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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1904, p. 4

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tl BARBAINS B. Mecfurlune jr., Durhum, Deer Bob , We no moving into our new premises after Jan. let. If you want none bur-gains come down. Will give you my personal attention. Yours truly. MacFARLANE M70. We can sell these Goods at Buly Buyer- Ahnys Get The Best Choice. Take a look through our Stock. no nutter whether you Want to buy or lot. :3 we always consider it s pleas- ure to show our goods. 75c regular Wholesale prices and still have a fair profit 25c Lines for 100 and Dolls Toys China Albums Dressing Cases Perfumes Leather Goods Etc., Etc. Como :nd let us show you them. The iollowing letter from s mem- ber of the firm,“'l‘ho Fancy Goods Co. of Csnsda" speaks for itself. Fortunately for you and' ourselves as well. we had not bought the bulk of our Xmas stock of: We readily availed our- selves of this good chance We were notidisappoint- ed, nor will you be when you see what we have to offer. A line of china cups and saucers are exception ally good value. COME EARLY. 66 H H Tonomo. Nov. 28th, 1904. IN ‘ ments H £6 H of all Kinds Musical Instru- H. WOOD. 35c 150 DURHAM CHRONICLE The Liberal Convention held here on Thursday last was well attended, and Mr. John McKechnie was the man chosen to contest the constituency against Dr. Jamieson in the Local Legislature. Mr. McKechnie is a good honest man and we feel the campaign will he honorably conducted on both sides. It is too soon yet to predict the success of either candidate but their is very little doubt of Dr. Jamieson’s re- turn with a good majority. Durham. Dec. 8th, 1904. Mr. MacKay in particular is naturally anxious for the return of the Ross gov- ernment in order that he may enjoy the benefits of his portfolio as Minister of Crown Lands. It was not the first ‘ time Mr. MacKay had to argue on the w rong side of the case, and there were . pe1sons listening to him who heard 'him go off into as high a state of re- ligions fe1vo1 in the court of law as he . did on the night of the convention- i Professions of purity and religious i can’t is much in vogue now in the grit ranks. but with all their fervor and enthusiasm they fail to move the gen- - era] public to believe in their sincerity. The fact of Mr. MacKay’s reference three times to R. R. Gamey shows con- clusively the magnitude of the party hatred to (iamey’s exposures. and Gameyism is a big facter to berecken- ed with at“ the present time. H. H. Miller M. P. elect and Hon. A. G. Mac-Kay were the speakers at the Convention here last Thursday. Both spoke highly of Mr. Ross and his Gov- ernment. This was nothing more than the people expected them to do. The Commercial travellers are as a rule. a pretty good authority in the political feeling in the county and for months past they seem to express only one opinion and that opinion is decid- edly unfavorable to the return of the present Ontario government. The Temperance people have at last begun to sour in the unfulfilled professions of the Premier, and the tricks by which he worked them for a third of a cent- ury are. now ineffectual in holding them together. Elsewhere we give the op- inion of Rev. Mr. Kettlewell, a gentle- man who, with two exceptions, has al- ways been a supporter of the Liberal party. “W'eel, friends, the kirk is urgently in need of siller, and as we have failed to get money honestly, we will have to see what a bazar can do for us!” A simple. effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolone Antiseptic Tablets A Scotch minister in need of funds recently conveyed his intentions to his congregation: They combine the germicidal! value of Crcsolcnc with the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 100. All Drugusta 400 Itching.Blind. Bleedlng or Protmdin Piles. Dmggiets refund money .if PAZO DIN KENT fnllsto cure any cue. no nutter of how long etnndin , in 6 to 14d. 3. First nppliention vee eoeenn test. 500. f our dmgflt hunt it send 50c in taupe on it will founded poetojnid by Perle Hedicine Co.. St. Louis, Ho Winter. . Hillinery WE are offering every bat in our Millinery Department at. a great reduction for the next Three weeks. A girl never talks h) her sleep be- cause she has told everything she knows before she goes to bed. A GUARANTEED CURE FOB FILES McIntyre Block. â€"â€" Durham, Ont. The very 1stsst styles and newest patterns in Ladiss’ Neckwssr can be had at lowest prices here. ss s lugs stock has just srrived. A ers Pills Want your moustache onbeatd ammummm IV. IRWIN. filter and Proprictor. SANCTUI 81111308. Sore Throat and Coughs MISS DICK Every Felt hat, trimmed or untrimmed must go at lowesm price possible. Every hat is a bargain and a good choice. Don’t fail to call in and see them. Over 60 well made hats in Velvet and Plush, with trimm. ings of Mink and Chinchilla plumes. each but is made of the very best material. AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, No Smoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives. PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICE 10c. AT ALL GROCERS C. L. GRANT. \V. BLACK. PULV 3355374“ Darling S Our Christmas Stock ...... Our stock of Perfume is larger than ever. Watch our Display Windows. lâ€"aâ€"t Hal-min évory Monday, where he will y4§c per lb for Ewes and Wethers weigfing over 80 lbs and 4c for bucks. Good fat sheep 3§c per lb. Two Windows full of Pelfme Just think of it in Durham Fm Satmday, Dec. lflth Quality right. Prices right. Square and Upright dealing to all. Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Bees. and Ashâ€"815.00. Maple. Birch and Beechâ€"812.00. Hemlock, Spruce, Cedarâ€"810.00. Prices will be regulated from the cbove basis according to quality. Tm; DURHAM Fumrunn 00.. Limited. JNO. A. DARLING The People’s Druggist. All kinds of Logs delivered to the Company’s yard in Durham, for which the following prices will be paid : Farmers and others will please notice that herecfter the following prices will be paid for lumber de livered to our factory. Elm Maple] Ash }$l?. Birch >815. Boss Beech J Dec.5â€"â€"2pd You do not need to send out of Town for anything in our line. is in: théy are.' They cure cppgtipgtipn, biliousneufl . - Awn- TVeg‘cubfl, liver pggs. Has now arrived and far surpasses anything we have ever shown, comprising in part al- most anything suit- able as a gift. TRAVELLING CASES -WORK CASES TOILET CASES SHAVING SETS -FANCY MIRRORS BRUSHES -XMAS CARDS -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -ETC ETG‘ ETC WE WILL MAKE our grand display of Foreign and 'Do- mestic PERFUMES. The largest and beat showing out- side any city in Canada. THE DURHAM FURNITURE 00.. Limited Lambs Wa’nted. UNDERSIGNED WILL B_E WANTED. NOTICE. DRUG STORE. J OHN CALYnnjr, Friday, Dec. 9th, ’04 AT 8 O’CLOCK P. M. Periodicals, Magazines, Etc. EVERYBODY COME. Time Proves All T hings-- THE HARDWARE AND TmWAnE MAN Hardware. Tinware. Paints. Oils, Glass. Putty, Ammunition, c., c. U York and Chicago. Discuss of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House Durham. the 2nd Satuuhv m eachp month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p. m. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Late Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic 1105., Eng" and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos EXCLUSIVELY Will be at the Middaugh House lat Wednemhy of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. | [Did you see the eight sleigh: leave our store last Saturday after- noon loaded with Stoves and uten- sils. The “Penn Esther” Range is fast taking the lead in this lo- oality. Silverware. We have over 1,000 pieces of Silverware of the latest designs, which we are oflering for one- third less than former prices. Tea Pots. Stoves and Ranges. Our great/sale of English Tea Pots still continues. The hand- someones are disappearing very rapidly. Skates. In Table Cutlery we excel. especially in Carving Sets. The world-wide known I X L white handled Table and Desert Knives are very cheap. There is no more suitable pre- sent for a young person than a pair of skates. See our varieties before buying. Table Cuttlery. You will not be eble to find else- where the assortment of Fancy 1.. mp8 thatis to be seen in our es flisbment And all fitted with; liucheeter Burners. Fancy Lamps. L. R. c. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New Auction Sal: By the glare and glitter of things, and don’t think you are getting a bargain when you pay your money for the much advertised cheap goods. F. Siegner Hardware. And it only needs a little ex- perience to show that it’s the better plan and more satis- factory to buy good goods like what we have, and know that you can depend upon it to be right at all times. It will pay you to exam- ine our stock of Christan: Hardware, as we have the beat usortment over col- lected in Durban. DR. GEO. 8. BURT. DR. BROWN XMAS DEALER IN AT THE llry Footwear For yourselves, and more especially the children tramp to school through mud and wet. A $4 or M q in this direction will save you bitter trouble later Boys‘ Beaver Overcoats with Velvet collar. We are selling these coats for $3.50, although they are worth $5.50. We Want to clear out these goods for cash. Equal reductions throughout the en tire store. Owen Sound and Durham OVERCO ATS $8.50 Overcoats for $6.50 Rubbers. am? These are all the latest goods. . L. GRANT Do Your 'Xmas Shopping H Grants We have a lot of Boys’ Ulster Overcoats. The good comfortable kind, with high collar for cold and stormy weather. We are selling this line at cost price. Give us your Foot Measure and Repairing. PEEL, the Shoeman CHEMIST AND - DRUGGIST HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR RAW FURS. Our handmade French, English and Oil Calf and Kips can be strictly relied upon always. AT H. PARKER We only carry the best of RUBBERS and can the best prices. Try 1 Cluanngs. Tokugawa The Down-ton In every desired and Gentlemen, {wings for men. Lumbarmon’a Rubbers Rubbers {or Ludios‘, Childnn ad Gonumn discus. Spats and Lo" Ladioa’. Misses tnd Child1 Slippers of difleront ki: Felt and louhor. Boo Shoes for :11 non. Boar for STRICTLY CASH 8Y1 Boot.

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