happy couple ‘in best wishes for a prosperous and Icontinued happy life Mr, James Stafford, of the 4th line has been laid up for a week with a broken collar bone. While on horse- back driving cattle from the ï¬eld the animal ridden stumbled and threw Mr. Stafford with the above result. an unfortunate mishap for a farmer in the midst of harvest. Mr. Archie Boyd. of the back line.{ met with a close call on Saturday byl a severe blow on the side of the head ; from the lever of a mow-er he was handling. The blow upset N'r. Boyd and was so dangerously near hisâ€. temple that he is grateful for his es . cape from more serious results. 1 On Thursday evening last a numb er of the members of the Baptist church with a few other friends took possession of the residence of Mr. W l E. Richardson, of this place. and gave his elder daughter. Miss Florie Richardson, a very pleasant surprise. 1 Miss Richardson has been for a num 'ber of years organist in the Baptist church and the congregation in a tangible manner expressed their ap- upreciation of her faithful and valu able services by presenting her with a silver service accompanied by an appropriate address which was read l I "rr'-r by Miss Stafford, teacher of Rockvale Little Miss Gladys Cornï¬eld made the presentation. Miss Richardson was genuinely surspised and found it difficult to eXpress to the donors all that was in her heart to say though ‘ her reply was neat and to the point. Refreshments were served and with music and social intercourse the even ’ing was very pleasantly spent. I Mr. R. J. Sproule was in Toronto 5 on Thursday last attending a meet- Iling of the directors of the Huron and iOntario Electric Railway. A new | board was elected consisting of ï¬fteen ; members who elected P. Y. Ellis Esq. lof Toronto, President. Messrs. M. K. uCameron. of Meaford. R. J. Sproule, '; Flashertou, Mr. McNamara. Mr. fRobertson and Judge Cline Walker- ! ton. members of the old board. were lelected. The new members are lead {ing business men of Toronto and all Eassume oflice with determination to Q push the project to a successful issue. ; A large congregation greeted Rev. 3A H. Ranton at the opening service gof the evangelestic campaign in the ? Presbyterian church on Sabbath I morning last. The storm interfered somewhat with the attendance in the ; Methodist church in the evening. Mr. Ranton preached powerful ser« ; mnns and made a deep and favorable é, impression on his audiences. He is Boyd Bros. had 3 raising one even- ing last week addinga carxiage house to their village barn. Two boys in the family of gr. John ;Chard east of the village ar ill with ;Maleria fever. Rumor has it that typhoid is the trouble, but we are : pleased to learn from the attending 7 physician that the report is not cor. rect. .vvv 'â€" a ï¬nen-t pieasing and convincing speaker and will doubtless be heard by large congregations this week. Whips were stolen from carriages in the Methodist church sheds on Sunday evening and steward of $5. is oEered for the conviction of the guilty parties. Miss Maud Richardson who has risen to a point of distinction among Canadian artists, has accepted the position of art teacher in Alma Ladies College, St. Thomas and enters upon her studies there this week. Miss Richardson’s friends here will be pleased to learn of her call to this important position in this leading college. R06. John Staï¬ord, M. A. of Har- vard University, Boston. is visiting his brother-in-law, Dr. J. P. Otter- well here. Mr. Staï¬ord has just re- turned from a tour through England' ond Scotland. Flesherton. Mrf Wm. Bonthun, of Dunkirk, N. Y. has joined his wife on t visit among his relatives here. Mr. Thos. Bentham, of Williams- fov-d. paid his brothers a short visit last week. Miss Watson, of Orangeville, has returned to take charge of Boyd Hickling Co’s Millinry department. Rev. L. W. Thom attended Pres bytery at Orangeville on Tuesday. Man is not a machine that keeps' going as long as the steam is applied. ‘ He is a creature of blood. nerves and g delicately balanced organism. Many ! don’t realize this. but over look their brains and break down. Brain work- ers need a strong bracing tonic like Ferrozone to fortify their nerves and keep the blood pure and rich Take Ferrozo’ne and you’ll do more work. You will have the strength. the am- ; bition and the desire for work because ‘your system will be in ï¬rst-class order. For your health and strength i takej‘errozone regularly. Price 50c. at druggists. Miss Ida McTeer from Cbatsworth. is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Craw- ford, for a. few weeks. James H. Allen and his bride are the guests of Mr. Allen’s mother. Misses Lena and Jennie Allan left for Toronto last Wednesday where they intend to remain for some time. Mrs. Z. Clark received the sad news on Thursday of the death of her brother, William. who was accident- ally shot and only lived a week Our League is going to have a question drawer. the Pasnor to an- swer the questions. The Varuey foot-ball team 18 still alive and the last game they played won a $15 prize and expect to get the gold medal soon. No fear of 21 met- eor stapping them. Why Brain Workers Break Down. Miss Ida Morrison was the guest of Winnie Gould on Sunday. Mr. Finder and a friend from Or- chard visited at. Jas. Hoy’s on Sun- day. A flock of fourteen wild ducks vis- ited Verne-y mill pond on Sunday. viewing the improvement Mr. Clark is making around the darn. Mrs. Will Clark islooking after her brother’s store, (Robert Henry of Robb) while he 18 atterding the ex- hibltion in the city. Miss Bessie Clark Went with her. And such complaints as “Shivers †and ague we recommend Nerviline very highly Twenty drops of Ner- viline taken in hot water with y lit- tle sugar three times daily not only stops the chills but knocks out the disease completely. Nerviline has a direct action on fever chills and re- moves the conditions causing them. In stomach and bowel troubles Ner- viline never fails. It’s pleasant to the taste. quick to relieve and always l cures permanently. Get a 25c. bottle to-day. The weather at present is not very l favorable for the farmers There isl considerable grain out yet although; some are through harvesting. } George Haw lost a valuable spring 1 colt from getting an over feed oil grain by accident. Death has again entered our midst% and claimed for its victim Mr. Neili McFadden, Sr. Although he has? been ailing for some time his death‘. was unlocked for. Mr. McFaddden‘ was a kind and obliging neighbor and ' hasthe respect of all who knew him. ' The funeral was largely attended. 3 Interment took place at Swinton Park 2 the Rev. Mr. Campbell of Dromore; ofï¬ciating at house and grave, in the‘ absence of Rev. Mr. Matheson. We| extend sympathy to the bereaved Mro. C. Jewell has gone to Toronto to visit her children and her sister, M rss T. Haw. R. Renton is engaged ï¬xing James Renwick’s cellar as last. winter’s frosts played havoc with the stone work. Miss Abraham, of Stratford paida visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. Renwick. this week. Mr. Jinks of Louise, with Robb. Grierson as the threshing season. Mr. Geo. Caswell of Port Elgin, spentaday with his parents here last week. Miss Cassie Smith has gone to Bruce to Spend a few weeks well earned holidays with her many friends there. Mrs. Chas. McDougall spent last week with friends in Durham. Mr. Geo. Puthsrbough accompanied by his sister Jean, and cousin Miss Cassie McKechnie of the Rocky, spent last. Friday and Saturday with Mark- dsle friends. Mr. John Dowding of Markdale. visited friends here lately. The root crap looks quite promising at present. Threshing is the order of the day. SackettS'Corners. To Cure Fever Mull Cdrners. Varney. 0.0' >* 0.0 9-4 is employed engineer for Before Leaving {or Allin College. St Thomas. Miss Mery A Twnmley entertained her friends to a. very pleasant party. Mr end Mrs. Brnitbwnite of Le colle, Quebec are visiting at Mr. R. Twsmleys. 'V "u-‘J -- Messrs. J. Sherman, J. Stinson and Master Milton Sherman are attending the Toronto Exhibition this week. K 1'" , Jack Dice returned from Toronto on Monday evening. and Rumor has it he was not alone Mr. Fadey and Miss Schewett of Mildmay visited at Koebles on Mon- day. - - n Miss. MacKenzw spent Labor Day in Durham. Mr. Supernault is very low at pre- sent and his friends have little hope of his recovery. The young peOple of Crawford int tend having a Box Social about the end of September. Mrs. Mighton’s baby was seriously ill for a few days but under skillful treatment of Dr. Smith is nearly all right again. Mr. ;nd Mrs. Rachel and Miss Sbewett spent Sunday with friends near Markdale. Wet weather terminated the bar- vest. The pea harvest is good but the pee weavil has been imported from the south on the wings of a potato bug. Those who attended the Toronto Fair from here were: Mrs. Donald Mollvride. Mrs. Queen, Mr. George Peter. Mr. James Peter. Mr. Abraham Tuck. The trustees placed in our school a new desk which was badly needed. Miss Mary Calvert visited at Mr. Yeoman’s in Mount Forest over Sun- day. \Iise Winnie Dawson. of South Bend, viaited her sister over Sunday. Anniversary services are to be held in Orchard Methodist church next Sunday. 18th Sept. Grand supper and programme in church on Monday night. Mrs. Wm. Stewart. we hear; was seriously ill last week with quinsy, but is now recovering. ‘Mr. Joseph Brown, of Winnipeg. paid a short. visit to his father~in~law Mr. John Queen on Friday last. Mary Finder and Annie Hoy have started to high school. The former to Durham and the latter in Mount Forest. Mrs. Wilton is visiting at Dr. Brown’s. Hulstein. - G H. SHORTREED. Veterinary . Dentist. is now at the Knapp House. Can give reference from owners of over 5000 horses for whom I have operated dur~ ing the past two years. Examination made free on young or old horses. Aged horses’ front teeth out to suit grinders. Cusps and hooks removed from the teeth of young and old horses. Prices moderate. You Take In Purchasing Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills. We Guarantee Them to Cure or Your Money Cheerfully Ref nded. â€"'-v' 1WVV, CELEBY-IBON PILLS are so absolutely certain in 99 cases out of a hundred that we have no hesitation in giving our written Guarantee that they will posi- tively cure such troubles as Thin and Watery Blood, Pale and Sallow Com- plexion, Pimples and‘Eruptions, Nerv- ousness, Sleeplessness, Langour and De- reesion, Brain Fag and Forgetfulness, oor Appetite, Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion, Nervous Headaches, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizzy and Faint Spells, Nerv- ous Prostration, Weakness, General De- bility, and all diseases and disorders arising from a runâ€"down condition of the nervous system, or weak and im poverished blood. With every 6 boxes of 1):. Harm's ‘ Camr-Inox PILLS you purchase at.one Itime, we give our written Guarantee ’that if you don’t derive beneï¬t from 1 their use, we will give you your money Sack. Is'n’t mt fair: CHEMIST â€" AND â€" DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONT. "631235 wâ€"o aimâ€"pretty sure Dr. Harm’s Pills would do what. we claim for the~ wo wo' dn’t dare make such an oflet. By a single box the Pills 111 50c. ‘Sept. 6th.â€"-â€"3w. FOEEO. 1‘ N0. 5. Glenelg. for the year 1905. Ap- ply, stating salary. experience and qual- iï¬cations. A plications received up to September 2“ . The curativq qualities of DB... 11qu 1 A ‘__ Hmsemen. Notice! JNO. A. DARLING Crawford. Teacher Wanted. PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION M. J. DAVIS. W. J. COOK. g Trustees. GEO. E. PEART. R T. EDWARDS, Sen. Travonton Ochard. i233 Fall Wheat .......... Spring Wheat ........ Oats ............. . . Peas ............... Barley .............. Hay ................ Butter ...... Eggs ............. . . Pomtoes per bag ..... Apples ............. Flour per cwt ...... . Oatmeal per sack. . . . Chop per cwt. ....... Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt Hides per lb ...... . Sheepskins. ......... Wool ............... Lamb ............. Tallow ............ . Lard ............... D tinck. containing 1m acresâ€"85 acres cleared‘ balance hardwood bush. .50 acres ï¬t to run any kind of machinery. No swamp. Large. well laid out dwellinï¬ house; fairl good out buiidin s- wel fenced and well watered. A’ splen id stock and ha farm. also good for grain. Large bearing orchard. One mile from store cud postoflice. Two churches. Willbewld on war y reasonable terms June 29th , 1504. Vï¬gor â€01119â€! “:3 d the utu I. -LA‘- -. u- _- McIntyre Block. â€"- Durhum. Ont. EING LOT 29. CON. 1o,__BEN. School Medals GIVEN BY Watcbmtkerf Iowan“. Market Report. OUR Fall Millinery is just received and will be open- ed up and ready for inspection on and after Thursday. Sept. 11th. when we will show all the latest Paris and New York styles in Street and Outing Hats. Veiliugs, Laces, Lace Collars. Fancy Stocks, Feath- ers, Ribbons. Flowers, etc., and with a full staï¬ of assist- ants and head trimmer we are prepared to do the best work and in the latest style. We will be pleased to have you call and inspeCt our stock whe- ther you are prepared to buy or not. Our prices are low. Farm for Sale. MISS DICK DunHAu The time has almost come when rho- I‘tpultl of thc Entrance Examinations will be out The teachers of those winning module will be kind enough to send their names and oddrosses to us as soon as they know so that we can send the mo- dals to the schools. It. must be thoroughly un- derstood that than medtlo are given FREE by us nnd that they no not to be given till the certiï¬cate. ore given out. Teachers will kindly let us know a few days be- fore hand so that we can mud the medals to the schools. These are the ï¬rst, medal. that were «war given in South Guest and we sincere ly hope thnc the winners will prize them "inch. for W. A. ANDERSON. Crawford P. O. Sept. s 88 to‘ 90 to iï¬o'u ONT. 250 92 30 10 Local New: u mum puma ms 4 cunomcus Ra 81m Miss Dick’s Mil Announcement. THE goverunwnl hm killing of 6901' in tlw I for the next three. year THE Epworth Iragt: dint church have pug: [I‘ll for Show ay. at good but dinner for 2! HOUSE to rent. in M up-tnwn. Apply to ( the store. . FOR SALE (‘urzw in town of Durham Vendor’s Solicitors. “'mm a see Barclay and ranges comment. i1 THE Furnituw Fart; rest from n-gulm' Wu: moving the 0M Imil intend ['0leng by [W as the result \I work is likvly t THERE was a oallvr other day and hr “-1 seeing J uhn Kinnvv streets when it was rail attack of Arthur llc-m‘} kins on the fellow whq glasses at midnight. A Box Social will M No. 9. Bentim-k. "mu Fridny evening. ()cwhn McKinnou and Miller ‘ 9nd at good time is exp aim! 100. [Adios brim PMS in aid «if Sth FALL MILLINERY 0! (083% that “'ednesda] Sept. 28th and 220th. days. are opening dayt ery Department. 'l‘h (‘Xhilbitiun the swam! novelties in hum] Wt! cordially invitnd.~~â€".I:m TRADI’BIJCR lwvvr couple of \kas ago death of Georgv Mu son «if Mr. and Mrs. this town. Nu mm been hid away that ill. also of typlmid divadh 0:030 and HHIHHI' Everything is sun and gmvtwwell. as Che room we designate. is a I my be madv (u very crith ill at prvst speedy rm sparvd f0 Mrs. MUM hip 5“ menu ufu-rw pleas»: and in purpose.'1’ne sum â€â€˜9 ('l'ï¬ditahly dqu 31d who always due house will Imt- h time yet. perhaps but none are murv completed than Mr ens handy old which av received wa plgï¬ ? ' Vavm')‘ says as price a mum n a; n. by ninv smil: 1h; countenance nu HI agiue that John pr b0 unit-hing in My house and lying u mput‘thvirduar ii course farming p: 'armvl ll (N'l “'uu say our population 0n Mumla)‘ madv IF “1 at In \\' HAS mum-ram "1“] ago. I smile Uni me on thl m 38â€"440. the Fair. A: Bell's d as they In the count! stum 11 ll he "I V in RH hv 1t