West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Sep 1904, p. 6

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Alteration Sale . . . Canadians of character and standing, 3 i we can aifurd tn wait the finding of i ‘ the ('uurt. But the tindiug of the! ? lourt at Hault Ste. Marie on the evi- l deuce submitted in connection with L. the " Minnie M." charges. and the . very definite and unmistakable laug- . “age of both the ('hancellur and Mr. E Justice TeetZel. release this instance and make public judgment upon it . both right and timely. And that ‘ judgment cannot be other than out" of stern and unequivm'al condemna- tion. The whole story of the trip that ; chartered steamboat and the conduct j of the gang fittingly described by the f court as "rascals" is utterly disgrace-l ful to every man directly or indirectly f involved in it. That this nefarious l traffic in votes. this disgusting cullu-l sion with pluggers and moral de- : hauchees. was conducted in the inter- '. eat of the Liberal candidate and osten- l aihly for the salu- nf the Liberal party . made it all the more intolerable. to l intelligent and self respecting Liberals, l not only in the constituehcy. but ; throughout the Province. No decent Liberal will defendit. or makezumlogy for it. or minimize its crime. The un- I answered evidence is direct. the finding ‘ of the court is plain. and at no essent- i inl point can reason or decency offer; either extenuation or denial. The criminality of the offence is matched only by its utter and unrelieved stupi- dity. All who are responsible for it deserve not only the utmost punish- ment provided by law, but also the unreserved and indignant repudiation d all who have voice or responsibility h the Liberal party. It is to no pur-t ”a to any that on the conservative “a the corruption was as bad or worse. That uying is probably true. I. ha- been true for a generation. But I!“ the fiber“ party it has been dif- lnent. There probobly never was an “only clean general election in I fie” ‘ Aswe intend making some! alteration in our store, a lot1 of Wall Paper must be either moved upstairs or out â€"we preter the latter. It’s yours at a snap, if you snap quick. All we want is to be saved the trouble of moving ~Durham, Sept. 29, 1904. it. The profit is yours. Come and let us show you. MacFARLANE (Ho. DURHAM CHRONICLE (Tu-onto Globe.) The Liberals of Ontario have good reason to be both ashamed and indig- nant because of the revelations of political crime made in the election court at Sault Ste. Marie. It is not‘ fitting that comment he passed upon I: parte statements made, in evidence while. election trials are in process. When the evidence given by unreli- able witnesses, like those hroughtfrom Buflalo in the North (irey case. is flat- lycontraulieted hv the testimony of Dmggists and Booksellers. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. THE 800 BEVELATIONS. Liberals of Ontario it is in deliberately and determinedly condemning the con- duct of those who organized and} carried out the SaultSte. Marie election oflences, and in demanding that in every other constituency workers of the unsavory Sullivan species be separated from the activities of the Liberal party by a gulf as wide as that which divides decency and honor from the ugliest and foulest crime. whole matter in their own hands they could scarcely have a better day than Thursday. \Vednesday was hazy and cold, and grave fears were entertained lest the following day should also be unfavorable. The morning however broke line, and a good attendance was predicted as a certainty. The outside show of horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry is said to have been the best we ever had here, but the inside exhibits were not up to the standard in quantity, though superior in quality in many articles. There was not a large display of fruit, but the judges tell us the samples were excellent for the unfavorable year. Potatoes, grain and roots were rather scarce in fact in some of the classes named the exhibit was the smallest for years. Their is considerable dissatisfaction expressed regarding the expert judges, and from the general tone of disap‘ proval heard on the grounds, and still heard on the street, it is safe to predict that the management in Durham is not much struck on judges turned out from the government mill. Personally the writer has no opinion in the mat- ter under immediate consideration, having no idea of the cause of grievance from personal observation, nor should these remarks be construed in any sense as a hit at the government. So far as we are able to find out both sides alike are dissatisfied with the judgment here, and the most violent { and outspoken denunciations were‘ made in our hearing by adherents of} the party in power. We want it‘ specially emphasized that the grievance ‘ is not because of any political feeling on the part of the community, but as a sincere expression of feeling on both sides that so called experts are regard- ed of very little account in some mat- ters of judgment. The south end of the Agricultural Hall up stairs was much ’admired dur- ing the day, the attractions placed there being nothing more or less than an exhibition of noxious weeds, col- lected by Mr. Alex. Firth and the ipnpilsnf S. S. No. l. (ilenelg' There Were in all about 125 plants pressed neatly and glued on sheets of white cardboard. Underneath each was a neat card containing the botanical name as well as the connnon name of the plant or weed exhibited. This was the only exhibition of weeds, and 4 we. must say it was a good one reflect- ing mm h (1 redit on teacher and school for the amount of work neces- .sar} to make the collection.“ e un- derstand the same exhibit IS in Flesh- erton this week by request of the Directors. and we little doubt that the impetus given to this sort of thing will materially increase the general interest in practical botany. ()n the North End of the Hall, Mr. F. A. Kelsey had a large display of photographs. and from the large number to be found in front of his exhibit we have no doubt it was a lucky stroke in bringing his name. be- fore the public as an Artistic photo- grapher. Mr. Kelsey himself is quiet and unobtrusive with vary little to say and we hope his modest exhibition of photographs may speak for him in securing a good share of business. The home made bread, buns huney and domestic Wines would fairly make one hungry . and even the strict ob- server of the whole decalogue would be tempted to violate the eighth com- mandment. were it not for the eagle eye of Sandy Binnie who stood guard- ian with a. club during the Whole day, There was quite a display of Fancy work but for fear of incurring the ill- will of lady exhibitors we feel safer not to make special reference to the work of any one in particular. The prize list on page two will tell the suc- cessful competitors and We refer our readers to that as a source of informa- tiOn. The Durham Manufacturing Com- pany had afine display of Cream Separ- ators, a feature that shouldn’t be over- looked as this is the baby industry of Durham over which every loyal citizen of the town must feel considerable pride. At the larger exhibitions in Toronto, Ottawa, London and Guelph similar exhibits were made by this enterprising young Company and their products were much admired in the various exhibition centres. The Durham Furniture Company, too, hadseveral fine pieces oanrniture on exhibition, all in quarter cut oak, some articles being of their newest designs, Hitherto the general public in the vicinity at Durham had very little idea of the fine class of work SOUTH GREY PAIR. tumed out by this company. We‘ were pleased to see them come out this year, to show what they are do- Barclay a: Bell, had a well filled space of handsome looking coal stoves and wood and coal ranges deserving of special mention. They carry also afnll line of farm implements and machinery in their show rooms in the old McIntyre Livery. The poultry exhibit was double what it was on former years and the fowl fanciers are rapidly on the increase. The expert judge in this department we understand gave good satisfaction in awarding the prizes. To THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF COURT DURHAM No. â€"â€"-, C. 0. F. It is with feelings of gratitude I ten- der my sincere thanks to Court Dur- ham No. ‘â€"â€", Canadian Order of Foresters, for the prompt manner in which they have paid the full amount of claim specified in the Beneficiary Certificate of my son, George 8., who died on the 7th inst. Just eight days after the papers were signed the : cheque for $1000 was handed to me by the officers of the Court. Feeling that the Canadian Order of Foresters is do- ing a noble work in paying so promptly the claims as they mature, I feel it my duty to express sincere gratitude to the order, and I can heartily com- mend it to all desiring the security of the protection they offer. They are a. grand Organization for which I can not find words sufficiently strong to express my feelings. Sept. 25th, 1904. MR. EDITOR.â€"In reply to Mr. S. R. Jackson’s letter of the 215t inst., I would like to correct his statement about me sneaking cows across the line fence etc. Mr. Jackson’s cattle and mine were at the hack ends of the farms, and on Sunday morning the 24th of July I took one cow across the line fence and told Mr. Jackson next morning and also stated that I would have some more. He said it was all right and the charge was seventy-five cents this year. On August 17th I took the second cow. On Sept. 3rd I received my account and on Sept. 5th I paid it I would ask Mr. Jackson which is the proper way to do. whether to go round the road on one’s own business, or to “sneak” through the best of his neighbor’s crop? Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for the insertion of this denial. I am etc JOHN MC DONALD, Aberdeen, Sept ., ~26. [This discussion must positively end here so far as this paper is con- cerned. A caller last week told us there were three fools in it. the two disputsnts and the editor who per- mitted it to go into print. We ad- mit the charge so far as we are con- cerned but we don’t know what the other fellows think about it.â€"â€"ED. Perhaps feeling as it the bottom had dropped out of your life. It’s Nerviline you want. Nothing re- stores quiet and order to the stomach so quickly All Squeamishness and nausea goes away the minute you take Nerviline and an extra dose or two is always sufficient to set you up in first-class shape. Nerviline is an old tested remedy ior stomich and bowel troubles and always can be re- lied on. Sold in large 2:30 bottles. That a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ Lists Act bv his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the Coun- ty of Grqy at thg 'l‘qwu I'ltanll‘. qurham, on the 6th day of October. 1904. at 2p. m.. to hear and determine the beverai complaints of errors and omissiuus in the Voterq’ Lists of the municipality of Durham for 1“”. All persons havmg busiuem at the Court are roquested to attend at the said time and 74 pla'ce. w. B. VOLLET, CLERK. Dated this 2lst da y of September. 1904. M’DONALD MAKES REPLY. IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN CARD OF THANKS Sick At Your Stomach. NOTICE. THOMAS C. MORTON, Durham, Ont. EHEM CRASH IN PRICES. HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES 500 yards Dress Goods, Homespun. black and blue. heavyweight. 60 in. wide, regular price 81 00, for 55 cents and 45 cents per yd. Men’s Tweed Suits. regular $7.00 for $4.00. Men’s Guernseys at reasonable prices. Ladies’ Skirts. regular $2.50 and $3.00 for $1.50 and $2.50. Ladies’ Flannelette Wrappers, regu- lar $1.25 and $1.50 for 90c. and $1.15. Men’s Cravenette Raincoats heavy- weight, regular. $10.00 for $5.00 and 86.00. GENERAL In the Matter of the Estate of leliam Bell, late of the Township of Egre- mont. in the County of Grey, Gen- tleman. deceased. Notice to Creditors OTICE IS HEREBY . GIVEN pursuant to “ The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 139. section 38. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Bell, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of August, A. D. 1904, are required, on or before the to send hv post prepaid or deliver to David McKelvie, and James Geddes. Junior. the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said de- ceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims. the state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Having purchased a large lot of bankrupt stock at a very low rate general public at low prices never before heard of in Durham. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors of the said last Will and Testament will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been re. ceived by them at the time of such distribution. AND J AMES GEDDES, J r.. Dromore P.O. Ont. LUCAS. WRIGHT MCARDLE. Mark- dale, Ont., Solicitors for Executora. Dated the 26th day of August 1904. DAVID MCKELVIE. Thistle P. 0.1 First day of October, A. D. 1904, Dutham Manufactming 00., Oxford. Cream . Separators See Our Exhibit at The Town- ship Fairs. M ERCHANT. P. 0., Ont. The above are all strictly Hand Made and we are offering them at 50 cents a pair less than any other custom shoe-«- maker m Canada. See them and it not suited we will measure you and make anything to. your order. REPAIRING DONE QUICKLY. Owen Sound and Durham Nobby Dress Goods. â€"â€"Cash or Produce.â€" We are receiving this week some more Dress Goods to sell for 50 cents per yard in Black Brown. Green, Red and Blue. These are beauti- ful goods for suitings and you should not miss them. Also a. line of wnistings to sell for 50¢, new nobby goods. Little Gent’s Oil or Box Calf at . . . Boys’ Oil Kid and Calf at ........ Missea’ Oil or Box Calf at ........ Women’s Oil Calf at. ............ Men’s Oil Call or Kip at .......... Men’s Veal Kip at ............... Men’s Satin Grain at ............ Men’s French Kip at ..... . ....... Are coming to hand the kind you get at this lureâ€"tho kmd thgt gives utisfmtion. . L. Grant, PEEL, the Shoeman New and Shoes The matter of choosing a tall shoe is easily settled once you see our new hand mades in French and English Kips and Calfs. The workman- ship is thoroughly reliable and here are the prices: IO frgxa and Durham Radâ€"one comaâ€"Lin- ing elght rooms. first class furnwe and bath room. The other conuims six roam, electric fixtures in both houses. Rents moderate. Applyto For One Week Also three pein medium nur- row toe Dongole Oxfordl, turn sole, nine 5. 6;. “d 6 were 81 now ............. HOUSESâ€"CORNER OF GARA- of our Ladies BOXâ€"6511‘ and Dongola Oxfords, McKay sewn, at the fol- lowing: reduced prices : V_Ve wil_1 sell the balance STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM Houses to Let. WM. BLACK, Dun-hum. Ont $1.25 1.75 “.25 $1.00 WV Yunnan I cum numuc noun. DURHAM, OI m5 Illfllfiflfll 5i? and}; “ha” ‘0 ”Ch. I NC (‘1 mgald ls den '9“. '1 \' t‘ 0 papvr «' Wat Hm: urn». 'u llu‘ wt “up mm For transient min-n N line [or the 1m! "we: “‘3 . . 0 line cm h sub~cwem cmimul can“. m1 o-x. w “DUI“. .A‘i\(‘i'l‘~o 3‘5!" [5 ' WlbcpuNuJu-d n“: 1 . .l. wing? Transwm I; t. c “I ‘Fa’ lg'ctcp so‘f‘hh 1 .' Y. ;| ~_gh_fllb§equem 1;," v: “amidncms Oldcxu‘. 1N sir bhdm ' W me: for \'1 arly mhcruy IN to the Ofluc “MRRISC no 31‘. hit-“Ann “M be brought in hut l. "UI‘ 7v" 0 O , ls completl Deanne“ w mm W {utilities for turnim Du. lamieson I nFFICE AND nus U short distance can of 1 Lambton Street, Lower 'I‘ 0600 hours from 12 to 2 u‘vic U (influx: and (Spun foot of hill. 'Ofiim hours- p.ln.. 7-9 p.mV Telephuue l 600 in the New Hunter; harms to w n. 0).. ‘2m 4 u p. I). Special ltmlltiou giv of women and children. I M Prosbymrian Church. U the Durhun I’lmrl Block. Residenceâ€"anb tho Station. D Ufiice « Store. Lower of muney to property. n to Universitv: Grad College of Dental Surgea Roomsâ€"Calder Block (nor ARRISTER, SOL] Mclmv‘re a Block L bun. Collectinn and A sttendnd to. Searches In. trv Office. OTA RY PL' BLI( 9r. meeyanwr. toloan. (Nd acvumn kinds collected on m bought and mid. In Ofiwâ€"MacKmxzio's ( UGH MMJKA Y. Land Valuatur and L. our for the County 0! Grey. “tended to and hutch cashe 6500:: 9-1:; the Standard Bank. fl Auctioneer fur the. 8:10! promptly nttendee lumence or write In J Order» any be left at (h dwunsed Auctioneer for Guy. Laud Valunmr, Bi Din-ion. Court Salesandl ouptly attended to. H1! grub bad if required. d tioneer for the County pro-pay attended m. (In it hi! Implement Waroroo 0H staid. or at the Chroni Tho undersigned hnving bee} by ohnplo means. sfter aufleru with n «were lung afiectiox M M. n mm b MI follow caterers the m that who desire it. he will ch dot-ml .00 of the me: .1 luring: £110; 6'; DEV Div“? ‘ ”ABBA. w. WW" 1.. W.‘ 115 hope- a “My. .0 it in invulmbh ption. which will 3"“ my WM? 9 flg‘inl; ! l. G. Hutton, M. Arthur Gun, 'HYSICI AN AN I) SC FFICE AND RES”) Nov. 9. '03. Fl’ICEâ€"FIRST D0 AMES CARSON. DU ARRISTER, SOLIG onN CLARK._ LIC ABBISTERS. SOLIj . veyamaers, Etc. M Imusâ€"1x; the Mclm." ONOR GRADUATE OBERT BRIGHA)! Dr. T. G. Holt, Emma AND PROPH . Pickering, 0. Medial! Di! T0 CONSUM G. Lefroy M Dental Dim MacKay Legal Dim A. H. lack W. IR“'I Mz'sa’llanm; ”It. pygkflcnip ad- l. P. Telfo ver Gordon's Town, Durhu lonn u 5 pa :8 tom” to Al :1 the U

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