West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Oct 1904, p. 5

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pttle‘cl once find mades klish Kips Lworkman- ' reliable Indian . L a lime ex. th‘t it's the non utis. “1 loads like d know thu Ipon it to be l‘h 0m Sh: nosm “fl"!!! “N ofl'c er 1'02“ prices 3 Millinery FOR October. Felt Tuban Shapes mag which are so pepular just now. sell at . So to $2 22.). STREET HATS in great variety. We are having an- other shipment 01 these goods this “86k. and invite you to call and inspect our stock of MILLINEBY Guns Turnip Toppers. Steel Ranges. Eye Shields. Fall Mitts. Tea Pots. Horse Clippers. Su far as we can learn no Business College in Canada graduates so many and at the game téme such a large perâ€" “-‘- -... Jm Oh- Hardware. WE have the best line of Guns in the locality for the money. Call and in- spect them. THERE is nothing “ just as good” mede yet, nor likely to beâ€"ne our “Penn Esther" Steel Range. Our Heaters are superior end cheaper thnn most menu. factored. . [)0 not delay seeing our Celluloid Eye Shields if you expect to go threshing. A new article to 0501' you is our Turnip and Mang- old Topper. It will stand criticism. OU will see variety and quality in Fall Mitts and Gloves if you dump into our establishment. IF you 'intend to clip your horses. do it early. In Horse Clippers we excel. WE are offering this week a line of Tin Tea Pots at less thm cost Who will be the lucky purchasers. HIS WEEK we are show- ing some artistically trimmed hats, made from fine qualitv of silk velvet in Tur- ban. Toque and Dress shapes, trimmed wi'h silks. satine, cheniles. wings. birds. fancy feathers. tips and buckles from $2 50 up. 'U "â€"vâ€" hunt. fish or otherwise following properties in Durham. Ont. STRICTLY It ought to be easy for the price of coal to go up considering all the practice it bad the winter before last. The days are about. here when the shoe man will spend most of his time " rubbering ” people. With the millinery and house- cleaning seasons now on. these are eventful times for poor old dad. A man’s second love nsnslly hes less beauty end more money than his first. It is time enough to get. mnriod when a mun has got tired of spend- ing money on himself. No modest girl will sit on a. young man’s lsp unless she can hide her blushes in the dark. When a. men has no notion that be is entitled to any of the money he earns he is called a. fairly good bus- band. The Vancouver Indian who banana a coffin and a keg of gunpowder aub- seqnently discovered that he really didn’t need the coflin. When a woman doesn’t worry over whether her husband is safely hers, it is time (or him to worry over whe~ the: she is safely his. When a man screws up his courage to the point of marriage he feels brave enough to have the ceremony performed in a lion's den or any- where else. Persons who denounce money as a curse never seem to object to that particular curse commg home to roost. No doctor can be successful who loses his patients. Many a. big heart- is concealed be hind a narrow chest. The best paying position in a pol- itical campaign is on tap of the fence. Call any woman a flirt. and away down in her heart she feels flattered. A man may take on flash in spite of the fact. that. his hair is growing thin. The beauty about striking an atti- tude is that the attitude can’t sttike back. It’s a. wise child that knows its own father, and a wise cork that knows its own pap. This is the time when no candi date would be cruel enough to give an elector a ” cold hand out.” Oysters have increased in price. although we do not remember hav- ing heard that they had organized a union. When a woman is caught out in the rain With her best hat on it is a caution the way she can spank her child for getting its feet wet. It makes a woman awful nervous to think how nervous she would be if a button came ofi. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching. Blind, Blemhng or Protrudin Piles. Hrnggists refund money if I’AZO OIN' MENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing. in 6 tu 14 days. First. appPication iveo ease and rest. 501:. if your drug ist haan t it m-ndSOc in stamps and it will a forwaded post-paid by Pam Meeicino (30.. S). Louis, Mo For one person who dies in a den. tist’s chair, thousands are convinced that they escaped by the skin of their teeth. Of Farm Stock. Implements and Val- uable Farm Property. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, the :ulministrators of the late Thmnas James Jackson, there will he offered for sale by Public Auction, by John Clark, Auctioneer, at Lots Numbers 25 and 2.6, in the 1st Concession, S. 1). it, in the Township of Glenelg, on Friday, October 28th, 1904, commenc- ing at one o‘clock p. tn.. the following farm stock. implements and house- hold effects: 1 team of heavy horses, two years old; 1 general purpose mare, six years old. 1 aged mare: 1 spring cold: lpure‘ bred Durham hull: 3 milch cows; 2?.: cows supposed to he. With calf: 2 two- year-old steers: 3 two-year-old heif- ers: 2 yearling heifers; 3 youngscalves: 3 brood sows: 5 young pigs: ‘ sheep and lambs; a number of fowl; a large quantity of hay, turnips and pota- toes; 2 buggies: 1 cutter; 1 waggon; 1 dump cart; 1 ha rake; l mower; l binder; 1 seed dri l; 1 fanning mill; El plough: l barrow; 1 cutting box; ‘1 scales; 1 set single harness; 1 set , double harness; 1 set plough harness. l heating stove; I cook stove; 2 bed- steads; and a number of smaller articles too numerous to mention. Under instructions received from The farm, Lots Numbers 25 and 26, in the 1st Concession, S. D. R., in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, containin one hundred acres, will be 0er for sale at the same time, subject to a reserve bid. On the farm are good barns and stone stables, rough cast house, and the land is well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Terms of Salezâ€"Farm stock, imple- ments and household effectsâ€"All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be ,given on approved joint notes, and I per cent. discount allowed for cash in lieu of notes. Real Estateâ€"Ten per cent. on the day_ of sale. and the bill- ADMINISTRATOR? SALE ance within 30 days thereafter with- out interest . For further particuhrs. list of chattels and conditionaof sale, apply to MAC KAY . Dome. Solicitors for the Adminismtora. or to Joan CLm, Auctioneer. ms an my. Din-hm Boy Apprecintod- (ronox'ro wonw.) Port Arthur, Sept. 21.â€"â€"( Specisl. ) The indications point to by-elections in the Port Arthur and Rsiny River districts st sn only date. The Do- minion election will soon be on. end J smes Conmee will shortly be hsnd- ing his resignstion cs representstive of the local house, It looks cs tho the Liberals had not us yet fully de- cided upon who will be their stendsrd heater in the contest. It is evident that neither A. Mscdougsll of Port Arthur. nor J. A. Osborne of Fort Frances will be the choice of the Last week a caucus of the leadlng Liberals was held. and Dr. Mackenzie of Fort Frances was requested to be in attendance. It is stated that the meeting ofiered him the nomination, and he was strongly pressed to take the field against Mr. Preston, the Conservative’s choice. He is looked upon as one of the influential men of the party in the west and Mr. Mac- kenzie declined the honor. but he re- commended that the party endeavor to get R. M. Robertson. president of the Rainy River Lumber Co. Mr. Robertson is looked upon as one of the strongest men that the Liberals could put in the field. Since his nomination. Mr. Preston has been working steadily in the Rainy River district. s. s. No. 9, GLENELG. Vâ€"Fred Ritchie. IV~~~Maggie Weir, Agnes McGirr Athole Gordon, Lizzie Weir. IIIâ€"Victoria. Aljoe, Cla’ra Ritchie Willie Hopkins. Annie Atkinson Ernest. McGirr, Alex Bell, AdgAljee Pt. IIâ€"~Irene Ritchie. May Patter- son, Vera Hapkins. Sr. Pc. Iâ€"Willie McGirr, John Bell and Nine. Noble. eq, Willie Weir. Jr. Pt. Iâ€"Albert Aljoe. Nancy Lawrence and Ruby Meenegh, eq. JOHN A. GRAHAM, Teacher. - Srt IIâ€"Mafgaret. Ann Ritchie, Will Crutcbley, Robert Lawrence, John Weir. Maggie McGirr. Jr. IIâ€"Susan Bell. Margaret Matthews, Thos. Bell. Last week a letter appeared signed “Farmer” with regard to our Exhibi- tion falling behind, and am very sorry to say the improvement looked for under the new managementie not apparent. First that every member be notified of the Annual Meeting. and receive a printed itemized account of all work- ing expenses, the money paid, who to, the time taken. the work done. As a. member I would like to make the following suggestions. Were tenders askedofor'a shed? Did the highest get it at $90 when the same work could have been done for $4.3? In this did the Board act in the intrests of the society? Dc Directors get pay? If so, how much per ‘dav and how many hours a day's work? The liquor on show days is it paid for by the societyor by private sub- scription ? Gleuelg Oct; 15th 1904. The following books have been add- ed to the Library and will be ready for subscribers Thursday evening at 7.30. Cut this list out. and paste in your catalogue for future reference. 392 Aâ€"The Red River Rebellion, by McDougal. 464 Dâ€"Beasts of the field. by W. J' Long 465 Dâ€"Fowls of the air, by W. J. Long. 386 to 391 Aâ€"History of the Penin- sular war, by Napier. 888 Fâ€"The Master of Ballantrae. Ste venson. 466â€"Dâ€"American Standard of Pen. faction, (Poultry.) I would like to ask the following questions '9 889 Fâ€"Island Nights Entertain- ment, by Stevenson. 91 Hâ€"The Faith of Robert Steven- son, by Kelman. . 81 Kâ€"In the. Palace of the King, by Crawford. 82 Kâ€"Grey CIoak. by H. McGrath. 83 Kâ€"The Ruling Passion. by Van Dyke. ~ 84 Kâ€"Temporal Power‘ Marie Corelli. 1235 Gâ€"Lena Rivers, by Mary Jane Holmes. 85 Kâ€"Lorna Doone, by McBlack- more. ' 86 Kâ€"Granstaik, by McCutebe on. 87 Kâ€"The Bow of Gangs Ribbon. by A. E” Bur, 88 Kâ€"The Leopard’s Spots, by Dixon. 89 Kâ€"The Disentanglers. by A. Long. 13 well known to be constipation whichcan be avoided it Dr. Homil- ton’e Pills of Mondreke end Butter- not are used ooouionnlly. Uneqoell ed for the ecomeob, liver end bowels. Uee only Dr. Hemilton’e Pills; prioe 25 cents; New Books at Public Library. Ono Cam ofAnoamia HONOR ROLLS Our Fair Again. Yours. etc.. MEMBER. Toronto 1815. Potatoes per bag. . . . Apples ............ Flour per cwt ...... Ostmesl per sack. . . Chop per cwt ...... Live Hogs ......... Dressed Hogs per cw Hides per lb ...... Sheepskins ......... Wool ............... Lamb ............ Established We manufacture everything we sell. This is why you can depend on hav- ing your FURS right. States, Scazfs, C Ollarettes, Etc. at prices graded for the commoner and better goods. WRITE FOR MY FOLDER OF STYLES. SEND YOUR REPAIR WORK AND ALTIIATIONS EARLY. Persian Lamb jackeis. Ladies’ C [of/1. Fur-lined Coats. Write, or come and see ,us about anything in the FUR line. G H. SHORTREED. Veterinary Dentist. is now at the Knapp House. Can give reference from owners of over 5000 horses for whuml have operated dur- ing the past two years. Exammation made free on young or old horses. Aged horses’ front teeth out to suit grinders, Cusps and hooks removed from the teeth of young and old horses. Prices moderate. MANUFACTURING FUR RIER WALKERTON. â€" - ONT To‘ our Friends and Customers! Implement Agency! CHURNS, the best on record. BINDER TWINE in abundance. MCCLARY Sunshine Furnace and Stoves for wood or coal. DOWSWELL Washing Machineâ€" that will wash clean, and a Wringer that will wring dry and not tear. . DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind that will keep a. duck or ox on their own side of the fence WILKINSON Flows and Land Roll ere heve no equal. PALMERSTON Buggies and Demo- cute. BUGS that will keep you werm end dry ere the kind we hendle. HEAD STONES and MONUMENTS of the beat workmanship. JOHN CLARK We are HERE to STAY. We like our business and strive to increase' it by all honorable means. We believe in giving one dollar’s worth for every dollar. We keep nothing but the best line of implements. Hmsemen, Notice! . H. ROGERS Market Report. " ‘UOOOOOOOO LBOOOOOOOCOOO 0000000....- 0000000000.. 0.000.000... -â€" HUNDREDS OF -- Dunn“. Oct. 12. 1904. ROGERS cwt. 3 88t08 90to Established \Valkerton ONTARIO 110 625 r9: Rum 30 60 18 75 00 16 75 10 Men’s overcoats. Men’s and Boys’ Suits. MEN’S SUITS .......... BOYS’ SUITS .......... Vulcanized Rubber and Cravenette. We have a large number at Raincoats which we won’t carry over if cutting the price will clear them out. MEN’S RAINCOATS ...... . ..................... 83.00 to 810.00 BOYS’ RAINCOATS 3300 MEN’S ODD PANTS. BOYS’ ODD KNICKERS. Raincoats $3 to $10 REUEUBER THE PLACE Our stock is full of the newest, nobbiest suits for Fall and Winter wear. in the cor- rect cloths and makes. Everything swell about them but the price. We have e Inge renge in heevy end fine weights at prices reusing $1.75. 32.00, 82.50, 83.00, 83.50. Made of good wasting maxi-.15. :11 “20!, 60c, 75c. MIDLAWT 0L0 STAND. ...O6.00 to $12.00 ....0250 to $6.60 $3

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