West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Nov 1904, p. 7

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The undersigned havin been restored to health by simple means, after e erlng for eeveral years with a severe lung election, and that dread dix use Com-puns. 1e unions to make known to his fellow enflerere the means of cure. To thiee who deeire it. he will cheerfully eend, free 0: charge. a copy of the preeeription need, which they will find 3 enre cure for Conn-pt)... " ' .Cheunl.mundellthmtend 3 Media. Be mhelleuflererewilltry Medy. ultieln 1e. Thoeedeelrln. Mptlon, which will out then nothing he we a bleed: . will eddy... Mina. .x-vnn U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended 00. Orders mefi be left at his Implement Warerooms, Mc innon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. U eased Auctioneer for the County at Grey. Land Volnator, Bailifl' of the 2nd Dwxsion. Court Sole; and ell other matters Promptly attended to. Highest refereenca urnished if required. Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofice. UGH MACKAY. DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. ‘ .er. Conveyancer, etc. Private money‘ to loan. Old accounts and debts of 31 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought end sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofliceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham, ()nt. In" 'munoav uouuuo In“ mm lam. mu m mm, ONT. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. U veynncars. Etc. Money to, Loan. Ofiices:â€"lx: the McIntyre Block, over Standud Bank. U McIntyre‘s Block. Lower 'l‘mfin, DI); ham. Collectiun and Agency promptly “tended to. Searches madn at the Regis- trv Oflice. 1) Office over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. Nov. 9. '03. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- to Universit :7 Graduate of Royal College of Dents Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Office. FFICEâ€"FIRS'I‘ DOOR EAST 01" the Dnrhsm Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Rosidenctsâ€"Lunbton Street, near the Station. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- JOTABY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- AMES CARSON, DURHAM , LIC- l 6cc in the New Hunter Block. Oflice honrs.8,to 10 a. m.. 2» 4p. m. and? $09 p. m. Specinl nttention given to diseases d women and children. Residence op- posite Preahvterinn Church. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’a Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF fico In the New Hnntm- leo I: nm..- OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED Drs. lamieso Macdonal d. lARRIS'l‘ERSLSOLIQITORS, CON- Ill“ UV" 0 o I: completely stocked with DEPARTHENT .11 NEW TYPE, thus an. fading {unmet for taming out Pint-class mm For transient ndvertiwment: 8 com pl“ tine {or the first insertion; 3 cents pg» “m . . . line each subsequent insertion-minmn Messiah] cards! not exceeding one iuth, Wuomum. Advertisements without specific W will be published ttll 1'0er and charged ac- udmg'y Transient noticesâ€"“ Last," “ Found,‘ “Fog e," eta-59 cents for first insertion, 35 cents [a uch subsequent Insertion. All advertisement: ordered bystnngers must be paid h in advance. Contract rates for rly advertisements°f'trnished on Qpliattion to the 0 ce. 4? All advertise. ne 1“, to ensure insertion in current week, should be brought tn not Inter than Tuzsuav Agmsw‘gn, _ SQLICITOR. ETC.. AR§ISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC â€"â€"â€"cv‘¢ VII ‘IC‘ “7' 6‘. “~â€" â€" No paper discontifiuiéfunM all ma: - ' w u the option of the ptopticta. '. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. ,Ffimr; AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR m magggmmumu S. S. No Dr. T. G. Holt, L. Gerafren and George '81:" of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"941 a. .. 7-9 0.11:. Telephone No. 10. G. Lefroy McCaul. MacKay 8:. Dunn. EDITOR Arthur Gun, II. D. Miscellaneous. A. H. Jackson. Medical Dz'rectorv. Denial Dz'rectorv. Legal Directory. J. P. Telford. I In: Cuaomcu will be sent to any address, free of postage, for $1.00 pen Lynnpayahlc In MW?!..5O may -. -._. TL- J--_- Pnopnm'rou George _ Sheetsâ€"at w mnv “UNI. a of care. To fully send, free 121; used, which motion. nd .11 thrust and [flax-era will try Thou desiring t then nothing an address I. ”-__“ a W. F. DUNN. 0. 2'4 Quite an unnecessarv question, be- cause so many women have such poor complexions. \Ve want to tell all women with pale sallow cheeks about Ferrozone which quickly imparts fine color and gives the skin a clear. rich appearance. It’s pure blood that makes fine complexions. so by pro. ducing lots of vitalizing blood. build- ing up the debilitated system. in- creasing the circulation Ferrozona quickly brings the glow of health to faded cheeks. It’s no trouble at all to beautify your looksâ€"simply use Ferrozone. Try it. Price 50c . at druggists. Jr Pt IIâ€"Joe Kenny, Nona Wil- liams. Vincent Paylor, Jas. Park. Sr 1â€"1“. Ritchie. Jr Iâ€"Myrtle Ector, Cassie Ritchie, Bertha Falkingham. Neil McDonald. s: P: lIâ€"Alex Edge. Bella. Mu; Killop, Maggie Ector. Jr IIâ€"-Pearlie Wilson, Kate Rit- chie, Eliza Williams. Sr 11â€" Clarence Staples, Robbie Williams, Willie Kenny. Nellie Collier. Jr III (b)â€"- Emma. Ritchie. Florence Falkingham WillieFalkingham, Geo. Allen. Jr III (a)â€" John Greenwood, Clara Greenwood, Arthur Edge, Herbie Ritchie. s. 3. NO. 3, GLENELG. Vâ€"Mary Edge. lVâ€"Maggie Firth. Ada Staples Ernie Greenwood. Sr IIIâ€"Fannie Ector, Herbie Edge May Spittell. Sr. Iâ€"Myrtle Allan. Geo. Mc- Laughlin, Wm. Finnegan. Wilfred Barbour. Jr. Bâ€"Howard Baird. Jr. Aâ€"Willie Woods. Sr. Pt. Ilâ€"â€"Andrew Gray. Willie Gray, Samuel Morrison. Pt. II Jr. (h)-â€"-Camptell Critten- den. Sara Allan. Willie Wilder, Agnes Allan, Gertie Pollock, Jr. PC. IIâ€"Earl Mead. Annie Ker. Mary Ker. Herbie Wilder. Jr. IIâ€"Maggie Woods, Hazel Dan- 0636. Sr. Pt. Ilâ€"â€"Andrew Gray. Willie Gray, Samuel Morrison. Jr. III~~Edna Denuett. Archie Black. Sr. IIIâ€"«Esther Tucker. Archie Al- lan. Joseph Morrison. Sr Iâ€"Wm. Weir and John Bell eq, Wm \1cGirr, Nina Noble. Jr Iâ€"Emma Atkinson and Blanche Bell eq. Ruby Meenagh. IV -â€"Maggie Crittenden, Maggie McLaughlin Stanley Mead. Lottie Edvn. Jr II--Susie Bell Thomas Bull, Margaret Mathews. Sr IIâ€"Margaret Ann Ritchie. Robt. Lawrence. John Weir. Wm. Crotch- ley, Blanche Mathews. IIIâ€"Victoria Aljoe, Clara Ritchie, Ern' at McGirr, Annie Atkinson, Eva Atkinson, Alex Bell. Howard Whit- more. s. 8. N0. 9, GLENELG. V-â€"~Fred Ritchie. IVâ€"â€"-Agnes McGirr. Maggie Weir Lizzie Weir. Katie Ritchie. Jr. I. (b)~Jessia Gadd Gorr‘o‘ Grant. Average attendance 32. ALL”: BLACKBURN, Teacher. ber. Sr Iâ€"Annie Gadd and Florence Kerr eq.. Stewart Grant Ella Mon-i- son. Laura Pettigrew. . Jr. I (a)â€"â€"Willie Eden, Cecil Bar- Jr. IIâ€"Margaret Kerr. Edith Mor- rison, Ella Barber. Allen Pettigrew, Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Harry Gadd. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Allister Lauder, Mary Bugle. Jr. IIIâ€"Murray Hoy. Jr. IVâ€"Ethel Pettigrew. Florence Barber. Jennie Barber. Sr. IIIâ€"James McIlvride, Hazel Barber. Sr. IVâ€"Maggie Mchmon, Effie Hunter. Gladys Dunn Jr. Iâ€"Thos. Stewart. Joe. Fortney Willie Thompson. Ellie Lewis. Mary Blyth. j Sr. Illâ€"Elaie Blnh. J r. IIIâ€"Janet Blyth. Goo. Ste: art Albert Kollar, Annie Stewart. 8r. IIéMaud Kollar, Bertie Morico Dinah Thompson. Jacob Stewart. Jr. IIâ€"Chaa. Halliday. Maggie Blyth. Pt. IIâ€"Jane Peter. Geo Peter. Sr. Iâ€"Edgar Kellar. John Thomp- son. Isabel Stewart, Jean Morica. Geo Fortney. Henrietta Kellar, Ne] son Hallidny. ANNIE L LAWRENCE, Teacher. Are All Women Pretty? 4 _4 1: S. S No. 1 Norman. JOHN A GRAIMM. Teacher. . No. 2. EGREMONT. Eran. DAWSON Teacher HONOR ROLLS. ANNA SCOTT, Teacher . 14 Nouns". Ion net. She carried a boquet of white roses and was married in her grandmother’s wedding veil. The bridesmaids carried red and pink roses. The happy couple left for Toronto on the 335 train, accom» panied by showers of rice. ch rysanthe° mum leaves, old slippers and other items of good luck The guests pre- sent were Dr. and Mrs. A. McLean. of Blyth ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Aitche- son, of Seaforth; Mr R M._ Aitche ison. Stouflville; Miss Isabella Aito 'cheson. of Hensall; Mr. A Galbraith and Miss I. Galbraith of Hayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elder. Mrs. G. McGowan and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter. of Blyth The bride received ulated in his choice of a wife. He has secured a lady who will he in every way an excellent helpmate to himin his noble work. The Stan- dard joins with the many friends of the happy couple in extending eon- gratnlations.â€"Blyth Standard. At high noon on Tuesday a pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Anderson when their second daughter. Janet, became the wife of Rev. W Wilson Aitcheson, of Dornoch. pastor of the Presbyterian churches at Rocky Saugeen and Dornoch. The nuptial rknot was tied by Rev. Dr. McLean. pastor of St. Andrew’s church. Blyth. The guests present. were the immedi ate relatives and friends oi the con- tracting parties. Miss A. M. Ander- son. sister of the bride. and Miss? Isabel Aitcheson, sister of the groom ‘ were the bridesmaids. and the groom was assisted by his brother. Mr. R. est sister. The bride looked verv oretty attired in acostn-me of green zigue silk‘trimmed with point lace This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter is over. and the results are much more lprompt and satisfactory when it is ‘ kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. In at most every instance a severe col may he warded 03 by taking this is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance 1!. is pleasant to take-both adults and children like it Buy it and you will get. the best. I‘. always cures. Eor sale by H. Parker.-â€"â€"l. ‘ ‘Willin.” said the Lunch". “ your hands are verv dirty ” Tha.t’~ n0°hin” said \Villie cheerfully “ you ought. to see my feet ” Every Two Minutes tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos- sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott’s Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be- fore you expect it. is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di- gested before it enters the stomach; ‘a double advan- SCOTT’S EMULSION Physicians tell us that all the b lo od in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott’s Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why Pretty House Wedding A Timely Suggestion. Be nut: that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scorr Bowus We will send you a sample free. Chemist: Toronto, Ont. so cents and ’1. on All drunmu The December Delineator, with its message of good cheer and helpful- ness will be welcomed in every home. The fashion pages are unusually at- tractive, illustrating and describing the very latest modes in a way to make their construction during the busy festive season a pleasure instead of a task. and the literary and pictor- ial features are of rare excellence A selection of Love songs from Wag- ner Operas. rendered into English by Richard de Gallienne and beautifully illustrated in colors by J. C. Leyen- decker, occupies a prominent place, and a chapter in the Composer’s Series 1 relating to Romance of Wagner and Cosima. is an interesting supplement to the lyrics. A very clever paper entitled “The Court Circles of the Republic.” describes some unique phases of Washington social life is from an unnamed contributor. who, Robert Grant. Alice Brown. Mary Stewart Cutting and Elmore Elliott Peaks. and such interesting writers as Julia Magruder. L. Frank Baum. and Grace McGowan Cooke hold thel attention of the children. Many Christmas suggestions are given in needlework and the Cookery pages ing to woman’s interests within and without the home. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All Druggistu refund the money if it faiis (Home, E. W. Grave’s signatum on each box. 250. The Hall Sisters, the famous evan gelists, are conducting suCCeszul re- vival meetings in the Methodist Church every night They opened the series last‘Sunday to large con gregations. the church on Sunday evening being especially well filled. It is seven years since these eloquent Gospel ladies were in Harriston, but those persons who heard them then state that they have lOSt none of their Pentecostal fire and vigor“ They are ioth good exhorters and sweet singers 'l‘o appreciate them you must hear them. They expect to continue these meetings all next week. Rev. Mr. Liddy, the pastor. is fortunate in being able to secure such gOOd workersâ€"Tribune. A despstch from Port Elgin says: â€"- The town was visited by daring burglars about midnight Saturday. IThe large safe in Stevens. Hepner dc *Cu’s brush factory was blown to pieces. and about $40 taken. The explosion woke Mr Hepner, who lives a short distance from the factory and on rushing to the see us he was held up by one of the burglars, who spoke quietlv. and ordered Mr. Hep- ner back. The Grand Trunk Station was also entered and the safe blown to pieces. Only about $2 and a re volver were taken here. The alarm being given. a general search was made by several citizens. but. without resu lcs.”-â€" Walkerton Telescope T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. ........,. ... “mumume 1'ownShip was going to take out. his horses from the Morgan House stables when he was grabbed from behind and his pocket- book abstracted, the thief disappear- ing in the da.kness at the resr of the yard. The farmer reported his loss at. once but the robber has not been discovered Every efiort should be made to discover and punish the thief.-â€"Walkerton Herald. A gel-ions robbery was commi at Klncfnrdine on Saturday night (atmer m Kincardine Township hAIl-A ‘A ““â€" ‘ An scetylene an explosion occur- red Lymhurner's Hotel. Lions Heed. recently that «need considershle commotion One port of the building was knocked down. end guests in the house were thrown 08 their feet. but apart from this no damsge was done. As there was no fire no claim for in.- insurnnce could be made.â€"-â€"Wisrton Echo. T i The Christmas Delineator. Exchange Echoes. committed PROMPT ATTENTION TO FURNITURE UNDERTAKING A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. . . . New Fall Goods in Every Line... DEPARTMENT. For all kinds of Our nnmllton personal guarantee as well u thet o! the Inter. goes with every stove. Cell and ace the Souvenir Renee. In thanking our friends and che public, generally for past patronage we would call attention to our New FALL Goods in every line along with KATE COCH RAN E THE POPULAR 018” 87035. Winnipeg THE POPULAR CA8” STORE. AGENT. late-ding student. IhOIlld enwr st bezinntng‘ torn. or .- ooon thorn pouiblo. WI. JOBXSTON, Chairmun. the ochwl in nipped for full Junior bent at! Will: work, under the {one M a! competent Men for mu (buff T808. ALLAN. lot Chum“ ortifivaau X188 L. M. FORFAR. Clue-km and Mode- J. B. SMITH. B.A.. Mathematim and Sam July 7th.â€"3mpd. DURHAM SCHOOL. lumhel Shingles fm Sale Foot. 81.00 per month. Vancouver Con. 21. Egremont. a large quantity of Lumber and Shingles are kept for sale am right plices. On the premises of the un gar-signed, Lots 23 .nd 24 STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Menu-cu Dromoro P, C. RAMAGI. Seams;

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