West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Oct 1904, p. 5

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I Repairin ho huv them will uses to Let. 'OVCS 'ived firm}: eman AND '1‘ h mat Rood road: like tad kno' tut 1(li "resin hon; all] I $1.0 \RA Millinery FOR The October. Hcl'ntyro Block. -- Durhtm. Ont. Aâ€"forbidden shooting, hunting or run- ning dogs on the following 1013. Don’t ask permits. This mans you. ROBT. LIXDSAY.â€"Lotl 58. 59, and Lot No. 60, N. D. R. October 11th. IKEâ€"ti. §Lalgest and Best in: W ESTERN ONTA RIO. Stock Food. Coal Oil. Stove Coal. Meat Cutters. Stoves and Ranges. Horse Blankets. LL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY So far as we can learn no Business College in Census graduates so many end st the same time such a large per- centage of its students as does the GRIERSON.-Lou No. 59, 60. 61, 2nd Con . Hardware. OUR horses and cattle will strive by using our Am- ericrn Stock Food. Ask yo'ur neighbors regsrding its re- suits. HAVING lntely received a car of Cool Oil we are in a position to supply you with superior quality. Bring along your Demijohns. ANY person requiring Stove Cool should place their order at once and avoid being left in the cold. EE our assortment of Meat Cutters and be con- vinced that we heve the very article you have been look- ing for. IN fleeting Stoves end Ranges we lead in qualâ€" ity and price. Also in Stove Boards. Brumbs. Pipes, Coel Scuttles, Ash Sifters, etc. to full do not forget Nelly in the null." Our stock of Horse Blankets sre of extra quality. rsuging in price from 500 to 83. We also hsve s good supply of Harness, Lap Rubbers, Rugs. Whips. Curry Combs sud Brushes. HIS WEEK we wish to an- nounce to our many cus- tomers that. we have just bouxzht a large stock of Mil- liumy, new from the wholesale at n redueed price. which makwe as able to sell cheaper and to make up a pretty hat at. a reasonable price. Stock includes: Plumes, Birds, Velvets, Buc- kles, Cheniles. etc. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect. our display. MISS DICK WARNING. WM. GRIERSON. ROBT. LINDSAY. We manufacture everything we sell. This is why you can depend on hav- ing your FURS right. - HUNDREDS OF -- SIoles, Smrfs, C Ollareltes, Etc. Established Toronto SEN I) YOUR REPAIR WORK AND ALTERATIONS EARLY. \VRI'I‘E FOR MY FOLDER ()F STYLES. 1815. Mr. John Staples is putting up a large addition to his barn. Persian Lamb jackets. Ladz'es’ C lot/z F ur-lmed Coats. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, from the Rocky visited Mr. and Mrs. John Staples on Saturday. Miss Jennie Meensgh is in town, at|presenttengeged in the tailoring business. Miss Bessie Atkinson visited Sun- day at Mr. Wm. Weir’s. Bui‘orIOOOOOOOCOIOOV.; Eggs ................. Potstoes per beg. . . . . . Apples .............. Flour per cwt ........ Ostmesl per sec]: ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cwt: Hides per 1b ........ Sheepskins ........... oooooooooooooooo Mr. and Mrs. James Mchlly and son Stanley visited friends in Ben- tinck last Sunday. An improvement has been made at the corner of Lsmbton street and the Second concession. It was badly needed and wasn’t done too soon. Messrs. Albert Davis and Hiram Dean had the cotract for gravelling and made a first class job of it. \Vrite, or come and see us about. anything in the FUR line. To our Friends and Customers! WALKERTON. - - ONTARIO Implement Agency! MCCLARY Sunshine Furnace and Stoves for wood or coal. DOWSWBLL Washing .Mnchineâ€" that will wash clean. and a Wringer thnt will wring dry and not tear. CHURNS, the beat on record. BINDER TWINE in abundance. DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind thnt will keep n duck or ex on their own side of the fence WILKINSON Plowa md Land Roll are have no equal. HEAD STONES md MONUMENTS of the best workmanship. BUGS that will keep you wum and dry are the kind we hurdle. C. H. ROGERS JOHN CLARK at prices graded for the commoner and better goods. Darkies’ Comer. MANUFACTURING FURRIER (loKinnon’n old Stud) Market Report. HUGEHS . Oct. 27. 1904. Established Walkerton 88 to. 90 to 75 10 ll 18 75 "'â€"-'U _'I'""' Rev. Mr. Rodwell. of Markdale. then Save an excellent address on how to secure the conversion of Sabbath fSchool scholars. The afternoon sea 'sion was held in the Presbyterian ichurch Rev. Mr. Thom conducting % the devotional exercises. Practical jaddresses were then given by Mr. rFelstead. Supt. ol the Presbyterian Sabbath School here, and Rev. J as. Buchanan of Dundallt. The former spoke on Sabbath School difficulties and how to meet them, and the latter on the S. S. Teacher and his equip ment. At 4 o’clock the public school scholars attended in a body and were interestingly addressed by Rev. Wil- son of this place. The evening ses- sion was held in the Methodist church when as usual there was the largest attendance. After devotional exer- cises led by Rev. Mr. Wilson the busi ness pretaining to the convention was transacted. Mr. Blakeston. Sec -Trea presented his report which being sat- isfactory was adopted. Mr. Carr, presented the report of the committee on resolutions and a vote of thanks was tendered the retiring officers for their labors and all who had con- tributed to the success of the conven- tion. Upon the report of the Nom. committee officers were elected as follows: Pres. Mr. Fawcett. Heath- cOte; Vice. Pres, Mr. Bunt. Flasher- ton: Sec Trsa, Mr, Davidson, Clarke burg; representative to provincial convention Mr, Pickell, Markdale. Heathcote was chosen for next an- nual meeting, Rev. Buchanan then interestingly taught the S S. lesson for last Sabbath after which Rev. Mr, Wellwood gave a good address on Parental responsibility. Miss Zilla Trimble and Mrs. Blackburn rendered pleasing solos. After a few words of exhortation from the president the elm-ing hymn was sung and Rev. Mr. Wilson pronounced the benediction. At the close of the preparatory service in the Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon last Mr. and Mrs Sheppard were the recipients of a handsome present accompanied by the following address which explains itself. Dear friends;-â€"-Beiore your removal from this place the Ladies Aid Society representing the congregation of Chelmers Church desire to express to you the deep sense of loss we all feel at your departure from our midst, by your removal we feel that not only our society and congregation sustains aloss not easily repaired. but that the entire community sufiers as well. Since coming amongst us you have added to the pleasure of our social life and on musical programmes, where you have been much sought after, you have been generous con- tributors. In our own congregation you have been helpful and highly ap- preciated workers in the offices you have filled. As a member of the managing beard and secretary of the congregation Mr. Sheppard will be much missed, but more particularly will you both be missed in leading the Choir and in the service of praise where your superior musical talents have been generously bestowed to the profit and pleasure of all. We desire to show in some fitting manner our appreciation of the ser- vices you have rendered and there- fore present you with this musical cabinet asking you to accept of it as a souvenir from your numerous friends in Chalmers church. Signed on behalf of the Ladies Aid of Chalmers Church. Mrs, L. “K Thom, President, Mrs. Joseph Blackburn.gSecretary. Mr and Mrs. Sheppard were visib- ly afiected with the presentation and it was with difficulty the former re- plied, thanking the donors for the highly appreciated and unexpected gift. Rev. Thom and Mr. Van Dusen both spoke inenlogistic terms of Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard. We deep!y regret. your removal, but. wish you prosperity and much blessing in your new‘ home_. At preparatory service in the Pres- byterian church on Friday last the pastor was assisted by Rev. Mr. Wass who preached an appropriate and helpful sermon. On Sabbath alarge number of communicants partook of the Lord’s supper, twenty three of Whom were newly received members part of the fruits of the recent evan- gelistic services here. The recep- tion and pastor’s address to the new converts was impressive. Three new converts were also received at Prot on Station. Rev. Mr. Wilson and the president. Mr. W. G Pickell, the former gevea brief eddreee of welcome which was fittingly replied to by the layer. The tenth Annnsl Convention of the Best Grey Sshhsth School Asso- cistion was held here on the 19th inst. There wee s {sir sttendsnce of dele- gstes and the convention was on the whole interesting snd profitsble. The morning session was held in the Baptist church. After s song service snd devotionsl exercises conducted by The anniversary servnces in thel Methodist church on Sabbath lest were well attended and the free will oflerings were good 867.00 being plac- ed on the plates. Rev. H. 8. Mat- thews, of Toronto, a former pastor of thirty veers ago. preached with his usual fluency and much of his old time vigor his subject in the morning being "Who shall be greatest in the Kingdom of heaven” and in the even- ing, "At evening time it shall be light. ” Special music was furnished by the choir. Miss Allie Joy gave for her-[farewell three splendidly rendered solos. Owing tea severe cold Miss Minnie Joy was unable to render solos or take her usual leading part. In connection with the anniversary a free congregational tea, which was inparta farewell to Hrs. Joy and Flesherton. Mr. John McKee and sister. Miss Tressy. left on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with friends at. the 800 and So. Joseph’s Island. Mr. A. Madill. who spenta. few weeks with relatives in this place and vicinity returned last week to his home at the Soo. Dr. aproule held a political meet- ing here on Monday evening which notwithstanding the inclement weat- her was well attended by both sexes. The Deutor gave a lengthy speech dealing specially with the G. 'I‘. P railway. Mr, M. K. Richardson also snake on the questions of the dav, Mr. J. A Boyd presided. Cheers were heartily given for Dr. Sproule and Hon. R. L. Bordon after which the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Saunders of To- ronto are visiting this week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Whitman. Rev. H 8 Matthews was the cues: of Mr. and Mrs. flickling over Sun- day and Monday. - Signed in behalf of the congregation choir. Sunday School and League. J. S. I. Wilson, pastor. W. J. Bel- lamy. W H Bunt, Mrs. W. W, Trimble. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Miss Allie Joy made a nest and flu. ing reply, and a short pragrsmme was rendered as followszâ€"Reeding by Miss Wess snd short addresses by Revs. Hurlburt Msttbews end Wil- son. “God be with you till we meet again” was sung and s brief prayer by Rev. Mr, Wsss brought the meet- ing to a. close. On Monday last a change was made in the mail service on this division of the C. P. R. Travelling postmast- ers have been placed on all mail trains which gives two open mails north and south each day instead of one as formerlv. This will be a convenience to the public. Mr. W. Trimhle and C. H. Mun‘ ehaw attended the Erin Full Fair last waek. Axn SHE BECAME A PREY 'm PER- NICIUUH ANAEMIAâ€"CURED BY THE GREAT Bump- MAKER ‘ “About a year ago,” writes Mrs. S. G. Stanhope of Rothesay, “my daugh- ter complained of feeling tired. She was very pale and listless. and kept losing strength until too weak to at- tend school. The doctors perscribed diflerent bottles of medicine but Elaine kept getting worse instead of better. She had ‘ Anaemia and we were afraid for a while that she might never rally, We read of a similar case. that of Miss Descent, of Stirling, Ont., being curedsby Ferro- zone and this endused us to get it for Elaine. It took three boxes to make any decided improvement, but when six boxes were used my daughter was beginning to be her old self again. It didn't take much longer to make acomplete cure, and I am convinced that there is no letter blood maker than Ferrozone. It has made a new girl of Elaine. She has gained ten pounds in welght ane looks the picture of perfect health. She is stronger and enjoys the best of health. The credit of her recovery is entirely ; due to Ferrozone.” It has been with feelings of sin~ cerest regret that we have anticipated the severance of relations we have formed so pleasant in church and social life, and we feel that in your removal we are suflering a distinct loss. Your personal qualities, as well as your exceptional gifts so cheerfully and freely expended have won for you our genuine esteem. gratitude and afl’ection. and we count it no small privilege to have bene. fited by your distinguished services during the past two years. We feel therefore that we cannot allow you to go without having received at our hands some expression of our grati tude. some little memento, of your connection with Fleshertnn Method- ism: we ask you therefore to accept the accompanying watches not as anything like adequate compensation but as a very slight token of our heart-felt appreciation. We trust that you may long be spared to sweet- ly sing the songs of Zion and at laSt when life’s work is ended may our voices all blend in the “song of Moses and the Lamb,” and in the corona- tion Anthem of the skies. Her Blood Turned to Water "Presohers. poets snd morslists. sre oonstsntly reminding no how fleeting us our “Joys." but we never felt. the force of this so much so now ” In these words one of the most dis~ tingnished members of this congre- gstion expressed himself to-dsy when spesking of your spprosching depar- ture. deughtere who leeve for Toronto this week, wee given in the eohoolrooni of the church from five till eight o'clock on hlondey evening. when she: re- freshments end e pleuent eouiel hour the Mieeee Joy were eeoh presented with e bountiful gold wetoh, end the following eppropreite eddreee: To {Hagen Allie end Minnie Joyâ€" Every growing girl and young women on mske herself strong end heslthy with Ferrozone. lt mskes blood nerve and tissueâ€"rushes it {set snd mskes it to stsy. Complexion soon becomes rosy. nerves get new strength, tiredness vsnishesâ€"perfect hesleh is the rewsrd for using Ferro- zone which is sold by sll drnggists. Price 500. per box or “X boxes for O2 50. By well from The Ferromne Compsny. Kingston. Ont. Get sspp- ply of Ferrosone to-dsy. ‘ errozone. Men’s Underwear. New Shoes for Men, Women and Children. New Gloves for Ladies and Children. New Ladies’ Mantles. SPACE WILL NOI‘ PERMIT our going into deteil. but if you will pny 1 visit to our store you will be convinced that no pain: are being epnired to fill all your requirements for coming svuson. New Umbrellas for Ladies and Gentlemen. New Underwear for Ladies. New Fall and Winter Goods in Abundance. New Flannelettes and Wrapperettes. New Suitings and Blouse Lengths. THE BASH STDREIL H.H.MOCKLER All Produce Iaken as 015'] and Highest Prices Paid. The newest and most. stylish garments ever shown Over 250 min peered into stock. and reelly we don't known where to put them. so we will make vxtra clone prices to ensure quick snles We have the but vulues in the mullet, in Cashmere and Ringwood Gloves. See our Bucks nnd Whites at 25c. 360 Garments of the [smous “ Purina Brand,” in Cotton. Union and All-wool. Also a large range of Children's. Girls’ and Mioaea’ Underwur in this band. We ere carrying over twenty lines of these goods in all weights and quelitiee. We cerry ell sizes. too, remember end cen fit you perlectly. Our prices ere extremely low. A urge unto of new pntmrns u old prices. We have a [use unortmont of those new elegmt goods in all the new wave: tnd pnttorns A large: import. order from the old country. Extra voluo and good Tops with Nobby Bundles. We are opening up new consignments daily. 15 cases arnved on Friday. $12.00 TY")? .111: (NI

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