West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Oct 1904, p. 4

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Hill 30 MYS. . jubilant. but no plebiscite was forth- coming. until deputation after depu- tation to Ottawa. at last forced the Premier to relm-tuntly give the pro- mised plebiscite. .-\ large majority vote in favor of the measure for pro- hibition WM given in every province with the exception of the province of Quebec, whose adverse vote came within fourteen or fifteen thousand of wiping out the majorities of all the other provinces. It Was then dis- met-ed by the wily premier that the I'l'centhge of the total vote was too ml] to justify any temperance action “thew” of the Federal Govern- ut and the temperance people, Mb victorious at the polls. had to '5” to an ignominious surrender. e e It Again the Protective policy of the “native government was in- ” in the eyes of the Liberal pity. For eighteen years they cried fl against it, and tried everything, h bade, unrestricted reciprocity. M union and every other As to the unfulfilled promises of Lam'ier and his party. a mere refer- ence is all that is newessary. Temper- :nce is not an issue in the present campaign. but in the emnpaign of l” it was used as a big factor in gett- ing the party into power. A plebis- ¢ ite was promised. and prohibition was promised if the people demanded i. The Conservatives were turned nut. and the temperance people were “banner city of the banner province" into line with his pnlitical views. and though he was cheered to the echo, ”might reasonably he expected he would he, his addedzmisrepresentation and deception regarding the Grand h'nnk Pacific Railway deal are. too wrent to he effective in turning theheads of the intelligent voters of Toronto. Sir Wilfrid Laurier addressed a very hrge and enthusiastic audience in lasaey Hall, Toronto. last Friday night. The personality and eloquence lithe Premier is a drawing raid in the Queen City at any time. His mooth easy oratnrieal style is pleas- ant to the. bearer who is liable to he carried away at thetime, more through the magnetic influence of the speaker. than through any logical deductions that may be based on his arguments. The address was no doubt a goml one U far as it went. hut the Premier has toolargea record of unfulfilled pru- .ises to bring the intelligence of thej Durham, DURHAM CHRONICLE MacFARLANE Balance of Our Stock of Wall; Paper at Unheard 0f Prices. We Will Offer the muggists and Booksellers. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Come and let us show you a nice paper at 3c a roll. SANCTUI SIFTINGS. 1904. OTS 30, CON. 10, BENTINCKâ€" 100 acresâ€"about 75 or 80 acres cleared, in good state of cultivation, good house and out-buildings, two good wells, fair orchard. For further particulars apply to ALEX. COUTTS, Proprietor, . at Lot 31, Con. 11, Oct. 18th.â€"2pd. CRAWFORD P. 0. Owen Sound. Oct. 17, ’04 Now. Mr. Editor. I do not know who wrote this piece of scandal, but it looks very much a if the editor of the DURHAM CHRONICLE might at least be its step-father. But in any case the writer has a right to rank alongside the late Ananias as an econoniizer of the truth. As to the things he has said about my son’s private character, I pass over as beneath contempt. Thanking you for space in your pa- per, I remain Yours, DEAR Sm: 7~-.\Iy attention has been called to a slanderous article in the Drama: (‘uRoxu‘LE against my son, H. II. Miller: said article. professing to give an authoritative record of his family history. and with your per- mission I beg to point out a few inac- curacies in said article. In the first place the writer says that all the Scotch blood in H. H. Miller he got from his step-grandmother. Now I wish to say that the gentleman in question never had a step«grandmoth- er. My mot her (not my step-mother) ‘ was the fourth daughter of the late Fol. Hugh and Grace Munro (Scotch of the Scotch.) Again he says that I an: a natural born and bred Yankee. horn at (L‘ohoes. New York State. He. is getting my history down fine, but I must say not very authoritative, for I never was in or saw Cohoes. but was born not a hundred miles from Dur- ham. sixteen miles from Toronto, and with the exception of eighteen months have spent my whole life in Canada. As to my wife being of of English pa- rentage this is another falsehood. Not a drop of English blood in her veins. and she is not a Yankee either. These are only a few of the facts in connection with the Laurier adminis- tration, and were it possible to give the address of the Hon. Geo. E. Fos- ter. the greatest financial critic in Canada to-day, any reasonable reader of the two addresses could not fail to come to the conclusion that Mr. Laurier in his Massey Hall oration was concealing the truth and deceiv- ing the electors. Burma (‘Imnxu'LEz The (iraud Trunk Pacific Railway is the issue on which Mr. Laurier now says his party will stand or fall. Mr. Laurier pronounced Mr. Blair l"the best railway authority in ()an- ada." but during the debate in the ’llmlse in 1903, this “best railway authority" in speaking of the Grand Trunk Pacific gave his valuable opin- ion in these words. “It is absolutely useless: it is a total and absolute waste of public money: it is not only a des- traction of the lntercolonial Railway, but is a sheer unjustifiable squander- ing of ehe public money.” Mr. Blair also figured up the cost of this ‘useless’ transcontinental road at $139,000,000 but in his speech on Friday night last, the Premier had the audacity to tell the citizens of Toronto that the total} cost to the country would not exceedl $14,(m,m). Now, who are we to be- lieve. Mr. Blair. “the best railway authority in Canada, who put the cost in 1903 at $139,000,000 and who characterized the road as “ absolutely useless” or Sir \Vilfrid Laurier, who says the road is a commercial neces- sity and will cost the Dominion only $14,fi‘*ll),(ll), or less than one years sur- plus of the present government? Under the Conservative administra- tion the cost of government was 838,- Ufl)‘.000 ‘an exorbitant sum, altogether too much for the government of a country with a population of between five and six million souls.” Sir Wilfrid Laurier and others of his party pro- mised then. if returned to power to effect a reduction in expenditure of two. three. or perhaps four or five million dollars a year. For eight years they have occupied the Treasury benches, and every successive; year with a marked increase in expenditure until now the enormous $38,000,000 is almost. if not altogether double, what it was when the Liberals went into power. Did Sir “'ilfrid mean it when i he talked of retrenchment, or was it lueretlec-eption or lack of judgment on the part of the Liberals when as- piring tn ”flick? now is free trade and all the rest of the antidotes prescribed by the Lib- eral party when in opposition to des- troy “root and branch” the iniquitous and abominal National policy of the Conservatives? The same old policy of John A. Macdonald is in force to- day, and even in his Toronto speech, the Premier never mentioned it. THE WRONG PEDIGREE Farm to Rent. Father of H. H. Miller. " 0.. on. October 11th, 1904.â€"-tf. ROB'I‘. LINDSAY.-â€"Lots 58. 59, 60, S. and Lot No. 60, N. D. R. WM. GRIERSON.â€"Lote .\'o. 59, 60. 6], 2nd Con I1 forbidden shooting, hunting or run- ning dogs on the following 1013. Don’t ask permits. This means you. Wetchmeker. Jeweller. Optician. DURHAM, ONT. SCOTT BOWNE. Chemists. Toronto. Ontario. Wrong food caused the trouble. Rightfood will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott’s Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in chfldhood. Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Scott’s Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Reliable Watches Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIXINE Table", All Drug fists refund the money if it faiis to cure. E. W. rove‘o signatuxa on each box. 25c. Threshing is now about over. We had several outfits in our neighbor- hood and got the job done in a hurry. McArthur Bros, and Smith and Co.. have each got good rigs and did good work. but for good fast threshing Jim Bartley takes the lead. He han- dles more stufi in a day than any other thresher we have seen in this vicinity. Our new taacher, Miss Scott, has made a very favorable impression up. on the community. Things are going nicely under her management and the pupils all Speak highly of her. Miss Amy Edge has been re-eugag- ed as teacher in the school near the Rocky at an advanced salary. Mr. and Mrs John Little. of Pro ton. visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ector. on Sunday. While picking apples the other day Arthur Greenwood missed his foot- ing and fell about twelve feet to the ground. As a natural consequence of such a caper he had to take a few holidays, at he is nearly all right again. Mr. Chm-lee Jesper and his grand daughter. Miss Dickenson, of Walk erton. visited at Mr. Dan Green wood’s for view days last week. Inspector Campbel! made his semi- nnnnal visit to the school on Tuesday last and found everything going on sagisfnctorily. Mrs. Wm- Morrison. Sr. is home after having spent. a couple of months with her daughter. Mrs. Ed. Barry, near Dornoch. Miss Lizzie Morrison is xisitinu friends in Toronto and Hamilton. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. LL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY A. GORDON The very best Watches manufactured are shown in our assortment. This does not signify high prices. To Watch pur- chasers we personally guarantee satisfaction in the fullest sense of the term. Call in. soc. and 81.00; all druggists. Send for free sample. WARNING. Edge Hill. \VM. GRIERSON. ROB'I‘. LINDSAY. And further. take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said ad- ministrators Will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havin re- gard only to the claims of whic he shall then have notice, and that the said administrators will not be liable for the said assets, or any rt there- of to any rson of whose c aim notice shall not ave been received by himl at the time of such distribution. ‘ Dated the first day of October A. D., 1%! ‘ MACKAY, DUNN, ‘ Durham. Ont. ‘ Solicitors for the Administrators. dresses, with full particulars of their claims and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them. 28th Day of October A. D , 1904, to send by post repaid, or to deliver to Messrs. Mac ay Dunn,‘ Bar- risters, Durham, Solicitors for The Canada Trust Company, the admin- istrators of the said deceased, their Christian names, surnames and ad- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Statute. that all per- sons havmg claims or demands against the estate of Thomas James Jackson, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of July, 1904, are required on or before the In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas James Jackson, Deceased. ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE TO CBEDITORS. Notice to Creditors their names, addresses, and descrip- tion, and a full statement of parti- culars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the. Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the (le- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated this 30th day of September A. D. 1904. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for the Administratrix, SARAH Axx‘ BEGGS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, chapter 129, section 38, and Amending Acts, that all pvrsnns having claims against; the Estate of the said Alexander Boggs, who died on or almut the 23th day of May A. D. 1904, are hereby required to send by post prepaid or to deliver- tu J. P. 'l‘elfnml, of the Town of Dur- ham, Solicitor for the Administratrix, 0 n 01' before the IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. GENTLEMEN:â€"I respectfully request your vote and influence at the coming Dominion Election, and, if elected. will earnestly do my best to promote the interests of South Grey, and with- out being a slave to party, to support good measures and oppose bad ones. Yours truly, In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander Beggs, Late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Merchant, Deceased. Notice to Creditors To the Electors of South Grey. To The Electors of South Grey: GENTLEMnxzâ€"I respectfully request your vote and influence at the conning Dominion Election on Nov. 3, and if elected wfll do my best to further the interests of my constitu alts. 28th Day of October A. D., 1904, Liberal Candidate for South Grey. H. H. MILLER. C. MCKINNON. painâ€"830m repraontiti'iâ€"o‘of big manuhcfiirin} 001911295 E0 bot “W “-3“!th #93!!! mt: , __A_â€"’A__ , We have some nice FURS for your inspection. and start them at $1.00 for a Ruffâ€" 83.00, 83.25 and $3.50 and up. Owen Sound and Durham Keep Warm. REPAIRING DONE QUICKLY. The above are all strictly Hand Made and we are offering them at 50 cents a pair less than any other custom shoe-- maker 111 Canada. See them and it not suited we will measure you and make anything to your order. WANTEDâ€"Industrial. pan or wqmn ,u C. L. Grant, FURS.’ CAPS are the thing {or this kind of weather. Do you went one? Come to us end get them right. the cold weather ? Have you b5”: r90m: The other com bought you? If You have not, g moderate. then buy “ Stunfield’s ” and; WM. BLACK get the best. The best is DODBf Sept. 6th.â€"tf. too good for youâ€"it lastq; longer and is warmer. Wei » have them in MEN'S and 5 WOMEN’S, and guaranteed” positively unshrinkable. Don’t Be Little Gent’s Oil or Box Calf Boys’ Oil Kid and Calf at . . . Missea’ Oil or Box Calf at . . . Women’s Oil Call at. . . . . . . . Men’s Oil Calf or Kip at ..... Men’s Veal Kip at .......... Men’s Satin Grain at ....... Men’s French Kip at ........ PEEL, the Shoeman It. Hudwnro. Tinvuu. Pnintl. Ammunition, to. IQ fraxa and DQriSIQ‘Kd-vo ing eight rooms. first class fl bath room. The other contains Eleptric fixtures in both hmm The matter of choosing a tall shoe is easily settled once you see our new hand.mades in French and English Kips and Calfs. The workman- ship is thoroughly' reliable and here are the prices1 Houses to Let HOUSESâ€"CORNER OF GARA l_--â€" -__ i “ - “ Ant} it only needs STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM . DEALER IN rnam maâ€" one contain- first chss_ furpnoe and . BLACK. Dnrhun. Ont. 31.25 1.75 2.50 Oils, Milliner Octobe which I!“ It 7.30 to 5. grant vat other shi week. an impect o Felt Tuban Sh § Laiggsfi “cln t y H C. Fihh. LO! 5. (‘00 l W. J. Young. Lo» 6. ( “I viohtions will in: prosecution. Guns. Turnip 'l‘nppc Tea Pots. Steel Ranges. IIERE firm good" I likely to hp â€" BSthP!‘ H S'Pv} Ileaters are cheaper 'nan factured. Eye Shields. Fall Mills. Horse Clipper and Our oourges III on “Perm?“ 11 (xi/Ala) W. Bl Hard E are 059: n line of st less than co: be the lucky pm Cl‘ltl for the Ipect t old an OUI' est I“ you ‘inten horses. do Horse Clippers I! MISS l Elliott M I! STRATFORD OI 11th. HIS WEI-I} F0 R Stud“! II IN “'I “I IN

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