West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1904, p. 1

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k thv meeting of the Town Council Ma) night a resolution “as passed pouueztsnow pluw and keep the Walks clt-m during the Winter. 3 Seems to be all light. .. isn‘t}! trom Mr. D. A. Dunsmore Balgary informs us that large btitie-s of our cement are being use b that “Western town. . IE Band uf Hope wi_ll hold an en- Linment in the Town Hall Friday ing, Dev. ltith. Full particulars ).V'T forget the Public Library mart at Holstein. Thursday evening .lfith. Bert Harvey, the' famous ledian and ntlwr talented enter- fort y-seven years ago since 91‘ Smith said Gnodohye to John a n in Yorkshire. England. Chart- mil Juhn Were play mate-sand .emn- ii1)HS up to that time; and though in the flt's‘h by the einigratimi " ful'lllt'l'. they Were alway "united tit. About six months agn Mr. n came to this country and set- n Hamilton, Mr. Smith heard of and at once sent an invitation to Id friend to visit him. Last week wo old playmates of nearly half a ry ago were together again. and nseiy enjoyed their reminiscent ‘ over by-gone days. Mr. Barran rugged old gentleman and as York- as they make them. 1E obituary notice on the death of IE Central Business (‘ollege of Ltford is a livv. progressive school to excvllt-nt work is being done. so. days of keen mnnpetition a .in any walk of life should have a V 8 training if he wishes to attain ,atest SUCN‘SS. “'9, (annot di- the attention of our leaders to ttel school in the Prm' nu v if wish to secure a Business Educa- vor shorthand training. \Vrite to liege: tor a catalogue and see for If w hat good \\ ork the svhool ls I Gummx. son of nur townsmnn Mon. jvweler. who is running a 9161'; shop in \Veyhurn. Assn. Ling] a loss of over $211,. last Week .mDâ€"A smart boy for office and to learn typewriting. J. P. OBI). ° - to Principal Ceven of Knox Col- 'oronto, will appear in next issue. 'ou want a. first class black gal- skin who at right prices call on tith.--2pd. re. His complete stock was not ‘oyed, but the above loss was due .relvsssness in removing the stock the store. BEST cash prices paid for Raw .t. Peel’s shoe store. Durham.â€"tf. E weathvr so far this winter 3 to hv muvh like that of last There's a lot of wood coming Ltnnw.aml sold at about $2.50 rt curd. Many .0f the citizens vidvd themselves with coal. I al News a good black galldway skin robe st article on the unrket try T- â€"â€"â€"2pd. {mm-3 is cgming. 3}! Concert to-night. ’D DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. we “'ednesduy afternoon of this another ofthose happy ('Vt‘nts I cause a ripple of int west in the i lunity. took place at the parsunel I Arcola. when two liVes wervl forever. The participants werv ellington Dormer. of (‘ott-au. Zt’ttit Kerney. (leiighteruf .. Kerney nf \V'midhy. Ontario. .11. (in. (‘air’ns officiated. The 8-8 attended by Miss Harris. .h‘cgroom was assisted by lllh r, JUscph Dormer. The rere- 'over the happy young coople ' the congraflatinns of many . in town before driving to their ' ‘at Cotean, where a large of friends and a most appetiz- . nnwaited them. The even- _' qeht in social am mentaud ‘ cheer. The bride received ad useful presents... “in Star. - | l l l l TBEB 8th. Chronicle Admission 250‘ reserved seats 38-410. 1969. SAM LAWRENGE is home from Port Arthur. MR. J. L. BROWNE and family have moved to Hawkesbury. THE Rink was Opened to the pub- lic Tuesday night and was well pat- ronized. MR. \V. M. GRANT of Knox College will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning and evening. ' THE Farmer-5’ Manufacturing and Supply Company are opening up Show anns in thenew Hunter Block. ' MR. FARQUHARSON goes to Chats- worth on Sunday to preach the Anni- versary services and to give an address on Monday evening. IN the Presbyterian pulpit last Sah' bath reference was made to the death of Principal Caven and the mission be filled both for church and state. WE regret to learn that Mr. Alice senior is very ill at present. \Ve un- derstand he had a severe fall: which renderq him speechless. He is over eighty years of age. A BRIEF contribution from “'iuni- peg on the death of the late Mr. Jansen has been withheld as a lengthy notice had been already inserted and the article referi'ed to had no additional matter. AN up«t0-date concert will be given in Allen’s School No. 2. l‘lgromont, 'I‘uem‘lay evening Dec. 13th. Admis- siun 15 cents single ticht. Splendid talent is vxpected. Evoryhndy Wu]- vmm'. I’rmsvods fur the Sick (’hild- Pan's Hnspital. Tummtu. TAX N(')TI(‘E.â€"-l will he at. the Knapp Huusv, Saturday, Dec. 10th, to meet all parties of \Vaml No. l. (llenelg, tn I'vvvivotaxes from all who havv not [)I't‘VlOHSly paid. After that (late the roll will be placed in other hands for collection. THUS. M(‘GIRR. Collector. Plum, Texter plirvnnlugist is still at tlw Middaugli House. and will be there till Saturday next. HP invites all thnse intei-vsted, to come and hear his shurt free lectures on Phrenology, be- ginning over)" evening at 7o’clock. Got your head read. Examination daily. Plain reading 150., Synaptical vhart 300.. Full (liscriptive chart 500. Saturday is positively my Inst night here. \VE Lregret to chronicle the de Lth of Mrs. Alex Murton at Rocky Saugeen which ncenred Tuesday last. after about five weeks illness frum catarrh of the stmnach. The. deceased was forty-three years of age and |eaves a husband and three. daughters tmmmru rhelussnf an affectionate wife and Inuther. She was a daughter of the late James Lunney. (If Bentinck. Her mother. six sisters and three brothers are alsu mourners over the sad event. The brothers are “'1". and Fred «In the homestead. and James in Halt. The sisters are Mrs. W'. J. Ker nev. 0f (Hen- leg. Mrs. Murrisun, of bait MI-s. \Vhit- hain. of “I. Forest. Mrs. Brithm. (If Bunessan. Mrs. Astieford. at British (‘ulumhia and Mrs. Brunt of Bentinck. Intel-"mum takes place tn tlw Durham Cemetery tu-umn-uw, T hursday, at. l p. In. A QHET ‘but very pretty wedding Was aulcumized at high noon on “'cd- "93% of last week at the home of Mrs. James Burnett of this town when her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, was united in wedlock to Mr. D. Mc- Uoskery, of Tottenham, in the pres- ence of only the intimate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The ceremony, which was solemn, beautiful and imposing, was perform- ed by Rev. Mr. Farquharson, Presby- terian minister. The bride who was‘ given away by her cousin, Mr. B. Curran, was unattended and was gowned in cream crepe-de-chene, trimmed with cream silk and chiffon, and carried bridal roses, the wedding march being played by Miss Sophia Burnett, sister of the bride. At the conclusion of the ceremony the com- pany partook of a dainty luncheon. l‘he home was beautifully decorated with flowers, ferns, Chrysanthemums. The going-away suit was of brown broadcloth with white silk waist and hat to match. After receiving the 'rongratulations of their friends the bridal couple left on the 3 o’clock tram on a honeymoon trip to visit Toronto, Hamilton and other places. Mr. and Mrs. McCoskery will reside in Winnipeg. THE CHRONICLE joins the host of friends in wishing them many years of unalloyed. happiness. lst, We clip the following from the Russell (Mam) Banner which has re- ference to a Durham boy who has -v-. --v been out there fox some time and has récently returned to town to take a position in \IacFarlane Co.’ 8 Drug store: “ A farewell party was given Mr, Moore McFadden, who has been em- ployed with Mr. \V. Ledingham, in the Foresters’ Hall, last Friday even- ing by the young men of the town. Quite a large crowd gathered for the occasion, and a very pleasant time was spent by all, tripping of the light fantastic. Mr. McFadden leaves this week foa his home in Durham, Ont.” The young people of Russell, not being satisfied with the above sen‘ 01f, had “Moore” to appear before them the following Friday when they presented him with a locket which bears the wnrds: “ To Mac from the Boys of Russell.” “Last Friday evening a number of the boys of the village gathered in yr. D. B. Higgins rooms and pre- sented M1. M. McFadden with a hand- some gold locket, hef01e his departure for his home in Durham, Ont. The p1esentation was made by Mr. Ed- mison and MI. Mo Fadden made a suitable reply, thanking the boys for the gift, and regreting his departure from Russell. . After the presentation supper was served and a short musi- (-al programme closed the evening’s entertaininent.” For confectionery, try Robert Burnett’s new stock. For good fresh groceries for your Christmas baking, go to Jae. Ireland. Confectioneryâ€"something select, at Parker’s. Buy your heavy rubbers from H, H. Mockler. He sells the best pure Gum Punceure proof goods. We want all our friends to receive one of our pretty caiendersâ€"call for one â€"â€"Macfarlane and 00. Read Keeler’s ad. People appreciate a present bought at Keeler’s. They all know we keep the best. Coal Oilâ€"the best Canadian and Ameaican, at Parker’s drug store. _ Balance of our winter millinery will be cleared out at less than half price a: Jas. Ireland’s. Try Robert Burnett. {or Christmas groceries. They are fresh. It’s time to be wondering What you’ll give for Christmas gifts. Perhaps a look over our stock of fancy slippers and juliets will help you.â€"Jas. Ireland. The largest, collection of violins 1n tom 0 at Parker’s. R. Macfarlane Jr. attended a mov- ing sale in fancy goods at Toronto last. week. See their ad in this issue. Buy your underwear from Robert. Burnett. They always please. Ladies’ coats at cost. this week at. MOCk‘Ur’S' Fresh fruits at. Parker’s. Chriscmas gifts in abundance at Robert Burnett's. We canjy over twenty five lines of men’s underwear in all weightsâ€"we fit you too. A: H. H. Mockler’e. Perfumesâ€"all the choice odors at Parker’s drug store. All goods bought at Keeler’s en- graved free of charge. Christmas groceries at. Mockler’s. Pipesâ€"a big assortment at Par- ker’s drug store. Cold blast lanterns for 70 cents at Parker’s. Colored burnings for making Christmas gifts in stock in all shades at H. H. Muckler’s. MIDDAUGH HOUSE, DURHAM. Easy terms. Apply to MRS. J. W. IRWIN, Box 80, Durham, Ont. Choice stationery at Parker’s. Moore HcF adden Honored. Middaugh House for Sale. DURHAM, Bargain Counter. HOTEL FOR SALE. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To = the Municipal Electors of the Third County Council Division for the Count of Grey, comprisin the Towns ips of Bentinck and G enelg, the 'Bown of Durham and the Village of Hanover, that a meeting of the Mu- nicipal Electors of said Division will be held in the Town Hall in the Town of Durham, on Monday the 19th day of December, 1904, at one o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of County Councillors, pursuant to the County Councils’ Act of 1896. If more than the necerrary number of candidates are proposed for the said offices a. poll will be opened on Monday, the 2nd day of Januar A. D.. 1905, commencing at 9 o’cloc in the forenoon and closing at 5 o’- clock in the afternoon of the same day. Given under my hand in the Town ofDurham this sixth day of Decem- ber, 1904. Mr. Joe Bokes of King, township is spending some pleasant. weeks with the various members of the Fallice family. Mrs. McClocklin sr., who has been visiting at her daughter’s, Mrs. M. Wilson, returned to her old home on the 4th on Saturday. Miss Hapki'ns, who has spent sdme months with her sister. Mrs. Noel Falkingham left for the city last week. She is a bright maiden. Zionites are making special efforts to make their Christmas Tree Concert on Christmas Eve, a rousing success 5112.). H. Smith B. A. of the Bar ham school Staff filled Zion’s pulpit on Sunday. His address was scholar; 1y. most Ionical and impressive. Mr. Watson assisted in the Service. Watson is a most handsome fellow. so we overheard the {air ones re- mark On Wednesday. Nov. 23rd. in the cosy parlor of the Methodist parson- age. in Arcola. Assa., Miss Zeddie Kerney. eldest daughter of councillor W Kerney. was most happily wed- ded to Mr. Wellington Dormer by the Rev. I. Cairns. Mr. Dormer is a splendid Specimen of manhood and is well known throughout the North part of this township, having lived on the late F. Twamley’s farm for some years. He moved to Arcola four years ago and has prospered and forged ahead most rapidly. The fair bride was handsomely gowned in brown. with hat to match and looked very pretty They were liberally beshowered with rice as they drove through the thriving town. are leav- ing for their home some miles out. Miss Zeddie left here in AuguSt, but the wooing was begun a year or more ago. The best wishes of the neigh borhood goes out to the happy couple. Jr.III-â€"-E. Bennett. Archie Black George Wilder. IV~Maggie Crittenden. Stanley Mead, Lottie Eden, Maggie McLaugh- lin. Sr. Pt. II~~S. Morrison “7111. Gray Andrew Gray. Jr. B Pr, II-Sarah Allan C. Crit- tenden. Agnes Allan. Willie Wilder, Ella. Baird. t9 new Jr. IIâ€"Hazel Danuetc, M. Woods, David Wilder. Sr. III-Eather Tucker. Joseph Morrison, Archie Allan. Jr a Pi. IIâ€"VIary Ker. Annie Ker, Earl Mead. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Myrtle Allan. Sr. Iâ€"Wm. Finnegan. Wilfred Barbour. Jr. Iâ€"‘Vm Woods, Harold Baird, and Howard Baird equal. Average attendance 28. Asxm LAWRENCE, Teacher. Sr. IIIâ€"Thomas Funnel-tough, W McNally. Benton McNally, A. Loan 03' Sr. IIâ€"Thomas Johnson. Clara Cuswell, Robt. Howell. Vâ€"Annie Clark. IVâ€"Jessie Smitt. Julia Clark, N McLean. Election Jr. IIâ€"Mabel Smith, Clarence Mc- Nally. Robert Pucherbough. SOD. Sr Pr. IIâ€"Mnrjory. Clnrk, Philip McDonald. Emil McNully. May Grier- Sr. Iâ€"Iohn Clark, John Smith W. Cuawell. Jr. [â€"0011 Lunnoy. Dom Dumaox, Tuchor. Jr Pt. IIâ€"Perry C‘swell. Ghdya McDonald. ~ J r. IIIâ€"Estelle Lunney. S S. No EGREMONT. S S No. 10 BENTINCK, Traverston. HONOR ROLLS. W. B. VOLLET, Nominating Officer. ********%***Â¥**Â¥Hflmfi flomcr Store . Call and see the large stock of fall and winter goods we have for you. We know we can please you as our assortment is the largest in town. THE 808V STORE ON THE 8087 CORNER. $1.00 Pea YEAR.

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