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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1904, p. 2

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fl punt“ Wu. no ht u quantity of Ibo... millinory. non. of which M return of floppurd. Ir. und Mrs. Fran: Chard. the Vilnge. save a party on ' availing of 119:. week [01' than ‘12..- ll- Ir. end Mrs. Frank Chard, east of y the village, guve a party on Tuesday é Ivoning of lost. week tor Nellie end niece. Bliss May Fisher who is visiting them {or a couple of ‘ ; '00“. There were about. thirty-five ‘1 out. and u very en. '. g# 0 5 on the occuion esc birthduy, were the recipients no of congratulations but of some presents. On Thursday eveninglast Mrs. Mc- ‘l'nvieh gnve n party for her son Geo. who the: dny celebrated his birthday . About. twenty-five of George’s young friends were present and enjoyed the evening immensely. The Thanksgiving service in the Iethodist church on Thursday lust ttended end the set-3 non by Rev. Mr. Hurlhurt from the ' “For n man’s the ebundsnce oi the things wee epproprieto to the occession, an excellent production end well deliv- ered. The Thsnksgiving wee in be- hlf of the Bible Society. Mr, J ceieh Gurney. en old resident “‘-â€"- 6--.- Mr, Jceiah Gamey. an old resident ol Oepnv and for many years trea- surer ol the township. died after a few days illness near Maxwell on Fri- aged 67 years. The funeral . As a token of esteem anl d beautiful floral de- d on the casket by the 1 lodge. Mr. Gamey was also an Ora angeman and his brethern in that Or- der attended in a body in large num- hers. The deceased’s pastor Rev. B. E. Kemp conducted an impressive funeral service in the Methodist The Presbyterian and M Sgbhath Schools here have wheels in motion for their r1 entertuinments on Christ: New Year’s evenings. Mr. Gears:8 3 Week from a S joyublo deer Huskoku. W! (M (or In“ ml) rIIUU ' ‘.IU. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Muir. who ‘ have moved to the residence recently i purchased from Mr. Noble Lawrence 3 near Ceylon, were before leaving their former home, token of esteem by their nei‘ghbors‘ who presented the some easy chairs accompanied by an station, was pre 1-] an‘t‘ ring: by t, ° ‘ ‘ J seldest son Fred,“ been ill for some Chard on ble wes pronounced He remains in the a week or ten deye end ester of perie and hes bee ' we are pleued tc leern improving some. He we: token ‘ ‘ “ “‘mv-flnv lest t1 Pleaherton. by Mr. Stewart on “mum“, the city to be again ex ' Mr. Thompson Wilson. ' pleesed to leern improvi where he underwent the the hospital. ted by us lest week. Operstion repor i this place hes Rev. hir. Wilson 0 by the Methodist Quart- been invited erlv Bond, Msrkdsle to become their pastor st the beginning 0 Should that con- doe' Stewfl‘t y evening last. Reva. son were speakers at church Anniversary at again exunined by the Mung-ad his trouble e_ have set. the their respective Christmas and and Methodist n a memo for many wu duo n snake: n: we unnu- ury ton londny evening. Thnningining nolidnys n: Port Elgin. UWVU V'vâ€".. Mrs. Wm. Sherpa end Miss Hennnhl ' Bellamy spent from Thursdny till' '. Mondny with friends in Toronto. . Mrs. J. W. Armstrong hos returned :from visiting her doughter Mrs. Gofi . at Clarkshurg. ‘ Mrs. McClocklin of Durham. is vis- iting her daughter Mrs. M. Wilson. Mrs. M. K. Richardson left on Mon- day to visit her daughter Mrs. (Dr) ' W ehster. Toronto. A VUVva Mrs. J. Blackburn was in Toronto Monday and Tuesday visiting her sis- ter Mrs. (Dr) Henderson. ‘_J-L- LROOMED COTTAGE, PANTRY, Cellar, i acre ground, well and cistetu. Desirable location, on Col- lege street, Durham. For terms and particulars apply at. residence to A. FORD, Proprietor. Nov. 10th.-â€"-3mpd. 7% House for Sale. House to Rent. Lawrence and daught- '.00, Carrie and Beatrice my for their new home Jberta. Mr. Lawrence u the univer- The Toronto Star The wide range of news it gives, and the catchy style in which they are dealt Wlth accc It will be sent to you. ta which this advertisement day. â€" v -â€"wâ€"_ _ ' resthc freshness. Just f our hair is faded or turning gray, for it always . Stops falling hair, aisg." "ashram at?“ Money talks. but a keep it long enoug says. Bfery time dot you stare at success i poor man cannot h to know vot it ‘ stop vork und t gets ub and borrow until after election; den dey put it back in der dictionary. Der vorld owes efery man a lifing, bud you vill vind it a poor board- ing house at supper time if you r doan’d hustle. ple little pastoral tale: Sinclair has a he-male . lakeston woke up to l in his garden, and in order to prevent damage to his vines drove it into the stable. Being per- fectly innocent in appearance he fol- lowed it in. but while stooping to adjust the iastenings on the door he received a jar that caused him to see hjects in a very short Mr. Blakeston didn’t riking remark. ted in gloriously. On 9 curious concerning this - shoe with the dairy propensities ' He had just _ Lucas’ head prevente " closing. -He didn’t even get a look ,_-n-,...:,ma nf tlH drain it. 'into the stable. foctly innocent in appear lowed it in. but while PIN!!! UL ULWV mark, croup m w awn".-- -_ - V _ .. __ I Mascot. veit for snotherstriking re mt. like the Russians, retreet‘ed in tfifhooti- t£116 ofldthe Inger terrible The “ovum” ” tugs m e wor ‘8 to e awe en- The superstition that assocmtes the gloriously. On Sunday lest Mr. Lu-l . . ‘ . 9d m the middle 0‘ the night by a horseshoe with good luck is very old. :33 became curious concerning this: . be children. The It is said to prevail not only among sheep with the dairy propensitml , (11039139 ““303“ “relwfi: English speaking people, but in all up, 38 8 1‘9V0 V9 l mp0,. of Europe. and Asia. Antiqua- apened the door and was rubbering: os . . to be 108° In case Of burglars. ries are. undecided whether its origin 0 be an Old fashioned re. has to do with the material from which (1 for cron k ° . - ~ - y p. now“ as hive syrup the horseshoe lS .lnttde or With its (1 the door from' me Some writers on this subject ,but some modern mothers say that “ll-m0 closing. He didn’t: even get a look i . 0 but has distlnct recollections 0f the Chamberlain s Cough Remedy ls bet. lime surmised that the lucky qualities earthquake Since the“ he'has been ter, and does nm’ coat 80 mqu' It attributed to the horseshoe were de- gomg around With the proverbial causes the patient. to “throw up the hunt from its “-invied resemblance to sore head If Mr. Sinclair doesn’t. phlegm” quicker, and gives relief in the lu‘l') pictured shout [the lie-ids of turn his butter IMO “10th there ashorter time. Give this remedy as ““l "i 'mt th‘s (-onneetion is (hiehly so . I .t. ll. " . A: . . . h .d before , on as the croupy cough'appfsrgea‘lZi lilll~l‘i>:n{ :n‘. as :ti is known that the su- ' (-ertulnly nntedates Christi- . .t’l'fillllnll s and IS pleasant and safe to take. in; V fisherman to look like seven cents ” For sale bv H. Parker.-â€"â€"1. __ How flarahoo Got "I Name. -â€" l-{sn'znlinn its name, but ...- .â€"â€"..- svnscmm: ‘rO-DAY so the Russians, retrested 1n |sly. On Sunday last Mr. LunI ' came curious concerning this?ed in the middle 05 the night by 8» medy for croup, known as hive syrup. that .r‘ L‘,“ Mn they Defer be a luxury and is classed to-day If you are bothered with pimples. rashes or ugly blotches on your face. if your complexion is sallow it’s an evidence that you require Ferrozone to tone up your blood. One Ferro- zone tablet taken at meals makes the‘ icomplexion like peach bloom. cheeks soon become rosy. eyes bright, you’ll be the picture of health. Thousands pearence with Ferrozone. why not, you? Price 50c. at druggists. Church entertainments. suppers. and festivals are a curse. a drain on the community. a burden on the workers and the cause of much of the Methodist Ministers’ Associ- ation at Wilkiesharte, Pa. ‘ festivals and'entertainments." he said are dead works because they are used as a means of avoiding larger giving and sacrifices. They appeal to the lower nature and motives of silver and gold. They result from a lack of faith. These are the things the business world seeks. They teach the people to place a low esti- mate of value upon the ministry of the Word and services of the church. These become a sort of trading stamp adjunct to the suppers and ' entertainments. They cause the world to lose respect for the church ‘ and Weaken the influence of the un- converted. They are often the cause of unkind remarks. of jealousy. of ' mean actions. They rob the com- .- munity by making the people pay '- three dollars to do the church one it dollar’s worth of financial good. 1' their personal expenditures. 0 Rev. Mr. Cofiman concludes that the n right method is for straight giving ’8 , and no begging. What a Methodist Minister Says. Young Ladies. Read This- season when the women the best. remedies for mend in every neigh- e of the most. terrible freed from the disturbers, to their surprise. found themselves in the beautiful, electric redo- faced by the lady t glittering gor- f the eastern princess. ‘ “Messieurs,” said Mme. Sarah, witi I gracious dignity. “i have sent for you _ . AL- mm“ are not to moles faced by the lady t looking beautiful in the glittering gor- geous dress of “Messieurs,” sa Kerosene on. A common kerosene lamp, with its chimney of glass, its varied forms of beauty, its shades modified to every d of taste, suggest: I man to light. The oil, brilliant and volatile. civilized humanity from the earth. It t 1845 that the tri- at'mg on the sur- face of a stream near Pittsburg sug- gested to thoughtful men to dig for a greater supply. Indians came from a d it from the water distance and soake which they wrung with their blankets, out into vessels in order to secure a quantity for some secret purpose. It was not until 18(‘30 that it passed into common use. Since that time it has driven every form of wax, grease, fluid, whale oil lamp from the natural, cheap, was long known to as a crude outflow was not until abou Great Guns of Old. accustomed to think of large cry recent invention. 543 a certain Ralph d, in Sussex, cast We are cannon as a v Yet as long ago as 1 Hogge of Buckstea large guns, and a pupil of his. Thomas Johnson, in 1595 made for the Earl of Cumberland “forty-two cast pieces of great ordnance of iron.” These weigh- ed 6,000 pounds-â€"three tonsâ€"apiece. and, we are told. showed very fine, smooth workmanship. All the smelt- ing was done with charcoal. of which to smelt each ton of l the ore was carried from load Ol about 300 pounds each. The immense amount of labor and conse- quent expense may be imagined. ___ Indians gate l-laralioo its name, but ' the Word is not Indian. Bariheau or liarihault was the name of an old Ca- nadian French trader who at the age of seventeen sought the then wilder- ness of \Yisconsin to secure pelts for the Hudson Bay company and later for the American lr‘ur company. He established a post where the town of Baraboo now stands. Being the first white man in those parts, the Indians named the place after him, but as they had not had the advantages of a French education could not get the pronuncia- tion of the name nearer than Baraboo, I and Baraboo it remains to this day. Lone Star States. . In the course of conversation at a club the other evening a man referred to “the Lone Star State.” “What state do you mean?” he was asked. “Why, Texas, of course.” “Well,” he was told, “do you know tint there are no fewer than five inde- pendent sovereign states which use a lone star on their national flag: today? They are Turkey, Chile. Cuba. Liberia and the Kongo Free State." A Black Eye. In the treatment of contusions where there is extensive discoloration of the ' skin if olive oil be freely applied with- out rubbing the discoloration will quickly disappear. Absorbent cotton may be soaked in the oil and applied. It the skin is broken a little boric acid should be applied over the abrasion. 'A black eye thus treated can be made normal in a few hours. especially it the oil be applied warm. She and Can-e For Fear. “Mamma,” said the cannibal beauty to her maternal ancestor. “I am really alarmed at Mr. Klnkey’s lntenae pal- alon for me.” “Why, my dear?” “Only last night he declared I was sweet enough to eat.”â€"Buffalo Times. A physician finding a lady reading “Twelfth Night" said, “When Shake- speare wrote about Patience on a mon- ument, did he mean doctors’ patients?" “No,” she answered. “You don’t and them on monuments, but under them.” The great bulk of the people are honest. If they were not. thin would indeed he a poorjvorld In which to Answered. you mean?” he was 3 f1 Rgm Lunbcâ€"oome weighing :30 lbs. ? Also a number of Ewes. Apply to For Sale Of Kfllu I ‘ OT 51, 62. 53â€"â€"3idoroul 50. 1 mile- north of Prioovillo. Fun .1 ' ' Good buildinas '11 the bu UDD “nun-r u..__-_ Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Terms an be arranged. VERSCHOYLE (Imp.) at head of hard. H. PARKER. "“‘“ ‘ “' Durhsm. March 1-0“ Much. 10â€"' " Maitland ” property will be No go . g quick purchuer. Terms easy. Sept. 3-â€"3 m pd. 2 HOUSESâ€"CORNER OF GARA- fraxa and Durham Randâ€"one connin- ing eight rooms. first class furunce and bath room. The other contains six rooms, Electric fixtures in both houses. Rants moderate. Apply to _ - A A Sept. 6th â€"-tf. A Street. the propert of Mrs. J. L. Browne. The house contains 12 room coveniently situawd. and guite new. W' make an excellgnt boardmg house. For particulars applv to Juhy 10th. 1901. ULLS ND HEIFEBS RIGHT from Imported Stock. YORKSHIRE BOARS. ready for service, bred from Imported Stock. registered. Prices right. Apply to WM. QCARF, Durham. Ont. October 11th. “BLâ€"W. Nov. 12th.â€"-6pd. House 6: Lot for Sale. HOUSE AND LOT 0_N_ QUEEN ACRES Why Go Around . . HUDDU 5‘ u...- - v _ Lake. Two buns. stone Babb. out floors. good how, well watered For further purticulus upply to MACKAY DUNE Sheep for Sale. NUMBER OF OXFORD DOWN Houses to Let. Garafraxa J. L. FLARITY Stock for Sale. For Sale. With an ill-fitting rudy-m suit, when you csn got 3 fit clus fit, mndo to order in highest clan of workman! for nbont the «mo money? We huvo s 13:30 stock SCOTCH TWEEDS. W1 BTEDS sud SERGES. and guuunteo “ti-faction. WM. BLACK, Durham. Ont. llncam Tm. Vendor’s Solicitors. NER OF GARA- J . L. BROWSE, tf. Photographer. T. BRIGHAX. ALLAN PARK. {The Pure wool blnuke . it. and grey flan: “4 aim ........... The Sherlock 0n IMPLEMENT D. CAMPBE Frost bl Willi-Ur“?! white filling . in 54:72 ..... “'01 “'0 it cape Inn-s. .. Reliable Watches “B‘s dress skn'ts I D!“ “.50. A bargai We ofmon’s kl torn; 50¢. [11 I“ run CLO The cold wants? '0 If. [WON kind of clothing difions. We ht"! Heu'v Tweed: N line of Rudy-mad! sortmont of Hon 3nd Mitts. etc. em you “1!“. OU‘S“ FOR THE 00‘ TRY US F0 0ft“ kinds Tau n 8W We ulso carry 1 flat mpney an I Yam’ In all gr. DURHAM 60x Call at Produce m l-Ie Sells A. 00 This Season's of all Farm. the Uni , ‘5 DURHA BLAF ads. Thq specialty ALDER xtra he“ all und AG b1 THE G 7mm WATCH satin well 64 x1

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