West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Sep 1904, p. 8

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RIBERT BURNHT DURHAM. ONT. The residence of Mr. George Wood ! j near Stratlord, was the scene of a - pretty wedding at 630 o’clock on Wednesday evening of last week when his daughter. Jeanette. was united in marriage to Mr. Barry Stewart, youngest son of the late George Stewart Esq , of this place, Under a beautiful arch of white chryeanthemume and esters the mar- riage ceremony was performed by the bride’s pastor. Rev. J. A. Graham, B A. of Avonton. assisted by the groom’s pastor. Rev. R. Stewart B. A. of Avonbanlr. The bride was given away by her father and was hand somely gowned in white silk voile with pretty lace yoke and carried a bouquet of carnations and smilax. She was attended by her sister Miss Bessie Wood. who wore a becoming gown of cream voile and carried pink icarnations. Mr. McIntyre of St. Marys, acted as best man. The bride’s cousin Miss Francis, of St. Mary’s played the Wedding March. The bride’s travelling suit was of garnet eolienne with hat to match. After the ceremony and congratula. ticns a repeat of rare excellence was served and pleasing congratulatory speeches were given by Revs Graham and Stewart, who spoke in most' praise worthy terms of the newly wedded couple. About one hundred guests were present from Galt, Kin- tore. Carthago. Avonbank. St. Marys and Fleeherton. The bride was the recipient of alarge number of beauti- ful wedding presents that of the groom being a beautiful pearl crescent pin. To the bridesmaid he gavea gold ring and to the groomsman a gold locket The young couple made a short visit to London before settl- ing in their new home near Avonton. Mr. Stewart was a very highly es- teemed young man here and it gives us pleasure to tender our cengratula .tions on this happy event in his life. At the call of the trustee’s Board a meeting of ratepayers was held in the school on Wednesday evening of last week to discuss much needed im- provements in the heating of the building the present ayatem by hot air not proving satisfactory Mr. .\l K. Richardson was voted to the chair and after full discus ion a resolution was adopted authorizing the Boar“ to discord the present system.and have installed a steam heating plant. The contract amounting to something over 3700 has been let to F. G. Kar- stedt and the Gurney company who are to have the work completed in thirty days. Mr. Wesley Buskin, of the back line had a close call one day last week in an encounter with his bull which be- coming free from the lead stick at- tacked him in a vicious manner. In short order Mr. Buskin was pinned to the ground with the animals horns astride his breast and but for the timely help of neighbors who heard Mrs. Buskin cry for help would in all probability have been gored to death. Mr Buskin was bruised in body and so crushed in the chest as to be made expectorade some blood, but he has almost recovered from his sorness, and thankful he escaped so well. The union evangelestic services in progress here are being well attended and growingin interest. Never be- fore we believe were more powerful sermons given here night after night than are now being delivered by Rev. Mr. Ranton who is an impressive and convincing speaker making clear his subject by apt illustrations and at times arresting the attention of his audience with humorous but pointed ancedotes through which he presses home the truth. Services were held last week from Tuesday till Friday night in the Pres- byterian church and on Saturday evening at Ceylon On Sunday morn- ing service was held in the Methodist church and in the evening in the Presbyterian church which was crowded to the doors. Next Sunday the order will be reversed, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week the meetings continue in the Presby- terian church after which, excepting Sunday morning they will be held in the Methodist church till Wednesday evening of next week when Mr. Ran- ton closes here. On Saturday even- ing Mr. Ranton. who before his con version was a bartender at Barrie and Owen Sound. will deliver his temperance lecture “ From Bar to Pulpit” which is said to be a masterly and captivating production. A large audience will doubtles be present to hearit. A quiet marriage took place at the mause here on Wednesday of last week when Rev. L. W. Thom joined in wedlock Mr. Geo. A. Gibson and Miss Jennie Tudor. from near Kim- berly. Mr. Edward Turner and Miss Edith Carr, oi Eugenia. acted as groomsman and biidesmaid. J‘he young couple left the same day to visit friends near Brantford. Messrs. Herb Smith. W. L. Wright John Whitten. Mrs. Bunt and two Chard bovs ill with fever are under Dr. Carter’s care, we are pleased to learn. all recovering. A trained nurse is waiting on Mr. Smith. who was dangerously ill for some days. Mr. Chas. McDowell, C. E. of Owen Sound. epent e couple of days last week surveving on the Valley Road and vicinity. Reeve Muir is at present superin- tending the job of bridge building at the Saugeen washout on the Toronto line. Tenders were called {or some time ago but none were ofiered. East Grey Exhibition will be the attraction here on Tuedsy and Wed- nesday next week” Good weather is hoped for and is believed to be all thst will be necessary to make this snnusl event a great. success. Flesherton. Miss Honnuh Stnfi'ord for some time in charge of Rockvolo school left on Monday for London to attend the Normal there. Mr. J. Halo of Os- prey has succeeded Miss Stafford at Rockvale. Rev. J. B. W885. of Eugenia circuit moved to town last week for the pre- sent occupying Mr. Quiggs residence on Toronto Street. Miss Zilla. Trimhle who has been lor a year or two with her uncle Dr. R. Baskerville at Detroit returned last week to Spend some time at her home here. Mr. N. Lawerenco left last week to spend a month with his sons and daughter at Nanton. Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. Chas. Stewart, Mrs. McTavish, Mrs. White and Mrs. Williams attended the marriage of their brother near Stratford last week. Miss Parker of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Boyd. Mrs. Burton of Woodbridge, is vis- iting her daughter Mrs. Buut who is sick. Mrs. (Dr.) Sptoule of Markdale, and sister Mrs. Ainslie of St. Cather- ines. were in town Friday last calling on friends. Mrs. A. Neilson of Proton Station, Sundayed with her sister Mrs. Arm- strong that she might enjoy the treat given by Rev. A. R. Benton. Mr. D. Mc'I‘avish was in Durham Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, of Owen Sound. and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Lucas of Markdale. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Richardson on Satur- day evening last. Mrs. Stoddart of Paisley. and Mrs. Srigley and daughter of Newmarket who have been visiting relatives here left for their respective homes Mon- day. Mr. Gordon McMullen, who a short time ago left for Maple Creek, Assa., is, we learn in a good position there. and liking the West. Mr. S H. Pearce. of Owen Sound. was the guest of Mr. W, ’I‘rimble and family over Sunday. Mr. Roi-t. Irwin. who about thirty years ago lived near this village. but who has been for some years prosper- ing in the West is visiting his uncles Chas. and Samuel Irwin of the suburbs. Farmers in this vicinity are very busy threshing now the whistle of the steam thresher being heard in all directions. Councillor Best’s mach- ine is having a good run exam of the village. Well done the Chronicle Stafi, for notwithstanding the absence of the foreman the paper reached us an Wednesday evening last week which has not been the rule of late. Miss Mary Glencross returned to Toronto last week. Mr. Robt. Reed, of Paisley, and his grandson. Percy Reed. of Michigan, were visiting among relatives here the past few days. Mrs. Lawrence \Vitherspoon, form- erly Miss Kitty Martin, of Brantford, with her baby. Mabel, is visiting the old home. Mrs. John 0 Greenwood is away keeping house for her father for a few days while her brother Archie is away to King township for his bride. Mrs. Richard Haley passed away very suddenly this (Monday) fore- noon. She has been very unwell all summer with a badly swollen arm; but the end was not expected. Her patience and sunniness under sufler- ing was a lesson to everyone near. We are not in possession of facts re. lating to a binary of deceased’s life. but for the many vears she has lived amongst us. the home has been noted for its true Irish hospitality and her social and intellectual powers were above the ordinary. To her husband and her was given one child. Johnnie. now verging into manhood, and bus- band and son have won the praise of the neighborhood by their devotion to her during the past months. De- ceased was a fond mother and true wife. The sympathy of the neigh-‘. borhood goes out to husband and son. That is the 3rd death on the 6th con. within the past five weeks. Who neXt? John Ryan. of the 6th, sold a fine 2-year-old colt. last week for $1.10 Traded another and has a fine lot of young horses yet. McArthnr Bros , on the 4th. James Bartley and gang. on the 6th, and Joe McNally’s outfit further north, are quicxly changing the stacks from one side of the burns to the other. Miss Olive Cook is away to visit Lauriston and Berkeley friends for a week. Miss M. E Hunt, of Vandeleur, and Miss Florence, of Markdale, were home for the threshing and ”big feed ” on Saturday. THE Middaugh House Stable is now ready for use, and will be run in con- nection with the House and not as a livery.â€"â€"4. \Vhen vou do not relish your food and feel dull and stupid after eating. all you need is a dose of Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a. bear. For sale by H. Parker.â€"â€"2 When You Feel Dull After Eating. 3:: Traverston. Threshing is now the order of the day sround here. and the grsin turns out fsirly well. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hewitt who came home to attend the funeral of the farmer’s sister some time ago. left last Monday after s three weeks’ stay for their home in Omaha. Neh. They intend to Spend a few days with friends in London. .vâ€"“v U Mr. Charâ€"lee 'R‘ivtchie returned home a week or so ago from the Northwest slightlyjmprgved‘in health. 0 J-_- U.IB.."J uâ€"r-_ Mrs John H9763: spent a few days in London last week visiting her sister. Mrs. Hazelgrove, and other friends. Mrs Charles Ritchie, who has been on the sick list recentlv, we are pleased to learn is again on the mend. H“..- ' Mr and Mrs. Janws Atkinson were the guests of Mr. Jufieph Atkinson on Sunday last. The farmers are busy threshing and putting in fall wheat. Messrs. H. H. Miller and C. Mc- Kinnon were around on Friday say- ing pretty things to the ladies and kissing the babies. Death has again entered our midst and carried 03 one of our oldest reeio dents. Mr. Supernault died on Fri- day at the ripe old age of 90. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place on Monday to the Catholic cemetery. Mr. W. Whvte, of Dundalk, is uisiting the Boyd family this week. Mr. Harry Boyce and his sister. Miss Alice, attended the wedding of Miss Burgess on Wednesday. Misses Rose and Louise Supernault returned to Toronto on Fridav. Mr. Dan McKinnon of Alberta is spendmg a few weeks at the old home. Mr, Jenks is engaged with Mr. Grierson as engineer. Mrs. Walker is visiting friend in VViarton at present. The young people intend holding a box social on October the 7th a good programme is being prepared Several Places Felt Tremor Which Was Probably Due to Crust of Earth Settling. Mr. Allan McDuugald left- for the West last week. Ottawa. Sept. 15.â€"An earth tre- mor lasting eleven seconds Was felt here last night at 52 minutes 45) seconds pas' eight o’clock. Two distinct shocks were felt, the first be- ing the more severe. Objects in houses were shaken and even dis- placed. On Sandy Hill peOple were so much alarmed that they ran out of their residences. The vibrations were in south-westerly direction No rumbling noise was heard. Dr. Ami of Geological Survey. who was inter- viewed. expressed the opinion that the shock was due to the adjustment and settlement of the large blocks of rock constituting the earth’s crust in this vaulted region of Eastern Ontario. The earthquake was distinctly felt at Montreal, the time being put at 9.11) o’clock. but it was very mild, and lasted only about ten seconds. Many citizens felt the shock. At Buckingham, Que . one of the heaviest earthquakes ever experienc- ed in that place was felt. It com- menced with two heavy shocks, and the vibration continued for upwards of a minute. Reponts received from Nocre Dame de la Selette indicate that it was felt very severely in that district. A Positive Assurance of a Cure or Your Money Refunded. , On the authority of the proprietors of DB. Hanna’s CELEBY-IBON PILLS, we guarantee this remedy to be an absolute cure for all diseases and disorders arising from weak nerves, watery blood or a run down condition of the system, such as â€"- Anaemia, Chlorosis, Pale and Sallow Corn lexion, Tired, Worn-out Feeling, Sleep- l’essness, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Heart Palpitation, Impaired Memory, Unsteady Nerves, Hysteria, Female Weakness and Es-regularities, Depression of Spirits. Spinal Weakness, St. Vitus’ Dance, Pimp- '15 and Eruptions, Loss of \ital Power ard General Debility. JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIST â€" AND â€" DRUGGIS’I‘ DURHAM, ONT. Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills enrich the blood, tone up the nerves and invigorate the whole system, producing in sickly. weakly men and women that strong, vigorous, healthy feeling that makes life worth living. But you don’t need to take our word a to what these Pills can accomplish. Try them yourself. If they don’t do you good you can get your money back. Isn’t that fair? You purchase from us 6 boxes of Dr iia rte’ s Celery- -Irou Pills, paying for then $2 50. \Kith every such purchase we gin you our positive written guarantee that if at“ er taking 3 boxes of the Pills, accord. mg to directions, you find you hove de rived no benefit from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 unopened one: and get your gone: A GUARANTEE TO CURE. ‘- . <o.o.-â€"aâ€"__....V AN EARTHQUAKE FELT IN ONTATIO. Bamlmyoboxdul’ilbuoiflc. Darkies’ Corner. Crawford. Fall Wheat. ......... I Spring Wheat. ..... . . . Oats ....... Peas Barley .............. . Hay ................ . Butter. .............. Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag ...... Apples .............. Flour per cwt.... .. .. Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwc ........ Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... ‘ Wool ............... . Lamb .............. Tallow .............. W'â€" Ald the Sarsaparllla by kugln$tho hnwnlg regular with Aver s Ills. D tinck. containing 100 acresâ€"85 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush." 50 acres tit to run any kind. of machinery. No swamp. Large. well laid out dwelling house; fairl good out buildings; well fenced and well watered. A splendid stock and ha farm. also good for grain. Larm bearing orchard. One mile from store and post oflice. Two churches. Will be sold on very reasonable terms June 29th. 1904. Millinery Opening WE CORDIALLY INVITE You To OUR MILLINERY OPENING. . . McIntyre Block. â€"- Durhnm. Ont. V--â€"â€"- boils. pimples, rasheg. nerves, then neuraiixa, nerv- ousness, depression. If the stomach. biliousnpss School Medals GIVEN BY EING LOT ‘29. CON. 10. BEN- HIS week we announce our Fall Millinery Openings to be held Wednesday. September 28th. and following days when we will have for your inspection all the latest ideas in Trimmed Millinery. Reedy-to-wear. Bea- ver Hats. Ladiee’ Bonnets. Chil- dren’s Hats and Baby Bonnets. Market Report. Farm for Sale. Emu” or 10...... '0 ns....... 00.0 The time has nlmosucome when tln- ”ports of the Entrance Exsminstions will be out The teachers of those winning modnls will be kind anouan to send their names and addresses to us as soon as they know so that we can send the mo. dals to the schools. It. must be thoroughly un~ deratood that these medals are given FREE by us and that they au- um, I0 be given till the cenificuvs sre given These are the first medals that were ever given in Somh Grey and we sincere ly hope that the winners will prize them as such. 000000000000 Danna. Sept. 7. from tho Cuban mt, I m n no bud. 3nd my . Dig blood so. _ pt} tow bottle. at Ant 3 " ‘-â€"“ In. 9. tben dYSDCPSia’ loss of 1094m- W. A. ANDERSON. Crawford P. O. hers will kindly 250 240 110 500 625 cm the 3O l3 “I 00 lf ) 10 rinwntal. I l‘t'h‘l' ‘H 1;“!le I would I'vsgwmfully .14; 1|! remun- thf’il' hnt‘ m. Hut! (4 back seats may hMVv a lid the Sutgv." 'I'hvswn'c- uh. uall 0f tllt‘ manage-r Hf ”I" ( ;i{ bilee Singers. A L‘n'gr [ml thoso presvm yiq-hlml u g willing ulu‘dio-nm' '0 HIV} quest. and the gmnlvnwn ‘ ch60. who had pwviuusly ills their "H'kh In gr! n 1.41 perfnnm-m full l’vlimwi um Onlya {PW kvpt «m Hu- “J W after (.110 rvquvsg was" We the Willing Lu (-«ml'o‘ssl With unravel-ml heads f1 Il'lnt Wtin’ purtiun of NW f4 Once. “’hy a woman with! or in a publiv gathering (1 should ohstrm-t llw viuw «.1 wearing ungainly hmulgwll thing very diffic-ult m «M and it will survly lw a (:ou mule portion of thv munm noisy children and big ha “My refused tn in admi paragraph u.- nut w r iurn m III nowomm need nude!" ”II-thatch! big hutch' Motown-swim” ”all not an exhilnda dm'lul tll 3111‘ 1 "'11?“ “'E are. requested hy Mu Moran). who has I‘Pl't‘llllY! Vere afflict ion in thv (In-nth from typhoid. and llw suh "(‘88 (if his Wlft‘. in (‘ull neighhurs in Durham and 1 country his sincmv than kindness they have show his family during the [bed “'6 may say that. Mm. Mu ill hut making gum! ["1ng of PHI ing "mum-r. Class music. them a lihvl town is llnl litm Ilwlmli their l'v-ap “luv will My FALL MILLINERY 0mm: forget that \Vednvsdny :uu Sept. 28th and 2mh. mm days. 8.11: upening days in cry Departnwut. There exhibition the wan-mfg novelties in lwadwmu'. cordlalls' invitmi.â€"â€".lmnvs I 0x threvdifl'en‘m m adieu! Jubilee Singm «meats in Durham 3 they mvt with a full In auspices uf the lmlc-l a uspim d they MWUVPI')‘ A Box Soviet! will lu- lle‘ No. 9. Buntim'k. nmu' (7| Friday evening, ('h-mlwr 7* McKinnon and Miller will and a good time is vxpm-u sion 10c. Ladivs ln-inginl THE people. 01' Val-Iwy. young. aw delightmi wit! of having their fnrnwr Miller. pram-h «mm- mun- secured him for thvir Services next Sabbath 1 evening. Iikvwim' Manila} Du. GEO. S. Bl'RT M Hiddnugh Houwv, Durlml Won in Rye. Ear. Thu Cases on “'odneaxlay. ()0 tested and glasses “Hod to 4. lxnux Max-km Grant's. Till sidewalks luv In: for this year. Pvtitiull [M by the Coullvil f4 the season is gettingadv: work will In)! lu- lu‘quw sprang. The Chron: u mute ounma ms PA. CHRONICLE READ: (my shoes like I’m MB. FRED A. 1.1+ of Berlin. (‘~X"H‘h~' about the last of (h Local News C IV 'q "'05“ lIOC‘ It THE people say tin-n STASFIELD‘S undvrwvn night Ill VOL. 38---N0. I III “I HI \\' :l INN 1nd pl‘PVIUIl‘ acks U! got :1 felt lvlievw kept on ill be request [ling to (-(m 'ered heads I 'l'l {I “'IH ohm advali ”I

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