West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Sep 1904, p. 3

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1C8. iale. Rent. le. tent”! was! Hm. This or separate R West. For {OWN E .T W EST M I 5 MIC of hard ; Rood solid B rick nt. Sale. ale. 5, GLEN- IN nth. rm: and“ . ahontw hardwood liar..1'ho ror fuli re” ‘9 Durham .\' GAR- Inn (farther Bl’ BEN mus Wil I)" b6 Brea { .0. H. Stinson The 200d Wife. 0' 'hu Lona» 3"?» likes '0 hfiVfl con-l Hro-.L and ' be.“ Brflnd Id '0 be h 0| n, \touann The thtflfi' «Wu-Hoot and nut [“93“th mad», N0 homhmul w OVr-r fillol “$le with ‘Wovoufnfi Hi" 4 “,6 t-Il'u mu n fir~twns~b no'lo Whether it’< Hr-a'l P'v-z or Pn' und give spmem: mtmuion [on c) cudtomqu. Chenile Tabla 0mm. l5 \‘ds squnm UNIDBRs’KIK'I‘fl Table Linens. Bl Gold [mounted Tabla Sela” .. ....8!.75 “ Water Sets” . 185 7 piece Berry Sets] 60 I. 75 (.uld docuratinns an above being burnt in will nut. wash MT. 7 piece Glass Berry Snts . . ..40c and 45c o. O. New Glassware. Jargn size W'hite Ummterlmues ST.\ N l).\ RI) uh! WHITE SBWing Machines. Malone Separators. o. CAMPBELL, Agent. The Sherlock Organs. Inn's .laIIaIIIe-m papm' Napkins thing tnr pic IIic~A per lo) IMPLEMENTS lack \ldrcnrizmi Satan bargain at a win . . . . . Frost Wood FIRST-CLASS LINE of Baker; Good: away- on hand. DURHAM, CALDER BLOCK. I-Ie Sells Cheap. For which we: will pay the “highest price ” in CASH or TRADE. . H. B 13A 1N Custom Cardin; Mid spinn- ing attended to on short notice. Blankets. Twoeds, Ynns. Flannels, Groceries and Dry Goods ulways on hund. of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. U4“ and son- us DURHAM, ONT. - THE GROCER ~â€" AGENCY. We \Vant u I'mwhh iris V and turn hunhaon‘ a" run"... 1. “I" 4.! ONTARIO. asf UN- 0H LOU I If! 1.40 3-.qu jalmm-d in tin “hm-ls. Here he rumainod suspvmlvd at a height of mm fee-t for ten minutes, and was with difliculty rosmwd hy his com- rades from his terrible plight. In a {aiming condition the man was tak- on to Stockport Infirmary. where it was found that his fingers had been practically torn from one 0;! his. - n-rplo-jack'n recipe. The Lundtn Express 0! a recent date had the following: A steeple- iack named Towie has just had a terrible escape from death. He was n:ugL-d with others in erecting a. :hinmey 300 feet high at some bleach works at Edgeloy, near Stockport, and was taking down the staging who-n his hand became entangled in the ropes. He was lifted of! his feet to the pulley, where his fingers be- l The London Daily Chronicle of ‘NO\'. 11 says: The first Royal ('om- lnis'sémi on the birth rate M‘M' l'm'm- ml in Ull' British Empire has now iwin appointed in New South Wales, {and has lmgun to hold slttmgs. 'lhe i Australian birth rut.- wns referred to Lin this cvlunn some months ago, as Ian iv-Jrulm- instance of the mineral Luau"); but it swims to he take-n for umntvd that. in the [H't‘h‘i‘nt fuse, ‘hn ill‘llhi‘l'iltt‘ init'niimi of the people i-- ‘hw (Ti-termin us; factor. It new] ixlrdiy to said that France is in a si.uiiar plight. and that in all prob- ability the proportion of white to other races on the earth is steadily falling-year by year, despite the re- cent destruction of most aboriginal races by alcohol and tuberculosis. As a result of ten years' {all in New South Wales, the birth rate is now just over twenty-five per thousand. This may be compared with the rate of fifty reached in an alien quarter of London not so long ago. The Commission, which includes five medi- cal men is to furnish its report within three. months, and g.- to refer to the difl‘icultv experienced by voung men in obtaining' private employ- ment owing to the development of State Socialism. “ ‘Ho said. ma’am,’ Jame answor-o ed, 'that he wouldn't pay, and if you dared to come to the thentrv your- self he’d kiss you,’ “ "l‘h.H impudvnt wrvtrh!’ exclaimed the landlady. ‘l’ll shuw him! Kiss mo. will'he‘.’ Well, I'm going to him now, and let him try to kiss law if hoe darvs.’ "She took up her hat and coat. but her husband detains-d her. “ ’hml't g0.’ hv said g‘n'K', ‘Cufm said he'd kiss you. and Ma'- hrvps ht‘ will. for tht-r'v's no “'13 n: “h." u mun will (In \xhun hn's in u pension} " “When thv maid returned she was empty handed. ”For a time," he said, “I boarded â€"I boarded with an hunest family in a house with an actor named Gaye. Rates were low enough in our board~ ing house, but Gaye nevertheless fled One night without paying a. month's board. There was a hubbub when his llight was discovered. The landlady, a pretty woman, sent the maid around to the theatre to say that it he didn't settle Up hcl'ure. nightfall she would come herself to collect his “count. “ 'Wcll,’ said our landlady. ‘whut did Mr. .mye say to you, Jam-1" A regiment. safnly (‘ntronchnd could put. hm's du combat more men than Napolvnn lost at Waterloo, A Caution: H ushnnd. The late Phil May (of him Mr. Whistler said, “Black and white work is summed up in two wordsâ€"Phil May") was talking once in London about his early days of penury in Australia. A cmnpam' of 100 men using: the hvnom‘npq skillfullv Would be able to kill 70!) of the enemy and Wound 200 mom in less than five minutes. The entire instrument is very com- pact and light. weighing about a pound. It is provided with a holster, in which it may he QH('1\S(‘(I to pre- vont. it from sustainimr anv injurv when not in us». 'l‘hv Darts. howev- or. are not liable to im vasily injur- ed. In case a mirror is broken a nnw one can roadilv he slipped into thc‘ uld frame. The vertical arm of the instrument comprises ,two telescoping sections. so that by means‘of a thumb-screw at the side this arm may be extend- ed to elevate the (levice {or long range shooting. The amount of ele- vation may be accurately determined by means of a line scale on the up- per section. In order to allow for windage a thumb-screw at the end of the horizontal arm may be rotated to mow the mirror contained there- in slightly to one side or the other. A scale on this arm shows just how far the mirror must he moved for different Velocities and directions of the wind. The hyposcope is adapted to be so- cured to the stock of the rifle. near the breech. It consists of a series of mirrors mounted in a tube of invert- ed L shape. The shorter arm lies across the barrel of the rifle, while the longer arm hangs down at one side. The first mirror reflects the light coming in along the barrel of the rifle to a second mirror at the elbow of the instrument, which di- rects the rays downwards to a mir- ror at the lower end of the tube, and thence it passes out at right. angles to the eye. Thus on looking in at the eyepiece one can see the sights of his rifle and take accurate aim while holding the gun abOVe his head. \ Succesdul contestants at Bisley brought back with them from Enz- land a. little instrument which is destined to play an important part in the warfare of the future. It is called a hyposcope. and its purpose is to enable a marksman to fire with accurate aim without exposing his head to the tire of the enemy. It was invented by William Youlton of Brighton .and was used with good results in the latter part. of the Boer lilitary Device Dena-nod to Revolution!“ “0v:~l T HE HYPOSCOPE. m «uh-n 0|! "it"hu. \\ nl’ - 8'0. The Bate-guard o! Ideal-a To live In “W prvsvm-v at great truths and eternal laws. to be led by permanent Ideznls~--tlmt Is what keeps a man patient when the win-Id ignores hlm mu] calm and unspoiled winâ€"'1) the world praises himâ€"110mm de Balm Ruyterâ€" “How to Get the Five Hun- dred. ” a Year.” Scribblerâ€"What do you call the se- quel? Green--Yostordny was his wooden wedding. and he gave his wife. a roiling pin for a present. and when he return- ed from celebrating the event she re- turned the present with a speech suit- able to the occasion. Herculenndmboru. Naggsbyâ€"Wlmt did ho lmwe to char- ity? Waggshy-iie left it the biggest job it ever tackledâ€"that or covering his multitude of sins. Brought Trouble. Whiteâ€"~What is the matter with Plunger’s head? The Leopard and the Kid. To illustrate how perfectly he had the animal nmler control Professor l Batch of Ilvrlln once put a live kld in the cage with a leopard. Then the ' professor fixed his gllttorlng eye on tho salvage lwnst and willed that he lslumlll romnln quiescent. There was amlwthing wrong with the thought tl'nusl'l'rmmo. for the leopard immedi- utvly «rlnum'wl his spots, and so did the “Well,” said the other man. “you have mine." - Got It. "Part is." said the (me mzm. “1 mar- rim! Inn-muse I was 101va as much as for any uthvr reason. To put it tersely. I married for sympnfl'y." An Experlom-ed Opinion. ‘ Futlwrâ€" lmnghtvr. Algwrnnn Von Spw‘k wants m n” 13' ynn. Daughter -~\\'lmt! 'l‘lmt mun! Why. pupal. I mmlzln't have him. He lmsn't any Bt-llsv. l":lt|wrâ€"-â€"()f (-unrso not: of course Hut. You dun't suppose he would be wanting to got married if he had. do you? A physician sufi'vring with Bright'. ("3402150 and woighing 155 pounds began to Hmtrivt himsvlt‘ oxclllsivoly to a milk mm. taking mm quart at each meal, or tit-w quarts daily. Soon no traces of his t'nrnwr :lilluvnt was pvrceptible. He :v ‘frwl thirty puumls in flash, and this war 'MM-znding musmut attention to p!“ .zv.»....}m. I duties both day and night. â€"-( hing” .‘Jm‘ss. l;:.l. .\ lllt'ilt. a growl and a crunch, and the illustration was ruined. More Thrilling. Ruyterâ€" I’m writing a sequel to my )0}: “How to Live on Five Hundred The originator of pictorial post card: was a Frenchman, M. Besnardeau of Silleole-(‘iuillaume, in the department of La Sarthc. To this gentleman oc- curred the happy thought at the time of the war with Germany that, as there were 40.000 conscripts, most of them somewhat illiterate, in the camp of Conlie, he might as well sell them cards instead of paper and envelopes. He did so, illustrating his cards with pic~ tures of cannons and shells. quickly cleared out his stock and responded to the continuing demand by issuing a second series, with spaces on which soldiers were invited to write the names of any battles in which they might have taken part.~â€"Westmln8ter Gazette. Origin of the Picture Postal Cardl. Strategy of the Cuckoo. The Indian fruit cuckoo, which, like all members of the cuckoo family, lays its eggs in the nests of other birds and thus avoids the trouble of hatching them, is said to exhibit most interest- ing strategy in dealing with crows, which are its enemies. Whereas the hen, an inconspicuous speckled gray bird, conceals herself in the foliage, the cock, remarkable for his brilliant black plumage and crimson eyes, places himself on a perch near a crows’ nest and makes a great noise. The crown immediately rush out to attack him, and he takes to flight with them in pur- suit. 'l‘he hen meanwhile slips into the nest and deposits an egg. Sometimes the crows get back before the egg is laid, and then the intruding hen cuckoo gets a trouncingâ€"Youth’s Companion. 1 Turkish Counts-coho. ; Midhat Pasha. formerly a power II Turkey as leader of s rerorm party. brought about the deposition of Sultan Abdul Aziz. Prince Murad then was proclaimed sultan. Five days later the ex~sultan committed suicide, a fact which was proved by nineteen doctors. Ten days after this tragedy Sultan Murad became insane and was deposed and Abdul Hamid ascended the throne. Midhat was banished, but was received with so much favor in Europe that the sultan became nervous and recalled him and appointed him governor. of Syria. Here he’did much good. but found himself called upon to resign in 1880. He next became governor gen- eral of Smyrna. but shortly afterward he was arrested with Mehemet Rushdl Pasha and others on a charge of being concerned in the murder of Abdul Aziz. The trial dragged on for months. and Midhat, with others, was condemned to death. but on the intervention of the English government his sentence was changed to imprisonment for life. Mid- hat was sent to Tait, in Arabia, where ‘ many attempts were made to poison‘ him, which were frustrated by his serv- ant. One night, however. he was dragged from his room by some of the sultan's oflicials and strangled. Milk and Bright’s Disease. u! Next CALL AND SEE ONE. Marshall Sanitary Mattresses HAVE COMFORT. Going Sept. l3th and 27th. Returning until Nov. l4tl| and 28th. Pmnphlets and full particulars from any Cnmulinn Pacific Agent, or \Vinnipc-g Mo w bra y Delnmine Snuris Brmulun Lylvtml Lenure M i n iota Elgin \Vawmwszl Binscm-th Muusnulin Arculn - Estevan York tun Sept. 6 â€"6mc. Our Company pays market value for Grain, Hay and Live Stock. Hay in stacks is covered by insur. was on contents: of ham. Farm Implements used by hand. Carpen- teis’ Tools. Robes. Roots, Grain Bags. Wool. Beef. Pork, Fruit and Flour are payable in either dwellings or outbuildings. No other company has the the abOVe in their contract A Sydeuham Policy is the best. For further information address Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. The cures of Ferrozone are lasting. because it does its work thoroughly. It is a specific for all forms of skin disease, kidney, liver. and stomach trouble. It cures headache and lan- quid feeling in a short time. Ferro- zone contains more nourishment and vitalizing properties than you can get in any other wayâ€"in short. it assures health and costs but fine for 'hree weeks treatment, or six boxes for $2.50. At druggists. or by mai! from the Ferrozone Company, Kings- ton. Ont. Get a supply to-day. | "The benefit I derived from Ferro zone.” writes Mr. Al. P. Whitehead from Monoton. “is really morvellous. For ta 0 years I didn’t have one day’s freedom from nervous headache and pains in the back and side. 1 con- suited doctors in Montreal, but was not helped. I used Ferrozone and am glad to say my health is better to- day than for many years. I weigh ten pounds more and look and feel stronger. Ferrozone is the best tonic I ever used. ” Mrs. Duncan W. Dunharn, of Port- land. writes last winter I was attack- ed with Neuralgia and was run down in health. I used all sorts of medi- cines, but found Ferrozone the best. It brought back my appetite and has made me strong, so that I don’t ex- pect to be hotbered with Neuralgia or weak Spells again.” News: on Edge. Appotito Poor. Sloop Disturbodâ€" You Need Always Sick, Perhaps you: lâ€"iâ€"k: then [ememberâ€"l HARVEST EXDURSIDNS Furniture! furniture! J. H. McFayden rm Pacific Agent, or I Wright’s Old Sand. A. H. NOTMAN. Toronto. ‘ DURHAM, â€"â€" ON' E 33.00 constructed of hsir and s thousand springs. This Mattress costs a little more than the ordinary, but think of the comfort you get. sud think of the health yon secure, and the extra cost will not trouble you. $30.00 Regina - - $33.75 ] M0050. Jaw ‘ . ,. Kamsack $4.00 I “M” Swan Rivvr Saskatoon 33.25 You spend at least one-third of your time in bed. and your health depends largely on the invigorating influence of a. good night's rest. You can’t, fail to get. real comfort if you sleep on one of our Constantly Tired. amberâ€"Hal? '. Sto a falling hair also 3 Hair Ren’cwe'r dQnyg'restores color to Stmthcomt Red “901' M #101004! Calgary I’r . A Ibo] , 't, Edward Kress, DURHAM P. O fi’w’m 36.00 A. W. WATSON We make all kinds of CAKES and CONFECTIONEBY and give special prompt attention to Wedding goode. THE BEST PROOF IXCLUBIVILY Will be st the Middsugh Home In Wodnouhy of etch month. from 12 to 4 p. m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and None Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthnlmio 833.. 3nd to Golden Sq. Throat and Non L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Bar Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd. Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 pm. WOpp. Caldwell’s Livery SCREEN DOORS from ...... SCREEN WINDOWS at all SCREEN WIRE, all sizes, fr Lawn Mowers 8: Garden Tools at Right Prices. Fly . . . . Weather HARD WAREjAND TIN WARE We want regarding the qual- ity of our bread is the in- creased amount consumed by the people of Durham. Since starting here a few months ago our trade has been con- stantly and steadily growing. and our weekly output now is over four times what it was when we started business. We feel truly grateful for the liberal patronage accorded us and with the increased and competent assistance we have secured we hope to merit a‘ continuance of the public pat- ronage. ‘ If You Want your house Eavetroughed or if you want a Furnace 111 your house don’t forget us. F. Siegner DB. GEO. S. BURT. DR. BROWN Keep out all flies and insects from the house. ONTA RIO. ...... 906 up. :11 prices. , from 10c. “(WWII “SCRIIIIIR HIIIQI’ICdII. Hos. Hos. Alex. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce including Butter and Eggs. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND: MONEY TO LOAN at low retu. DEBTS COLLECTED -- Wampum Dunn. All kinds of “ Squere Deele " negot- ieted; everything confldentiel. Buni- neee established 1884. BESIDES ABOVE I huvo 0th.? lands in Ontuio and North West for ulo or exchange and CAN sum. YOU! mum if you want to cellâ€"no charge if no sale. The Hnnovor Con veyanoor. HANOVER. â€"â€" -â€" ONTARIO The Hanover Con "meat. VILLAGI Bum Bananaâ€"No oppooition-spleudid trade done â€"Inap for good man. 100 A0888 near Allan Parkâ€"Fair laud ' â€"good timberâ€"cheap. 200 Acute in a splendid settlementâ€" Normanbyâ€"owoer “ckâ€"bargain cloned. 100 ACIDS in Egtemontâ€"about 65 acrea cleared. hardwood and swamp timber. good building", good soil. orchard. and well located, price 83200 Will ao- cept as low as 8500 down and allow balance to run at 4:3. 100 ACRES in Hendrickâ€"Crawford P O.â€"â€"good («mu-owner invalid and eager to sell. 50 ACRES in Egremomâ€"near Hol- steinâ€"fine 50 ~99]! cheap or trade for larger farm. 1 AcmcmDurhammuear the Cement Works. A hand-one!) Illustrated weekly. [m «solution of my antennae. mmu 'l‘ermn. I (gar; {our magma. .1. 80 d by ‘1‘ newodgul ----‘- A ‘- in.“ four month. M. 8010 by a!) new-66am 1’3.“ 00. mm New 1ng wmmn. Jam e sending a sketch and dam-Inno- .39 “toll mm}? our «pink»: free I! out. I. Invent on «- probably pnwnuhle. (‘ummum “on. motif] oonfldentlul. Handbook on I’m Com free. ( Idmt agency for securing pawn Patent- uken t rough Mann Co. v. W notice. wupnut clinic. tn the fm Balgains Head Ihis! GOODS dolivorod to sll parts of tho «inf All kind. of Grocer-in. To“. Sugnra, Colo". Spica tad Tqbwcoc. Flour. Food. Pontoon. Ouc- monl, Common! Field and Garden Suds. H. H. MILLER. Grocery and Provision Store . MILLER. '2:

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