West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Nov 1904, p. 1

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La Specialty. 000.3 .1 my ‘ctiv lo ..m: and Val- An" $3909. KURT THE. 3011001 1 til next week not sent them apply to 'l Bashâ€"pd HALLOWEEN passed off withc much excitement, but there a a few who incline tn indulge ancient barbarism. T. J. JORDAN has been selling off the bankrupt stock of groceries'recently purchased here, and the citizens who have been lucky enough to buy got 51 uue good bargains. in the glothodis m-xt. The preparatory serm he preavhed on Friday evenmg at 8 p. In. by Rev. Mr. Farquharson. \\'.\ x130.â€" ON Monday slmrtsugen lefti the dver huntin Pete Patterson, ()x Monday morning six happy qmrtsnnen left. for Muskoka to spend Lhu «Iver hunting season. They were l’e-to Patterson, N. P. McIntyre, T. G. llult, \V. Calder, Alex. McLachlan m Ml Ted. )1 CCIOCknn'. fl b on SALE. REV. Mn. N EWTON pastor of the Baptist menced a. swim of S discnurses on “The T from his pulpit last subject for next SI " Green Fields Far Aw Tums»: of our townsmen. ur. .mum - Geo. Sparliug and Mayor Hunter, 1 the purchase of 2,900 zu-n-s of woodland in Haliburton away north of Lindsay. They pur- ml the timber only. and as they ms 30!]. have just completm (-lms have to get, it off inside of five ye thvrv will he somv hustling. Arm’s Cough Cure, never fails, muteed, MacFal-lane’s di'ug store. hTOLEN.‘"UU 1‘ l lua‘y , vvvu â€"-â€",v, ! . 9 . _ . tnry gave the , pair of beaded, ...-stra.p slippers, Size 0 O i I and this tune five, were taken from Peel’s shoe “Are you 3 store. Now as the person is known “No.1we would ask that the slippers he re- ”gtnrned as quickly as they were e further trouble. ONE of the workmen in the Durham '. ( 'n-a m Separator the phone hell another ring 5| young lady answered. 2V1?" The answer he got was: I‘m not 32. nor I’m not 25 yet either! Then he heard her hanging up theituken so as to sav rw-eiver with a hang like at boulder hitting 2|. tin can. . THE Rev. \V. Hinde, Rector of She‘.- l immo will nrench missionary sermons “'E are no with is “L93 put-tnnity 0f vmmu‘ "m“ Dire. It 33‘ Q t his. A )ppm't“ l'p in 0W9“ \‘ielding t0 this.nppm't‘mity. an girls, gm. mm, . l'p in Owen Sumd the young men are yielding tn thv fair maidens and the "'l‘iuws" mzm has hocome alarmed «we? ”w , the mini§tmw don’t take a, holiday than» wnn’t b» -m unmarried woman left in tlw tms-n. school reports are held over uno t week and teachers who have xt them in yet will please do so. DIED AT UwEN SUV)” McGillivray, Rocky San fe'w weeks ago went, to! was suddenly taken (10 phoid fever the (lay aftm She was removed to 23rd October was wired Her remains were bron following Monday and were. laid to rest in the livray was a kind, larg obliging neighbor. 'l husband and children in 'IB. NEWTON, the popular the Baptist Chapel, com- ». series of Sunday evening 3 on “The Prodigal Son” pulpit. last Sunday. The 1-0 nearing .. Leap YB? Apprentice to learn bar- i‘. Vollett. ' ' ~A good lnilch cow, MchR, Lambton St,, 'ivâ€"ifo and mother. u' townsnwn. Dr. Jamit‘o fling and Mayur Hunter, npletml the purchase of wuodlaml in Halibm‘ton '1’ Lindsay. They pur- in marriage Will 8901) ex- ‘ight years since they had nirv. an girls, get busy! "'1 \Hllllill'l'lWi \\'Uul:‘.ll . I ()n \\ t-tl'n'wl'ay the liiih Inst” a plums-mt: “\W'lli tool; place at the resi- . . . ti"2l 'v of Mr. 'l‘hos. (i. Lauder ofV n ‘ ’ l'lii ()i .\\H\'0‘lllilt'l'. 'ili' ,. . - - - ’ - iil‘hl . . in‘.‘.'n. \\"H"l his mere. Miss Lou Da- ze. representative in the .- . , , ’ \idson. was united In nmrrmge to Mr. nous. It 5 every voters _ k , , Peter Mutheson. of this town. The lu- poll and exermse his . . . , Rm. Mr. l‘arquharson performed the 111 so doing become a , . - ceremony, and the bride was given overnment of the coun- ' away by her uncle, T. G. Lauder. ing of one’s ballot is a . ivilege. yet we are sorry The bride looked charming in agown the sanctity of the bal- Of. pearl gray Crepe-de-chine trimmed )Siitutt‘d for the service‘Wlth 0mm)“ and \ovore a Wreath of ,mm seekers. Lt.m.\.m.y;0rfln§e .Blossoms in her hair. The a right to vote do so toâ€"‘. bride 5 Sister, Maud, was bridesmaid ) in the highest interests \ and the groom was ably assisted by r arrordinz: to his bestan" “93195? Theobald, 0f Mt- Forest. After the ceremony the guests re- ”a lpaired to the dining room where a was SUl'Nl).--MrS. Neilltlainty wedding dinner was served. The tables were tastefully decorated Rocky Saugeen. who a ‘ :0 went to Owen Sound. l with myrtle and carnations. v taken down with ty-' he day after her arrival- 'several short and suitable speeches moved to the hospital were indulged in and thehappycouple LS apparentlv domg one were the recipients of many nicely . l it was not to be and the‘ phased compliments. her death on Stmd‘rtys couple took the afternoon train and was wired to the family. started on their honey-moon trip amid a were brought home th? I showers of rice heeped upon them by otf without. very re still in the Durham: ST()LEN.-~On inday, Oct. 21st, 3 ave the‘ipair of beaded, 2-strap slippers, size ‘,‘4 t1LI‘l‘ FOR To GE):TLEMEN:»I respectfully request your vote and influence at the coming Dominion Election on Nov. 3, and if elected will do my best to further the interests of my constituents. HYACINTH, Tulip and Lily bulbs at MacFarlane’s. HOUSE to rent, Hugh MacK Agent, Ed. \Valsh, proprietor. 12 Dozen new grmnophone records just received a; Luz-.Farlane’s. LOST.‘ -A bicycle lamp, on the Gara- fraxa road, north of Durham. Finder will please leave at, this office. BOTH parlimuentary candidates are now being weighed in the balance of pubiic opinion, and We will tell next week who is the most thought of. \V \NI‘ED. â€"â€"At this office, a good sumxt hm, with good head, good muscle, and not too much cheek, to learn p1 inting. Conservative Candidate for RING F()UND.-â€"â€"App1y THE Rev. \V. Hinde Rector 111'S11e.-E 111111111. will 11111111011 111issi11n11ry sex [1101181 - 111111.11 111111” 11111111 111111‘1y 13111111 :11 of 1E 11111111111 111is<i11ust11 the N111 th W est, 1(‘1111111 111111 111111111. 1111 Sunday next, in lxinity ( 11111111, 111111 nin" and evening, i11n11 11t Allans S1 111111l House in the . 11119111111111. N11 8111111111 offertory will ‘lw 111111111 111 1119 sprvices, but 01111131: Linus will 1111 11111119 1111111: on from house 1 1 1 1 The Electors of South Grey: to l‘umse. Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Prptmding Piles. Drnggists rat'nnd money If PAZO OINIMENT fails to cure anv use. no matte: of how long standing. in 6 to 14 da 3. First application 'voa rest. 50¢. fgonr drn 't hunt it nu send 500 in humps it will forwarded poet-paid by Paris Medicine 00., St. Loan. Ho. . MCKINNON. HYMENEAL at, this office. S. Grey. ny 1st 1906 for $1, Mrs. Geo. Niron, of Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. W. Black. Mr. John Mitchell, of the Hanover Post, gave us a call nomination day. Mrs. McAnulty and daughter Louisa arrived home on Monday, very much pleased with the country in the west. Mr. and Mrs. James Boulden, of Elin- Saturday till Mon- A. MacKenZIe and n “I _ ‘_ erton, dr on their way to visit Mr. Mr. Graff. merchant of Hanover, and a number of others Miller’s town attended the nomina- tions. Town Hall, Durham; Sat. Evening, November 5th. DURHAM, ONT» EVV STOCK of Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies’ Chains, Men’s Chains, Ladies’ Necklets, Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches and Stick Pins, Cuff Links, and a. great stock of Solid Gold Rings from $1.00 up. R. B. KEELER .81 SONS Arlived at Keeler’s this week. See them. Never was shown in Durham such a com- plete stock of above goods as we now show. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, is visit- Glenelg, on the evening of Friday, October :38. During the last two sum- mers a largely attended Sabbath School has been held in the above mentioned school. Mr. \Vni. J . Young has been Superintendent, and has had the able assistance of an efficient band of workers. Asocial is held at the close of the season when parents, ‘ teachers, scholars and invited friends from surrounding country and town. meet to spend a pleasant social even- ing. On this occasion the school was filled to its utmost seating capacity. The ladies brought with them an abund- ance of good things, which were served out by attentive waiters till all were in that happy state of mind experienc- ed on festive occasions of this kind. Then followed a literary programme. Mr. John A. Graham was chosen chair- . man. The first was a chorus by the school followed by a report of the Sab- bath School by Secretary Robt. Mc- Fadden who referred to the large at- tendance and general prosperous con- dition of the school. Rev. Mr. Colling spoke of how en' vironment so often decides the future of the young. Mr. J obn H. Brown referred to the wrong standard of ’ many of the vices they see practiced by their elders. Mr. Alex. Firth, spoke l of the teacher’s place in a “human f race.” Rev. Mr. Newton humorously l objected to some of the features of the ' “race” and also gave the young some i wholesome advise regarding correct Ihabits. Mr. Thos. Allan followed in the same strain and addressed himself to the boys and girls on the subject “Habit”. Rev. Mr. Farqnharson took v of means. The following gave recxta- tions:â€"-Misses Maggie \Veir, Clara r, Ritchie, Eva Atkinson and Blanche d Mathews; and one by Master \Villie .d Atkinson telling about boys and their t. good times. SABBA'TH SCHOOL SOCIAL. U The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the Doxology follow- edby benediction by Rev. Mr. Newton. Just before the close Mr. \Vni. J. Young was called to the front and pleasantly I surprised by the presentation of a large Morocca-bmmd teacher’s Bible and a large Hymnal. Mr. Young re- plied feelingly to following addresses which in behalf of school was read by Mr. “711). \Veir while Miss Jennie To M a. WM. Youxe, Supt. Union Sab. Sch. No. 9, Glenelg. Dear friend,â€"â€"~At the close of another season of Sunday School effort your fellow-teachers and members of the Bible Class desire to place on record the pleasure and profit they have de- rived from association with you in this work, and from your teaching during the year. Your enthusiasm and self- sacrificing eiforts have warmed our hearts and quickened our spiritual life, and we. wish for you many years of usefulness in a sphere you fill so well. \Ve ask you to accept of this Bible and Hymn Book as a token of deepest regard, and trust you and we may al- ways be guided by the teaching of the former, and at last sing the songs of Zion around the throne above. With best wishes for yourself and family. Signed in behalf of the donors. Roma MCFADDEN. Secretary. A curiosity in the shape of a wooden box may be seen in the home of Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson, of this town. The old lady who owns it says it is seven hundred years old and has been hand- ei down from one generation to an- other during all those centuries. The present owner brought it from the old country about fifty years ago. It is still in use and the rope handles in the ,ends have been there for over a hun- ‘ dred years. It is an old heir-loom, used to hold clothing, and however valuable it may be as a curiosity, it doesn’t possess any attractive charms in appearance. Is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, which relieves con. stipaiion,heudache and liver com- plaint ina few hours: Very mild. yet certuin. Use only Dr. Humil- ton’e Pille. Price 250; Over 700 Years Old. The Best Laxative Sold ADDRESS. fl @5919 “*iéafififiafififlfiefléfifififikfimi‘fi Call and see the large stock of fall and winter goods we have for you. We know we can please you as our assortment is the largest in town. number also. $1.00 PER YEAR. ' nun

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