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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1904, p. 5

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rs and Gauntlets. I work .nd rewiring prompt nndod to a lower: prices. m. Telescopes. Twain: 3!. Ankle Supports. S] Snaps. Etc:n duty: on bad. RAW FURS Down-town Shoemaker ionuomon ccasms‘! trouble lat¢ ['3 lliltll nen 0| r161 but cut on. “'8 388 Neckwearâ€"We carry a. large assortment of Ludxos’ Neckwear and Winter. . Hillinery 'v'v- vâ€"vâ€"v ' ‘ expeco a new shipme nt in a fowdays. BEAVER HATS McIntyre Block. â€"- Durhtm, Ont. good for pastry! a: Ruyal ifluusvb n It“ These Values Point the Way to Positive Saving! 15% off \Ve will give it. Yvopieco Parlor Suite in best English Wilton Rug, rogulu’ 865, holiday :55. Couches, upholstered in Velour, regular $8.50, holi- day 37.25. Couches with spring edge, regulor $11.50, holi- dny 89. Couches. 28-inch wide, button tufted. oak frame, regulnr 818, holiday 815.75. loretochoooe from thanthere inpmto mention. :z-pioco Extension Tables. your choice of 3 difierent de- signs in golden osk. extends 8 feet. rsgnlsr 810. 50, holidsy 89. Extension Tables. 8 feet, golden oak, regulsr 89, holiday 87.95. ' ca Tv-pxe Furs, Plushes, Velvets, Flow- ers and Foliagesâ€"there you have the elements which art has combined for the materials in the making of winter hats. We have a large stock of all these materialsâ€"and then we have a good number of In all the popnlnr colors and shnpes. We will be pleased to hove you call nny time it is convenient 3nd see our new Winter Millinery. MISS DICK ace Parlor Suite in Mahogany finished frames. upholstered in Veloure, regular 335, holiday $29.75. ace Parlor Suite in Mahogany finished frames. upholstared in Velours. regular 525, holiday $20. COUCH ES. EXTENSION TABLES. BEDROOM SUITES. 1.3 per cent. off all goods in the store for the holiday trade only. The reduction is genuine and unrestricted. Choose any piece of furniture and pay 15 per cent. less than the marked price. . (rive it. Come and try us. “’9 will do what 'we say. We have the Goods that Speak for themselves. The above are but a few of the articles we have and they are all appropriate gifts. Buy now and we will hold them for ' t1mely delivery. SHEWELL LEN AHAN PARLOR SUITES. Shewell lenahan’s About three months ago Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Benson, very highly re- spected residents of the 8th con. Ar- temesia. retired from their farm to a comfortable home at Brooke, near Owen Sound. Six weeks ago Mrs. Benson, who had been in poor health was taken seriously ill and despite the best medical attendance passed away on Saturday the 19th ult. On Mondav following her remains were brought to her old home now occu pied by her son W. A. and from there the funeral which was largely at- tended. took place on Tuesday to Sa- lem cemetery near by. An impres- sive service was held in Salem church conducted bv Rev. J. B. Wass of this place. The deceased who was 48 years of age, was a daughter of the late John Magee one of the earlier settlers near this village. She was a very highly respected woman in the community. an afiectionate wife and a devoted christian mother whose last hours were full of prayerful thoughts for the salvation of her children. Her husband four sons and two daughters survive her. James and Wm. Magee of the 8th con. and Mrs. D. Jamieson at Portlaw are the surviving brothers and sister of the deceased. Flesherton. Extension Tables, 8 fem, golden oak. regular $7.50, holiday $6.50. With different designs to choose from. Parlor Tables in all the different sizes and styles from 800 to $8.50 and 15% OR. Kitchen Tables from $2.50 to $3.50. holiday from $2.25 to $3. Sideboards.} Cut Golden Oak. swelled front, solid brass trimmin gs. British bevel mirror. regular 343, holiday $35. Your choice of 3 samples in solid golden oak, drawers, regular 315. holiday $11.75. Sideboards. regular $11.50,. holiday $9.75. SPRINGS, from $1.75 to $4.50, holiday $1.50 to $3. MATTRESSES, from $2.75 to $6.50, holiday $2.25 An elegant line of RATTAN ROCKERS. CHAIRS per § dozen. from $2.70 to $25. holidty to 85. ROCKING CHAIRS 1n 1 Cut Oak, from $2.50 to $12.50, holiday $1.90 to 9.75. $2.40 to 321. HALL RACKS, from 36 to 817, holiday 85 to 815. J ABDINEERS, from $2 to 83.50, holiday $1.50 to IRON BEDS, from $5 to $20. holidsy $4.25 to 316.75. KITCHEN TABLES. MISCELLANEOUS. PAR LOR TABLES. SI DEBOARDS. On Tuesday evening of last week L 0. L , No. 883, at Ceylon. held a very successful box social in their ball the proceeds amounting to near- ly $50.00. A pleasing programme was rendered which in part consisted of vocal social solos by Mr. R. L. Ped- lar, of Eugenia, Violin solos by Mr. Kennan of Owen Sound, and Mr. A. Park, of Proton Station, and bagpipe selections by Mr. P. McArthur, of Priceville. Mr. J. Wood occupied the chair. On the following a dele~ gation from the Lodge visited the In- dustrial Home at Markdale and pre- sented Mr. Fred Gee. an invalid'who has been long a member of the Order, with an invalid’s wheel chair. Mr. D. McLeod made the presentation which was gratefully and graciously acknowledged by Mr. Gee who we trust will be long spared to enjoy the gift of his brethren of 883. The Home matron kindly served refresh. ments to the visitors before their de- parture for home. It was we believe their first meal in the poor house and the maton’s hOSpitality was much enjoyed. In our recent notice of village im- provemente we ommitted Mr. M. Mc- Donald’s residence neatly veneered with red and white brick. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carr’s residence has re- cently undergone improvements 15% off Mrs. Christos a highly esteemed old resident of this place celebrated her 801h birthday on Friday last and we are pleased to note in the enjoyment of all her faculties. We join her numerous friends in congratulations and wish her many returns. A load of about a dozen young people of Dundalk and a few young friends spent an evening last. week very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. Hickling Mrs. W. A. Armstrong entertained fifteen of her lady friends at a five o’clock tea on Friday lest, On Friday last while sleigh riding on the street near his own home Herbie. the 11 year’s old son of Mr. James Sullivan, was thrown from his sleigh against a shade tree and sus- tained a bad fracture of the thigh bone. He was conveyed home and Dr Carter Set the broken limb which will keep master Herb in trying con- finement for a few weeks to come. The Methodist church choir were at Maxwell on Wednesday evening of last week supplying the musical part of programme at an entertain- ment in the Methodist church. Mrs (Dr) Murray is now in a pri- vate hospital in the city receiving message treatment for displacement of the stomach which if not remedied in this way may necessitate a sur- gical Operation. Mrs. Murray’s friends sincerely hOpe the treatment she is now undergoing may prove ef- fective. which will add much to their comfort especially for the latter who is in a very frail condition. Messrs. Harry and Robt. Thistle- waite have returned from .New York State, and have joined their brother John and the Best brothers in a wood contract with Mr. R. McGill. who is preparing for market the timber on his farm near Ceylon. Rev. J, S. I. Wilson was at Chats- worth conducting Missionary service on Sabbath last. Rev. C. Cocking of that place supplied the Eugenia cir- cuit and the pastor Rev. J. B. Wass took Mr. Wilson’s work here. Being temperance. Sunday Mr. Wass spoke in the evening on that subject. Rev. Mr. Thom also gave a temperance sermon in the Presbyterian church in the afternoon. The Flesberton bus made its initial trip on runners for this winter on Saturdav afternoon last. Since then sleigbs and cutters have been out in abundance and good use is being made of the beautiful snow. Mr. Thos. Cook is very ill at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. R Cook,Cevlon. Dr Ego of Markdale was in consultation with Dr. Carter on Sunday. Miss Bella McKenzie, of near Cey- lon, who has been an invalid with se- Vere rheumatic trouble for some time is in Toronto under Special treatment and we learn is being benefited there- by. Mia: Bella Porteous, of the Coll- ingwood Road, who has been an in- valid for a long time underwent an Operation in Toronto a few days ago for appendicitis. Mr. T, W. Wilson is reported im- proving in the Toronto General Hos pital and Mr. D. Clayton of Calling; wood. who has been ill with fever for several weeks is also recovering sat- isfactorily, Mr_.â€"W. W. Trimblo and Mr. M. K. Richardson attended the the political conventions in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Runstesdler, Misses Munsbsw, Watson, Wilcox, Messrs. C. H. Munshsw. C. N. Richardson. and W. Bentham. attended the As- sembly at. Dundslk on Fridsy oven- ing last. Miss Maggie stcstt, of Hesthcots has taken the position of sslsswsmsn in F. G. Ksrstsdt’s store. Mr. Ed. Bentham loft last. week for Toronto Junction to continue in the employpf '1‘. J ._$hoppard. _ Mr. James Mooré. of Normnnby, visited his brother, Mr. W. Moore, here. on Saturdny and Sundny. Mrs. Andrew Bentham is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Fred Sheppard at. Toronto Junction. Mrs. Wm. Davie returned on Fri. dey last from a couple of month’s visit with relatives and old friends at Broekvili e end other points e_e.et. M. K. Richardson, Gen. Mitchell, W. J. Bellamy. J. A. Boyd nnd Conn- cillor Best. attended the Conservntivo Convention as Mukdue on Monday. Rev. Mr. Caching of Ch‘tsworth ape’nt Monday 1n town. The famous “Brittania” Underwear tor Men. and “ Puritan ” Underwear for Ladies. in many weights and qualities. DRESS GOODS 6: SUITINGS. LADIES’ JACKETS. MEN’S OVERCOATS. It’s An Ill Wind LADIES’ ASTRACHAN JACKETS. H.H. MOCKLER\E\ MEN’S FUR COATS. J AS. IRELAND SHEETINGS LADIES’ MANTLES PILLOW COTTONS LADIES’ SKIRTS FINE TICKINGS LADIES’ GLOVES TOWELINGS LADIES’ HOSIERY COTTONS LADIES’ CORSETS. 20 pairs baby’s mittens. regular 20c and 2:3; for 150 nnd 10¢ per pair. Want of space will not permit mentioning any more, but we have hundreds of other bargnine wnnting for you in: 5 pieces only. Cashmere. regular 40c and 50¢ per yard, on sale days only 19c per yard. 75 yards onlv. cream curtain muslin. 38 in wide. regular price 10c per yard. selling for 56 per yard. Thats what we’re going to do. as we promised last week. All these goods just passed into stock last week, and this week here goes : 2,000 yards of good Flannelette. in heavy and medium weights pretty light stripes and dark Loch Lomond shirtings. These goods are mill ends from 1 yard to 12 yards in length selling at less than wholesale prices. 50 yards Tweed suitings, regular price 81.25 per yard. in three piflerent shades, selling on these days only, at 62y: per yard. 10 pieces new dress goods in all. the newest weaves and patterns, regular 750 per yard. on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday only, at 3750 per yard. 100 yards new suitings, in Black. Navy. Brown and Green, worth $1.00 per yard, but. on Thursday, Friday and Satur- day only, at 500 per yard. Highest Pnces Paid for Fowl, Butter and Eggs. That Blows Nobody Good the â€"goods listed below, But we were the gainers, and it is in our power to save money for you also. REUEUBER THE PLACE Fipe prov_er_b. _Spn;ebody lost money on At Reduced Prices. Now is your chance to buy Millinery at a reduction. From now on all our stock is on sale at out prices. Every Hat a Bargain. Leave your order and you may be sure it will be filled satisfactorily. Snaps in Dress Goods end Suitings. New winter weight suitings~blacke end tweed efiectâ€"regular $1.50 yard special 81.00 yard. Other Dress Goods and Suitings at 25c yard and up. If you have not yet bought your Winter Coat re- member the balance of our coats will be cleared out at clearing prices. Broudwsy Overcosts and Ulstsrs, slso Heavy Ulsters and Beaters with Storm Callersâ€"all sizes sud all prices. Our Fur Coats no first clue, both as to qunntity 3nd qutlity. We can fit you with a. good Jncket M 830.00 to 850.00. We heve coets thet will suit you if you want one for fine weer or for heevy weer. Costa thet look well, weer well, fit well. 820.00 to 850.00. a; s‘fi‘wli’fii -.- p; LAID“ W8 OLD 8TAND.

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