West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1904, p. 8

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t1? tl “n Our Christmas Groceries have Arrived. g ANY QUANTITY OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AT THIS STORE. a Before the Yuleolog dies out. We have a very heavy stock and iti up-to-date. People have already made their Christmas selection h! the rush is still to come, and come it will to this store. We use eve alikeâ€"fair and‘ square. and the public are not slow in finding Now is Your Chance to Secure Some of our Bargains; ram” We Is Doing Mme Business Than [VBI In Um Fm Dem Our store is again overflowing with good things suitable for Christmas gifts. Join the crowds and enjoy the blaze that points you to genuine bargains . . Wear the Smile of Contentment by Shopping Early during the Holiday Season A BLAZE IN THE BIG STORE. Readyamade Clothing I'CXEeX. Russell ' Bargains in Ladies’ Jacketsâ€"â€"Latest Styles 0 rt 4 accrues for Saturday HARDWARE BARGAINS. A tine lines of Skates just to hand. MEN ’8 OVERCOATS Skirts, Flake Goods. $7.50 for. Skirts, Fancy Tweed. $7.00 {or Skirts, Fancv Tweed. $6 00 for Skirts. Fancy Tweed. $4 50 for Black and Dark Grey Coats. Black and Dark Grey Coats, Black and Dark Grey Coats. Black and Dark Grey Cows, Black and Dark Grey Coats, A Great Reduction in Ladies’ Skirts That it will keep on growing is an assured fact for we are determined that every Fur Coat we submit to our customers will be Right in Quality. Right in Style ‘ and Right in Price. Just now we are showing Stunning Values in Ladies’ ' Astrachans {with or without Sable collar) 1 and Near Seal Jackets. Our Men's Fur Coats at $18.00 and $20.00 can’t be beat. They are great values. fi‘fi‘fiiifi‘l Fit That is Lighting up this Country for Miles Around. The Big Store . n 750 to $3 77) 15 Pro. Men’s and Boys’ Skates only Wood Hpater $15 50 for $12.50. 1 only Wood Heater 812.510 for $10.00. ROBERT BURNETT ‘ '50 tor THE PEOPLE’S STORE arch for A BLAZE IN DURHAM -- -â€"- â€"-â€" ONTARIO Furs of all kinds M IDDAUGH HO USE BLOCK andI Fancy Cloth Overcoats. , $8, $10 AND $12. 3 6.00 for 3 8 00 for 8.9.00 for $11 «)0 for 313.1)” for .-\ BLAZE IN Boots and Shoes 0.0.000 029-0.m could~tv81 I ssabsgw $5 00 $4 50 $4 50 $3 ‘25 ‘ stock and it is right g [as selection here but a m . We use everybody v in finding it out. l Get, a box of the old reliable Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. which loosens the bowels {without causing grining pains. No ‘x'o‘anwdy is half so Satisfactory as Dr. iHamilmu’s Piils. Price 256. Morrowâ€"In Bentiuck, near Rocky Saugeen. on Tuesday, Dec. 6th 1904 Rachel Lunney. beloved wife of Alexander Morton. Aged 43 years 2‘2 days. Sumn‘zâ€"On Nov. 28th to Mr. and Mrs. John Schutz a son. Rev, Mr. Masson occupied the pulpit on Sunday. Although not yet; well we hope he may soon recover. Wm. Smith lms purchased a house and ten ucrss of land from Mr Bryan for the sum of $400, and has moved in. â€"â€"-- .v!’ for Rainy River on Tuesday morning. We wish them a pleasant journey. Our Sunday School is making pre- parations for a successful Christmas tree. 'I‘hos: Gadd and Mrs for Rainy River on Tu. ‘Vfi Wish thpm a nlana Mr. \V. Dunn fell 18 feetin his harm a wvek n20 hurting his back. He is now able to be up. but it will be somn time before he gets over the l_ll {all You wlll hasten recovery by talc- lng one of Ann”. Pllls at bedtlme. “thusmflblomn forvoeh. Then! Cherry Poctonl and only one how. oomph”!!! cured mo.” 25c” 5%., sun. J. 0. Ann 00.. Alldru no. for Lowell. Mass. * H Cherry Peetorsl. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. A BLAZE IN 4y 673 For bard colds. bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Aycr’s When You Need Physic Cherry Pectoral Gent’s Furnishings Varney. BORN. DIED . Grant left charge of all womanly functicna ; ll corrects irregularities and is cape‘ cially good for women who are net- vous and subject to headache. lame back, eating-down pains despon- (dency and tiredness. Fen-ozone is a; rblcod builder and putifier and can’t be excelled for the complexion. Fol-l your good looks and henlth use Ferr- ' ozone. Price 50c. per box at drug- slats. Messrs. J. A. and W. J. Boyd and their families Wen: at Me. Forest, on Sunday and Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, sr. Neilson, of Proton Station daughter is in. Mr. Bachus. of Shelburne spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Annie WJISOD her father from 'l‘oront and is visiting at home Mr. Robt. Blackburn who went WeSL a year ago, has tunned his band to telegraph): We-are pleased to quru of Lhasa young men so fining themselves for pou‘uonsin the busi uesa world. Mr. Chas. Hales. of this place. who;I has baen for some time in Manitaba.‘ Is at. present. In eripeg. attending Business Colic-g6 and we learn malv mg very batisluctory pragress. _; .. --._-â€"-.‘. Mr J, A Boyd Was on the sick list a day or twolast week and by a miss- Step in the night fell headlo. u down the stairWay in his residence. For- tunately no bones were broken but considerable soteness was experien- ced for a while after. Mr. T. W. Wilson. returned from Toronto HOSpital on Saturday Man. He Stood the journey well and con- tmues to improve. Fred Chard :eturned from the city on Satmday somewhat improved by the rawhide jacket in Which his body is encased. gson or this place occupied the chair. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy enter- tamed a few of their friends at their home here on Friday evening last. Born. on Friday last. to Mr. and Charles Stewart. of the Suburbs, a son. still born. Rev. L, W. Thom, moderator of the Presbyterian Sessions at Maxwell Feversham an'l McIntyre preach- ed in that field on Sabbath last. His work here and at Eugenia and Proc- on was taken by ReV. J. Lanna. re. ; cently from British Columbia. ' The public school in Stone’s Settle- ment, presxded over by Miss Eva Small, held their annual entertain- ment on Friday night last. and was as usual 9. big success. A very lengthy programme was rendered by the scholars many of whom displayed much tasre and ability in the parts taken by them. Mr. M. K. Richard- son of this place occupied the chair. A brightly illuminated-sky to the east of us on Wednesday night. of last week had some to fear the dest- ruction of scum: one’s buildings. It was. however, only a large bed of sawdust on fire at Rockvale mill. but made a pretty sight, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mullin. a very highly respected young couple of Mt. Zion neighborhood. who have sold their farm and are removing to 05- prey. were given a pleasant. surprise on Monday evening. A large num- ber of their neighbors and friends assembled at their home and present- ed them with a valuable robe as a token of their esteem. Mr. Mullin graciously acknowledvged the much; appreciated gift, after which refresh- ments were served and an enjo; able, evening was spent. I Rev. Mr. Cooking, of Cheteworth, spent a couple of days with Rev. Mr. Waes last week and exhibited his scereOptieeu views of Japan at. eucc cessfnl entertainments in Mr. Wess’e field. Mr. Cooking returned this week and exhibited {or Mr. Wilson at. Meatord Road on Monday evening and again for Mr. Wass, at Mt. Zion on Tuesduv evening. "Iv-u. vUWUUVIJO Ut B. Wass'of ‘tkii's' place officiated at the house and grave and conducted an apprOpriate service in the church at. her interment. On Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Jas Love. near Mt. Zion, Arte- The pull of mourning fall on the home of ,Mr and Mrs. Matthew Gilleao pie. near this village. on Saturday last the 47th birthday of Mr. Gillespie who that evening passed awav after three weeks illues with bronchial af- fection. The funeral took place to Maxwell on Tuesday the burial ser. vices being conducted hv Rev. L. W- 'l‘hom. of this place. The deceased was married twenty-five years ago to Miss Elizt bath Croft, of Osprey, who survives him along with the (0110‘?- Toronto. and May and Albert at home. The sorrowing family have the] {svmpathy olmany friends in their} sudden bereavement. Mr. Gillespie! was a Presbyterian in religion and a; Conservative in politics. I At the monthly meeting of the:' Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society held at Mrs. VenDuzeu’s on Thursday; last the present oflieershfilrs. (Rev )3 L. W. Tl om. PrGSidenc; Mrs, J. Rad-I ley. VicevPres. ; Mrm J. Blackburn. Secretary-Treasurer«were re-elected ; for 1905, The Treasurer‘s annual re ~ port showed the Society to be in a prosperious condition. Every Lady Should Know . Armstron g is apgnding Slater M rs. A whose 313 n of W Dress Goods a Ladies’ Skir E Girl’s Ulster r. Ladies’ Fur Small Furs l We have a lot of nice Fanc Christmas givxng. Ct“ and s: Millinery. Lumbennen’a Snag Pm Heavy Rubbers n . . .. Men’s Legging at . . . . Winter Goods The famous “Brittania” Underwear for Me: and “ Puritan ” Underwear for Ladies. in man weights and qualities. MEN’S HEAVY RUBBERS SHEETINGS LA DIES’ M PILLOW COTTONS LADIES' FINE TICKINGS LADIE T0 WELINGS LAD; COTTONS LA Mums m5 Pa 05 It’s An In Win; FELT SLIPPERs per pair. Want of space wili not permit mentioning uny more, in" have hundreds oiocher bargains waxing for you in: 5 pieces only. Cashmere. regular 4m: and 500 per yard. sale days only 19¢ per yard. 75 yards onlv, cream curtain muslin. 38 in wide. reg: price 10¢ per yard. selling for 56 per vard. 20 pairs baby’s mittens. regular 20c and 25: for 15c and Highest Pnces Paid for Fowl Butter and Eggs 1c piecevx new dress goods in all. the new”: ween. patterns, regular 750 per yard. on enle ThursdnY. PI“ and Saturday only. at 37§c per 'ynrd. ' 1‘. 100 yards new suitingn, in Black. Nuvy. Brown end Gfl worth $1.00 per yard, but on Thursdny, Fridny and 8.1 day only, at 500 per yard. .103ards Tweed suitings regular price 81.25 per yard. three pifl'erent shades selling on these days only. at l per yard. Thu 3 what we ’re going to do. ss we promised last i All these goods just passed into stock In: week. “I; WQt-k here goes: ° 000 H ds of good Flaunelette. in hesvy sud medium wag pretn light stripes and derk Loch Lamond shit“ These goods are mill ends from 1 yard to 12 yards In kl selling at less than wholesale prices. The balance of will be sold at L4 will clear it out. That Blows Nobody Good .. the hoods listed below, but we were gainers and it is in our power to save mt fou you also. Snag Proof Rubbers at Fipe prov‘erp. _Spngebody lost money.‘ GREAT SALE OF LA DIES’ MANTLES ADIES' SKIRTS LA DIES' GLOVES LADIES' HOSIERY LA DIES’ CORSETS 55 ”‘3“ Half any left ircm -â€"-oll sizes V”! sung”. in all 1i Millin.

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