West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1904, p. 7

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'ARY PUBLIC, CO_M_MISSION- moms AND SURGEON, OF- . in the New Hunter Block. Ofice I to w e. In., 2to 4p.rn. and? to9 Special attention given to diseases Ian and children. Residence op- Preebvterian Church. in MACKAY, DURHAM. and Valuator and Licensed Auction- llle Con ty 0! Grey. Sales prompu II to an‘ootes cashed. y G. Lefroy McCaul. Lnfnn and Goorge Streetsâ€"at hill. Oflico hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 '-9 p. 111. Telephone No. 10. ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF iiniyre’s Block. Lower Town, Dur- lollection and Agency promptly I to. Searches made» at the Regis- ice over Gordon’s new Jewellery mver Town, Durham. Any amount wto loan at 5 per cent. on farm Arthur Sun, I. D. i. Hutton, M. D., C. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. Conveyancer, etc. Private money Old neonnts and debts of all ollected on commission. Farms Ind sold. Insurance Agent, etc. IacKeuzie’s Old Stand. Lower Mam, Ont. 3E AN D RESIDENCEâ€"COR. '. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. Durham Pharmacy. Calder-’3 Ruideucoâ€"Lsmbton Street. near MacKay Dunn. .ISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- runcers. Etc. Money to Loan. In the McIntyre Block, over 1 Bank. Universitv; Graduate of Royal of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 3alder Block, over Post Oflice. l. P. Telford. .IS’I‘ER, somcnou, mo. .CKAY. K. C. Denial Dz’rectorv. ’R GRADUATE OF TORON- E AND RESIDENCE A 3 distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Street, Lower Town, Durham. :13 from 12 to 2 o’clock. .mieson Macdonald. Enos} fc: the County of Grey. aptly .gttopded to. Call at 111 Al‘-.. n-_|_ D n sum, somcn'qa. Egon heilim: '6?"§ri'£é"{o"£mh Pith P. 0'. sy‘bo left at the Chronicle ofico. p for the County of Grey. Sales “tended t0. Orders ma be left fluent Warorogms, M 'nnon’s or u the Chromlo Oflico. A. H. Jackson. CAITSON, DURHA_M, mof radical Dz’rectorv. Auctioneer for the County of ad Vuluutor, Bailifl' of the 2nd Court Sdee and‘ 111 other matters Ltteuded to. Hughes: refereenca Legal Directory. Miscellflwous. ”b! "it,“ «(Intuit-men hi this” who can no “vb. to cmurr Imeulm. m J h Nun {ht m Lu: lazlJ mam lt v. hpflbhohed ! H furhi- :u. cw. tandem Mk...» "I m: ‘ n- 50cm“ {or that 2.1:. H10 . . M! "V‘Q'NOIL but: was; --d by strangefi must I In Cmnmcuu rill b. an: to an} “1.8, free of postage, for 3|.” pe: . ”I, payable in adv:nceâ€"$l.§o max ” no ”Id. The due to which avar- | ° is dade by the numb" «n ”H 0 paper ch ~c ntinvei mm! all 9r"... 3 u the CHIN“ of me premium 'N Imiem advcflhcmems 8 . .- in. {at 9.0 in I hhcl IUL . 2 . - in. ash subocnucu; uL-cmv-n -mv W (nth. n .4 exceeding 1‘ - pun. Adve. ~-.n. u. . ; .n" ‘O C -.v-Uvâ€"‘ ‘â€" undo at Tam Ciiibxiéu: of- pgo ad P. 0.. Ceylon. Talo- it AND PROPRIETou. INDODAV ’0'...“ unto-mum rat I“: wnok.) Imm.mum Mr. Was. Arnott roturnod from uni-mu, ONT. Mtnitoba when he has spent the ,â€"=-:;-:_â€"â€"_â€"=â€"_\â€"--\ :put three or four month’s. BRIGHAM . LICENSED for ' the County of (hay. Ito and satisfaction guaran- L'nanmonts and dates of .IL, LIQENSED- AHUC- U WILD.” .K. LICENSED AUCâ€" I: comment, 310:8:0..w t“ NHW : Y.’ ; ' nu fat tnnum: o-It vow: cm W. F. DUNN. The bridge contractors in the valley have finished their job satisfactorily. George Binnie was a delegate in Toronto last week. We learn that John McGillivray has sold half his farm to Andy Ford, of Durham. John McArthur of the 4th is to have a Credit Auction Sale of Stock. implements etc., on Dec., 9th 1904. ”Some time ago my daughter caughtasevere cold. She complain- ed of pains in the chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy according to direc tions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail,” says James Prsndergast. merchant. Annato Bay. Jamaica. West India Islands. The pain in the chest indicated an approaching at- tack of pneumonia. which in this in stance was undoubtedly warded 03 by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold towards pneumonia. For sale by H. Parker.â€"2. ° Mary Binnie spent a few days with Edge Hill friends last week. Mr. Alex. Butters andhis daughter Miss Susan of Bochesmer, are at pre- sent, visiting the McLellan family. Dan McGinnis has gone timbering this week with Mr‘ Hartford of your town. There were about a dozen sheep killed, and many more worried in Scotch Town by dogs last week. The dogs are out yet captured but are supposed to have come from the Durham Road. Messrs 1) Mc- Ginnis, A. McMillen,. D. McIntyre and A. McLellan are among she losers. Charlie Arnot hes had his house newly plastered, and will no doubt keep warm this winter. Mr. Wm. and Miss Jenny Benton are home from Irish Lake. Miss'Ids Benton was out north Sunday week to see them. John McDonald isimproving nicely after his severe fall and hurt. Maud McGillivray went to Toronto a fortnight ago. She will be much missed as she is a favorite. Miss Seaman of Holstein, was the guest of Mrs. P. Pinnock last week. Alex. McMillan intends selling out and moving to Durham in the near future. We will all miss Mr. Mc- Millen and family if they leave this burg. George Craig is improving his resi- dence by having it. veneered with shingles. Mr. John McGrath of Pomona. bought a number of cattle from Arch McLellen this week an n nice price. John knowsn good thing when he sees it. George Heartwell gave a. birthday party last week. when both young and old had a. real nice time. Mr. Boak of King. is visiting friends in the burg an present. Archie Benton is erecting a new gothic and other improvements to his barn at present. We are pleased to learn that. Mr. Peter Muir of Buneeean is somewhat improving also Mr. Kennedy. Nnce sleighing in our burg just now. GoodBye Mr. Editor, and be good. An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Ofl‘. Jnmes Maine has. we understand. (1 aposed 03 his 150 acre farm to Jun. HOpkins for the sum of $5,500 This makes Mr. Hopkins the largest land. owner in the neighborhood. having' full possession of 300 acres of good; land. Mr. Maine while on a visit to’ friends near Hamilton some time agoé fell in love with that part of the" country and he is at present down there negotiating on the buying of, another farm. ' Roy Taft, of Hanover, spent the forepart of the week with the Eck- hard; family. Mr and Mrs. Robr. Griflin. of To- ronto are at present visiting their cousins, the Brown’s Moore’s and Watson’s. Toronto Our Spring Bank high-famed comi f cal troop. are. we understand to taker put in thn programme in Ritchie and; Wilder school box socials Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Firth. of Mark dale. visited the formal-’9 parent’s Mr. and Mn. Ju. Moore. on Sunday. Marx: rot Moore, of Toronto, is spending her Thanksgiving holiduys at the parental home here Mr. Will Moore, of Manitoulin Is- land. is at. present visiting the Moore family of this place. Mr Bert Whitman is engaged with Mr. McLean at the mill for a term. mmmwhmnzm H "m a“ ;, t .1 . Mh‘rf‘ 95$“. (Intended for last week.) (Intonded for In: week.) Glenelg Centre. '. Brown is visiting friends in Spring Bank. Mr. Antoine Wendling owner of Deveras 211 i. and proprietor of the Clifton House. Brockville. says no liniment compares with Nerviline for general use around the stable. For strains. Sprains swellings. internal pains and especially for aflections of the whirl bone Nerviline is unequall- ed. Mr. VVendling believes Nerviline is indiSpensahle as a horse liniment ; it has strength. penetrating power and works thoroughly. Every horse and stock owner should use Nerviline. Sold in large ‘25s. bottles. I Inspector Rodgers. of 1111. PquIHO Icinl Police. hnn just attuned how 'the western port of the Pt‘ovmoe. where he run down. 11 ens-e ul macaw. letter writing, and it is hoped has. thus put 11 step to an nbmumeme pructice The way this “as unaw- lelled was very in1e1eetin¢ 801119 1lettera addressed to 111111113 in H.111 .over and pumed 111 A) tou, Urey 1County, hud insafiicient postage and 1 were sent to Turuutu dead 114.114 of £1100. Here they were found =0 be 1nnony1noua obscene le1ters, 11nd they 1were turned over to the Attorney 1Generel’s Department Inspector 1Rodgers going to Hanover to iuveeli- ggate, found that these lette1e. r-elirct- mg on 11 charamer of 11 ceruuu led, were not. only poeted to Other Indies. l but were dropped on the street. 1 where they were found by echool-l children tacked up on fences. etc :After looking over the situation. In- 'spector Rodgers 111 rested E11 W 1ssler1 of Neusmdt, a village bet veen Hau- 1 over and Ayton,a11d examinations of Wiesler’s handwriting and epe111ng1 convinced the detecmxe that he had the rig ht ma11.Wlssler was brough: beforeg Magmtrate W1l11am fl. Ryuu.1 pleaded guilty, and was sent down 10 the Central Prison fox one 11:111.: Wissler is 66ye11rs of age and la .1. vendor of patent med1c1nee 1 (Toronto News.) _ Mr. W'hitney’s position on the ques- tion of prohibition is at least candid and consistent. He has stated frankly. ? occasion demanded, that he is opposed to the enactment of a prohibitory law. He is not behind the Liberal party in deploring intemperance, but he takes the ground that the way to meet it is to “decrease the number of licenses, “to remove the commissioners and in- “spectors from political and party in- “fluences, and enforce the license law “honestly, and with the whole power “of the Government.” It is not clear how he intends to remove the commis- sioners and inspectors from political and party influences; but the other two clauses are clear enough, and lie at the root of the whole question of temperance reform. To limit the num- ber of licenses to the actual demands of a community, and then rigidly en- force the law against the license-hold- er or illicit dealer is to follow closely the trend of public sentiment, and be in a position to add to the restrictions as public opinion demands. This is too conservative a course to satisfy the prohibitsonists, and by adopting it Mr. Whitney may lose many votes. That is perhaps the most creditable feature of his policy. He rejects the suggestion to trim his sails to catch the breeze that would carry him into power, and prefers to stand square- ly opposed to a policy which he would not carry out if he could, and perhaps could not if he would. \Vithout going into the merits of the question it must be conceded that Mr. \Vhitney’s atti- tude is honorable alike to himself and his party. I l 1N THE SURROGATE' COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. in the Matter of the Estate of J oeeph Sharpe, Late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. L pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, chapter 129, section 38, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Joseph Sharpe, Who died on or about the 9th day of October A. D. 1904, are hereby required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Dur- ham, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 23rd Day of December A. D., their names, addresses, and descrip- tion, and a full statement of parti- culars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will roceed to distribute the assets 0 the 7 de; ceased among the parties entitled thereto, havin regard on] to the claims of whic they shall t en have notice. Dated this 29th day of November A. D. 1904. J. P. TELFOBD, Solicitor for the Executors. Bananas SHABPE and JAMES £06133. Notice to Creditors WHITNEY ON TEMPERANCE A Noted Horseman’s EXperience Rodgar’n Clover Work o ‘04....- 0.. 9-4 IIIâ€"Victoria Aljoe, Ernest McGirr Clara Ritchie. Howard Whicmore. Millie Hopkins. Annie Atkinson, Eva Atkinson. Sr. IIâ€"Robc. Lawrence, William Crutchley. Maggie McGirr. Maggie Ritchie, Blanche Mathews Pc IIâ€"lrene Ritchie. May Patter- son, Herb Atkinson and Lorne Aljoe equal. (a)â€"Normau DickSUn, Harris Fiz- zel. Jr. IIâ€"Susie Bell, Clara Main, Margaret Mathews Sr. Iâ€"â€"John Bell and Wm Visit and Will McGirr equal, Albert Aljoe, Milford Main. IVâ€"Elmo Edwards. Jessie Peters. Fdith Tucker. Mary Peters. Stewart McNally, Cassie Rvan. Percy Hunt. Sr. lIâ€"Alex. Wright. Ena McNally Wilbert Wright. Basil Davie, Jenny Cook, Wesley Hunt and Wilfrid Hunt equal. Dollie Anderson, Spencer Edwards. Charlie Smith, Everitt Jack. Jr. IIâ€"Olive Tucker, Jenny Jack. Edith Peters. Bessie Smith, Ivan Ed- wards. Pt. IIâ€"Mary Peart. 8r. Iâ€"-Bertie Wright, Mina Ed- wards. Jr. Iâ€"Emerson, Peart, Katie Cook, J 06 Edwards. Sore and swollen joints, sharp, shooting pains. torturing muscles. no rest. no sleepâ€"that means rheuma- tism. It is a stubborn disease to fight. but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has conquered it thousands of times. One application gives relief. Try it. B. Parker sells it.-â€"2. LOWER HITCHIE'S SCHOOL. Vâ€"Alex. Alj )9. Fred Ritchie IVâ€"Agnes Nit-Gin“. May Hopkins Maggie Weir, Katie Ritchie. Jr. Iâ€"Emma Atkinson, Blanche Bell, Ruby Meenagh. IIIâ€"Allen Davie. Tommie Cook, Frank Ryan. Lorne McNally. Robbie Wright, Beecher Jack. Sr. PL IIâ€"Essie Douglas. W. Hoefliu. J. Huy. Leslie HOPgi, Pearl Schrnun Jr. Pr. Il-â€"G. Pindvr. M. Hoegi. Sr Pt. Iâ€"Siurra Schram, Burt Dickson. IIâ€"Iohn Garvey. ‘Roy Dickson, Nelliu Dyer. Minmie Dyer. N Myers Earl Hoegi. A Hay. I. Dickson. Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 and $2.00 [Vo-Gertie Hoy, Aggie Brown. Olive Hoy. Perry Hoaflin, L Kauai, F. Mark. Sr. III -Ida Garvey. Jessie Doug Ins. S S N o. 2. EGREMONT AND NORMANBY Jr IIIâ€"Flosaie Dickson. Janet Hoeflin, Charlie Lewis, J. Hoy. Canal! of the Stomach. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Promptiy Cured with Fnr sale by all druggists. For fur- ther advice and information write Dr. Slocum. Limited, 179 King street west. Toronto. Can. Some years ago I was greatly trou- bled wlth indigestion and caturrh of ,. . the stomach (the a t t. e r etiects of la grippe), was v e r y weak an d greatly r u n d o w n generaun .Llle use 0! sychine b r ought. a marked im- p r o v ement so that no d o u b t re- mained in my-mlnd as to the value of the treat- ment Psy- '~" ' -*- chine was just what. I flooded, and it helped me at once. I can cheerfully recommend l’svchluo. and will do so upon all oc- casions.â€"Mrs. J. A. Bcckstcdt. PSVC‘HTVE la the greatest of di- gestams. lt assists the gastric juices and ferments in their digestion of the food. cleanses the mucous membrane of the stomach. and has also an inâ€" vigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles and nerves of the stomach. PSYf‘l-IINE ride: the stomach of all lnf'an-‘w-V‘an, commonly called Ca- tarrh cf the Stomach or Dyspepsia. Psychine is pronounced Si-keen Mrs. Beckstedt, Chesten'me, On- tario, writes : g; E i 1 v.... P$W©Dflflmfi (b)â€"A. Garvey. Norma Finder. PEARL MCFARLANE, Teacher aCh istheBasis ITO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLI of AllSh-ength | .â€"â€"â€"â€"1 râ€"â€"â€"â€" (Pnououucsn suntan) S. S. No. 5 GLENELG. JOHN A. GRAHAM. Teacher. HONOR ROLLS. W. J. RITCHIE, Teacher. W M . JOHNSTON, Chan man Intending students ehomd enoer st beginning of term. or as soon after u pouible. and Lot No. 60, N. D. R; JOHN BAILEY.â€"Lot No. 59, Con. l. N. D. R. the echool is eqmpped for full Junior Leaving (i end Mntrlouhtlon work. under the following an! of competent teachers for thnt depertment: [ THOS. ALLAN. In Class Certificate. Prtn. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics and Modern. J. B. SMITH. B.A.. Mnthemntice and Science. I October lltb. 1W â€"tf. ROBT._I._1NI)_§AY,â€"_I:ot_q {)8 59. 00. s. D. 11.. WM. (iRIgERSONZâ€"Lou No. 59. oo. 61. 2nd Con . S. ). . Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. A LARGE STOCK OF RATTAN GOODS .1 l‘s'l‘ 1x I1 forbidden shooting. hunting or run; ning dogs on the following lots. Don‘t ask permits. This means you. DURHAM SCHOOL. Foes. 81.00 per month Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables ( )hairs Bedroom Suites Uhiffoniers Cribs and Cradles LL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY New Fall Goods in Every Line... N., G. J. McKechnie. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. . . . N.,' (i. J. McKechnie. Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. WARNING. In thanking our friends and the public generally for past patronage we \Vou‘ed call attention to our New FALL Goods in every line along with WM. GRIERSON. ROBT. LINDSAY. JOHN BAILEY. (2. RA MAGE. Secremry THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR 048” 87036. Why Go Around .. J. L. FLARITY Garafraxa Street. Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables Jardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings With en ill-fitting ready-made suit, when you cnn get 3 first- clnes fit. made to order in the highest class of workmmahip for shout the “me money? We have n lnrge stock of SCOTCH TWEEDS. WOR- STEDS nnd SERGES. and we guarantee satisfaction. MERCHANT TAILOR.

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