West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Nov 1904, p. 8

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What do 1P1 Dress P3 Dress P1 Dress E Dres‘l E 8 Hate. am 0‘ few Convincing Reasons why Trade with Us. 3\ UVCI‘u :us and Raincoats. Underwear. Ullu‘l ‘V V“. w One of the most complete stocks of men’s underwear ever all qualities, containing some of the All sizes and d all prices. to suit everybody. put on sale. 99 ever made. an finest W'V“ “15 Boots and Shoes- The famous Geo. A. : best lines. but we hue my 1169. Black, 85c per ml. Black U U at Men and Boys. If you will fit. you like a suit made‘ are made in the best factorie Tbs-33 are all new. and are not . 3.3 1193' have inst arrived this yles for both men and women. Black. 31 lack “H :ll)0\'( S I} .I-O .'=made Clothing. You think of the Following for Grocery Bargains ? XOW is the time IO SB" )'0111' FUWL as the eession of 1903. The facts demons:- rated were: prices are always highest at first of season. We are prepared this season to pay the: Thattbe enumerators were engagn h. ‘ ,, ,- -, l ' 1 (‘ASH 01‘ TR \DE 8V8 , '. ed at $3. per day of eight hours. and; ‘g 103% pl "1" ll J ‘ . . .t . I“, 1 lthe same rate for overtime. 3 pend "1 Dill mm 0! \lClnl }" . e 118‘ $31: That two days after they were at; hilVP pel’mltfl'd. and “eve! “111 permltaiwork they were recalled to a central anvone m nmlei'sell ns 01‘ successfully toi point by the commissionersm receive . l . . dispute our snpromm'v. in any branch of:freSh ”WWW“- Ulll‘ hllSlnP>S This was the evidence given by the FUWL must be delivered\ , . ' . “I‘Sf p‘ll‘t ”f “'90 cansus commissioner for West Mid- ' . k ‘dlld nOt later than i dlesex, and there can be no doubt but THURSDH at each week and must be‘ l l I 5 I that. all the commissioners had to do ilrv nicked and empty crops: .‘he 53m“- , am on” the enumerators to a cen- .‘1 Caps. «ting: of the 551200 stock of W. E. Theo- whieh we purchased at 5:30 on the -. This is one of the most complete stocks n's furnishings. etc., that has ever been :\i111.)1ll‘hilm. Below we give a few of dry picked 85¢ per yard. Saturday. . W: per yard, Saturday... 81 UH per yard. Saturday. 31 ‘27» per yard. Saturday. x't iculars: â€"â€" and Misses’ ready- .g-g mafia from the A up any other t‘ We f'ul‘ TRADE 01‘ ‘ fur SATVRDAY only. certainly the neatest coats best make. and you could not Nee lave SOIDB O -------- 0. Id Boys. If you want a good ready-made suit. ikea suit made-to-order. try one of ours. as the beat factories in Canada. Sugar :4. Handkerchiefs; Ne newest andzbest quality We have them in FSEV L“L'\_,u UV.-- __ § some of the newest patterns. and we are them you will be pleased with them. )rher kind you want. in any line. and also newest patterns of Scotch and Canadian es’ ready-made outing coats. in all the la from the newest and best materials. IS. Umbrellas an}! hundreds of other arti A. Sleter Shoe and the Imperial are the guy variety from the cheapest to the best. Also some of Caps. l stylish line of hats and caps ever Fedora or a fur cap, here’s where Mm game of New York’s latest wanted. 1 Suit it will pay you to look at est coats you could want. could not do better than take in all sizes and all prices, included in Mni'l‘beobald’s week, and contain the new- Butter and Eggs You should _ ,60c per yard , 7 3c per yard , “no per yard :31 00 per yard other articles a £19 ..‘21(: 1.00? ”30d Why The Census Cost 80 Inch. test ' has given many reasons for the enoro i tmous coat of the '« that of 1891. The cost of the former ‘; ‘(1901) up to the present being over: 151300.000 and not yet finished.‘ owilst that of 1891 was under $600,-; To the Editor. U JJIJDUJ ‘8..." To call the enumerators to a cen- 3 was well attenueu. .Lll tral point after they had been some 3 from Mt. Forest and company gave 7 days at work. re-instruct them. and - a good program. The usual crowd 3. have them 20 over the ground they i from town. that make themselves“ had already (over-ed, must have taken conspicuous by their noise, were pro- I 'l on the average about ten days. sent. but were given their choice of ‘( There ts ere sew enumerators engagv ‘ behaving or get out. and as they } ee at 335 PH‘ day. The extra COST» 0“" I chose the latter there was lirst'c‘lasn 4 ing to the blunder would he $264,l.l00.2 (.rder throngghout the programme. ' C The evidence taken proves thatl Wm. McCalmon, blacksmith. 11118" after the work was nearly complet ; an order‘in-council was passed on the x: I‘QSth April changing the pay of enu-i . .- . E (“enamors from $3 per day, to piece‘ boy. With Dlptbfél‘la. MT. McCalmon ‘, i “-ork. This mode of pay [neat would ‘ and his apprentice have to board out‘ so as to be able to attend the shop ‘ l l l l l l‘deprlve the enumerators of any com‘l‘ . :pensation for the delay in being rec i DF- Gunu and 31'” Carmont, the {called. and having to go over the 1 work again. Many of the enutnera-‘I M' {tors wrote to the papers at the time i left for Hamilton on Monday. after ‘ recording their ObjGCLion to the ' spending the summer mont tChfimgfio 1| home here. l 11 To testify the enumerators they, M". and Mrs. SChilling. 19” f0!" heir home in Mnnrsrng. Mich. after!L L were premitted to charge {or extras .t t to the extent of Several hundred E a (“'0 IDODtbS’ VlSlt With MFS. 8011111 4 ' thousand dollars, as may be seen i ing’s mother. Mrs. Jas. Hoy. ‘ 5 from a reference to the Auditor 1 )1qu Grace Gilmore and Albert General’s report for 1002-03 Hipsley were the guests of C. Gracltl’s ‘ \ --: family last week. to the extent of several hundred! thousand dollars, as may be seen from a reference to the Auditor General’e report for 1902-03 The above was the main cause of the coetlinees of this census compared to the last. Other mistakes were made that were not so coetly in money but their ultimate effect will be hurtful to the good name of Cana- da. I need only call attention to a few of these mistakes. According to the original figuresl' entered in the schedules by the en-- umerators, a large area of land in; Canada yielded two crops during the 2 census year. This gave rise to a: seeming anomaly between the area in field craps in schedule 4; and the area of crops reaped. of which are given in schedule :3“ These two areas very seldom agree, for farmers frequently sow but do not reap, whilst a vast number get; l two crops from some portion of their ; 1 :land during the same year. l‘rom i the evidence taken before the public ; Eaccounts committee Mr. Blue in- ' structed the staff to make these two 1 l , . iareas agree. l‘o do this hundreds lof thousands of figures had to be ed at a very great ecst. and the ’ inference to be drawn from the figures ,in the resulting census bulletins is: '. that not a single acre of land in Ca- lnada from the Atlantic to the Pacific l yielded two crops during the census lyear. - In the census of 1891 fallow land was included in the item field crops, ‘ and involved no change in the fig. This time the fallow land was add-'2 ed to the area in pasture and involved ' a vast change in the enumerator’s figures. increasing enormously the apparent area in pasture. Other ;items in the Agricultural schedules i were changed for one reason or other, 2with the most extraordinary re- sults. For instance the area of land {occupied in B. C.. N. 3., N. S and P. if). I. was less by 2,885,662 acres in 11901 than in 1891. This result was iobtained by cutting out large areas :returned by the enumerators as land 7 occu pied. The area in field crepe in 1901 was less by 2.441.314 acres than in 1891. This difference arises mainly from the in fallow Was in- fact that the area cluded in field crops in 1891. as the farm- ers of Ontario, Quebec N. B. l\. S. and P. E l. have cleared their farms of 4,967,431 acres of bush or forest. â€"Ano|nn n! ‘ The census 0! Agrlcu eath year by the Ontario ( 3 gives the pasture land of i 1901 as 22,964,600 acres. 0 i Return Bulletin XV II 1 their farms is returned as 2,031,116 acres less in 1901 than it was in 1891. This result was obtalne out large areas 0 occupied. and adding a portion of the land returned as forest, to pascure. The greatest discrepancy occurs in the area of pasture land. fallow land was added to pasture, and a large area of forest. To obtain these results the original figures en. tered by the enumerators in the Sche- dules have been changed in thousands of cases and at vast expense. Rather than be a party to these changes I resigned my position on the census stafi in the spring of 190:2. explaining to the Minister of Aeri- iculture niy reasons for so doing. Ottawa. 19/10/04. s of Agriculture taken the Ontario quernment H. WAsaxsarox., f Omrrio in The census has it 5,248, CBBSOLE‘. for the disc dun!!! stron faces of w pr] tive immo the t? Vapo- by dm by dragging or sent pru- paid on rcsrvipt of prim. A \‘nm-(‘rcsolrne out- Crcsolcue $1.50. Send for {rec illustrated booklt’t. 1.5311136 Mum 00.. Ltd. Cresoleno is a boon Established I879. thaping Bough, Group, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Agents. 288 St. James St... Montreal. Canada. 306 u“ Miss Bogle. of Orchard. visited at Mrs. John Bogle’s a few days 12181, week. Mr. Fred Lunnev after Spending the s Jaw. N. W. '1‘. 1“. country is no good n \l Mr. Fred Lunnev returned home! after Spending the summer in Moose Jaw. N. W. '1‘. Fred thinks this country is no good now. Miss Eliza McCormick, of Bunessan visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis and daugh- ter, of Saugéen Valley. called on friends in our burgh. Mr. James Morris is looking hale and hearty after his auujourn in the Mr. and Mrs. David Davis spent \ lasc Sunday with the former’s parents" Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. 3 We omitted last week that Messrs Andrew Lindsay lost a fine DOYSeK l A social was held in Ritchie’s: School house on Friday evening. .1 ‘28, a very good procrani being pre- pared on account of the the Sunday School for the year. the bible class held the superinten- dent. Mr. Wm. Young. in high es- teem they presented him with a beau- l ‘tiful Bible and Hymn hook. .‘dr 1 Wm. Weir read the address. and} ’Miss Jennie Meenagh made the pres-i ' behalf of the Bible class. 'entation on The principle speakers of the evening 1 av. Mr. Farquhar- were as follows. R ison. Mr. Newton, Mr. Bolling, Wm. l l Young, supt. . Principal Allan, Alex. 1 ‘Firch and John Graham. who made: i an excellent chairman. } Mrs. \Vm. Hewitt and child, of “Omaha, Neb. accompanied by Mrs ,‘ M. Hurley. are at present. the guestsi ', of Mr and Mrs. John Hewitt. “ Mr. Sam Ritchie and wife visited i at Thos. Meenagh’s Sunday. ‘1 to mention; and EdwardlS This is the season of the year when t and careful housewife ' her supply of Chamber. lain’s Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter is over. and the results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. In al- 7 - ~---.- -AIA cy. or mufflers "0! relief from Coughs Become UCLLLbu a... v..- -.1 _ most every instance a severe cold may he warded 05 by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first in- dication of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance. 1!. is pleasant to takeâ€"both adults and children like it. Buy it and you will get the best. I'. always cures. Eor sale by H. Parker,-â€"1. as 1nd Darkies’ Corner. is sold -.sl tuba Varney. A Timely Suggestion. is carried o'er the diseased sur- gbet with ewry breath. giving reatzm-nL Those of a consump- :rs from chronic bronchztis. and mum or manned conditions of QC."“ 9-". 0.9 O" V (V. \ 7a 3 0‘ (J' "“1 1 3 ‘ reports that though {rt _ 'and fruit growing is a ne arrxvad home ‘ through British Columbie uh W est, aC- ‘; gl'ou'erQ can teach their C 16H: Ior‘ ich.. after \ Tiamn‘a district, Mr. Robert Thomp- {rs. Schill- 1* , ison of Sr. Cathermes. Who has met y. ireturned from a trip through the .nd Aihr’r' . . . . . 'C. Gradd’s fruit sections of BritISh. Columbia ; that thousgh fruit growers . 'and fruit growing is a new industry “"fd home i through British Columbia, the B. C. W est, {10' : gi'owerq can teach their Ontario com- MVS- 1""m' g petitors many valuable lessons. were theiiwpecialiv in the packing of apples, erOFfS Her shining eyes--s1 Whvn the sentries u out the day ~ Flash a joyous note from the that rings Jubilees of confidence 1n things: Ah gwine home. Lawn. Ah homeâ€"â€" Cyarn’t toil all de time. A] home; When mah work am dc When the race am run. Gwine up yander in the whit: home! when T119811“ is 9m ; Irom nemuu vuv .....- 0n the sleeping earth the moon its silver spills. And a soul gone forth to the land of solemn night; We’s gwine home. Law home. When our work am done. we home; When we reach dat sho’. We won’ weep no 1110’, d, we’s gwine ’3 gwino Way Up yander home! i‘yyo )IUiE YOUR-HOME ULHIFURTABLE home-â€" oria fruit flair Vigor i Use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of What are you: friends saying $1.00 a bottle". Auluugguta. "Ayer'a Hut Vigor restored the nttunl color to my guy but. and X 3m greatly Housed. It is 511 you cuim for it." . . as E. J. VANDBCAB. Mechsntcsvmo, 3. Y. $1.00 a botfle‘. . . . 1! Lowell. Mus . u 4....-4-1-9- ‘ l Chairs 3 Bedroom Suites l ()hifl'oniers i Cribs and Cradles ‘ Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE STOCK. 0F RATTAN goons “gm Edward Kress, Durham, from behind the hills} earth the moon its§ ‘ - ‘ Q Sell What You Need of a work-(lily time. Ah gwine w};i_te folks' wflit‘e folks Ah gwine her nrms Ah gwine Ah gwine the heart future in the \Ve manufac This is Why inn 3’ \VR 510163, suso YOUR REP. Persian Lamb jaakets. Lad 1275’ C lot/z F ur-Iimd C Oats. \Vrite, or come and see us 1 anything in the FUR line. \V AL K ERTON . Implement Agency! To our Friends and Customers! {1TB F0 1R DOWSW’ELL Washing Machineâ€"â€" that. will wash clean. and a X’Vringer that. will wring dry and not tear. CHURNS, the best on record: BINDER TWINE in abundance. SHEAD STONES and MONUMENTS #96 mLLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the C. H. ROGERS PALMERSTON Buggies and Demo. CPRIS WILKINSON Flows and Land Roll ers have no equal. RUG-S xhat will keep you warm and CCLARY Sunshine Furntce and Stoves for wood or coal. at pru us 8‘] “’0 are HERE to STAY. We like our business and strive to increase it by all honorable means. We believe in giving one donor’s worth for every dollar. \Ve keep nothing but the best line of implements. kind that will keep a duck or ox on their own side of the fence MAN UFACTUBING FURRIER Scarfs, Collardtcs, Etc. JOHN CLARK dry um :lm Lind we bundle Folding Tables 2 Bedroom Tables 3 Centre Tables l J ardinieres '1 Library Tables 3 Hall Stands l Medicine Cabinets ‘. Secretaries p: Upholstered G oods of the heat workmanship. Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings All! WORK (.\lc!{innuu’~ 0M Stand) HUNDREDS OF . graded for the commoner and better goods. MY FOLDER OF STYLES. .IR WORK AND ALTERATIONS EARLY. ONTARIO. us about ' The Chi «menu oumua cnnomc pairing app! y herin Hand-m I“ and Ingsun at. ¢ mm Tm: su next Sun not all go Mu. .' spending Sanit/m'i [.0 be u “0 farm 03' M Dan M Q m‘ yum .‘h ‘ I‘ I T! Slim \\' A N 'r l- “’t‘l'! pm"! just With U \\ (HI Ill) of hi pal .\I.I {sum 'c DWI ()lt \\' I \Vi )ll tit VOL. 38 '9!“ ll It Ill UI'IPI L9 and 'ed th 2 (10m wh \\ .\I

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