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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Oct 1904, p. 7

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p and gave the hen JG at Widow Bu- Injured cow- ; down her an. {or dart- cottonwood: Henderson to sit up 3: 31101163 own- the door- H nu ,e mesa. 9 out of on. saddle swung 1). but 3 room army: «weer 2 gray Gnmo bluffs. W88 and at at die. ltho ,cbo 011° shon- ml the she Ihe fl )WS 353 '14 th D McInter's Blmk mer Tm") Dur- ham. 001191 tinn and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- trv Office. U tionoer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly “tended t0. Orders mafi be left at his Implement Warerooms, Mc innon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofico. The nude reigned hevin been restored to health by simple means sfter s ering for several years with s severe nag election. and that dresd disesse “new. is mious to make known so his fellow sullen-ere the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free et chsrze. s copy of she preecfiption need. which the will and s sure cure for Com. - .Cm.mudsllthroetsnd In; Moe. B ell a! will: LI- n-odx. »- a 15:33» ' twang-3 - er. Conveyancer, etc. Private money to loan. Old accounts and debts of all kinds collected on commiselen. Farms- bought and sold. Insurance Agent. Mo. Ofliceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand. Lone. Town. Durham. Out. UGH MACKAY. DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- oer tor the County 0: Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. 1) Office over Gordon’s new Jeweller) Store, Lower Town, Durham. Anyamoum of monm to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property AMES CARSON, DURHAM, LIC~ ensed Auctioneer for the County 01 Grey. Laud Vuluator, Bailifl‘ of the 2nd Divnsiou. Court Sales and an other matters romptly attended to. Hmheat refereeuw uruisbed if required. ll Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofice. D veyancers, Etc. Money to' Loan Oflicemâ€"Ir. the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K'. C. t) University: Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oflice. U the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Rmidencr-Lambton Street, near the Station. W. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF (ice in the New Hunter Block. 0mm: hours, 8 to lo a. In.. 2 to 4 p. in. and 7 to? p. m. Special attention given to disease:- of women and children. Residence op poeite Presbvterian Church. FFICE AND RESIDENCE -â€"(IOR Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot 0f_hill. Ofii’g‘e‘hansâ€"gfil _:_t tn., 24 p. m . 7-9 p. m. Tishâ€"(51.1650 $16.16 *Vâ€"vuO'v U short distame ensâ€"{cf Knapp’s Hotel Lamhtmn Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofiice hnnfl from 12 to 2 o’clock. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. Nov. 9. '03. .uu uvu o 6 ' I: completely stocked with DEPARTHENT all NEW TYPE, thus M'. {ording {unifies to: turning out Pint-clan mum For tnnsient advertifietpents 8 cemspet line for the first Insertion; 3 cent; pct [HES . . . line each subsequent insertion-mink»: censure. essional catds, not exceeding one inch, 34.00 perpnnum. Advertisements without specific directions '1" be published till forbid and charged ac- wdin 1y Transient noticesâ€"“Lost " “Found,‘ 9 " Foe ' e.‘ eta-59 cents {or flat mention, 38 cents (or each subsequent tnsertnon. mm “In: CHRONIC“ will In not to any “dress, free of postage, to: 3|.” per “1E3 . o o o yanpayable m advanceâ€"3|.” may h M u nag. sq paid. The date to which every .3th 5 1d 13 den9'3d by the numberon the was In“ 0 paper .cihcuntmued untfl all mar. m paid. W at the opuon of the preprietor. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- any woman now-o amtâ€"nu mu mm. m m DUN-IAM. ONT. OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED “15 WWII] “RUMBLE MacKay 8:. Dunn. ARRlsTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- G. Lefroy McCaul. ARms-rm, somcnoa. ETC., J. P. Telford. A RRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR, E’H? A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF J. G. Hutton, M. D.. C. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- FF_IC‘E__ AND RESIDENCE Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Burma AND Puopmmm. Arthur Gun, Medical Dz’rectorv. Dental Dz‘rectorv. Miscellaneous‘ Legal Director!) \V. F. DUNN. About 10 per cent or the fuel used by the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean railroad is slack and dust from the coal mines pressed into briquettes by the company. Tests of trolley lines without rails which have been made in Germany and France show that while the initial The Lake Shore and Michigan South- ern is experimenting on one of its branch lines with a gasoline motor coach. In Great Britain among women workers there are 86 auctioneers, 6 ar- chitects, 3,071 hrickmakers, 3,850 butchers, 54 chimney sweeps, 1 dock laborer, 5,170 goldsmiths, 9,603 print- ers, 745 railway porters, 117,640 tailors and 8 veterinary surgeons. A firm of watchmakers in Switzer- land takes annually from Sheflield 150 tons of Steel for the manufacture of watch springs. The rice paper tree, one of the most interesting of the entire flora of China, has recently been successfully experi- mented with in Florida. Mrs. Agnes Knox Black, wife of Pro- fessor E. Carlton Black of Cambridge, Mass, has been appointed to the Bos- ton university faculty and is the first woman who has ever) held a position in the faculty of tha, institution. She will be at the head of the department of elocution and oratogy. Paper suits of clothes, to be thrown away when soiled, are proposed. More cider is produced in the United States in a single year than in all the rest of the world in five years. In East Indian schools mental arith- metic is a vastly more serious matter than it is in the schools of this coun- try. Pupils of ten years are taught to remember the multiplication table up to forty times forty. The game of chess is still included in the curriculum of Russian schools. European physicians claim that clay modeling in public schools is a great- er source of danger than the use of slates because of the germs which stick in the clay. The fishy taste can be removed from canned salmon or lobster by putting it in a colander, pouring boiling water over it and then letting it stand long enough to drain and cool. A loaf of stale bread is almost as good as when newly baked when wrapped closely in a towel and steamed through thoroughly. Do not invariably throw away the oil from the can of sardines. It is a very good substitute for butter when codfish balls or made over dishes of fish are on hand. One or the curiosities or this curious age of ours was caught in the waters of the Choptank river some time ago. It was a good sized terrapin with a healthy, well developed oyster on its back and was both literally and figur- atively an oyster on four legs. A Vermont hen which has never been able to raise any chicks or her own has mothered the eggs of bantams, geese, ducks and even pigeons. Her latest exploit was to discover and hatch a nest of bald eagles. A Milford Haven (England) trawler recently landed twelve flne sturgeon caught in one haul. Some of them were six feet long. Such a catch had never been known previously. A wealthy Frenchman has started a home for aged animals at his country place and now has a mule seventy- three years old, a goose thirty-seven and a cow thirty-six. Sweet Marie continues to accumulate new trotting records. She is the lar- gest money winner of the year, holds the season’s race record and is winner of the fastest five heat race ever tdot- To Cure a Cold :11 One Day“ mm. mm Laxative Bromo gaining mm. ,c a ,4 9mm Miss Kinney, 2:1954, is a new 2:20 performer for McKinney, 2:1154. She took her new record in a winning race at Port Huron, Mich, recently, driven by Frank Cares of Detroit. mmmwhmnm' Scott Hudson has shipped to Lex- ington, Tertimin, 2:241/4, Bessie Abbott and Pittie Herr. In all Hudson has opening or the campaign. American antoists are making plans for a large representation in the James Gordon Bennett cup race abroad next spring. Wiltae of the New York Nationals pitched twelve consecutive games without a defeat. Wrestler Tom Jenkins wants to meet Jim Jeffriea, heavyweight champion pngilist, in a fight. Columbig university is developing a very promising “bunch” of football players. is captain of th-iauyear’a footbal at Yale. u uwuc, lteam COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. TRADElND/WDU‘STRY. TRAIN AND TRACK. THE COOKBOOK. SPORTING NOTES. ANIMAL TALES. '1'. Danish Batu. - Chloride of lime is an infallible pre- ventive of rate. It should be put down their holes and spread about wherever they are likely to appear. For Cats. Always have a small bottle of glyc- erin and carbolic acid lotion in your house. Apply to any cut, scratch or abrasion which any of the family may come by. It used at once it is a pow- erful antiseptic, and one cannot be too careful, even over the slightest break of the skin. Karla, Caves of India. Among the interesting sights of Hin- dustan are the Karle caves of India, artificial temples of worship, which were cut out of solid rock a century before the Christian era, it is claimed. The Human Foot. It is asserted by a sculptor that the human foot is becoming smaller. The masculine foot of twenty centuries ago was about twelve inches long. The average man’s foot of today is easily fitted with a No. 81/3 shoe, which is not more than ten and seven-sixteenths inches in length. The Cheyto Pagoda. The Cheyto pagoda in Burma in built on a huge rocking stone polud on another at a height of 2.000 feet. Brewing Tea. Among the various ways in which tea can be brewed an authority recom- mends the following: Moisten an ounce of tea, finely ground, with cold water and let it stand for twenty minutes, then pour on the tea a scant pint of boiling water, and in one minute it is ready to drink. Horses That Count. In the coal mines of IIainaut' each horse is required to make thirty trips as a day’s work. Some work faster than others, and each one, without exception and entirely of its own ac- cord, goes directly to the stable after completing the thirtieth trip. An Ancient Oak. In the village of Meavy, Dartmoor, England, is an old oak which was flourishing in the reign of King John and is still flourishing, tliough support- ed by stout props. Foretold the Future. Mme. Louise, an Isle of Wight palm- lst, told a policeman who was consult- ing her in disguise that he would short- ly take part in legal proceedings in which he would be successful. She was right. She paid a fine on his evi- deuce. Cleaning Ashe-tun. When the asbestus in stoves and fire places becomes blackened it may be cleaned by sprinkling it with salt and allowing the gas to burn for awhile. Beer In naval-In. Under the laws of Bavaria it is for- bidden to use any unmalted corn or mixed malt and unmalted corn or any substance whatever as a substitute for or mixture with malt (evaporated or air dried). For the brewing of brown beer only malt of barley may be employed. Holland's Canal Boots. The owners of the mun! boats in Hol- land practically spend their whole lives on them. The father of the family is usually the captain, the sons and daughters the sailors. \x'lxiio sitting in his ('33:; 0mm} WI 1: :1 str'ijzml hlzznl'ot \ o] xzxmd his body. .wns mistaken for a (3:0? by an- other man. an inmate 01' his own house. and shot dead on the spot. The Dictator. The dictator was a Roman magis- trate who in timm of grog: public peril was invested with absalu.e pnver. For over 400 yours this oilice was regarded with great vonerution mtil :lellzn and Caesar. by their L'I'UP. tivs. rendered it odious. and it was alumsxed. \V Near Bozzzlmg,‘ «Lg: farm (soptié tank :55 thirty-six tons of g per acre. Migratory Birds. Observations on the Eddystone light- house have shown that migratory birds never leave England for a night across the channel if the wind blows more than t\\'e1‘.i,\'-oight mikes a.n haur. The direction of the wind makes no difference. Ninety per cent of all the birds cross at night. Bronchitis. Dlp a small sponge ln methylated spirits and gently sponge. the chest and throat with it several times a day. It will give almost immediate relief and help to clear the throat. The annual report of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit compan'.‘ shows that eightyoseven persons were killed In no- cidents upon its fines in the year which ended on June 30, 1904. and 204 were coat of such electric roads is small the operating expenses are very heavy. B H! Place .\‘<‘:n° :zn Thorthzm 1-1111; “: 1'01r1-31t":1' 12:9,? 11v “1 $111 11121! .111 1:11:11 1111111152; “'hisky In a ( . Sen-a :9 Farm. For Striped 82:1 nkctn. U hA.(;b-J u--J VCgCLdUc‘c' a fire. 313”}; :\.L;;Lh 3 tenui Devon. England, (“.L‘ is a sewage taken from (in? littln, And further. take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said ad- ministrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havin re- gard only to the claims of whic he shall then have notice, and that the said administrators will not be liable for the said assets, or any art there- of to any person of whose c aim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated the first day of October A. D.. ISM. MACKAY 8: DUNN. Durham. Ont. Solicitors for the Administrators. 28th Day of October A. D , 1904, to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to Messrs. MacKay Dunn, Bar- risters, Durham, Solicitors for The Canada Trust Company, the admin- istrators of the said deceased, their Christian names, surnames and ad- dresses, with full particulars of their claims and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them. pursuant to Statute, that all per- sons having claims or demands against. the estate of Thomas James Jackson, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of July, 1904, are required on or before the In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas James Jackson, Deceased. ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Statute. that all ner- their names. addresses, and descrip- tion, and a full statement of parti- culars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the. parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated this 30th day of September A. D. 1904. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for the Administratrix. ' SARAH ANN BEGGS. Notice to Creditors pursuant toR. S. O. 1897 chapter 1:39 section 38, and Amending Actps, that all pmsons hming cl lilllS against the Estate of the said Alex ande1 Beggs who died on or about the 25th dav of Mav A. D. 1904, an: herehv tequimd to send In past plvpaid 01 to delixel to J. P. Telf01°,d of tho Town of D111". ham, Solicitor for the Administratrix. 011 or before the. 3 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, i pursuant to R. S. O. 1897. chapter 129. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander Beggs, Late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Merchant, Deceased. October 11th. l904.â€"-lmc. LL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY forbidden to hunt. fish or otherwise trespass on the following properties in Glenda:â€" John Bell. Lots 57, Con. 3. E. G. R. Duncan McNab. Lot 1, Con. 2. N. D. R. Dugald McNab, Lots 4 and 5, Con. 2. N. I). R C. Arnott. Lots 6 and 7. Con. 2. N. D. R. C, Firth. Lot 5. Con. l. N. D. R. W. J. Young. Lo: 6. Con. 1. N. D. B. _Any violations will render trespassers liable for prosecution. Notice to Creditors ummmmrnhmioc. JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIS'I‘ _ AND _ DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONT. You purchase from us 6 boxes of D1 Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, paying for then, $2.50. With every such purchase we give you our positive written guarantee that if after taking 3 boxes of the Pills, accord- ing to directions, you find you have de rived no benefit from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 imopened ones and get your alone: fair? But you aon’t need to take our word as to what these Pills can accomplish. Try them yourself. If they don’t do you goon you can get your money back. Isn’t that the whole system, producing in sickly, weakly men and women that strong. vigorous, henlthy feeling that makes life worth living. Dr. Harto’s Celeri-Iron Pills enrich the blood, tone up ‘the nerve_s stud i‘nvigprqt‘e us. was a DWI'UIOB runs, we guarantee this remedy to be an absolute cure for all diseases and disorders arising from weak nerves, watery blood or a run down condition of the system, such as ‘-â€"- Anaemia, Chlorosis, Pale and Sallow Com- plexion, Tired, Worn-out Feeling, Sleep- lessness, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Heart Palpitation, Impaired Memory, Unstead; Nerves, Hysteria, Female Weakness and lrregularities, Depression of Spirits, Spinal Weakness, St. Vitus’ Dance, Pimp- [es and Eruptions, Loss of Vital Power and General Debilityl 28th Day of October A. D., 1904, A Positive Assurance o! a Cure or Your Money Réfunded. A GUARANTEE TO CURE. ‘-‘ _On the althog‘ity of t_:he proprietors of n , __-, WARNING. of the best makes TRY Showell Lenahan FURNITURE PROMPT A'ITENTION TO UN DERTAKING N., E. .l. McKechnie. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. . . . New Summer Goods in Every Line. N., G. J. McKechnie. DEPARTMENT. For all kinds of fi‘oTcâ€"ooâ€"a‘; o '3‘: H They are also strongty supported H my" posts or braces. Warping is on: of th qusxm ;. Our personal guarantee as, m ' :3 :11“ cf the cvcry Stove. Call um 55‘ hlc Smwcn' A": the Style of the “Long C support the liis. These being double and against expansion and contracti flumuton The Gurney. Tilden CC‘fnpat‘."-' ‘5li In thanking our friends and the public generally for past patronage we would call attention to our New Summer Goods in every line along with KATE COCHRANE Winnipeg THE POPULAR 0181f STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. LOCAL AGENT. double and locked provide ~fancfacture r: ox-onto Foot. 81.00 per month. WI. JOHNSTON. Chuirmn. handing student. ehomd enwr 3! beginning at tern. or u noon efter .- possible. n. school in nipped for full Junior Loom on work. under the following m1 of “upon“ teacher: for tho: deport-nut: T308. ALLAN. lat Chill Certificate. Prlll. X188 L. l. FORFAR. Cluoios and Modems. July 7th.-â€"3mpd. DURHAM SCHOOL. lumhet Shingles tm Sale J. B. SMITH. B.A.. Mabel-gum and Science. “i021. On the promises of the un- dorsignod, Lots ‘23 and 24, Con. 21. Egremont, a large qusntity of Lumber and Shingles no kept for sale gt right prices. V: In: (“J YE.‘ STAFF AN D EQUIPMEXT. J. G. ORCHARD, [flrul‘ Dromoro P. O. C. RAXAGI'. Secretary.

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