Auction ml" mono" nomo W In: Cn:omc;.n will b? a? to any “hints, reeo postage, at I.†“IE8 . o o .ycanp-yablcinadvancoâ€"fl. ’3 “not so pad. The datotovbic every W In†0 3|pr firmonunued out“ all m m paid. W a: 1..e apnon of the proptictor. utE “WELEWMM For transient advertisement: 8 cems mus" line {or the ï¬ts! Micah; cents g: ““8 . . . line each subsequent nmepmâ€"uimon â€an. Professional cardstnot uceeng one inch. 3‘00 per .annum. Advertisements mtho')! speciï¬c ditections “I be published till fotbid and changed ac- mrdingly Transient noï¬ces-“ Loon: " Found,’ " For Sale,“ etaâ€"so cents to: 65! W, 25 cents (or each subsequent Insertion. _ __-_ ‘_A-_-A L...â€"â€":-.- "a. h n! :A lnuvauw omnct wafer lyadvmiscmhmishedon .ppliauion to lb? 0 e. (I All adverusenc us, measure inaction in cuncm week, should be btoqght in not later than Tunnav THE JOB : = new stocked with DEPARTflENT all NEW TYPE, am a. {owing mum“ to: turning ont'Fint-clul Drs. Jamie-son lacdonald. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. Odice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. J '(ï¬rafrue and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a.m.. 2-4 p.m.. 7-9 p.11). Telephone No.10. hours 8 to 10 1.. III., 2m 4p.m. 11.167 $09 p. :11. Special :ttantion given to diseases of women and children. Residence op. posits Proshvtorian Church. PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- ï¬co in the New Hpnt‘er Block. Oï¬ce {hi Station. W. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. Fl’ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. _Rosidonco-â€"Lunbton Street, near to Universitv; Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oï¬co. 5551011313, Uvâ€"n‘u Uï¬ice over Gordon’s Store, Lower Town, Durhu of monev to loan at 5 p01 propertv. bun. C 0“th io_:|1 and attended to. "v Oï¬co. l. G. Hutton. FFICE AND masumNc8.43011T 'V U L “A. - v â€"-â€" L gr, COIIVOY8BQ‘OY â€10.“, Old acooun , etc. Private m000 u gnï¬ .doth 0‘ I HUGH MACKAY . - 'consed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. attended to and notes cubed. “ya : . W97}: Emma AND Pnovnm'rou. Dr. T. 6. Holt, L. D. S. G. MACKAY. Med z'cal Directorv. Arthur Gun, vgyancerp. Dental Directorv. STE RS. SOLICITORS, CON- nnarï¬ Etc. )1 (me): t9 L08“. J. P. Telford. Lefroy McCaul. )ordon’s new Jewellery Durham. Any amount at 5 per cent. on farm |u<éi:,â€"[;(:wor Town, Dur- md Agency promptly shes made at the Regis- CO M M ISSION - Bathe“ W. F. DUNN. 0V9! ROMEO m VEHIGTOIB. One olten hears the complaint that . Owen Sounders do not patronize la crosse games as they should Who can blame them after seeing such a disgraceful exhibition of slugging as they were treated to at the Wells:- ton-Woodbridge game last Friday? Owen Sound never had a sicker or more disguSted crowd of sdectators than those who witnessed that game. It has come to be a serious matter when a few players will throw up all chances of the junior championship nor the sake of personal spite and ut- ter ugliness of disposition. The Wel- lingtons chuld have won out the round if they had been content to de- vore their attention to scoring goals rather than chopping up their oppo- nents. It stamped a number of play- ers on that team with a marl: of low down cowardice when they sluggedl and smashed the visiting players un- mercifully. Had these same cowards expected to play in Woodbridge again teis year they would have adopted diï¬erent tactics. it was only when they got their opponents in a place where they were sure they could not be repaid that they started their brutality. The worst oï¬enders were not the best players on the team. Thrt they were permitted to butcher a team that came from a ineighboring town seems altogether How long is Owen Sound going to stand for this kind of thing? Are a few irresponsible cowards to be allwo ed to give Owen Sound the standing of being one of the low down sporting towns in the Dominion? Is a town of this size to be the subject at ridi culebecause of the shortsightedness‘ of a few youths who have yet to learn theï¬rst principles of common decency? If the management of the LWellington lacrosse club appeals to the public for support next year, as they no doubt will, they will have to substitute other players for a few of the prominent oflsnders in Fri day’s game before they can secure the patronage of the right thinking morale of Owen Sound.â€"â€"O. S. Sun. Geo. Hallman. late of Walkerton sued Eph. Runstadler. of Walkerton for damages for the alienation of his wife’s affections, and the matter came up for trial at the Owen Sound As. sizes on Monday of this week. Hall- man is in Manitoba bun his case was handled by Crown Attorney Arm- strong, of Owen Sound. Robert Rusâ€" sell and Sam Arscott, of Walkerton Were over giving evidence, and the “Clo U'VI .nv-un result was a verdict against Runstad- ler for 31.000 and costs. Mrs. Hall- man’s affections come rather high. Axn DREADFUL HEADACHES AND DE- I’RESSION FOLLOWEDâ€"CURED BY His Liver in time. He says: “ My liver got sluggish and torpid, and made me I feel about half-dead. When I got. up ‘ in the morning I was as tired as if I hadn‘t slept at all. My head aohed and specks swam before my eyes in- .oessantly. If I bent over or did any swaping work I would be 1n a perfect whirl in two minutes. 1‘ felt'depress: ed and out of sorts. andonlygot relief 4mm Fan-ozone. It went right. to from Ferrozone. it. went 1-an w work, and before long cured one. I kel- ever so much improved in health since 119ng Ferrozone which Estrang- ly recommend for the kidneys and Mr. Ed. E. Moncrief of Springï¬eld says : " For years I was subject. to frequent attacks of liver complsint, and no remedy ever cured like Ferro- zone. When my heed sched ï¬t. to “‘ .._j A:A" ZOUU. " uvu .u; w-.." split,and I felt drowsy and sick, Ferrozone relieved quickly. I need Ferrozone two months after being cured. and baven,t been bothered since.†When it comes to curing kidney end liver ills you can’t best Ferro- zone. It has s speciï¬c sction on these orgsns. snd st once puts them in s strong healthy condition. Ferr- ozone isn’t the kind thst just relieves -it cures. and cures thoroughly. Ferrozone prevents s ‘return of furt- ‘ her trouble, sud costs only 50c. s box or six boxes for 82.50. All druggists or by msil from the Ferrozone Comp- sny, Kingston, Out. Get 3 supply to dsy. errozone. Didn’t Work a o.- .â€"'O Provincial Sunday The coming Provincial Convention of the Ontario Sabbath School Assoc- iation, at Hamilton. October 25. ‘26. 27. promises to be one of the best conventions in the history of the Province. The place of meeting is admirably adapted for a large gather- ° and the hospitality for which Hamilton is noted will no doubt be submitted to a vow consid- Province. The place 01 meeting In The Walkerton Fruit Grower’s As : admirably adapted for a large gather- tion shipped a car-load of arpltsi 1 ing of workers, and the hospitality socia noito Portage La Praire this lull and for which Hamilton is noted will . doubt be submitted to a very consld- zone of the barrel:- on being Opened erable test. ‘was found to contain besides the ' The pragramme is rich and varied, {apples the fOHOWIDg POe‘iC‘ll GHUSion addressed to whoever might buy the.t some of the chief features lleinfl'apple_ 31â€"- “ Child Study in Relation to Religious Life,†by Principal William Scott. of i Here’s to the juice of the fruit of the the Toronto Normal School; “The: vine. . Influence of the Sunday 3011001 on Here’s to your good health andi the Character of the Community." by mine . ‘ Alfred DEL General Secretary 0f the If you’ll be constant, I’ll be true. Michigan Sabbath School Association; And leave my happy home for “The Kingdom of God Symbolized, you. idealized and Developed in Child- Tm Wand the ‘ H ‘ hood â€by Rev. L S Hughson. B. D ,. ' ' Q“"Y- ‘ 0", ~ ' . l. w - 'do on like the 1 ?" '1‘ '. 235337935 ,3? 39°gf°a°§ggglï¬gg 1....3 w... .......d .2513. ii... ....‘.3°..2â€;f. ilton’; †A prohtable Investment ol‘?“ Walkerton “"1. “nd W“ (1‘11! 3i‘3°'RM3§9° “if Iâ€.fl“°°°.}'; â€333,? ! tatewaihihd 2:112:18gzlzziopfbeoï¬c5612: Growt; nigh it2r§2w l’rob'laemsl to: We b?“ toassure him that. the young; theoTeacber,†by Dr. Tracy. Toronto 1:153:63 ’1‘: gfhï¬it â€â€œ1 :h‘t‘hlf he 3"?“ University; “ How to Teach a Child wor ' \V 11‘: “0 T†0" "1 "0 Patriotism,†by Rev. Dr Speer. To- 8°" " erton °l°3°°P°« uâ€"o-QOO- ronto; “Some Elements in Sunday School Work that enter Into the Our Next Governor-General. Moral Character.†by Rev. Alex. Mc- Earl Grey, who is to be Canada’s Gillivray. Toronto; ‘° Why Every Christian should Engage in Sunday next GovernoroGeneral, possesses a . n n“ n----:.. Innat. mrikimz personality which burlabllu a School Wo ;:;“b;i{evn Dr. Francis 3 Perry, Toronto; †The Fight for lo- etitutione and a National Environ. ment that will Aid in the Devel0p- ment of Moral Character,†by Rev, ’1‘. Albert Moore, Secretary of the Ontario Lord’s Day Alliance; ‘_‘ Teacher Training.†by E A. Hardy, the recently appointed Teacher-Train inc Secretary of the Ontario Sabbath I wish to intimste to the public of Durham and vicinity that I am prepnred to repair all kinds of Implements and Machinery. Farmers or others wishing Im- plements or Machinery repaired please notiiy me and I will be u, pleased to call Will be found at Livingston’s Show Rooms. E Orders left in my absence will g receive prompt attention. E â€WWW†ing Secretary of th School Association. May be imitated. but beauty is more than skin deep,â€"â€"lt is hidden in the blood. Eliminate the poisonous products of indigestion by Ferrozone and complexion radidly improves. Increase the red coloring matter in the blood. give it more nutrition and ‘more red cells. do this and cosmetics ’won’t be needed. Given) cosmetics ; they wither too quickly. Use Ferre- zone and have your complexion ï¬rmly established. There isn’t a case of blotched skin, poor complexion or lack of color that can't the quickly remedied by Farrow. Try it. :Briee 50¢. ANNUAL CONTENTION. M. dampbeli. M. Horoitlâ€"g',_):l._Jorduh Jr. II. .A. Campbell, R. ickson. E. Jordan, 8. McArtbur, D. Robb, C. McArtbur. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"B. Bunston, M. Robb, B. Knisloy, D. McInnoa. J. J. Merch- J}. Pt. IIâ€"S. Datum, M. Eokott. M. Robb, '1‘. McDougoll. A. ‘Bobb. S’r. I..J. Nicholson. M. Morobont, S. Molnnea. J r. I. .B. McGillivny. J. MoGilliv- ny, N. Bunston. TEBMS: Strictly Cash- Rich Color And Soft Skin. HONOR ROLL. Y EOVIL SCHOOL. .*O.D*‘ H. LAWRENCE. Teacher. School Workers. From reports received the company developing on I anitoulin Island seem to have a good chance of obtaining oil in paying quantities. Senator Poirier, of Sdedia. N. B . is Operating at Ben Lake with two rigs.‘ This point is north of Manitowaning. and the Northern Oil and Gas Co . of Chicago. are drilling east of that place. near Wikwemodong. The old well of 1866_as well as those of 1898 still run oil while the two put down this season have plenty in sight. ‘ “No. 2 stands at 150 feet oil and can not be lnwered with the means at command and pumping rig and tank ‘have been ordered. No. 3. now go- ing down. will prove the ï¬eld and it is thought that one hundred wells can be made to produce in this sec- tion alone. No shooting has yet been done on any of the well-1. When this is done startling developments may be expected as no well on the Island ‘has yet been shat. Notwithstanding ithis one of the 1866 wells pumped 300 barrels The oil is of the highes" quality. testing 860 Speciï¬c gravity and 33 Beaume. Other wells haw been drilled dowu South of Manitu waningâ€"O. S. Sun. EarlGrey, who is to be Canada’s next GovernoroGenerel, possesses a most striking personality which ehonld be of peculiar interest to the people of this country owing to the fact that the name is the same as his, permission. . A ‘I In appearance Earl Grey is tall. big-booed nnd loose jointed. He has - . . ‘â€"â€"--L--A Ana UIK'UUUVu "-0“ 'vvâ€" - ahigh smouthdumee forehead, and baldness extending well down the back and sides of the head. The hair and rnustashe is sandy, the latter bushy and clipped 03 in an irregular line. The under lip protudes slightly caetingafaint shadow between the full month and square chin. The general appearance is that of the English northeountryman. which he is,his home being in Northumber- land. Previous to his accession to thel peerage he sat for three terms inl Porliament as a Liberal. but politig cally he is a puzzle. He is friend of i W. ll. Stead, but doesn’t agree byf any means with that gentleman’s" pro-British ideasin regard to South Africa. He was administrator in 18 l 96 of Rhodesia and was agreat friend I of the late Cecil Rhodes, and is now one of the executers of deceased a great estate. In England Lord Grey is particul- arly known for his connection with the temperance reform movement. ’ He is the prime mover in the so-called Public House Trust. which operates drinking places in England somewhat on the same line as the one in New York city upon which Bishop Potter recently bestowed his episcopal bless- 2.1-- lvvvuv-J â€"â€"___ . _ ing. Lord Grey derived his idea. 3 however. from Sweden and it is 3 known as the Gothenburg systemfli The drink shops-3:09p alcoholic drinks ~.| the same as any Other resort, but the 1 liquor is of the wary best quality 1 No proï¬t is Allowed the mansgsnon ‘ alcoholic drinks, .while he is given a handsome percentage and†" soft †drinks resend-130596. This results in the sue :of innocent hovel-ms being pushed and customers are there by restrained from over indulgence. These saloons have become literally the poor man’s clubs and are wel- comed by the better people of En :- lend. It will therefore be seen he is of a practical and philanthropic turn of mind, and is therefore patterned somewhat after our favorite among Governor-Generals. Lord Aberdeen. While opening a box. J. C. Mount.} of Three Mile Bay, N. Y.. ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. “ I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me.†he says. “and immediately applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and sore- ness and the injured parts were soon healed." For sale by R. Parker,â€" Run A Nail Throuzh His Hand. That Apple. tau. FU RN [TU RE For all kinds of DEPARTMENT. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. . . . a e I The proportions and style of the fire box in this range are the result of over thirty years’ experience. It is built to economize coal. It is oblong in shape, is not corrugated, and has no corners o} angles to catch and retain ashes. The ash pan is broad and deep. Ashes do not get clogged up under the grate. The Gurney, ‘Tilden Company Wlnntpaa Vancouver Our peraonal guarantee aa well aa that o! the makera goea with every atove. Call and aee our Souvenir Ila-gee. Btmiltgq THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR 048†8703i. Manufacturer: Torontg _ Lumhet Shingles fm Sale July 7th.â€"3mpd- I -".. I‘ll! who»! in at (or full Junior Lad-g ind Karim]: â€ï¬x. under the following 1188 L. M. FORFAR. Chaim nnd “odor-I. J. B. SMITH, B.A.. Mathematics and Sow-cc. Intending student. nhomd onwr m. or u noon otter u ponihlo. l'oon. 81.00 per month. WI. JOHNSTON. C. On the premises of the un- darsigned. Lots ‘23 and 24, Con. 21. Euremont. u large quantity of Lumber and Shingles no kept. for sale ut right. price». J. G. ORCHARD. Chsirmn. Limited Dromoro P. O. C. RAMAGE. Seer-cur). at bacilli“! .' O o . .. . g a} '19:! 1349...“.