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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Nov 1904, p. 2

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eve pan 1 3nd certain cure for Cscsrrhâ€"frso “ram healing cstsrrhozone which i euros by mediated vspor thst is E '. broached direct to the seat of tho dis~ ' out. The bslssmic vspor of Courth- aono kills the germs hauls sore spots, ‘0” dropping in the throst, keeps Co nose clear and permanently or- nliontos ovary trsoo of ostsrrh from . .olystom. Cstsrrhozonscsn’t foil; in summed. Two months irat- 81.W; trill lite 256. I The dope habit is being acquired by : thousands of Canadians through using ao-called cures for Catarrh eon- tainingan excessive amount of al- cohol and other dangerous drugs. Doctors claim thereis only one safe} Young man, beware of the girl who lets you do all the talking dur- ing courtship. She’s plsying a niting sane. Thomas Aeqniring the Depo Habit. This is the time the man on the political fence is praying good Lord, good devil, not knowing whose Lends he is going to fell into during the next twenty-four hours. Hie “tunic majesty grins when a woman goes to church {or the pur- pose of displaying her new clothes. Hun a man in love Only with 3 dinfile or a curl. is!“ the ad minuko Gram spots may be quickly re- moved from clothing with the aid of a small pair of scissors. to: troubles it's a sign that she has warned the celehntion of her birth- dny anniversary. VEGETABLE flair Re: Why no: cap this faiiin 0! your hair? At this raw be without any hair' ust remember that Hall’s H "l“nl hair. and makes hair army Ill-J51!!!- Dating courtship a girl is often unable to express her thoughts, but the nukes up for lost time after matings. 0f nan-yum that #31310 girl. 1! boys are boisterous it is up to gitls to be girlsterous. Winter is coming. “Keep both hnds on the woodpile. Lives of greet men all remind us, As their pnges o'er we turn, has we’re apt to ieeve behind us Letters that we'ought to burn. When it rains it generally happens that your umbrella is at the other 03d of the route. _ “wuâ€"a UV have two thanksgiving days this month, where the dance no all the turkey. coming from ? I! it weren’t for their mistakes Sometimes the we." u campaign: with nail. â€"-â€"â€"u v UU-HUPUIU‘, ‘00.. In o’clock tea. gatherings consist largely of -‘ lots of ulk between stitches.” All election bets will be due to night. When 3 girl tells a young man an: the but is none too good for hot. it. in up to him to ofler himself. police tad fly that be in too content- .d to go: rich. out wny to his tom pocketbook. __.. w-â€" por is through his Tno nearest. way to a. man’s hens in through l_)i_s stomach. and the near- w' I. “ Why act mop this lama! of your hair? At thia ratiIou viii anon be without any hair' ust remember that Hall’s air Reliever {ailing hair, and_makes hair grow. "Fammfimnnt- not tend to decrease iho‘hԤ;b;btic’: “Karin“. If men would pay their debts as durinlly as they pay their grudges. what a gnnd old world this would be. A sick mm cannot expect nym- puhy from an nndortnkor. lone men there ere ;~ho love but once. Or so their stotiee run ; 80 every Indy that they court Finds nhe’s thet only one. Thysxbaryoot homo festivull do v "“J 3 campaign button in 1‘13: con has to futon his suspenders ._-2I wlgo proudly Wetchmsker. Jeweller. Optician. DURHAM, ONT. Reliable Watches L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULA'I'E of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases 01 Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Sumdav in each month. Hours-â€"1-â€"6 p.111. A simple. effective. and safe remedy for all throat irritations Is found m Crosolono Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicida! value of C resolene with the soothing pfgperties of flipper): elm and licorice. I ' Mr. “Pete"Mathewson of Durham. l'ormerly of Clinton, the hero of many a lacrosse battle. new figures in a new roleâ€"that of a married man. “Pete” did not blink when the battle waged fast and furious, but he threw up his hands and went down before a maiden’s eyes. Miss Lou Davidson. a charming Durham girl. was the bewitcher. Blueeyed” fair-haired Mathewson has won the hearts of lacrosse lovers in this dis- trict by his magnificent and clean playing, but of course he consnders his conquest of lasu week the best yet. Peter may have to light the fires, shovel snow, Split kindlingâ€"â€" and probably turn the wringer cc- casionallywbut then it’s all in the game. Here’s a wish that he and his bride may get on nicely together This event was probably a case of A. GORDON D.D , pastor of the Division street .- Presbyterian church at the bride’s residence on Victoria street, when Miss Isabel McLarty, youngest daughter of the late Archibald Mo 3 Larty. formerly of Bentinck. was . united in marriage to Mr. C. Hew- , son Young of the chair factory up holstering department. The cere- ‘mony was performed in the drawing ; room which was beautified for thel 3 event with pink and white carna- tions. palms and ferns, and was wit- nessed by a small party of immediate relatives. The bride. who was uno ; attended. wore a very becoming . gown of cream voile with seed pearls : and French embroidery and carried carnations and maiden hair fern. A wedding dejener followed, the table decorations consisted of pink and white carnations an smilax. A impracticable for Mr and Mrs. Young to take the customary ch' ding tour, and they have already taken possession of their new home on Sutherland street. Mrs Young . will announce her receivzng days at . the most convenient time. The popularity of the voung bride. who ‘ 'is well and favorably known in the I local field of journalism, and of the .groom who enjOys the confidence and esteem of a wide circle of friends, I was indicated by the many presents , which graced the event, including 1 valuable pieces of silverware, china l and furnishings. The bride’s travel- a ling suit was of dark blue Venetian ‘ with white silk waist and dark blue t hat to match.-â€"â€"Owen Sound Times. She was a pale and slender girl; He an athlete of renown. ‘ But with her arts in the wrestle of hearts She easily threw him down. The very best Watches manufactured ere shown in our assortment. This does not signify high prices. To Wetch puro cheeers we personally guernntee satisfaction in the fullest sense of the term. Call in. Sore_ Throat and Coughs A pretty evening wedding was celebrued on Wednesduy It seven o’clock by Ray. John Somerville. MATHEWSONâ€"DA VIDSON vuu cuu IIL'UK ILC 10c. Ali 13mm». 406 Happy Matches. M‘Obro-«m YOUNGâ€"X’LARTY. Hanover Post. Words are wise men’s counters- they do but reckon by them. But they are the money or roomâ€"Hobbes. A lower. “Colonel never resigned, did he?” “No; he just mexged into the office, an’ to this day they can’t tell the dir- teren_ce ’twixt him an’ the weather are always recruited from the early rising class.”-â€"London Chronicle. Early Rising. “To be forced to get up early,” says a physician, “grinds the soul. curdles the blood, swells the spleen, destroys all good intentions and disturbs all day the mental activities. Criminals Jones-What have you got that string around your finger for? Brownâ€"My wife put it on so that I would remem. her something. I forgot what it was. I’m keeping it on now to remind me to ask her what it yas when I get home this evening. Proper Betinninc. Ascumâ€"I hear your son is going in for a literary career? Mrs. Dreamer- Yes. He started in this very morning. Ascumâ€"Indeed! What has he done? Mrs. Dreamer-Jle‘s sat for his photo~ graph in two poses, one where he’s reading a book and another with his brow resting on his band. The Stomueh’n Lining. How are children so often able With- out injury to swallow such sharp things as pins, needles, tacks and bits of glass? The secret as disclosed by a scientist of Vienna lies in the fact that, when a pointed or sharp edged body comes into contact with the lin- ing of the stomach or intestine, the part touched contracts and puckers so as to thicken itself in that place. At the same time it Withdraws itself in such a manner as to form a little pocket and gradually twists the ob‘ ject around so as to turn the edge at point away, pushing the thing along. A Blown Out Candle. The only reason, it seems, that we don’t die when We are in a room where a candle is blown out is that we don’t get enough of the deadly composition that is eliminated from the burning Wick, of which carbureted hydrogen, carbonic oxide and acroleine are some of the component parts. A medical journal tells of a company of jokers who tried a pleasantry on a boy sleep- ing in one corner of their room. They held to the boy’s nose the smoke of a blown out candle. In a little while the boy fell into short breathing, trem- bling and cramps and died in three days. I The English Flag. For over 500 years the red cross on a white field has been the emblem of England, and when in fullness of time the emblems of the neighboring king- 'doms of Scotland and Ireland were joined with it the union flag came into being. But for nearly 200 years the union flag bore upon- it two crosses only, the red cross of England and the white cross saltire of Scotland, “ac- cording to a forme made by our her- alds,” as King James said in his procla- mation. The white saltire of Scotland was simply surmounted by the red cross of England, but this latter hadi to be “fimbrlated” borderedâ€"that is, with a narrow white edge, owing to the strict heraldic law that color can- not be placed upon color nor metal upon metal. Salt Lake’s Water. “When once you understand the art of bathing in the great Salt lake of Utah it is the finest diversion on earth, but it is not apt to result pleasantly to the man who does not heed the advice of the experienced,” said a citizen of Salt Lake City. “At any other bathing resort in the world the swimmer can play in the waves, dive and disport himself as he pleases; but not so in ‘this wonderful sheet of water in the west and all on account of its extraor- dinary saline qualities. So heavily is it charged with brine that unless the bather protects his eyes, nose and ears from liquid contact he will receive such stinging punishment as will make him bitterly regret having entered the water. To get even a little of it in the mouth is cause for grief. But when he ‘ knows enough to protect himself in sensitive places he will admit that no- where in the world is the bathing so fine or so stimulating in its en'ects.” brittle! “Engaged!” be gasped. backing to- ward the mantel and blindly grabbing at a bunch of cuttails for support. “Engaged, did you say? And, great heavens, she let me buy her peanut “Now, look heré, Mr. Blank,” said the kindly woman, “let me advise you not to worry too much about Miss Jones. She’s engaged. Didn’t you see that ring?” “Do you know ” be asked, “where Miss Jones has gone?” too, she neglected to lea‘vre her address: He applied to the boarding house mis- tress in grave distress of soul. cream sodas in succession. But this could never be verified. Circumstances over which she had no control caused her to leave the boarding house with- out bidding him goodby. Carelessly, able and ardent. They lived at the same boarding house for a time. With her he was sentimental, tender, ear~ nest, also inclined to be rash and ex- travagant with his small earnings in bringing gifts of candy and the like. It is whispered that in a moment of recklessness he bought her two ice Bho win tall, with wavy brown hair tad rich, deep brown eyes, just like all brunettes 1n novels. He was unden- Ilzed ant} lmpecunlons, but impression- 'n Forgetful. _ V. _.-â€"_vâ€" ¢scl nt’-“e I'm Just ae'ead as I can be. and I don't want to play. My dolly's gone and cracked her head. and she is sick today. I don't know how it happenedâ€"guess she tumbled out or bed; I wish the doctor ’d hurry or the poor thing will be dead. I covered her all up last night. and she was sleeping sound When I crawled in my trundle bed, but when I woke I found ;Her lying there and upside down upon the bedroom floor. I don't believe she'll ever be the doll she was before, For once I heard my papa say he knew it was a fact doctor has to say. But, just the lune. 1’11: and today, and I don't.went to play. For the children the cocoanut shell has its uses. Delightful boats can be contrived from it, the shell being cut oblong and the inside fitted with a lit- tle wooden block, through which passes the mast, fitted with canvas sails. Lit- tle seats are fitted in the boat. A tiny doll’s carriage can also be made from a halt shell, with a crosspiece, which is fastened to the bottom of the shell, connecting the wheels. “““u. ed 3133:, and the number"; cubic inches calculated, which will give the amount of the tall in proportion to the area of the top or the funnel. Any boy can measure the rainfall for himself. Having provided the funnel and the bottleâ€"the metal cylinder out- side is not essentialâ€"Jet him fit them as described, and then put them in a level, open place, away from trees and buildings, with the mouth of the fun- nel about a foot above the ground. The bottle should be fastened in po- sition to avoid being overturned by the wind and should rest perfectly level. When the measure is to be taken the water should be poured into a graduat- Measuring the Rain. The simplest form of gauge consists of a funnel with a definite urea. say twelve inches, the neck of which fits in a bottle. The rain that falls into the funnel runs down into the bottle. of course, and the quantity is measured by means of a graduated glass. -‘vu rout arises; it strikes the tin wheel. sending the wheel round at a grout n.1te which in turn sets Jatk in motion. a wire through the nail hole and then twisting the ends together behind Jack’s hack. Put on his arm in the same manner, and in the same way fasten his feet to the horizontal wire. Next connect Jack’s outstretched arm by a wire loop with the point of the angle of the vetzicul wire. Turn on the gas; the CONVOt'tinn unr. Now lay Jack's tin body on a block of wood and join his tin legs to it so that the edges overlap. Drive a nail through both pieces of tin at this point and join the pieces together by passing Run a second, lower horizontal wire i at D, E, terminating it in a loop just too small for the vertical wire to slip through. This loop is to act as a socket for it to turn in. Now fix the tin wheel to the top or the vertical wire, as shown, after having inserted the wire into the position in the socket and loop. Now we are ready for Jack. Draw his head and body in one piece on a sheet or hard paper. Now on another sheet draw his legs and hips in the position shown in the pic- ture. On a third sheet draw one arm, for Jack needs only one. Place your drawings on a thin sheet of tin and cut around the edges or the paper till you have the outline of the drawings reproduced in tin. First cut out a circle of tin. Then out almost to the center on the dotted lines, as shown in Fig. 1. Bend each out sec- tion to an angle of forty-five degrees. Now secure a length or strong. tough wire that won’t bend with heat and form with it the angle shown at A- (Fig. 2). Twist a small, round loop eye at the end of the upper horizontal piece, . which is marked B, C, and fasten that wire to the gas pipe or to a wall it the gas pipe is not convenient. Dolly Cracked Her Head. bly. Here is one way of utilizing the power of this heated air by applying it to a toy which you can make yourself. You may see the hot air simmering up from the grating! which makes the objects just beyond it lose the exact outlines of their shapes and look wab- One Way of Utilizing the Power at I Convection Current. Have you ever heard of a convection current? It is the current of heated air that is bound to rise from any heated place or object. To prove the existence of a convection current take a gal flame, for instance, or a hot air grating in a sidewalk on a cold day. Cocounut Shell 'royg, Fig. 1 TH E JACK-AT-WORK. THE JACK-AT-WORK. the convection cm" YQUNG Fig}. 2 . ,__._. --, VA‘ Lab 1) townlme between Norm . . anb and Bentinck, containing (:23 notch?!) eluted. the balance bexng hardwood bush. Also homestend 1n ormanby. ennui ning 62 acres-all cleared. Both lace. l we?“ fenced. well watered and lap are good state “of cultivation. The homestend conning good comfortable house. good bank bun and subles. Everthin 3 complete. For further wticnlua apply to moms DERBY. Prom. Hampdan no. ‘ or to A. H. JACKSON. Du: , October 8th. lch-lmpd. Sept. 28. lm pd. _l_ 4 years old, broke m to work and well matched, will sell or exchange for young cattle. Also aspen of heavy mares an posed to be in foal end one t colt. broke in. weighing 1120. These will be found. if enquired for on the procaine: of the owner. ‘ ADAM HOLLEY. Holland Centre. . October 11th. momâ€"{ti Prices right. BOARS. ready rted Stock. regi Apply to for service, stored. Oct. 18th. OTS 30, CON. 10, BEIWI‘IIN’CKâ€"~ L 100 acresâ€"â€"about 75 cleared, in good state of cultivatiml, good house and out-buildings, two good wells, fair orchard. For further particulars apply to E_ING__LOT_S 41 AND 42 Sept. 6.-â€"6mc. Our Company pays market value ° Hay and Live Stock. Flour are payable in either dwellings or outbuildings. No other company has the the abOVe in their contract“ A Sydenhem Policy is the best. Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. JNO. A. DARLING The People's Druggist. For Need a Hair Brush or a Tooth Brush? ALEX Farm for Sale. See our Window this Week. Darling’s further information address Our fine stock of Brushes You’ll say so, too, when you see the Brushes and the prices. Brushes all shapes and sizesâ€"all good clean through. bristles. Prices cheap, not the brushes. X. COU'I‘TS, Proprietor, at Lot 31, Con. ll, Q DRUG STORE. .019 THE v ith Lake. cement floors, good Chet». For {m TWO “fir. . “998:2. stone we}! ' .l. of Saddler street in ham. in the county of ( ucreu more or less. For 1 lars applv to or pnvnte residences. Now For further Lot 2. Con. 3, N. D. R. April 4, 1904.-tf. D roomed cottage. a good {rhino burn and stable. 0. mull bearing orphsrd. to than. v- -“v‘â€"' [1 art consisting of 6va -five ncros one~hnlf mile out of Cor ntion of the Town of Durhnm. descn' as South port roamed ”“820. I stood fume bun nnd ethic. Lam" boning orchnrd .n .5“..- Humanâ€".3- vvvâ€"w --, ’O u miles 'north of PriceGiue. Fumjn first cuss condition. Good buildings mtB running stream convenient to the bun. For further particulnrs upplv to DUGALD D. ucLACHLAN. Jun. 23â€"“? Prioovillo P. O. July 10th. .1901. A Street. the propert of ”Fmâ€"lilo. Browne. The house conteine 12 rooms covenieutly situated. end quite new. W31) nuke an excellent boarding house. For puticulnrs applv to 10 ACRES MORE OR LESS BE- ing lots 15 and 16. con. 3, N. D. R., a mile and a half from Bunessan. Church and school convenient. Well watered. well fenced. good bearing orchard. good eomtort. able bowed log house with frame kitchen. Cedar log barn with frame leans at front and back. stone basement 42:60. About 15 acres of mixed timber 60acres fit t1 run ma- chinery on. balance in pasture. Price rea- sonable. terms to suit purchaser on small cash a meat. Noted as one of the best fall W est farms in the township. For fur- ther particulars applv to Sept. 26-11!) pd. in??i€d’"l3§l§aޣd "Sci envelepo. Sh . celery end experience. Tucker's tech deuce in connection with school. JAS. ALLAN. SECRETARY, Vernev P. O. J? Md. or female holding second or third class certificate. duties to commence at of Janparyl 1% one having bud experience 3:07â€"07“. "lép'liéafiahiâ€"Yoni f0 ibis nude}: signpdpgq htgr tbnn__the Nth pt Octqbqr Town Lots for Sale. OT 51, 52. 53:9idoroud _50, l} I m. .IA- 'uAâ€"LL House 6’: Lot for Sale. IgQUsEJAND LOT O_N QUEEN For Sale or Rent. Teacher Wanted. a. s. No: _2. seamen, Farm for Sale. JOHN P. FALLAISE. Bunossan P. O. J. L. BROWNE, tfl Phototmphor. L 3.. Glenelg DURHAI P. 0. LYOUN G '0 Durham. “mi” 3;. orchgrd Tht lik Br IN size. Bod cmnfnru white filling Size M172. . . . “'hite gnd are: Pure wool hhn The Shetlock D. CAMP! IMPLEMEN HS HI Frost For which ‘ the “ highe: CASH or '1‘ DURHAM. (IA L lie Sc Tt Custom Cu in; “bond notice. Blun tots. Funnels, Dry Goods of all Farm, the I) DU AG Tl”

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