West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1904, p. 4

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12;- tl‘. 3 Short Weeks ad 3 look at our ‘hin your will 900! 4b“ our position at changed. Call an! With our enlarged store we are better eble than ever to bundle our increasing trede. It’e en unav- Shop Early. MacFARLANE @100. Durham. Dec. ll WII\I\'Q . ‘ _ I It has long heen the vry in theiAG Liberal party. and even the little; no Grits on the street corners follow the 3 23:8 lead in heralding the information that ‘ slam the Conservatives have. no material i :23?! out of which to form a C ahinet. ltglml' must he rather humiliating for the} __ Conservatives to think that all thel -.__ ability. brains and purity are on the. l other side of politics. ment of A. G. MacKay to the position Q of Cabinet Minister with a prob?“ hanging 0v . all the time. even yet. is additionalxln aptitude of Grit pol-i| to learn the ways of’; ' reconstruction of old trick. but it's 'ng new cloth into \" and the rent will J. evidence of the Druggists and Booksellets. anyene to buy but take pleasure in lending our assistance, it needed. in making your selections. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. that we are leaders for up-to-dlto holiday goods onr immense stOCk soon convince you n still remeins un- end see our stock- ISL 1904. [1 of getting rid disgraceful frauds under which the suffering for the itical gather- (By the Man on the Roof.) \Vhen the fast express is tearing along at sixty miles an hour and nears path. “'heu the lion of the forest sees his prey he roars out a warning. ‘ [\Vhen the storm rages on the ocean land the fog darkens the night, the lighthouse hell peals out its warning that rocks are near and tt'les to guide the captain of the good ship on his way to safety. The rattlesnake when crawling upon its victim gives a warn- ‘ ““ LI.“ " ‘VJ ' _ crawling upon its victim gives a warn- ing by the rattling sound. And hun- dreds of other instances could be given where a warning is given when dan- ger is near. There is another enemy to all man, kind which gives nn warning. Which is slow and sure. It plays with its victim and makes him feel pleasant, makes him jubilant. makes him think he is the friend in time of sorrow, working slowly but surely, step by step, inch by inch, until he is sure of his prey. Then the poor victim finds u â€" ‘Anmnfi o BEWARE OF STRONG DRINK. -.|U r- v.7 . out that this friend is no longer a friend, hut his worst enemy. Some- the victim laughs and thinks he time he desires, , he can do this that he never tries. By and by he does try to discard this enemy. but he finds a. task on his hands that he is unable to perform.? He is ordered by his employers to } throw off this enemy of his or lose his lsituation. but alas! his will power is lno longer supreme. He is in the ‘clutrhes of an iron hand which rules Sad indeed is the ease of the L him. ken strong drink 3 person who has mista . for :1 friend. Notice to Creditors A GUARANTEED CUBE FOB FILES â€"v~' ItchingBlind. Bleeding or Protrndin Piles. Druggiata refund money if PAZO OI)? MEET foils to cure anv case. no matter of how long standing. in 6 to 14 da 3. First application 'vea ease an rest. 30c. f our drug at hunt it send 500 in stamps am it will forwarded poet-paid by Paris Medicine Co.. St. Louis. Mo. hushed and stnndnrd remedy ‘ It. cures because the nit ren- dered atrungiy antiscptic is carried over the diseased lur- fnces of the brunchinl tube. with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. Thou of n connump- tive tendency. or sufferers mm chronic bronchitin. and Immediate what from cough: or inflamed condition. of the thront. M (‘RESOLEXE in a long est: for the diseases indicated. \‘awCreoolene is sold by dmgglsu or neat pre- paid on receipt of price. A VuwCre-olcno out- !“ including a bottle of ere-01w. 01.50. Send for {no illustrated booklet. 1.:me 1111.53 (30.. Lat. Agents. 288 8:. James St, loaned. Canada. sue of Glenelg, in the County or Hug, Farmer, Deceased. â€" \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, .5. pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, chapter 129. Amending Acts, that section 38. and ms against the all persons having clai Estate of the said Joseph Sharpe, who died on or about the 9th day of October A. D. 1%, are hereby required (1 or to deliver to send by t prepai . liord, of the Town of Dur- ‘ Executors, >4 ‘.0 ."" ls sold 'J If they return check I return goods at once. 1,? I pay Expressage on all skins amounting to more than $5. Merchants Bank Price List on ApplicatiOn 30 Years’ in \ILll DLVV V- .- vâ€"â€"â€" tfian ever. Watch Two Windows full of Perfume JNO. A. DARLING The People’s muggist. TRAVELLING CASES .WORK CASES TOILET CASES -sHAVING SETS -FANCY MIRRORS -BRUSHES You do not need to send out of. Town for anything in our line.: ETC ETC ETC REFERENCES: v- we have ever shown, comprising in part 31' most anything 3‘11“ able as a gift. WB WILL MAKE our grand display of Forengn and Do- the Fur business. of Canada. Don’t Be Deceived Time Proves All Things-- THE HARDWARE Paints. Oils, Hardware. Tinwhre. 8L0. , c. Glass. Putty. Ammunition, UP-TOWN DRY GOODS STORE A full line of Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings, Ready- made Clothing, and Men’s and Ladies’ Suitings at very low prices to suit everybody. GENERAL things, and don’t think you are getting 1 bargain when And it only needs a little ex. perience to 8 better plan how that it’s the and more satis- Your Store. Carpet Sweepers. GIVE us A CALL. Carving Setts. Stable Barrows. Miscellaneous. One Glenelg farmer remarked last Saturday: ” It is a plea- sure to know that we can buy everything we require in your â€" --L:-‘A~ store and numerous for less money than get, them in Toronto. A Carpet Sweeper will wear out 500 Brooms. will save your house and furniture by eollecting the dust, and W111 pet. First cost a little higher than a broomâ€"ten varieties at different prices. Do not. forget the great nar- zains we are offering in Ten Pots, and the assortment, from 5c up to $2. DEALER IN Our Carving Setts and Knives and Forks are worth looking atâ€"in silver and steel, with celluloid, bone and horn handles. Odd Knives, Forks and Spoons in abundance. Just. to hand another stock of Steble Barrows which we are selling from 82 up. Hand AND TINWABE MAN forget t__be_ great but numerous articles our thd Sleigks. MERCHANT. “’6 can For yourselves, and more especially the children that tramp to school through mud and wet. A $ or $8 spent in this direction will save you bitter trouble later on. Rubbers. Owen Sound and Durham 0! Clothing, Suits Overcoatsfi OR the next 30 days we will sell all Suits and; Overcoats at such low prices as will make them go. We want the money, you want the goods, let us trade and be mutually benefited. Give us your Foot Measure and Repairing. . L. GRANT We have some very spec- ial snaps in this line and it will pay you to inspect our stock before buying. PEEL, the Shoeman Our handmade French, English and Oil Calf and Kips can be strictly relied upon always. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR HAW FURS. We only carry the best lines of RUBBERS and can give the best prices. Try them! Moccasins? FOOTWEAR. Gloves and Gauntlets. Club Bugs. Toluenpu, Twain, 8‘ Bus, Ankle Sup pom. 8h“ Scrspl. Etc. . dwnyl Custom work md uniting pro-1 atundod to It low“: prion. Why, certainly! We have them in any style you want. the Down-town Lumbermen’s Rubbers of all kinds. Rubbers for Lndies‘, Mines, Children and Gentlemen. Cu- diguu. Spat: 3nd Loggia for Lgdios’. Misre- md Childron. Slippers of difioront kind... in Felt und lumber. Boot. Ind Shoes for 0.11 ggeu. In every desired stylo for ad Gontlomon. Hit: :1 being. for men. STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM. BEAVER Neckwea r“ unortment of Lad: expooo 3 new shipu Hclntyre Block. These \"0 \k' i H These are but Solid Oak (133' s Couches, uphol dgy 87 .27». Couches With «by 89. Couches. 284m 1133qu 81 lore to choose EX1 ied I" Extension Tul signs in a “0.50, ho. Extension Tu! holidny 87 piece Purim mgulu‘ fl pioco Parlor upholstere piece Pulm- upholstau 820. Furs. Plushq era and F01 heve the eh hes oomhineq in the meld: We heve 3 these muteri heve 3 good In 311 the pi ohnpos. Wd have you cl convenient I Winter Millil MISS Dre q $l‘ 4 'l‘h of I) 391 (T

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