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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Nov 1904, p. 5

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Fm Things-. are Tu: Human: up )St hoeman porien batter .‘actory to whu we OD m: we have, and know thnt u can depend upon it to be :ht u :11 times. DEALER IN palrmg are and glitter of d don’t think you i; a bargain .1100 Our money for the rtised cheap goods. h l‘oat them will um . V1119: 58‘ - prices u'gains sYSTEM. $1.00 ;.-\ RA Mainâ€" 0 and Rents Out Oil: ' i ‘00 for what you pay. You get what you pay for when you deal at THE HARDWARE STORE, and you have the greatest variety that can be found anywhere to pick from. Fancy Lamps. Stoves and Ranges. Knife Cleaners. Lanterns. Just received from Pennsyl- vania another shipment of these Fancy Lamps that are picked up so rapidly by the Toronto travellers, because they cannot buy anything of equal appearance as cheap in their own home. Our Heating Stoves and Ranges are going of! rapidly. \Ve also carry Coal Oil Heat- ers which are greatly used when the weather is changing. Every family should have one of our Knife Cleaners. They are superior to anything ever ofiered before. McIntyre Block. We look to the wants of and this week other supply of Buggy Lan- terns (direct from New York.) Our assortment of Lanterns is worth examining. ROBT. LINDSAY.â€"-Lota 58. and Lot. No. 60, N. D. R. THE GREAT DEMA) \Vimer Millinery at it 9 height. (3312330)? .-â€"' 3th introduces our opening diaplay of Winter Mil- when we will have several 3 direct from New York and This Millinery Opening is age. We extend a hearty «e to all to attend this style ’ forget the date. Durham. Ont. CAIADIAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. October 26. 1904. Deer Mr. Editorzâ€"The Executive Committee of the Canadian Society of New York respectiiully requests that you insert in your paper the following notice. which will he of interest to Canadians beth at home and in New York. At a recent meeting of the Exe- cutive Committee of the Canadian Society of New York. a programme of entertainments for the members and their guests was arranged for the months of November and Decem- her. The evening of November 19 will “ be designated as “Ladies Night”, t1 When a epecial dinner and entertain- 1'4 ment will be provided for the mem- I! here and their guests. including V the evening of December 6th. Re- presentative men of Canada and the i United States will be the guests oi . . . pm. 1 and engaged in of New York vicinity. ‘ are to foster cordial social relations among Canadians an every possiable way casions of genuine Canadians whether members of the! The Canadian Society is of three hundred and forty all Canadians by birth, no and engaged in business it Secretu'y’s Ofl'ioo 170 Brosdway. of New York vicinity. are to foster cordial soc among Canadians and t every possiable way th Your kindness above notice will preciated by the m ciety. At this season tirdness self even_ span the h D _‘2_ the healthy and strong. If your veins. nerve enercv. that rebuilder and tonic, Ferrozone. which contains the strengthening Ferro- l . . . *buoyant spmtsâ€"ln short Ferrozone assures health and costs 500. at all . druggists, Get Ferrozone to-day. ULVO Vuv.-, hat rebuilde vhicb contains the 8 gives you appetite, )uoyant spiritsâ€"in short Ferrozone K . ISSUTBS health and costs 500. at 9.11\ lruggists, Get Ferrozone to-day. ' K ____________â€"-____â€"â€"_-_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-'â€"‘â€"_â€"â€"â€"‘. , \ UP-TOWN DRY GOODS STORE Ladies’ Coats, all sizes. heavy hptgespun and Ladies’ pink and blue heavy flannel- lette nightgowns at the very low price of 600, (550 und 750 each Men Yours very truly, 500 yards Dress Goods, Homespun, black and blue. heavyweight. 60 in. wide, regular price $1.00, for 5:") cents and 45 cents per yd. for Did You Get Up Tired? Men’ 3 Cravenette Raincoats weight, regular. $10.00 fc en’s heavy moleskin punts, $1.00 for 75c. GENERAL Boats, all sizes, latest style, homespun and beaver cloth, full length. regular price 5 to $10, now from $2 to $5 members J. A. BUCKNELL. Secretary. in printing the be sincerel_y 39' fastens it: Thousands sre kept in perrect ‘ neslth end free from kidney comp- terms of Ferrozone is Mr, Chas. F. Olive, of the Gazette, 3. John, N. B. had kidney “For several yesrsI have trouble.” says Mr. Olive. until quite recentlyI sufiered torture. A few months ago my condition assumed a very serious form. I consulted sev- eral city doctors, used :lifierent pills, ° lightest benefit I suffered from an intense pain in the ° ’ sing seriousness e to try Ferrozone. It gave me quick relief, and a half-a-dozen boxes cured. Fer- rozone I can recommend as a specific for disordered kidneys.”â€"â€"Chss F. ' Olive. â€" 1-:Jnn“ ts heavy- for $5.00 Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Skin Eruptions. Diabetes. Lassitnde and Nervousness, which are caused by ' ° It neutralizes and destroys all poisons in the system. cleanses the blood, and invigorates enfeebled energies. It is mild, entle I and certain. Costs 50 cts. or six {or $2 50. At druggists every- where. or by mail from the Ferro- zone company, Kingston, Ont. return to the government inspector - there - , Dunn the year Of pr180ns. 1---; ‘8’”: RIO-J1 nriaonerfi county gaor was w...,,---_ _ 9 nor John Miller. and is ready for 0*- v.1. «v â€" -m . . return to the government inspector who 1n the meantime {Nd grown 10‘ ~ the good graces of the Inhahttants of . During the year there , were one hundred and fifty prisoners 0W6? SON": and h‘d served “9 chief hom seven were fe- magnetrate 0" nearly W30 years, re- cetved Thursday morning a letter males. The number committed dur- forwarded from Point Aux Barilâ€"- , -- m... nnn hundred and um “malptter that the Owen Sound “Jimmy-w” h - ° a letter t l forwarded from Point Aux Barilâ€" the same letter that the Owen Sound lady had written nearly three years ag0' An explanation can only be t it is probable that Sir time,twenty for the secon Wm. Mulock was holding back in five for the third time, and thirty- seven for more than three times. One was committed as a witness on a ' criminal case, seven for insanity, two for debt, twenty two were acquitted ‘ on trial and released. and five were Mr. John Moriarty, lineman Withl‘ discharged. by order.of the 00h” the electric light department, got as without trial. one died before ”I“: severe shock from a live electric wire 3 and one was released on suspended on Tuesday afternoon. -‘ sentence. Seventeen were taken to ceived the fun \the Central prison, six to Kingston. one to the Mercer Reformatory, 1‘ died while undergoing sentence. l Twenty-three were sentenced for pe- l i riods under thirty days, sixteen unâ€" der two months, thirteen for two new Office and was placing a trans- for three months 0" former on a poll opposite. The elec ‘2. 4 ° ' but they had been as- t lve for six months, sured by the electric light stafi at 3. 9 for two years. Inglis Falie that there was no danger", 801' over. Fifty in working with the wires. About, had their cost 5 o’clock ae Mr. Moriarty wasleaning ‘ f the pole defrayed by the 80" against a wire at the top 0 l . . , . ernment and eighty-91x by "he mum- the current was turned on. Had it The total days served by not been for the insulation on the. the government prisoners _was .1649. wires. which broke the current to: l prisoners 59W; in all some eXtent, he would have been in. l 7157. A8 to nationality 78 were Ca- stantly killed. He could not dr0p§ ‘ ‘ nadians. 31 English, 10 lrish, 9 the wires and before he could release . \Scotch. 7 United btates, .one from his graSp on the wrre l in the Wm. Kennedy Sons Co \cipalities. by municipa . . his limbs were . 1h religious belle! severely burned and his hands and'i “0W3: ' RO‘ back painfully injured. ' ' .land, 42; Prestiyterians, , l. ‘3. 25; other denominations. 21- ofi. Aladder was brought so that: ‘1' one hund- the injured man could be removed‘; ' but it was too short; e turned in Withu With about 115° for the Central Hotel, where he is re-i There are thirty.two cells in covering rapidly from the efiects of ,the 8301’ The greatest _hh‘:‘he’ 00““ the accident. There was a rumor: - + a small- a." an action for damages would he I 8:3; {05mm Got the Unfailing 8m 0m have found Nerviline good for are]: compmy! “look “mm bugmeui; headache tend Sromach troubles end ' established. Sohrv recommend it. {or strength and sure- 8.1“, ’ “uncut Exporlencopot eccenthl. En- neee.” Excellent. for inwnrd useâ€" filmy u do good to rub on. Price 25c. amo.§loowk. Clamp?" 9°- Gonenl Jinn-mar. Two Minute Cramp Cm in perfect remove grouse stuns from summer clothes. This is quite true. It will also remove the summer clothes, not only from the one who drinks it, but‘ slso from his wife end family. It will likewise remove the household furniturel from the house, the est- ‘ sbles from the psntry. the smile from the face of the wife, and the hoppi- ness from the home. As a remover of things slcohol has few equal. 13 it removing anything from you?â€"â€"Ex change. St. Cstherines. Oct. 29.â€"A severe explosion occurred at the Conserve- tive committee rooms. St, Paul street yesterday afternoon. The Gas Com UUDUIUIIJ "I 'vvâ€"v -__ pany were laying a new main to the building and in some way this be- came disconnected and the cellar; filled with gas One oilthe workmen‘ followed. tearing the plaster from the walls and ceilings. smashingl windows and shaking the building‘ from cellar to roof. Although there was a number in the building at the i time. fortunately no one was injured. ~. l l with delicious honey. He enjoyed it ‘5 so much that he told his wife all '1 ' about it On his next trip to the city k; ' d him to the hotel “ 1 served honey did not appear. 'I‘hevl newspaper man therefore. beckoned? to a waiter and said: " Say. Sambo where is my honey ?” He was al- most paralyzed when the worthy grinned and replied. ”She doan’ work here no more boss. She done got a job at de silk mill ” The wife received a handsome new dress be- fore they returned home. forwarded from Point . the same letter that the ladv had written nearlv ago ' An explanation On Novemier 6th. 1901, Mrs. W. A. Grier. while in Guelph posted a letter to her husband. who was at party t who in the meantime had grown in the good graces of the inhabitants of Owen Sound and had served as chief ~â€"A _A--fl “a Exchange Echoes. SUVULD DIIVV“ -â€" v on Tuesday aftef'fioon. Had ceived the full force of the of 2.000 volts which was 011.1 _--.I_ treSpass on we mum"... WW..- Glenelgzâ€" lications'marked “A . p ‘ .3, will be openegi 09” k I MEN’S FUR COATS. LADIES’ CLOTH COATS. Pretty Millinery Our stock contrms the newest snd hsndsomest styles in S'l‘ULES sud BUFFSâ€"sll kinds of fur. Prices $2.00 to 822.50. REUEUBER THE PLACE We an supply you with â€"Coon. Ascnchun. Gglla gsroo. 91' any other for. Remember Some ere in the eesyofittiug box heve the fitted bucks. All ere garments. Prices $5.00 end up. Short an Ulster lengthsâ€"plain colors electsâ€"greys. greens. blue. and red Prices uccording so sizeâ€"$2.25 tad up. Our Millinery Department is kept busy. both with ordered work and new models for the show room. Every day new models are on our tables. Styles new, and prices so low you’d wonder how we can make up the goods. That we can give you every : faction in Fur Coats. Our 9 LIIWV v-v ., (.1 faction in Fur Cozits. Our stock ysuv;rve younelf boa with any kind of u FUR COAT thlowcy. Greenltnd Seal. Knu- ' for. u pricos from $20.00 up. 'a rennet! but by buying only. inc box Hick styles. othexl All no styliuh. tgiloromdo fl”? every sans.

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